Научная статья на тему 'The development of primary school pupils’ creative abilities by means of innovative technologies'

The development of primary school pupils’ creative abilities by means of innovative technologies Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Machynska N.I., Zadunayska Y.V.

The article provides an analysis of the problems of developing and forming primary school pupils’ creative abilities with the help of innovative technologies. The development of children’s creative activity, abilities, needs and interests is seen as an important condition of their preparation for living in the contemporary world. The attention is focused on innovative teaching technologies the major factor in forming pupils’ creative abilities, their creative thinking and the self-expression of their personalities in various spheres of activity. Creating the situation of success and favourable conditions for every child’s active work is considered to be the main objective of teaching with innovative technologies. The authors analyze the main principles, methods and advantages of applying innovations in the process of developing primary school pupils’ creative abilities. An important role in solving the above mentioned tasks is occupied by a teacher whose major task is to manage the processes of creative search, since it is the teacher who encourages the active formation of a creative personality of every pupil. The authors also pay attention to the problem of pupils’ active learning, as well as educators’ professional activity, emphasizing the interconnection and interdependence of a teacher’s active professional position, and its influence on the formation of pupils’ active cognitive work.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The development of primary school pupils’ creative abilities by means of innovative technologies»

но! шдготовки майбутшх судноводив пiд час викла-дання професшних дисциплiн з метою формування готовносл до професшно1 комушкативно1 взаемо-ди. Вiдповiдно до окреслених критерй'в розмежо-вано три рiвнi готовностi до виконання професш-них дiй в екстремальних умовах та ситуацiях: Ввд-повiдно до окреслених критерй'в розмежовано три рiвнi сформованостi готовностi до професшно! ко-мушкативно1 взаемодй' у професшних ситуащях майбутнiх судноводив: низький, середнiй, високий.


1. Великий тлумачний словник сучасно! укра-шсько! мови (з дод. i допов.) / [Уклад. i голов. ред. В. Т. Бусел]. 1ртнь : ВТФ «Перун», 2005. 1728с.

2. Брижатий £. I. Критерй' оцшки рiвня сфор-мованостi до майбутньо! професшно1 дiяльностi офiцерiв iнженерних вшськ на рiзних рiвнях шдго-товки // Збiрник наукових праць Харшвського уш-верситету Повiтряних Сил / £. I. Брижатий. Харкав, ХУПС, 2011. Випуск 3(29). С. 243-246.

3. Буцик I. М. Методика подготовки диспетче-рiв-iнструкторiв служби повиряного руху до педа-гопчно1 дiяльностi в умовах модульно! технологи : автореф. ... дис. канд. пед. наук. Харшв, 2005. 20 с.

4. Костюк В. Б. Принципи оргашзаци навчання iншомовного професiйно-орieнтованого спшку-вання майбутнiх судноводив / В. Б. Костюк // Педа-гопка вищо! та середньо! школи : зб. наук. праць Криворiз. пед. ш-ту ДВНЗ «Криворiз. нац. ун-т». Кривий Рш : Вид-во КНУ, 2014. Вип. 40. С. 54 - 59.

5. Кузьменко М. Д. Критерии и показатели профессиональной пригодности специалистов операторского профиля в особых условиях деятельности // Вектор науки ТГУ / М. Д. Кузьменко. № 1 (12). 2013. С. 125-128.

6. Лобарь С. Г. Совершенствование методов профессиональной подготовки членов экипажа воздушного судна к действиям в особых ситуациях полета : дис. ... канд. техн. наук. С.-Петербург, 2002. 215 с.

7. Плюко В. I. Теоретичш i методичш засади формування готовносл пращвнишв правоохорон-них оргашв до дiяльностi в умовах екстремальних ситуацш: дис. ... докт. пед. наук зi спещальносп. Кив, 2004. 462 с.

8. Тимченко С. В. Формування комушкативних умшь майбутшх диспетчерiв управлшня повггря-ним рухом у процес вивчення професшно орieнто-ваних дисциплiн: дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.04 / Юровогр. держ. пед. ун-т iм. В. Винниченка. Кировоград, 2014. 295 с.



