Научная статья на тему 'Financing of the innovative projects in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan'

Financing of the innovative projects in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
інноваційний проект у сільському господарстві / фінансування сільськогосподарської науки в Казахстані / фінансування інновації в агропромисловому комплексі / инновационный проект в сельском хозяйстве / финансирование сельскохозяйственной науки в Казахстане / финансирование инновации в агропромышленном комплексе / innovation project in agriculture / agricultural science funding in Kazakhstan / financing innovation in agriculture

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Zhumanova Bekarshyn

Рассмотрены теоретические и практические вопросы финансового обеспечения инновационного развития агропромышленного комплекса Казахстана. Определены общесистемные проблемы, которые препятствуют полноценному инновационному развитию агропромышленного комплекса Казахстана. Установлено, что перспективным началом инновационного развития агропромышленного комплексав Республике Казахстан являются воспроизводство сельскохозяйственных инноваций и освоение в массовой практике более совершенных методов ведения сельскохозяйственного производства.

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In the article are considered theoretical and practical issues of financial support of innovative development of agriculture in Kazakhstan. Defined system-wide problems that impede the full development of innovative agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. It is established that a promising start innovative development of agriculture of Kazakhstan are the reproduction of agricultural innovation and development in the mass practice of improved methods of agricultural production.

Текст научной работы на тему «Financing of the innovative projects in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan»

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В I С Н И К Кивського нацюнального унiверситету iMeHi Тараса Шевченка ISSN 1728-3817

Т. Затонацька, канд. фю.-мат. наук, доц. КНУ ¡меж Тараса Шевченка, Кив


У статтi висвiтлено еволюцю пiдходiв до розробки фiскальноi' пол тики, а також запропоновано вiдповiднi заходи щодо забезпе-чення яксних змiн у систем/' управл/'ння iнвестицiйною дiяльнiстю в УкраУт. Автором запропоновано практичнi рекомендацП' щодо створення фiскального простору твестицшноУ для дiяльностi в УкраУт. Подано пропозицУУ щодо формування фiскального простору твестищйноУ дiяльностi, спрямованого на вiдновлення тновацшно-твестицшноУ моделi розвитку нацональноУ економ/'ки, а також тдвищення ефективностi бюджетних витрат.

Ключовi слова: фiскальнi полтика, державне герулювання твестицшноУ дiяльностi, фiскальний простiр твестицшноУ дiяльностi.

Т. Затонацкая, канд. физ.-мат. наук, доц. КНУ имени Тараса Шевченко, Киев


В статье раскрыта эволюция подходов к разработке фискальной политики, а также предложены соответствующие меры по обеспечению качественных изменений в системе управления инвестиционной деятельностью в Украине. Автором предложены практические рекомендации по созданию фискального пространства инвестиционной для деятельности в Украине. Внесены предложения касательно формирования фискального пространства инвестиционной деятельности, направленного на восстановление инновационно-инвестиционной модели развития национальной экономики, а также повышения эффективности бюджетных расходов.

Ключевые слова: фискальная политика, государственное регулирования инвестиционной деятельности, фискальное пространство инвестиционной деятельности.

UDC 338.436.33 JEL Q 18

B. Zhumanova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Republic of Kazakhstan



In the article are considered theoretical and practical issues of financial support of innovative development of agriculture in Kazakhstan. Defined system-wide problems that impede the full development of innovative agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. It is established that a promising start innovative development of agriculture of Kazakhstan are the reproduction of agricultural innovation and development in the mass practice of improved methods of agricultural production.

Keywords: innovation project in agriculture, agricultural science funding in Kazakhstan, financing innovation in agriculture.

