Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета. 2023. № 4 (115). С. 210-224. Cherepovets State University Bulletin, 2023, no. 4 (115), pp. 210-224.
Научная статья УДК 37.036.5
https://doi.org/10.23859/1994-0637-2023-4-115-18 EDN: ETVYPC
Essence and peculiarities of the younger schoolchildren's creative development
Elena V. Yakovleva10, Vladimir I. Kolesov 2, Natalia V. Goltsova3, Anna N. Smolonskaya4, Rustam Sh. Garifulin5
1 3 Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russia 2,4Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin,
Pushkin, Russia
5Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia,
Novokuznetsk, Russia [email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9127-5178 [email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5539-5853 [email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1565-7449 [email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2128-3113 [email protected], http://orcid.org/0009-0005-0221-9297
Abstract. The research relevance is based on the need to identify the essence and to find the new methods of the schoolchildren's creative development. The creative development of a young pupil is related to his or her mental abilities and manifests itself in children's imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, a particular view of the world, his or her own point of view on the surrounding reality. Successful creative development of younger pupils is based on the method of pedagogical support. The process of pedagogical support includes content-target, functional-activity, spatial and managerial components. When organising pedagogical support, various methods and forms of work are applied: exercises, assignments, educational situations, collaborative creative activities, projects, success situations, emotional and moral experiences, encouragement, competition, role-playing games, practices and trials.
Keywords: younger schoolchild, creative development, creative thinking, creative imagination, creative abilities, creative activity, pedagogical support
For citation: Yakovleva E. V., Kolesov V. I., Goltsova N. V., Smolonskaya A. N., Garifulin R. Sh. Essence and peculiarities of the younger schoolchildren's creative development. Cherepovets State University Bulletin, 2023, no. 4 (115), pp. 210-224. https://doi.org/10.23859/1994-0637-2023-4-115-18.
® Yakovleva E. V., Kolesov V. I., Goltsova N. V., Smolonskaya A. N., Garifulin R. Sh., 2023
Сущность и особенности творческого развития младших школьников
Елена Викторовна Яковлева 1н, Владимир Иванович Колесов 2, Наталья Владимировна Гольцова 3, Анна Николаевна Смолонская 4,
Рустам Шамсуллович Гарифулин 5
1 3 Череповецкий государственный университет,
Череповец, Россия
2 4 Ленинградский государственный университет им. А. С. Пушкина,
Пушкин, Россия 5Кузбасский институт ФСИН России, Новокузнецк, Россия 1неу1акоу1еуа@сЬ8и.ги, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9127-5178 2у1_ко1е80У@шаП.га, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5539-5853 3^оксоуа@Л8и.ги, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1565-7449 [email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2128-3113 ^апМт[email protected], http://orcid.org/0009-0005-0221-9297
Аннотация. Актуальность исследования данной проблемы обусловлена необходимостью выявления сущности и поиска новых методов творческого развития младших школьников. Творческое развитие младшего школьника связано с его умственными способностями и проявляется в детской фантазии, воображении, творческом мышлении, особом видении мира, своей точке зрения на окружающую действительность. Важным условием успешного творческого развития младших школьников является использование метода педагогического сопровождения. Процесс педагогического сопровождения включает содержательно-целевой, функционально-деятельностный, пространственный и управленческий компоненты. При организации педагогического сопровождения используются различные методы и формы работы: упражнение, поручение, воспитательные ситуации, коллективные творческие дела, проекты, ситуация успеха, эмоционально-нравственное переживание, поощрение, соревнование, сюжетно-ролевые игры, практики и пробы в разных видах деятельности. Ключевые слова: младший школьник, творческое развитие, творческое мышление, творческое воображение, творческие способности, творческая деятельность, педагогическое сопровождение
Для цитирования: Яковлева Е. В., Колесов В. И., Гольцова Н. В., Смолонская А. Н., Гарифулин Р. Ш. Сущность и особенности творческого развития младших школьников // Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета. 2023. № 4 (115). С. 210-224. https://doi.org/10.23859/1994-0637-2023-4-115-18.
At the end of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the third millennium, radical changes took place in Russia, not only in economic policy but also in all production sectors. In all Western and European countries, including Russia, country leaders emphasize the education of young people. The creative, patriotic, spiritual, and moral developments of the younger generation; family values; and traditions become crucial. Parents and schools play an invaluable role in this process. In contemporary education policy, school education plays an essential role in children education. The relevance of developing the creative initiative of children at the present stage is confirmed by the demands of society
and the state to raise initiative, active, and, most importantly, creative personalities who are ready to find new approaches to solve social, economic, and cultural issues.