Мачинська Н.1.,

Доктор педагоггчних наук, доцент, завгдувач кафедри початково'1 та дошюльног освти Львгвського нацюнального унгверситету шет1вана Франка,

Львгв, Укра'ша Задунайська Ю.В. Асистент кафедри початковог та дошюльноИ освти Львгвського нацюнального унгверситету 1мет 1вана Франка,

Львгв, Укра'ша



Machynska N.I.,

Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent, Head of Primary and Preschool Education Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,

Lviv, Ukraine Zadunayska Y.V. Assistant, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Primary and Preschool Education Department,

Lviv, Ukraine


У статп здшснено аналiз проблем розвитку i формування творчих здiбностей молодших школярiв через впровадження шновацшних технологш. Акцентовано увагу на шновацшнш технологи - провщному чиннику формування творчих здiбностей учшв, серед яких: створення умов для розвитку здiбностей, тво-рчого мислення учшв, самовираження !х особистосп в рiзних видах дiяльностi. Важлива роль у розв'язаннi означених завдань належить учителю, основне завдання якого полягае в управлшш процесами творчого пошуку, адже саме вш сприяе активному становленню творчо1 особистосп кожного учня.

Автори окрему увагу придшяють npo6neMi активностi навчально! дiяльностi учшв, а також професш-нiй спрямованосп педагогiв, наголошуючи на взаeмозумовленостi та взаемозалежносп активно! профе-сшно! позици вчителя, а також l! впливу на формуванню активно! пiзнавально! дiяльностi самих учнiв.


The article provides an analysis of the problems of developing and forming primary school pupils' creative abilities with the help of innovative technologies. The development of children's creative activity, abilities, needs and interests is seen as an important condition of their preparation for living in the contemporary world. The attention is focused on innovative teaching technologies - the major factor in forming pupils' creative abilities, their creative thinking and the self-expression of their personalities in various spheres of activity. Creating the situation of success and favourable conditions for every child's active work is considered to be the main objective of teaching with innovative technologies. The authors analyze the main principles, methods and advantages of applying innovations in the process of developing primary school pupils' creative abilities. An important role in solving the above mentioned tasks is occupied by a teacher whose major task is to manage the processes of creative search, since it is the teacher who encourages the active formation of a creative personality of every pupil. The authors also pay attention to the problem of pupils' active learning, as well as educators' professional activity, emphasizing the interconnection and interdependence of a teacher's active professional position, and its influence on the formation of pupils' active cognitive work.

Ключовi слова: початкова школа, освггньо-виховний процес, творчють, творчi здiбностi, шноващя, шновацшш технологи навчання, активна тзнавальна дгяльнють.

Keywords: Primary school, educational process, creativity, creative abilities, innovation, innovative teaching technologies, active cognitive work.

1. The importance of the research. An urgent problem of the present is to provide active creative development for every personality within the preschool, primary school and various types of higher educational establishments. Since the mainstream of state politics in the sphere of education is the education of an innovator and a citizen who can make responsible decisions and observe the human rights (The Concept of New Ukrainian School), and the education is seen as a process aimed at extending the possibility of a competent choice of the way of living by a personality, and at his/her self-development, then the humanitarian criteria of the formation and creative development of every child as a personality should be a major priority in the estimation of the effectiveness of education. Thus, the main pedagogical task for the grown-ups is to create favourable conditions for leading a productive life by a personality, for realizing his/her natural potential (physical, psychological, social), for showing his/her individuality. Contemporary processes of modernizing the system of education in Ukraine have focused the attention on the problem of developing pupils' creative abilities beginning with the initial stage of their education.

The development of children's creative activity, abilities, needs and interests is an important condition of their preparation for living in a rapid and dynamic world, in which the ability to generate ideas, to act effectively in non-standard situations, to avoid stereotypes, to create new ideas on the basis of humanity become a priority. This also calls forth the necessity of increasing the level of training of a future teacher for developing primary school pupils' creative abilities.

Nowadays of utmost importance in the world is the problem of creating conditions for the development of a creative personality. In our opinion, the important features of such a personality are the ability to perceive the world creatively, the aspiration for lifelong self-perfection and self-education, etc. The problem of developing primary school pupils' creative abilities is actu-

alized with the necessity of developing their personalities from the earliest years of their teaching, since this is the period when the foundation for their life creation is laid. But of especial importance to the development of pupils' creative abilities is a teacher. It is the teacher who influences the development of every pupil's creative personality. The teacher's task is to manage the processes of creative search, proceeding from simple things to more complicated ones, to create situations that stimulate a pupil's creative activity, to develop his/her imagination, associative thinking, the ability to improve constantly, the aspiration for solving more complicated creative tasks.

2. The objective of the research is to provide theoretical proofs of the necessity of using innovative technologies and to determine their influence on the formation of primary school pupils' creative abilities.