Statement of the problem. On the modern stage, in the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there are system-wide problems, among which we can mention:

• the backwardness of agricultural technologies, physical and moral depreciation of the means of production;

• excessive loss of irrigation water, undeveloped commercial fish farming, as well as inefficient use of other natural resources;

• small commercial farming;

• low levels of genetic potential of the seed used, and cattle;

• lack of quality raw materials for industrial processing and the low share of domestic value-added products in the domestic food market;

• the availability of essential food products, which have not met the domestic needs;

• low level of attracting investments in the agricultural sector;

• insufficient development of rural cooperation [1, 2].

In addition, financial, and then the food crisis revealed additional problems that affected the investment activities of the industry, and now, when the financial sector problems are at the stage of remission, agriculture in Kazakhstan is one of the most promising sectors of the economy.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Theoretical and practical issues of innovative development of agriculture as a whole, and in particular the agricultural sector, as well as the problems of the financial and investment support were the subject of separate publication of L.Abalkin [3], E. Yasin [4], B. Bautin [5], M. Konkov [6], M. Bunin [7], O.Sabden [1] A. Taubayev [8]. But despite the presence of a significant amount of research and publications in the given direction, some issues of the development of financial and

investment maintenance of the national system of agriculture through the use of a specially created state development institutions not adequately addressed in the modern economic science. Especially the unique experience of Kazakhstan in the establishment and operation of similar organizations are just beginning to yield its first results.

The purpose of the study of the system of financing of innovative projects in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan is to identify the existing problems in the financial and investment support for promising innovative projects in the field of agriculture and to offer recommendations for improving the of an existing financial mechanism for the implementation of innovation projects through the development of specialized of state development institutions.

Selection of the unsolved aspects of the problem. In addition to system-wide problems, noted the existence of problems hindering the pace of innovation development of agro-industrial complex:

• insecurity of modern scientific research organizations material and technical infrastructure. For today most of the buildings and facilities (71.1%) has been in operation for over 30 years and 22.1% - more than 20 years, to be written off 71.4% of all available agricultural machinery [9, 10];

• limited financial resources to carry out research and development work (grant size does not exceed 0.2% of the gross output of agriculture (2009), while in countries with developed agriculture, the figure is between 1% and 4%);

• low level of entrepreneurial culture based on the use of new technology and innovation, low innovation activity of subjects of agriculture;

• low competitiveness of scientific products and technologies on the international scientific market. Due to the

© Zhumanova B., 2013

lack of financial resources been poorly implemented training of young professionals in leading international research centers are not held a joint international research, are not implemented measures to attract leading foreign scientists;

• lack of an effective mechanism for securing, motivation, and social support for young scientists in national agricultural science has led to a deterioration of the social status (decrease credibility of scientists in society) scientist and break the continuity of generations of scientists;

• low level of wages in agriculture;

• skills shortages due to lack of effective tools for forecasting staffing, inadequate allocation of government contracts to train agricultural training and employment of low-level agricultural and veterinary professions (16-30% of the number of the graduates of higher education). There is also a shortage of personnel in areas where there are no schools for technical and vocational education;

• lack of social support for young professionals to promote their consolidation in rural areas;

• lack of development of social and physical infrastructure of the village as a whole, including the organization of cultural activities;

• weak interaction of agricultural enterprises and universities and colleges, as well as lack of awareness of the graduates of universities and colleges on the availability of vacancies in the enterprises.

The main results of the study. Innovative development of agriculture is its qualitative transformation, achieved through the growth of the productive forces while improving organizational and economic mechanism of Agriculture, interacting with them and agribusiness sectors in general. It is provided by the ever-increasing use of more advanced technologies of production and processing of agricultural products, improved crop varieties and animal breeds, new machines, progressive organizational and economic models of modern information technologies and other innovations.

The amount of applied research funding in the field of agro-industrial complex is more than 3.3 billion per year. In industrial Holding JSC "KazAgrolnnovation" (KAI) work more than 1.3 thousand people, including researchers with advanced degrees 60%, which average age, is 46.7 years. There is considerable material and technical base - more than 280 thousand hectares of land, buildings u facilities over an area of 900 thousand square meters, nearly 3 thousands units of agricultural machinery and other assets [11].