Younger school age is a period of the psychological development of children, the intensive development of all the mental functions, and the laying of the foundations for creative abilities, which is due to special age features. Children of this age have a great desire to learn and explore the world around them, and they are enormously curious and open to everything new.
The initial, even if not difficult, experience acquired knowledge motivates the interests of schoolchildren to solve other more difficult tasks. Creativity in the learning process and in the activities of younger schoolchildren does not appear immediately. Different factors influence it, and it depends largely on the adult, the teacher, the parent, and the external environment.
In creativity, as in any other activity, difficulties exist, and overcoming them allows children to acquire new creative ideas. Thus, the research relevance of this problem is conditioned by the need to analyze the approaches to the creative development of younger schoolchildren. The research problem is to identify the essence and peculiarities of the process of younger schoolchildren's creative development. The research aim is to substantiate and to describe the essence and peculiarities of the process of younger schoolchil-dren's creative development. The current research aims to identify the peculiarities of the process of younger schoolchildren's creative development on the basis of the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature and the performed diagnostics and the modeling method to determine the ways and development of the creative development of younger schoolchildren and to determine the peculiarities of pedagogical support in this process.
The main part
Many scientists have worked on the problem of the creative development of children. The modern state of studying this problem in Russian and foreign science is characterized by fragmentation and various approaches and directions.
In foreign science, Cattell1, Allport2, conducted research in this direction, and the most famous is the monometry method by Eysenck3. Currently, many foreign educators and psychologists, such as Marilyn Fryer4, Vlada Petre5, John Baer1 and Yang Wang and Lin
1 Cattell R. B. Abilities: Their Structure, Growth and Action. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1971. 583 p.
2 Allport G. Personality Formation: A Selected Works/Gordon Allport, ed. D. A. Leontiev, trans. L.V. Trubitsyna and D.A. Leontiev. Moscow: Context, 2002. 461 p.
3 Eysenck H. J., Eysenck, M. W. Personality and Individual Differences, Natural Science Approach, 1985, New York ; London: URL: https://archive.org/details/personalityindiv0000eyse/page/n5/mod (accessed on: 12.11.2022).
4 Fryer M. Making Sense of Creativity from a Psychological Perspective // Creativity and Human Development. 2012. № 5. P. 1-8. URL: https://creativityjournal.net/component/k2/item/81-making-sense-of-creativity-from-a-psychological-perspective#.Wd6dF1u0PIU (accessed on: 12.11.2022).
5 Petre V. G., Tanggaard L. Creativity, identity, and representation: Towards a socio-cultural theory of creative identity // New Ideas in Psychology. 2014. № 34. P. 12-21. doi: 10.1016/j.newideapsych.2014.02.002_
Wang et al.2, study and summarize the need to identify creatively gifted children and organize work with them.
In Russian science, famous scientists, such as Rubinstein3, and Teplov et al.4, have investigated creative abilities. Vergeles5 identified the following universal creative abilities that form the basis of creative development: ability for variability, hypotheticality in problem solving, ability to improvise in divergent situations, and ability to transfer as an ability to act in new non-standard conditions.
There is no common view in the psychological and pedagogical literature to define the structure of creative abilities. For instance, Tunik6 considered curiosity, imagination, complexity, and tendency to risk among the components of creative abilities (Petrovsky)7, and Druzhinin8 connected creative abilities with the intellectual component and singled out the following components: intellect, learning ability, and ability to transform knowledge (Vygotsky)9. In addition, Karpova10 defined cognitive, emotional, and motivational components in the structure of creative abilities.
The cognitive component includes knowledge, abilities, and skills, which help a younger schoolchild to successfully perform various activities, and the indicators of this component are creative thinking and imagination. With their help, children can transform the activities they perform and solve non-standard tasks. The emotional component of creativity appears in the attitudes of schoolchildren toward the performed activities. The motivational component is a stimulation system that includes motives, interests, and needs. The main components are motives and internal incentives for creative activities that are connected with the satisfaction of a creativity need. The content changes of these components lead to changes in the creative development of children in general11.