3. The exposition of the essential material. The main objective of the native system of education is to create conditions for the development and self-realization of every personality as a citizen of Ukraine, to raise generations capable of lifelong learning, creating and developing the values of a civic society. The system of education should provide children and the youth with the development of creative abilities, their support and the development of skills in self-education and self-realization.

One of the priority tasks, determined by the National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine, is to arrange preconditions for developing a personality, capable of creative thinking, taking non-standard decisions independently, reacting to the changes flexibly in conditions of the fundamental transformation of all the spheres of society life [6].

The educational process in higher educational establishments passes under conditions of mutual activity of students and teachers, where a student is not a passive object of pedagogical management and simply a collector of the knowledge transferred, but, first of all, a subject of cognitive work, whose activity determines

the result of learning. That is why the problem of students' activity is still important and draws attention of scientists of various specialities, first of all educators and psychologists. It is the activity of students - future professional educators - that should be the indicator of their readiness to perform professional functions in their independent work.

Nowadays under conditions of rapid changes in the social, economic and political life of Ukraine there has arisen a problem of radical transformation of the sphere of education, the objective of which is to develop a competitive, talented, creative personality capable of self-determination, self-realization and self-perfection. That is why teaching at a modern school should provide optimal preconditions for the self-realization of a pupil's personality, the revealing of his/her natural talents, his/her ability to be free, responsible and creative. The development of creative abilities should be an inseparable condition of the content of all the subjects taught at primary school, and to supplement the educational process so that it should provide the fundamental integrity of pupils' knowledge, skills and creative capabilities [8].

Nowadays the process of creativity has been the centre of special attention. The formation of a pupil's creative personality has been one of important theoretical tasks for the pedagogical science. The given problem has become the focus of research of such scientists as: L. Vyhotskyi, B. Teplov, L. Bozhovich, V. Filipova, L. Venher, and others.

L. Vyhotskyi proposed the theory about age as the focus of analysis of a child's development, suggested a new understanding of conditions, sources, forms, stimuli and specifics of a child's mental development; he described the stages and phases of a child's development, and also the transitions between them in the process of ontogenesis; discovered and formulated the main laws of a child's mental development [10, p.82].

B. Teplov emphasizes that creative activity is peculiar to children, but it occurs rather unevenly in various kinds of artistic activity. Children's creative activity is synthetic by nature and it often takes on an impro-visational character [9, pp.129-139].

The researches L. Bozhovich, V. Filipova, L. Venher demonstrate the importance of cognitive and social motives for learning to the development of pupils' creative abilities.

L. Bozhovich points out that the leading role in the creative development of a personality, especially while revealing a child's aptitudes for various kinds of activity, belongs to a person's individual activity and value and motivational factors [1, pp.7-44].

V. Filipova, within the context of implementing the leading directions of the state pedagogical education policy, points out that among the main democratic principles of Ukrainian education the equality of conditions for the complete realization of every person's talents has been proclaimed [4].

L. Venher stresses that the education received by a child at the preschool age is of especial importance to the development of creative aptitudes [12].

Nowadays active research on the problem of developing primary pupils' creative aptitudes has been carried out by S. Havrylenko [5].

Every child has inborn creative abilities. Creativity is not a type but by far a style of activity. Creativity is the process of giving birth to something new: formulating new ideas or introducing new concepts, experiencing new feelings or seeing certain images, that are direct regulators of creative actions. Creative abilities are formed throughout a human's life, at the same time the researches by T. Baibara, L. Vyhotskyi, L. Lozova show that primary school age is sensitive for the creative development of children, their abilities to be creative [5, p.12].

Psychological researches prove that at the primary school age a child for the first time realizes the relationship between him/her and the environment, he/she begins to analyze the civic motives behind the behaviour, moral evaluation, the importance of conflict situations. At this age the formation of a personality gets to the conscious phase. To develop children's creative abilities a teacher him/herself should be creative, work with inspiration, be in constant search. He/she should provide such conditions that might arouse children's interest in learning, encourage them to conduct creative search and to solve creative tasks [2, p.31].

The objective of primary school education is to promote full general development of children considering the specifics of school life and teaching the fundamentals of the most important learning skills in reading, writing, mathematics, etc. The school educational process should be aimed at the formation of a child's personality: the development of his/her competences (communicative, intellectual, physical), creativity, initiative, independence, responsibility, spontaneity, volition, behaviour safety, self-consciousness and self-criticism.

As researchers point out, taking into consideration emotionality, imagery, personal experience is the best way to develop a creative personality. That is why it is necessary to try to create such conditions in class that might help every child to show his/her individual creativity. With the purpose of developing intellectual and creative abilities it is necessary to take into consideration the peculiarities of every age group, the psychological peculiarities of every child, and also their features of character as well as the «initial» level of these abilities [7].