However, the existing scientific and innovative potential of agricultural science of Kazakhstan does not meet international requirements, and does not have enough influence on the sustainable development of the national agricultural production. Current state of the industry of agricultural science of Kazakhstan is characterized by inadequate funding, lack of motivation to improvement the effectiveness of scientists work, difficulties in implementing the scientific development, insufficient development of the dissemination of knowledge system, outdated scientific and technical infrastructure, the aging of scientific personnel, undeveloped level of transfer of advanced foreign technologies, lack of available financing in the early stages of implementation innovation, undeveloped demand of innovation development, etc. In this regard, it is necessary to reform the agrarian science in order for increasing the availability of educational and consulting services for agricultural producers.

In the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan includes about 65 sectors and sub-sectors for a concrete definition measures to the most promising areas and strengthen in

regional specialization the basis of a detailed analysis of these sectors and sub-sectors of agro-industrial complex were selected15 promising, competitive sectors (manufacturing, exporting grain and its deep processing, production and export of meat and meat products, poultry farming, production and processing of oilseeds, production and processing of fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, white sugar production from sugar beet production and export of wool and its products deep processing, aquaculture and fish processing, production and processing of pork, the development of horse breeding beef and dairy with the continued production of finished products, the development of camel and refined products, the development of deer breeding to meet the needs of pharmacy, to meet the development of beekeeping domestic needs of the population and pharmacy, production and processing of cotton).

A key element for the realization of projects of the Industrialization Map, as well as the development agro-industrial complex in the future will be determined JSC "National Holding" KazAgro" which created by 100 percent state ownership, which includes a number of subsidiaries -"National Company "Food Contract Corporation"; "Agrarian credit corporation","KazAgroFinance", "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture", "Corporation of raising animals", "KazAgroGarant", "KazAgroMarketing", "KazAgroInnova-tion", each of which had its own functions and identified development priorities.

Detailing the investment activities of the holding company "Kazagro" in case of investment holding guided by the following terms and conditions:

• in the sphere of investment intentions of the Holding should be absent or poorly represented in competitive environment;

• as a result of the implementation of investment projects should be incorporate modern technologies that have a significant multiplier effect on the economy of Kazakhstan;

• investment projects must be implemented within the framework set for the subsidiaries of the Holding "KazAgro" statutory goals and objectives on a public-private partnership;

• the organization of new jobs and economic recovery and economic life in the countryside.

Holding work is carried out in two major directions: the first- is to ensure import substitution for certain types of agricultural products, under-represented in the food market of the country, the second - the development of export potential of agriculture.

From these direction 8 high-priority sectors of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan developed detailed master plans that set clear benchmarks and indicators for enterprises, financial institutions, government agencies and socio-entrepreneurial corporations for investment projects.

Annually growing volume of budget funds allocated for the development of agriculture, only in 2009 from the national budget allocated more than 96 billion tenge, including 41.3 billion subsidizing production (2008 subsidies amounted to-40.2 billiontenge,in2007-21.5billion).In2010, the financing of investment projects of JSC "National Holding KazAgro" the National Fund allocated 120 billion tenge.

Thanks to the investment policy of the state projects are implemented food provision and increase export capacity, particularly at the expense of the institutions of "National Holding "KazAgro".

Thus on the basis of 2008-2010, commissioned 124 projects worth $35.2 billion, including 62 projects in 2008 to 5.9 bnin2009to29.3 billion tenge.

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BIOHMK KuiBCbKoro Ha^oHanbHoro yHiBepcuTeTy iMeHi Tapaca lUeBHeHKa ISSN 1728-3817

Among them are the following large-scale projects which are break through innovative sphere.