1 Baer. J. Chapter 5 - Implications of Domain Specificity for Creativity Assessment // Domain Specificity of Creativity. 2016. P. 103-140. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-799962-3.00005-7
2 Wang Y., Wang L. Self-construal and Creativity: The Moderator Effect of Self-esteem // Personality and Individual Differences. 2016. № 99. P. 184-189. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.04.086
3 Rubinstein S. L. Statements of General Psychology. Saint-Petersburg: Peter Publisher, 2000. 712 p.
4 Teplov B.M. Problems of Individual Differences. Moscow: Acad. of Pedagogical Sciences, RSFSR, 1961. 536 p.
5 Vergeles G.I. Development of General Creative Abilities as a Problem of Pedagogical Psychology // Proceedings of Russian State Pedagogical University Named After A.I. Herzen, № 100. 2009. P. 7-18.
6 Tunik E.E. The Best Tests for Creativity. Diagnostics of Creative Thinking. Saint-Petersburg: Peter, 2013. 176 p.
7 Petrovsky V. A., Personality in Psychology: The Paradigm of Subjectivity. Rostov n/D.: Phoenix, 1996. 509 p.
8 Druzhinin, V. N. The Psychology of Ability: Selected Essays, Moscow: RGB, 2009. 652 p.
9 Vygotsky L. S., Imagination and Creativity in Childhood. Saint-Petersburg: Soyuz, 2013. 96 p.
10 Karpova L. G. Development of Younger Schoolchildren's Creative Abilities // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 2015. № 2. P.137-140.
11 Diagnostic of Children's Giftedness. Methodological Handbook / Compiled by S. V. Maydanenko. Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, 2011. 27 p._
Creative development depends on personalities, psychological characteristics, and participation in creative activities. Therefore, the following components of creative development based on the research of scientists can be divided into personal and creative, motivational and creative, and activity and creative.
The concept of "creative development" is closely related to the concept of "creativity." The analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature affirms that there is no common view in science on the essence of the concept "creativity." Foreign scientists have distinct opinions on creativity characterization: creativity as a personality trait (Maslow et al.)1, creativity as a process (Torrance)2, and creativity as a product (Guilford et al.)3. Maslow4 considered creativity as an attitude toward self-realization (Karpova)5. The main creativity characteristics are motivation, values, and personal traits. Guilford6 utilized the concept of "creativity" or "creativeness" on the basis of such fundamentally different types of thinking as convergence and divergence. Convergent thinking is linear and logical, and convergent thinking intends the only possible correct solution of a problem. Additionally, divergent thinking is creative and characterized by searching for and proposing many interesting and unusual solutions of a single problem and avoiding patterns.
1. The ideas of Gilford7 were developed by Torrance8. In the creative process, Torrance9 included the following aspects:
1) appearance of susceptibility to problems, deficient knowledge, and its disharmony;
2) problem fixation, hypotheses, and search for solutions;
3) control, modification, and the countercheck of hypotheses; and
4) finding and providing of solution results (Allport)10.
Russian psychologists have also explored the concept of creativity. Rubinstein11 described creativity as creativity that creates in activities "something new, original, which is
1 Maslow A. Motivation and Personality. Saint-Petersburg: Peter, 2008. 105 p.
2 Torrance E. P. Tests of Creative Thinking (Scholastic Testing Service, Inc., 1974. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication7319615683_Torrance_Tests_of_Creative_Thinking (accessed on: 12.03.2021).
3 Guilford J. P. Creativity // American Psychologist. 1950. № 5. P. 444-454.
4 Maslow A. Motivation and Personality. Saint-Petersburg: Peter, 2008. 105 p.
5 Karpova L. G. Development of Younger Schoolchildren's Creative Abilities // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 2015. № 2. P. 137-140.
6 Guilford J. P. Creativity // American Psychologist. 1950. № 5. P. 444-454; Guilford J. Three Sides of Intelligence, The Psychology of Thinking. Moscow, 1969. 153 p.
7 Guilford J. P. Creativity // American Psychologist. 1950. № 5. P. 444-454.
8 Torrance E. P. Tests of Creative Thinking (Scholastic Testing Service, Inc., 1974. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319615683_Torrance_Tests_of_Creative_Thinking (accessed on: 12.03.2021).
9 Torrance, E.P. Tests of Creative Thinking (Scholastic Testing Service, Inc., 1974. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319615683_Torrance_Tests_of_Creative_Thinking (accessed on: 12.03.2021).
10 Allport G. Personality Formation: A Selected Works/Gordon Allport, ed. D.A. Leontiev, trans. L.V. Trubitsyna and D.A. Leontiev. Moscow: Context. 2002. 461 p.