Nowadays innovations, innovative technologies have become an inseparable part of a teacher's work. Pedagogical innovations are the result of creative search for original, non-standard solutions of various pedagogical problems. The use of innovations in the teaching process has its own advantages, which are as follows:

• stimulating pupils' interest and positive motivation for learning;

• encouraging pupils' cognitive activity;

• developing a child's thinking and creative abilities;

• forming a child's active life position in modern informational society;

• attracting everybody to the work and exciting their interest in it;

• developing the ability to work together;

• developing the ability to express one's own opinion and persist in it;

• creating the atmosphere of self-development and self-realization (Teliachuk, 2007, p.10).

The most effective means of developing pupils' creative abilities are innovative teaching technologies that generate a positive motivation for learning, the active functioning of intellectual and volitional spheres, the development of a creative personality. Creating the situation of success and favourable conditions for every child's active work is the main objective of teaching with innovative technologies. The systematic use of innovative technologies in the educational process helps to develop the flexibility of thinking of every child, to teach every child to think logically, to solve problems in a non-standard way, to think independently and draw conclusions. They provide pupils with active work and that, in its turn, has a positive influence on the quality of their acquisition of the material learned and the development of creative abilities of a personality [8, p.12].

In the process of applying innovative methods and technologies one should follow five main principles: to love, to believe, to know, to respect and to understand a child as the major object and subject of educational activity. In order to maintain pupils' interest in learning it is necessary to create all the conditions for the development of their abilities, creative thinking, self-expression in various spheres of activity. Monotonous, stereotypical repetition of the same actions distracts one's desire for learning. All the creative tasks are aimed at the pupils' searching work, their skillful and creative application of the knowledge acquired. The content of tasks provides the development of the flexibility and breadth of thinking that are necessary for the successful fulfillment of educational and life tasks [11].

At the same time, it is necessary to point out that any innovations will be effective if there is no pupils' active learning work as well as educators' active professional work.

Learning activity, as a specific type of work, has its own structure: motivation; learning tasks that correspond to certain situations and various conditions; learning actions; control that becomes self-control; criticism that becomes self-criticism. Such activity is aimed at the learner as the subject of improvement, development and the formation of one's personality due to the conscious and purposeful gaining of social experience in various types and forms of cognitive, theoretical and practical work of social utility.

Students' successful learning is impossible without their activity. Learning activity is students' pur-posefulness aimed at gaining as much knowledge as possible, their persistence and high working capacity. The problem of learning activity might be regarded from the point of view of theoretical considerations as well as in the light of practical educational experience that has been gained.

Learning activity is formed due to the functioning of a higher educational establishment, and the educational process is its alpha and omega. Free discussion of theoretical and applied problems of science and practice, the comparison of various approaches to solving them, and giving students the possibility of expressing their thoughts stimulates their informational and cognitive activity during the classes, has a positive influence on their motivation for learning, and that, after all, helps to increase the progress of their learning.

So, innovations are the process that cannot be avoided nowadays. Their active application is the guarantee of successful perception of the material learned by the pupils and the creation of the atmosphere of self-development and successful self-realization of a pupil as a subject of the teaching process. We should know the essence of innovative technologies, the methodology of their application, how to get the learners interested in the theoretical material and many other things in order to plan and hold an effective and interesting class for the pupils.

The leading approach to the application of innovations in the formation and development of primary school pupils' creative potential is the active usage of methods that stimulate children's thinking, imagination, searching activity, in other words, the elements of problem-solving, divergent tasks, open-type tasks that have a choice of «correct» solutions. The last method is of especial importance for primary school, because here concrete ways of task performance corresponding to the determined categories of tasks prevail. A combination of open-type and closed-type tasks is one of the conditions for stimulating children's cognitive activity, developing the flexibility of thinking not only in Math classes but also those of a humanitarian cycle. In primary school (especially during the first year of studying) it is preferable to use games, create emotional situations, conditions for independent practical work, when children can show their initiative, creativity, imagination, responsibility due to the knowledge gained. The dialogic form of communication between a grownup and a child, that helps to develop a child's activity, initiative, self-esteem and self-respect, should occupy the leading place in the educational process of primary school.

4. Conclusions. The problem of developing pupils' creativity and creative abilities has been of serious concern to many famous educators, researchers, philosophers and scientists. It is necessary to emphasize that pupils in most cases do not create completely new things, but the process of creating and discovering subjectively new things for a child is one of the ways of showing his/her creativity.