Building the factory Tomato processing is the first project worth 2.3 billion tenge for the construction of a processing plant Tomato and development of production of fruit and vegetables with the use of drip irrigation technology in South Kazakhstan, including the first phase in 2008. On 141 hectares of production of 8.4 million tons of fruits and vegetables, in the second step in 2009, the production of 32.5 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables on 650 acres. It is expected to produce about 4.4 tons of tomato paste "Cold Break", and "Hot Break" with a solids content of 2830% and 36-38%, respectively.

Development of Kazakhstan's grain export infrastructure-operate in grain term in a lat the port of Amirabad (Republic of Iran) with transfer of up to 700thousandtonsof grain per year, one-time deposit- 53 thousand tons of grain, the stabilization of export of grain to Iran.

Construction of the plant of processing sunflower plant is oilseed process in capacity of 7,400 tons of oil in a year, the project cost 2.4billion tenge100% coverage of the domestic shortage of the West Kazakhstan region. The equipment supplier is SINEKO International, as (Brno, Czech Republic). During the implementation it will cre-ate148 permanent jobs. Sunflower oil production will reduce import dependence of West region of the country.

Construction large-commercial dairy farms are commissioned by 7dairy commodity farms using advanced technology. The total financing cost 7 - milk commodity farms was 6.0 billion. In most of the projects has been carried out the selection and purchase of breeding heifers Holstein-Friesian breed, with an annual productivity of 7.5 tone of milk. The implementation of projects aimed the saturation of the domestic market of food and food price stabilization, food security, development, and enhance of the competitiveness of agricultural processing industry.

Construction and modernization of poultry farms of an egg direction - total commissioned five projects for a total amount - 460.6 mln. The implementation of projects aimed at the creation of modern industries with the latest technological equipment. In the projects of acquisition and delivery of cages for rearing and laying hens, chickens and livestock, other than good immunity and the ability to provide a stable output of egg seven in the periodic change in the living conditions and diet.

According to the data to 01.09.10.byJSC National Holding "KazAgro" were funded the implementation of 79 major projects with a total cost of 87.4 billion tenge, including amount of funding from the Kazagro of 70.0 billion tenge:

Create livestock feeding systems are implemented 12 investment projects worth 24.5 billion tenge for the construction of high-tech feeding platformson42090head of cattle and 70thousandheads of small cattle. It Is expected to produce up to 9,230 tons of beef per year, and, 500 tons of pork per year. It is planning of creation of 933 permanent jobs.

Developing a network of dairy farms are 8 projects amounting 8.0 billion. It will be upgraded and built large dairy farms in the 4660 head of dairy cattle mainly Holstein-Friesian breed, using advanced technologies of cattle breeding.

Construction of meat plants are 3 projects worth 3.4 billion tenge for the production of meat products meeting international standards, with the organization of 229 new jobs. Capacity of these enterprises amounted to 10.7 thousand tons of meat and meat products per year.

Develop a network of greenhouses are 6 projects worth 8.8 billion tenge in the square of 21.66 hectares of produc-

tion capacity to11,500 tons of fruits and vegetables a year, which will allow a 10% reduction in the demand of the republic in the areas covered ground(202hectares).

Development of infrastructure for the export of grain and its deep processing - in this direction is implemented 17 projects with a total cost of19.1 billion tenge, including:

- The construction of the elevator with a mill plant and feed mill in the countryside Beineu (Mangistau region).The planned capacity of grain storages 100 tons, which will provide handling up to1.5 million tons of grain for export to the direction of the Caspian, Central Asia and the Middle East,

- The organization of the production of deep process in grain, in Karaganda. The planned capacity of processing 37,500 tons of flour per year, producing up to 4,400 tons of gluten, syrups - 23,800 tons, feed additives -18,000 tons per year,

- Expansion of pasta factory in Kostanai city. It is planned to increase production to 36,600 tons of pasta a year (the project capacity to 24000 tons).