11 Rubinstein S. L. Statements of General Psychology. Saint-Petersburg: Peter Publisher, 2000. 482 p.
included not only in the development history of the creator himself, but in the development history of science, art etc." (quoted in Leontiev)1. Bogoyavlenskaya2 offered an interesting interpretation of creativity, considering it as an ability to go beyond a situation. This ability is expressed in the original problem statement full of personal meaning (Bogoyavlen-skaya)3.
Studies in the field of creativity are still going on. Savenkov4, Yakovleva5, and Loseva et al.6 studied the problem of children's creativity. Scientists consider creativity as a sign of giftedness and as a personal characteristic. Hence, there is no unified definition of creativity. Some researchers also believe that creativity is a characteristic of the cognitive sphere, others look for its origin in the personal sphere, and others consider it as a synthesis of the cognitive and personal.
Creativity in general is defined as a sign of creative ability, giftedness, and the presence of creative potential; thus, creativity is an act of creative development. According to scientists, in every child, there is creativity as a capacity.
Primary school age is an important stage in the development of children, which corresponds to the period of primary school, and it is a period of knowledge accumulation. Moreover, primary school age is a period where the techniques of mental activities are established, and this period is also characterized by the intensive development of all mental cognitive processes, speech, high cognitive activities, and interests in all the phenomena and objects of the world around. Imagination function is essential in younger school age, and it plays a major role in the creative development of the personality of children. It also proves the creative development needs of children to use the opportunities of primary school age.
Creative development is the most effective in the creative activities of children. Therefore, children must be included in available creative activities as early as possible. Vygot-sky7 considered creative activity as an activity, whose result is something new created; it does not matter "if it is created by something of the external world or by a known construction of mind or feeling, living or revealed only in a person himself' (quoted in Wenger)8. He also believed that it is in the process of creative activity where creative abili-
1 Leontiev A. N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Moscow: Politizdat, 1977. 304 p.
2 Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. Psychology of Creative Abilities: Textbook for Students of Higher Education. Moscow: Academia Publishing Center, 2012. 318 p.
3 Bogoyavlenskaya D. B., Psychology of Creative Abilities: Textbook for Students of Higher Education. Moscow: Academia Publishing Center, 2012. 318 p.
4 Savenkov A. I. Gifted Child at Home and at School. Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004. 272 p. Savenkov A. I. Gifted Children in Kindergarten and School: Textbook for Students of Higher
Education Institutions. Moscow: Publishing Center AKA Demia, 2000. 232 p.
5 Yakovleva E. L. Development Psychology of a Personal Creative Potential. Moscow: Flint, 1997. 224 p.
6 Loseva A. A., Matyushkin A. M., Volkov A. S. Psychological Diagnostics of Giftedness: Textbook for Universities. Moscow: Triksta; Academic Project, 2004. 176 p.
7 Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and Creativity in Childhood. Saint-Petersburg: Soyuz, 2013. 96 p.
8 Wenger A. L. Psychological Drawing Tests: Illustrated Guide. Moscow: VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. 160 p._
ties are produced and formed and the creative development of children takes place. Luk1, considered creative activity as a productive form of human activities and independence, whose results are scientific discoveries, inventions, and the creation of new musical and artistic works (quoted in Ilyin)2.
Activity in creativity, as a form of personal activity demonstration in interaction with social environments and other subjects, is a conscious form of human behavior conditioned by the presence of stimulating and regulating motives and goals.
Ilyin3, pointing at the fundamental difference between activities and other forms of human behavior, asserted that it is characterized by the presence of motives and goals (Guilford)4. "Motive" means a reflection of activity needs in human conscience and the necessity of its implementation accompanied by the presence of subjective emotions and experiences, which motivate the activity. "Goal" is what the activity is aimed at and what the individual wants to achieve as a result; these are reasonable actions and behavioral acts oriented toward successful achievements. Among the encouraging mechanisms in creative activities and human behaviors, their driving force is the need reflected essential for individual existence, values, and meanings as incentives to the implementation of active actions, value orientations as a subject attitude to various types of activities in the construction of a life perspective, and motives. The person's subjective significance of the objects and phenomena, expressed in emotional and mental processes, interests, which accumulate the subject's needs, emotional attraction and process significance of knowledge and activity, readiness to perform purposeful activities.
