Jumayeva M.A. teacher of the Department of Termez State Pedagogical Institute
Annotation: this article talks about the importance of forming the creative activity of preschoolers in preschool educational organizations. The cognitive process of a preschooler develops in the process of creative activity. In order for the child to seek and show his creative activity in the process of completing the task, there is a need for self-conscious activity that is aimed at a specific goal, planned, has standards and criteria.
Key words: preschool age, child, cognition, creativity, activity, research, creative activity, orientation, regularity, norm, criterion, environment, objects, cognition, mastery;
Today in our country there are many problems in the development of creative qualities in preschool children, many new laws and decrees are being adopted in our state to solve them. Through creative images in preparatory groups, the school seeks to take into account specific cooperation between the social environment, peers, all representatives of the family in order to develop moral qualities and relate to human interests, as well as to reflect in the life of society. However, as a result of the changing demands of the Times and the worldview of people, problems arise with the provision of moral education in preschool children.
In a preschool child, the process of cognition develops in the process of creative activities. In the process of completing the given task, the need for activities aimed at a specific goal, Planned, having norms and criteria, realizing oneself is felt for the manifestation of a child's creative activity. This entails mastering in the child the objects of the environment and knowledge about them; generating educational efficiency, relying on previous types of activity.
In particular, "how to educate the features of creativity in preschool children?"- the actual problem did not arise today. Azal-the issue of the development of creative abilities in a person, which has long been the beginning of creativity, interests both educators and researchers who are directly involved in children's educational education until the present time. Education and upbringing, the formation of personality in society, the development of abilities still remain relevant issues. The problem of developing the technology for the formation of creative activity in preschool children is one of the multifaceted pedagogical -psychological social tasks and is one of the urgent tasks for the social development and development of society. [3]
Creativity-appears in different situations of activity. Curiosity involves the process of inspiration, aspiration, etc., from the appearance of creativity in the human mind in the highest way to its manifestation. The need for creative activity of a person indicates a new, previously unfulfilled desire for creativity in the activity. In children of preschool age, any shoots of creative activity cannot mature beyond Education, Activity. In the educational process, the emergence of hidden talents in children, the creation of opportunities for their activity from preschool age, the development of creativity in them is considered a pledge of adulthood of competitive personnel who in the future will be able to show high potential, socially active, sharp mentality, the ability to innovate.
This corresponds to one of the priorities of our state - the idea of maturing a harmonious person in every possible way. The formation of creative activity in children in preschool education is considered an important component of the educational process. The age and psychological characteristics of children, active and leading subjects of preschool education, as well as the peculiarities of Fine Arts, labor, music and physical education, require a creative approach from the educator.
Of course, this kind of innovation aimed at updating preschool education both in form and content requires all educators from parents to the upbringing of the child, his approach to education, based on the requirements of the time. Processes in development centers, which are organized in groups of preschool educational organizations, help children to constantly master, consolidate new knowledge.[2] teaching children to independently replenish their knowledge, to adapt appropriately to the processes of renewal that are taking place is the main goal of development centers.
In the research of many educators and psychologists, scientific research has been carried out on the problem of creativity and creativity. In Particular L. S. Vygotsky, B. M. Teplov, S. L. Rubinstein, W. I. Druzhinin, A. N. Leontiev, A. R. Luria, D. B. Bogoyavlensky. A. Ponomarev, N. F. Vishnyakova, A. A. Melik-Pashaeva, V. A. Kan-Kalika, K.V. Gavriloven V. V. Poznyakova and other foreign psychologists who conducted research on this problem: D. Wexler, J.V. Poznyakova et al. Guilford, R. Sternberg, G. Eisenak, A. Tannenbaum et al.
The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to describe the concept of "creativity" as "one of the types of human activity aimed at solving a contradiction (solving a creative problem), for which objective (social, material) and subjective personal conditions (knowledge, skills, creativity) are required. It Is Known That B. M. Teplov skills refers to certain individual psychological abilities that distinguish one person from another, they are not reduced to the existing reserve of skills and knowledge that a person has, but determine the convenience and speed of finding them.[3]
Taking into account the structure of abilities, S. L. Rubinstein identifies two main components: "operational" - mental processes in which activities are carried out, and "nuclear" - mental processes that regulate operations: the quality of the
processes of analysis and synthesis. S. L. It is determined by the modern implementation of the ability structure planned by Rubinstein. V. D. According to Shadrikov's theory, ability is defined by him as "the property of functional systems that carry out individual psychological functions with a measure of individual violence." The "core" is represented by functional mechanisms that depend on inclination and a system of operating components that develop during environmental activities.[5] V. D. Methodological foundations of shadrikov's theory of abilities, as well as B. F. A systematic approach developed in Lomov psychology, P. S. The theory of functional systems of anoxin and B. G. Contains Ananyev's ideas about the ontogenesis of mental functions, the relationship between the functional and operational mechanisms of the psyche. In modern psychological and pedagogical research, there is no single interpretation of the concept of "creativity". Many psychologists evaluate creative abilities in terms of children's attitude to creativity, artistic abilities, the degree of manifestation of creative actions and the effectiveness of activities. Thus, a.A.Melik-Pashaev considers children's creativity to be the result of the child's need to express his inner world. Traditionally, it identifies three levels of artistic talent: the aesthetic position of the individual; creative imagination; a special set of knowledge, skills and skills. I. P. Volkov combines the concepts of" creativity "and" ability " to talk about the ability to think unusually, to perceive unusual things as usual, to see problems, to analyze events, phenomena, and to find patterns in them. Common creative abilities include special musical, literary, artistic, etc.
There are enough psychological grounds to believe that every child has the potential for creativity. In practice, some restrictions must be overcome. First, it is impossible to convey creativity as knowledge or skill, to "broadcast". Secondly, real creativity in any area "creates a strong psychological dominant, embraces the whole person." The task is to help the child get in touch with the position of the creator. By nature, children's creativity is synthetic and often improvisational in nature. A leading role in musical creativity is played by emotional sensitivity and the synthesis of thinking, logic and intuition, creative imagination and the ability to make quick decisions. The process of children's creativity Awakens in children the desire to act sincerely and naturally. In conclusion, I would like to note that when working in this direction, I was convinced that performing creative work by children using various methods and techniques, materials, original techniques, creative tasks will allow children to feel unforgettable positive emotions. Children open up great opportunities for their fantasies, desires and self-expression in general, children are interested in creative research and solutions, children learn to work with different materials, children develop confidence in their abilities, their artistic horizons are expanding.
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