Creating a network of poultry farms - 7 projects for the production of eggs and poultry meat worth 14.2 billion. Create 6 poultry farms meat production will enable the production of poultry meat about 42 700 tons, poultry of an egg direction project will produce up to 50 million eggs per year.

Develop a network of vegetable stores - 10 projects in order to create a warehouse for storage of vegetables, fruit, meat and other food products, the value of 2.0 billion. Storage capacity of 32.9 million tons and creation of 168 permanent work places.

Manufacture of bakery products - 1 project worth 1.1 billion tenge comprising the purchase of manufacturing equipment kit - line baking muffins and bread (supplier company "System Trade GmbH", Salzburg, Austria). Line baking muffins and bread rolls capacity of 7884 thousand a year, and 31.0 million loaves of bread a year. It is organized of 160 jobs during the commissioning.

Implementation of the project will ensure the people of Ekibastuz city bakery products of own production.

Creation of a production assembly of agricultural machinery is 1project worth 1.4 billion tenge with the creation of 52 new jobs in the period of operation. Expected to release (a thousand tractors named "Belarusian" in the year) national assembly at affordable agricultural products by manufacturer prices. At present, the production of the Republic of Belarus tractors are the most popular subjects in agriculture (good quality feature sat a lower price compared to other foreign manufacturers), and make up about 91% of all agricultural machinery. Production of tractors directly in the Republic of Kazakhstan up to1000 units per year initially, with a further increase to 3,000 units., reduce import dependence of the Kazakhstan market of agricultural machinery.

Production of high-quality seed cotton plants building on manufacture of seed cotton with part-time job to 5,000tons of seeds per year, $ 1.7 billion. Current products luxury cotton seeds, the seeds first and second reproduction.

Implementation of these projects will create 5,103 permanent and 3,503 temporary construction period jobs.

Along with this, a group of subsidiaries national holding "KazAgro" implemented 67 investment projects amounting 35.9 billion.

Since 2009 JSC "KazAgro Innovation" as the main coordinator of the innovation in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan began implementing the budget program "Applied Research in the field of agriculture" in 2009-2011.

In 2009, the following results were achieved: in the region of the gene pool of agricultural crops, inventoried

7029s examples, it was studies 71166 examples, 10326 documented examples, transferred to the state variety testing 35 new varieties, characterized by increased yield, quality and resistance to environmental factors, in agriculture developed 12 recommendations for resource-saving technologies and cultivation of staple crops that are adapted to the different climatic conditions of the country.

In these sectors of animal husbandry, fish industry scientists continue work on the creation of new high-lines (types) breeds of farm animals, fish, and others started a project in the field of large-scale breeding cattle (beef and dairy), which aims to increase the breeding of cattle in lives tock farms of the republic.

By scientific research has covered development priorities and sectors of the food processing industry, the mechanization of agriculture, economics, agriculture and rural development.

Intensified work on implementation of scientific development in agricultural production. In Akmola region the share of Kazakhstan's wheat breeding for the last 4 years has increased to 70%. Baraeva cultivated in 2009 on an area of about 3 million hectares. Cotton varieties selection of the Kazakh Institute of Cotton took 75% of the cultivated area.

Particularly in demand in the production of new varieties and hybrids: for winter wheat and barley - up to 90% and soybean varieties - 100% (selection achievements of scientists of the Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant), spring wheat - 40% (Karaganda and the Institute of Plant Breeding), safflower - 100% (Krasnovodop-adsk agricultural Experiment Station), cotton - 75% (of the Kazakh Research Institute of cotton); rice - more than 50% (the Kazakh Institute of rice), potatoes - up to 40% (the Kazakh Institute of potato and vegetable), etc.

Varieties of spring wheat and barley on Karabalyk agricultural experimental station cultivated on an area of 1.5 million hectares in Kostanai, North Kazakhstan, Akmola regions.

In general, the area under the domestic varieties of crops in 2009 totaled about 7.1million hectares, and the use of minimum and zero-saving technologies of cultivation of grain crops increased to 10.3 million hectares. These results were made possible by the system of states up port for agricultural research and introduction into production.