Bogoyavlenskaya5 considered the peculiarities of creative activities in primary school age by the characteristics of children as the dominance of motivation "to fit in," the development of independence, critical thinking, perception integrity, bright imagination, emotional intensity, limited experience, insufficient development of arbitrariness, and logical thinking. In addition, Yakovleva and Goltsova6 considered that the creative activity of children is manifested in a favorable atmosphere with a kind attitude and evaluation by others and teachers. Vygotsky7 also validated that the wealth and variety of a person's experience (the wider experience means that the imagination has more material) determine the creative activity of imagination. Savina8 believed that activities must generate only positive emotions and pleasures to heave positive effects on children.
1 Luk A. N. Thinking and Creativity. Moscow: Political Literature, 1976. 143 р.
2 Ilyin E. L. Psychology of Creativity, Giftedness. Saint-Petersburg: Peter, 2009. 448 р.
3 Ilyin E. L. Psychology of Creativity, Giftedness. Saint-Petersburg: Peter, 2009. 448 р.
4 Guilford J. Three Sides of Intelligence, The Psychology of Thinking. Moscow, 1969. 153 р.
5 Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. Psychology of Creative Abilities: Textbook for Students of Higher Education. Moscow: Academia Publishing Center, 2012. 318 р.)
6 Yakovleva E. V., Goltsova N. V. Informational and Communicational Technologies as a Developing Method of Schoolchildren's Learning Motivation in Primary School // Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 233 (2016) Annual International Scientific Conference Early Childhood Care and Education, ECCE, 12-14 May 2016. Moscow, Russia, 2016. Р. 428-432.
7 Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and Creativity in Childhood. Saint-Petersburg: Soyuz, 2013. 96 р.
8 Savina A. A. Demonstration Peculiarities and Development of Younger Schoolchildren's Creative Abilities // Vestnik Kazguki. № 1. 2018. Р. 115-118._
When the learning process is well organized, every student is engaged in the creativity process more or less, and the learning process implies the personal creativity of students. The final creativity product is the creation or discovery of something new in the process of creative activity; thus, creative development in primary school age takes place in activities.
To achieve our research goals, we employed the following research methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis; review of literature, educational, and methodological documents and student activity results; modeling of ways and methods of younger schoolchildren's creative development, and complex diagnostic methods.
The diagnostic organization of the creative development of younger schoolchildren includes four stages. The first stage of preliminary search comprises collecting preliminary information about the children. This information was obtained from the teachers, parents, and children themselves. According to Bogoyavlenskaya1, giftedness is represented in two main components, namely, instrumental and motivational; therefore, the diagnostics of creative development should be aimed at studying such personality parameters as cognitive needs, interest orientation, and motivation. The following methods were employed as instruments: (1) "palette of interests" (Savenkov)2 - aims to obtain primary information about the orientation of the interests of younger schoolchildren, the comparative method, and the answers of comparative parents and schoolchildren and (2) "general giftedness assessment technique" (Savenkov)3 - aims to assess the giftedness of general children on the basis of obtaining information about the formation level of characteristics usually observed in gifted children, curiosity, ability to predict, and ability to evaluate the unidimensional scaling method based on point grades. The collected information allowed us to create the first profile of each child.
The second stage is psychodiagnostic. It includes methods that have already become traditional to determine the level of intellectual development. (1) "Using items (variants of use)" (by Guilford)4 - aims to reveal the development level of younger schoolchildren's fluency, irregularity, ease of thinking, ingenuity and independence. (2) "Creativity test" (Torrance)5 - aims to reveal the development level of younger schoolchildren's originality and creativity and test method (Tunik)6 (3) "Compose a story about a non-existent animal" (Dukarevich) - aims is to reveal the level of thinking originality and creativity, strive for younger schoolchildren's self-expression and originality, and study the method of school-children's activity products (Wenger)7.
1 Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. Psychology of Creative Abilities: Textbook for Students of Higher Education. Moscow: Academia Publishing Center, 2012. 318 p.
2 Savenkov A. I. Gifted Child at Home and at School. Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004. 272 p.
3 Savenkov A. I. Gifted Child at Home and at School. Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004. 272 p.
4 Guilford J. Three Sides of Intelligence //The Psychology of Thinking. Moscow, 1969. 153 p.
5 Torrance E. P. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (Scholastic Testing Service, Inc.1974. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319615683_Torrance_Tests_of_Creative_Thinking (accessed on: 12.03.2021).