Another indicator of well-developed creative abilities is the ability to work without following any stereotypes or models. The development of pupils' creativity is important not only because the formation of a creative personality is the objective of contemporary education, but also because a person who is able to think creatively can always find his/her way out in nonstandard situations, it will be easier for such a person to adapt during his/her life.

Innovative technologies help to form pupils' creative abilities, and in such a way they develop everybody's personality and individuality. In our opinion, the use of innovative technologies in the process of teaching primary school pupils will help to develop their analytical and logical thinking, form their skills in applying the acquired knowledge in practice, encourage their desire for carrying out constant creative search, solving creative tasks in a non-standard way and for self-improving. Thus, as far as a teacher is an organizer of the educational process, his/her major objective is to arouse and sustain children's desire to learn, that enables the teaching staff to search for the ways of stimulating pupils' interest in learning by varying its content, forms and techniques with the help of innovations.


1. Bozhovich, L.I. (1972). Problema razvitiya mo-tivatsionnoy sfery rebyonka [The problem of development of a child's motivational sphere]. Izucheniye mo-tivatsiyi povedeniya detey i podrostkov. M.: Pedagog-ika, pp. 7-44. [in Russian].

2. Bublii, O.A. (2005). Rozvytok tvorchykh zdibnostei uchniv [The development of pupils' creative abilities]. Nyva znan, no. 3, pp. 30-32. [in Ukrainian].

3. Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi zahalnoi osvity [The State Standard for Primary Education], [online] Available at: <http://osvita.ua/legislation/Ser_osv/17911>. [in Ukrainian].

4. Filipova, V. (2013). Osvitni napriamy derzhavnoi polityky v haluzi pedahohichnoi osvity v umovakh stanovlennia ukrainskoi derzhavy [The educational directions of the state pedagogical education policy in conditions of the state development of Ukraine]. Naukovyi Visnyk, no. 11., [online] Available at:

<http://lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_l/visnik11/fail/ Filippova.pdf>. [in Ukrainian]

5. Havrylenko, S.O. (2013). Formuvannia tvorchoi osobystosti molodshykh shkoliariv shliakhom zastosuvannia innovatsiinykh tekhnolohii [The formation of primary school pupils' creative personality with the help of innovative technologies], 22 p. [in Ukrainian].

6. Natsionalna doktryna rozvytku osvity [The National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine], [online] Available at: <http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/347/2002>. [in Ukrainian].

7. Osoblyvosti rozvytku tvorchykh zdibnostei ditei molodshoho shkilnoho viku [The peculiarities of developing primary school pupils' creative abilities], [online] Available at: <http://nsportal.ru/nachalnaya-shkola/materialy-mo/2014/02/01/rozvitok-tvorchikh-zdibnostey-ditini>. [in Ukrainian].

8. Teliachuk, V.P. (2007). Innovatsiini tekhnolohii navchannia v pochatkovii shkoli [Innovative primary school teaching technologies]. Kh.: Vyd. hrupa «Osnova», Seriia «Pedahohichni innovatsii», 60 p. [in Ukrainian].

9. Teplov, B. (1982). Sposobnost i odaryonnost [Aptitude and talent]. Psihologiya individualnyh razlichiy: Teksty. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, pp. 129-139. [in Russian].

10. Vyhotskyi, L.S. (1984). Detskaya psihologiya [The psychology of children]. M.: Pedagogika, 432 p. [in Russian].

11. Vykorystannia innovatsiinykh tekhnolohii navchannia u pochatkovii shkoli [The use of innovative teaching technologies in primary school], [online] Available at: <http://voznesensk-school1.edukit.mk.ua/motodichna_robota/vikor-istannya_innovacijnih_ta_interaktivnih_tehnologij_na vchannya/>. [in Ukrainian].

12. Venher, L.A. (1973). Pedagogika sposob-nostey [The pedagogy of aptitudes]. M.: Pedagogika, 239 p. [in Russian]



Иванникова Л.В.

Филиал государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Ставропольский государственный

педагогический институт» в г.Буденновске, старший преподаватель



Ivannikova L. V.

Branch of the state budget educational institution of higher education "Stavropol state pedagogical Institute " in Budennovsk,

senior lecturer


The article raises the question of the need to develop and implement an innovative approach to the educational process. The purpose and tasks of pedagogical innovations are revealed. The features of innovative education, types of innovative educational technologies, innovative technologies used in extracurricular activities are considered.

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