Currently, are created and transferred to the state variety testing 16 new varieties and hybrids of agricultural and other crops, increase acreage under crop varieties of domestic breed in 2%. It created 7 technologies in the agriculture, fisheries and livestock. Six recommendations and proposals for the development of agriculture forecast for 2010-2012, the development of food industry, the system of state support, structure and trends of agricultural labor in Kazakhstan and other countries. Also, 3 of the recommendations developed in the fishing industry. In 2009, the domestic breeding cotton varieties have occupied 75% of the planted area. Similar results are available for other types of crops.

On the whole, we have positive lye valuating public policies on innovation and the development of agribusiness sales promotion of agricultural products, in the industry there are a number of problems which solution requires further efforts JSC "National Holding" KazAgro "and subjects of agriculture.

It should be noted, a very small percentage of innovation in the mass production process. For example, in the agricultural sector only for the years 2006-2008 were created and passed the state varietal testing more than 200 new high yielding varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops, has developed more than 70 vaccines, drugs, and more. But many other developments are still represented only in scientific reports.

In addition, the low level of effective demand for scientific and technical production from the agricultural sector is a major barrier to innovation. Calculations show remains unclaimed each year in agricultural production and 80% of completed scientific research. Another problem is the lack of development of innovative conductive network of science to production. Only about 40% of all enterprises and about 35% (peasant) farms of solvency, credit worth incessant are financially stable formation, the formation of other livestock are simple reproduction, and most of the mare bankrupt (26% of agricultural enterprises and about 60% of the country (farms)).

Modern agriculture is in a difficult financial and economic situation: in the industry acting unprofitable agricultural enterprises, the cost of production remains high not reduced accounts payable. In addition, it is extremely worn out basic production assets, an acute shortage of working capital, lack the necessary methods of technological modernization of production capacities are not sufficiently effective mechanisms of economic activity of agricultural enterprises with the use of modern production technologies, management and organization [12].

For agribusiness ensuring by modern effective developments and technologies should be conducted scientific research and implemented international scientific programs (including with the participation of foreign scientists) and training of scientific personnel in the world's leading research centers.

Significant assistance in this regard will be given by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which assists member countries of FAO in providing of advisory services in the development of agricultural policy, technical assistance, information and consultancy services in agricultural production.

In present time FAO has policy for decentralization of organization structure in order to fAo experts work directly in the member countries themselves, that allow quickly respond to occurring changes in agricultural policy together with countries governments develop recommendations and identify priority directions of agricultural development, taking into account region specificity. It is therefore necessary to ensure the opening of the fAo representation office in Kazakhstan, which will provide an opportunity promptly receive counseling from highly qualified professionals in the agricultural policy development, technical and consulting assistance in the priority areas of agro-industrial complex.

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From the state side in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness of scientific research results necessary modernization and development of scientific research infrastructure, as well as the current provision of scientific infrastructure and property, remuneration of labor of the administrative and support staff, as well as information support of scientific and technical activity of research organizations under the Ministry of Agriculture.

Along with this, it is necessary to improve the transfer and commercialization system of agricultural technologies for activation of innovation activity in agro-industrial complex through by increasing investment opportunities of agro-industrial complex subjects of agriculture, expand the coverage of agro-industrial complex subjects by system of knowledge transfer.

In order to develop public-private partnerships should be increased share of private investment in scientific research through contract research realization.

For the formation of a new research and innovation system on the generation and transfer implementation of knowledge in the field of agro-industrial complex with the results, corresponding with the best world standards,

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should be continued work for creation inter-disciplinary research and education complexes of international level.

In order to maintain an effective feedback between the subjects of agro-industrial complex and state agencies, agricultural science and vocational education system will continue providing free advice to farmers through government support.