6 Tunik E. E. Diagnosing Creativity. Torrance's Test. Adapted Version. Saint-Petersburg, Rech., 2006. 176 p.
7 Wenger A. L. Psychological Drawing Tests: Illustrated Guide. Moscow: VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. 160 p._
The third evaluation and correction stage focuses on clarifying and specifying the information obtained earlier. Here, we used various methods: (a) the observation method of children in different situations, (b) research using psychometric diagnostics, (c) the expert evaluation of children's behavior by teachers and parents, and (d) the expert evaluation of the products of children's creative activity.
The fourth is the stage of information analysis obtained from all the sources. The reliability of the results obtained in the study was ensured by the use of valid tests and a range of research methods. The described technique complex, which represents standardized procedures with regard to the research conduct and to the process and interpretation of the data obtained allowed us to obtain fast diagnostic results, to register the results rather close, and to process quickly the obtained data.
The research was based on a municipal general school. Four primary school teachers and 104 parents participated in the research. As well as schoolchildren of the same second grade, aged 7-8 years (104 schoolchildren in total, including 48 boys and 56 girls), studying according to the unified standard (federal state educational standard of primary general education), adopted in Russia, the teaching complex "primary school of the 21th century." We also employed a simple random sampling method to select the respondents, and all the diagnostics were conducted in the native language (Russian) of the children. The principle of information confidentiality was used in the research and in the processing of the results, and the obtained information was used only for research aims in a generalized form.
According to the analysis of works by Bogoyavlenskaya1, Luk2, and Teplov3 et al., we identified the criterion and indicators of the creative development of younger schoolchildren. The main criteria of creative development in our research are personal and creative, motivational and creative, and activity and creative. Each criterion includes several indicators. Thinking originality and creativity are important and fluency (facility, productivity, and mental capacity) to diagnose creative development according to the personal-creative criterion. For the evaluation according to the motivation and need criterion, the essential indicators are the need for creative activity and the desire for self-expression. The indicators of the activity criterion include the proposal of new solutions in the activity process and the ability to perform creative tasks independently. A complex characteristic of the creative development of children has been compiled on the basis of the obtained data for all the methods.
Most of the students have an average level of creativity (60.6%). The students are smart, but they hardly ever use creative thinking and imagination to solve creative tasks, trying to choose an evident solution. The productivity and creative facility are rather low, and the product of their activity does not contain apparent elements of creative imagination. By the way, children show interest in creative tasks, and they have a positive view of the creative process but do not show a strong desire to participate in it as the
1 Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. Psychology of Creative Abilities: Textbook for Students of Higher Education. Moscow: Academia Publishing Center, 2012. 318 р.
2 Luk A. N. Thinking and Creativity. Moscow: Political Literature, 1976. 143 р.
3 Teplov B. M. Problems of Individual Differences. Moscow: Acad. of Pedagogical Sciences, RSFSR, 1961. 536 р._
process causes difficulties for them because of insufficient imagination. Students look for the opportunities to express themselves in creative work, but their interest is changeable. Students may also show originality and an "out-of-the-box" way to solve creative tasks, but they commonly need the help of teachers.
Generally, the method used to explore the creative development of the younger schoolchildren helped us obtain the information about the orientation of the interests of children, and it enabled the objective estimation of their abilities and the nature of creative development and the organization of the further work process with them.
The experimental results allowed us to conclude the following: the techniques of mental activities are formed in primary school; hence, the creative thinking of children must be developed correctly. First of all, the creative development of children is conducted through the activation of the learning activity of schoolchildren. The development of all mental cognitive processes (such as perception, imagination, thinking, memory, and attention) is active in primary school age. On this basis, it is necessary to develop children's curiosity and the ability to observe and to analyze the phenomena of the world around them, to compare, to summarize facts, to conclude, to estimate their activities, and to show activities and initiatives. The need and the interest in creative work are developed at the same time. In primary school age, the effective creative development of children is possible only if their teacher sets difficult, but realistic tasks for their creativity.
The following recommendations to support the creative development of younger schoolchildren have been identified on the basis of the experimental data. Adults' support of younger schoolchildren is necessary for the creative development of children. Support is a method to help children make the best possible decisions in different life situations. Support is also based on the person-centered and individualization principles. Slastenin and Kolesnikova1 considered pedagogical support as a process of interesting observation, consultation, and stimulation of the independence of children in a difficult situation with minimal participation of any adult (a teacher and parents). The following are the functions of pedagogical support: diagnostic, design, organizational, communicative, and gnostic. Providing pedagogical support to form the creativity of younger schoolchildren, the adult defines the goal, objectives, principles, and functions of the activity and determines the order, logic, support stages, methods, and forms of interaction with the child. It also provides the intensification of the creative development of children.
The following are the components of pedagogical support for the creative development of younger schoolchildren: contensive, functional and activity, and spatial and administrative. The contensive component is aimed at socialization and individual creative development through the organization of the learning process. Its objectives are the identification of creatively developed children and their problems and the resource use of educational space in the organization of interaction. The activity principles in the implementation of this component are natural conformity, humanism, cultural orientation, activity orientation, and cooperation.
1 Slastenin V. A., Kolesnikova I. A. Educational Activity of a Teacher. Moscow: Academia Publishing Centre, 2005. 336 p.
ISSN 1994-0637 (print)
The methods used to support this component are exercise, assignment, educational situations, collective creative activities, project, persuasion, ethical conversation, situation of success, emotional and moral experiences, stimulation, competition, and sociodramatic play. The functional and activity component. Working with children, the adult determines the methods of creative development, and they can be the following: exercise, assignment, creation of educational situations, collective creative work, project, situation of success, and stimulation. The task of the teacher is to influence the child to give them the opportunity of freedom to choose the activity type for creative development, interaction coordination of families, schools, additional education institutions, and cultural institutions. The formation of the creativity of the child proceeds in individual creative activities (art, design, and music). The creative development in younger school age is also successfully performed not only in the individual but also in group activities of children. Social projects, practices, and tests are effective methods of pedagogical support, and it is also possible to use a portfolio as a method of self-actualization. In this case, the portfolio is a way to specificate goals and to evaluate the activity results. The spatial component is also characterized by a common educational space, connections, and relations of school communities with other communities and parents. The resources of the common educational space are utilized to create conditions aimed at the creative development of children.
The administrative component combines the external control of psychological and pedagogical support (through the creation of such conditions as teacher training and the study of the experience of others) and the internal control of psychological and pedagogical support (through the organizational and structural components of schools, temporary creative teams, and self-administration). A major element is self-administration as autonomy.
Creative abilities are the individual qualities of a personality, and they allow the successful completion of various kinds of creative activities. Creative ability is designated as a specific characteristic, and it is also the ability to create something new and original. Additionally, creativity appears in an activity, and new materials and spiritual values appear as the results of such an activity. In creative activities occurs the creative development of personalities. A creativity element may be present in any activity type.
The creative development of younger schoolchildren is related to mental capacities and appears in their imaginations, fantasies, creative thinking, a particular vision of the world, and the view of the world around them. In primary school age, there are changes in the cognitive, emotional, and motivational spheres, and creative development takes place in the process of creative activity. Furthermore, children of this age are curious, emotional, and full of initiative. Younger schoolchildren have a desire for self-expression and originality, and they propose new solutions in the activity process. Therefore, it is possible to identify the following components of younger schoolchildren's creative development: motivational, creative, personal, and activity components.
The indicators of the creative development of younger schoolchildren according to the personal and creative criterion are thinking and creativity originality and fluency (ease, productivity, and ingenuity). The important indicators of the motivation and requirement criterion of the creative development of schoolchildren are the need for creative activity
and the desire for self-expression. The main indicators of the activity-based criterion of the creative development of younger schoolchildren are the proposal of new solutions in the activity process and the ability to independently perform the tasks of creative nature. Thus, purposeful formation of all the three components as the structural components of the creative development of schoolchildren is an essential direction of the activities of teachers and parents. Adults must support the creative initiative of children. It will allow to the development of such children's abilities as stable characteristics and the mental properties included in the structure of personalities.
The use of the pedagogical support method for the creativity of younger schoolchildren includes the following components: contensive, functional and activity, and spatial and administrative. Working with younger schoolchildren requires the use of modern forms and methods to organize their activities aimed at their creative development. The most effective methods and forms of the creative development of children are exercises, assignments, educational situations, creative activities in group, projects, situations of success, emotional and moral experiences, encouragement, competitions, socio-dramatic plays, practices, and efforts in various activities.
In sum, we can conclude that the ways of younger schoolchildren's creative development described in the research can identify and develop their abilities, which creates favorable conditions for their creative development. The research limitations include insufficient training of primary school teachers to develop younger schoolchildren's creative abi l-ities and the lack of systematic work in the pedagogical support of schoolchildren's creative development and
Another limitation is the weak motivation and lack of parents' knowledge in their children's creative development and limits associated with the objective results of the research as students' success in the test depends on the physical health, the characteristics of the world perception, education, and children's psycho-emotional state.