System-start innovative agricultural development in the Republic of Kazakhstan there is production of agricultural innovation and development in them as practice of improved methods of agricultural production, in determining the aggregate innovative development of agriculture. Providing innovative development of agro-industrial complex consists of two units-the resource and institutional. The resource block includes financial, personnel, logistics, and information technology. An institution unit includes organizational, economic, infrastructural, regulatory support; the same group adjoins mastering innovation-driven forms of management.

Increase importance of innovation development and the associated expectations at the appropriate time to get the desired results do not only rely on the existing system of agricultural innovation, not only capable in its present form, expanding the scale and pace sufficient to apply innovations to mass practice of agricultural production. The basis of the mechanism of the crisis in the agricultural sector of the economy was in a period of reform and defines the currently destructive policies provide measures of innovation development of agribusiness.

In order to corresponded to innovative development of the agro-industrial complex to its purpose and met in the foreseeable future, its expectations, requires the full and comprehensive support of this process, which allows overcoming the inertia of their features, and often stagnant or even regressing character. This applies to all areas of innovation development of agro-industrial complex.

Immediate task of improving the innovation system of agriculture is to increase agricultural innovation capacity. It is based on research and development for the agricultural industry as a constantly replenished and renewable source of continuously increasing capabilities of innovative renewal of agriculture. Scientific and technological advances often determine the possibility of transition to sustainable agriculture development, while ensuring the implementation of the measures of the innovation system depends on how fast this transition happens.

Actually we always have a lag the actual results of agricultural production on the capabilities of their receipt with the full and proper use of scientific and technological achievements. This is true for the present. For example, the productive potential of plants and animals is realized at a level not exceeding 35-40% genetically determined. At the same level used opportunities to improve soil fertility. These requires, along with the development of scientific research to increase the innovative potential in all other areas, to increase the possibility of more extensive and effective use of existing and anticipated future scientific and technological developments.

There are conclusions of this study and the prospects for future developments in this area. Consequently, one of the main tasks of providing innovative system blocks agricultural is to create favorable conditions for the formation of the fund innovation and development in the production of while smooth in differences between the results obtained in the production and the potential of research and development, keeping in mind both available and afford able to consumers quantitative set of innovations and opportunities to improve their production, the economic and other indicators of agro-industrial activities.


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Hafliwwna go pefla^iï 14.09.13

Б. Жуманова, канд. екон. наук, доц.

Казахський ушверситет технологи та бiзнесу, Республ^а Казахстан


Розглянуто теоретичт та практичнi питання фiнансового забезпечення /нновац/'йного розвитку агропромислового комплексу Казахстану. Визначено загальносистемт проблеми, як перешкоджають повноцнному /нновац/'йному розвитку агропромислового комплексу Казахстану. Встановлено, що перспективним початком iнновацiйного розвитку агропромислового комплексу в Республiцi Казахстан с вiдтворення сльськогосподарських тновацй та освоення у масовй практиц бльш досконалих методiв ведення сльсько-господарськоговиробництва.

Ключовi слова: тновацйний проект у сльському господарствi, фнансування сшьськогосподарськоУ науки в Казахстан, фнансу-вання тновацП в агропромисловому комплекс.

Б. Жуманова, канд. экон. наук, доц.

Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса, Республика Казахстан


Рассмотрены теоретические и практические вопросы финансового обеспечения инновационного развития агропромышленного комплекса Казахстана. Определены общесистемные проблемы, которые препятствуют полноценному инновационному развитию агропромышленного комплекса Казахстана. Установлено, что перспективным началом инновационного развития агропромышленного комплексав Республике Казахстан являются воспроизводство сельскохозяйственных инноваций и освоение в массовой практике более совершенных методов ведения сельскохозяйственного производства.

Ключевые слова: инновационный проект в сельском хозяйстве, финансирование сельскохозяйственной науки в Казахстане, финансирование инновации в агропромышленном комплексе.

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