The theoretical implication of the research is to substantiate and describe the process essence and the characteristics of the creative development of younger schoolchildren. The practical implication is the method description of pedagogical support, which can be used to purpose the creative development of younger schoolchildren in mass practices in a general school. The research novelty consists in the essence and peculiarity substantiation of younger schoolchildren's creative development and in the component development of pedagogical accompaniment considering the highlighted peculiarities. The psychological and pedagogical analysis of the problem of the creative development of younger schoolchildren shows prospects variety for experimental research in this area. There are several research directions.
- peculiarity research of thinking originality and creativity, the need for creative activity and the desire for self-expression, putting forward new solutions in the activity process, and the ability to perform independently creative tasks at school age considering children's gender and age differences;
- peculiarity identification of the selected indicators of creative development in various types of children activities, such as artistic and technical creativity, educational and research activities, and social design;
- peculiarity determination of the abovementioned quality formation as the indicators
of younger schoolchildren's creative development in different learning conditions using divergent approaches to the content and technologies of educational work; and
- determination of psychological and pedagogical conditions that are the most conducive to younger schoolchildren's creative development according to the selected indicators.
Because identifying the influence of the personalities of teachers and parents on the creative development of children is crucial, the research activities in the areas mentioned here may identify and substantiate the dependence of the creative development of younger schoolchildren on several factors. We suppose that these factors are the process essence and specificity of children's creative development, creative activity type (research, artistic, technical, social, among others), in which these abilities are shown and developed, their age and gender, their personal qualities, and their learning conditions. Establishing the interrelation of the highlighted factors will increase the effectiveness of the purposeful creative development of younger schoolchildren.
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Сведения об авторах
Елена Викторовна Яковлева - доктор педагогических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой начального образования, общей и социальной педагогики, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9127-5178, [email protected], Череповецкий государственный университет (д. 5, проспект Луначарского, 162600 г. Череповец, Российская Федерация); Elena V. Yakovleva - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Primary Education, General and Social Pedagogy, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9127-5178, [email protected], Cherepovets State University (5, pr. Lunacharskogo, 162600 Cherepovets, Russia).
Владимир Иванович Колесов - доктор педагогических наук, профессор, профессор межфакультетской кафедры гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5539-5853, [email protected], Ленинградский государственный университет им. А. С. Пушкина (д.10 лит. А Петербургское шоссе, 196605 Санкт-Петербург, г. Пушкин, Россия); Vladimir I. Kolesov - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of
the Interfaculty Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5539-5853, [email protected], Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin (10 lit. A, Peter-burgskoe shosse, 196605 St Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia).
Наталья Владимировна Гольцова - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры начального образования, общей и социальной педагогики, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1565-7449, [email protected], Череповецкий государственный университет (д. 5, проспект Луначарского, 162600 г. Череповец, Российская Федерация); Natalia V. Goltsova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education, General and Social Pedagogy, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1565-7449, [email protected], Cherepovets State University (5, pr. Lunacharskogo, 162600 Cherepovets, Russia).
Анна Николаевна Смолонская - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры педагогики и педагогических технологий, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2128-3113, [email protected], Ленинградский государственный университета им. А.С. Пушкина (д. 10 лит. А Петербургское шоссе, 196605 Санкт-Петербург, г. Пушкин, Россия); Anna N. Smolonskaya -Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2128-3113, [email protected], Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin (10 lit. A, Peterburgskoe shosse, 196605 St Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia).
Рустам Шамсуллович Гарифулин - кандидат технических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры организации охраны и конвоирования в УИС, http://orcid.org/0009-0005-0221-9297, [email protected], Кузбасский институт ФСИН России (49, проспект Октябрьский, 654066 Новокузнецк, Кемеровская область, Россия); Rustam Sh. Garifulin - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Security Management and Convoying in Criminal Correctional System, http://orcid.org/0009-0005-0221-9297, [email protected], Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (49, pr. Oktiabr'skii, 654066 Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, Russia).
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Contribution of the authors: the authors contributed equally to this article. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.
Статья поступила в редакцию 28.04.2023; одобрена после рецензирования 25.05.2023; принята к публикации 30.05.2023.
The article was submitted 28.04.2023; Approved after reviewing 25.05.2023; Accepted for publication 30.05.2023.