Научная статья на тему 'Cooperation of Kazakhstan agro industrial complex (AIC) with WTO, FAO, OECD, EU during the 25-year of sovereign development of the Republic'

Cooperation of Kazakhstan agro industrial complex (AIC) with WTO, FAO, OECD, EU during the 25-year of sovereign development of the Republic Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Sarsembayev Marat. A.

This article explores the theoretical and practical issues of cooperation of Kazakhstan’s agro-industrial complex with international economic organizations during the 25-year period of sovereign development of the Republic. It also examines the common features and differences of each international trade, economic organization in the disclosure of the total capacity of the agrarian sector and associated industries of Kazakhstan. In the process of research of the scientic theme we used the method of comparative legal analysis raised in the article the problems, as well as the generalization method of correlation of Kazakh and international law norms on agriculture and trade is used. Scientic novelty of the paper is in the offering to representatives of Kazakhstan’s agro-industrial complex to study carefully OECD analytical papers on agricultural and trade issues, on this basis to consider the possibility of implementing reforms on the creation of sustainable agriculture in the country. This would allow Kazakhstan to change the status of «guest» to the OECD member-state. And it was not only prestigious, but also protable from the economic point of view. The article explains that during growing the wheat on a sufcient scale, it is necessary to ensure diversication (diversity) of agriculture, concentrating not only on the wheat. This would ensure not only a variety of foods agriculture, but also to sell them outside the country. The author proposes to fulll the preparatory and organizational work of joining Kazakhstan in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). This would allow our agricultural scientists to be at the forefront of the most pressing international studies, that in conjunction with agriculture and animal husbandry practice would give a signicant economic impact. It is proposed that representatives of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to increase economic and resource agribusiness potential of the country as far as possible using the norms of the International Convention on the Protection and Plant Quarantine of 1997, the Uruguay Round Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture of 1995, the WTO Agreement on Technical barriers to trade, the WTO Agreement on the application of sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures of 1994, the OECD multilateral agreement on investments as a source of international agricultural and commercial law. This would have brought agriculture and trade of Kazakhstan to a new, higher level of development. Scientic results of the study can be used in the eld of activity of divisions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of National Economy (Trade), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in the science of Kazakhstan and International agricultural and commercial law

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Текст научной работы на тему «Cooperation of Kazakhstan agro industrial complex (AIC) with WTO, FAO, OECD, EU during the 25-year of sovereign development of the Republic»

УДК 341:339.9



Sarsembayev, Marat. A.

The main scholar of the Legislation Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor, Astana City, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: Resource; agriculture-industrial complex; trade law; agricultural law; customs tariffs; food market; agriculture; investments; farm-reproduction.

Abstract. This article explores the theoretical and practical issues of cooperation of Kazakhstan's agro-industrial complex with international economic organizations during the 25-year period of sovereign development of the Republic. It also examines the common features and differences of each international trade, economic organization in the disclosure of the total capacity of the agrarian sector and associated industries ofKazakhstan. In the process of research of the scientific theme we used the method of comparative legal analysis raised in the article the problems, as well as the generalization method of correlation of Kazakh and international law norms on agriculture and trade is used. Scientific novelty of the paper is in the offering to representatives of Kazakhstan's agro-industrial complex to study carefully OECD analytical papers on agricultural and trade issues, on this basis to consider the possibility of implementing reforms on the creation of sustainable agriculture in the country. This would allow Kazakhstan to change the status of«guest» to the OECD member-state. And it was not only prestigious, but also profitable from the economic point of view. The article explains that during growing the wheat on a sufficient scale, it is necessary to ensure diversification (diversity) of agriculture, concentrating not only on the wheat. This would ensure not only a variety of foods agriculture, but also to sell them outside the country. The author proposes to fulfill the preparatory and organizational work of joining Kazakhstan in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). This would allow our agricultural scientists to be at the forefront of the most pressing international studies, that in conjunction with agriculture and animal husbandry practice would give a significant economic impact. It is proposed that representatives of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to increase economic and resource agribusiness potential of the country as far as possible using the norms of the International Convention on the Protection and Plant Quarantine of 1997, the Uruguay Round Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture of1995, the WTO Agreement on Technical barriers to trade, the WTO Agreement on the application of sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures of1994, the OECD multilateral agreement on investments as a source of international agricultural and commercial law. This would have brought agriculture and trade of Kazakhstan to a new, higher level of development. Scientific results of the study can be used in the field of activity of divisions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of National Economy (Trade), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in the science of Kazakhstan and International agricultural and commercial law.


Марат Алдангор^лы Сэрсембаев

Цазацстан Республикасы Зацнама институтыныц бас гылыми цызметкерi, зац гылымдардыц докторы, профессор,

Астана ц., Цазацстан Республикасы; e-mail: [email protected]

Tymh создер: Цор; агровнеркэсттж кешеш; сауда цуцыгы; аграрлыц цуцыгы; кеден тарифi; азыц-тYлiк нарыгы; агродацылы; инвестициялар; шаруашылыц-репродуктор.

Аннотация. Осы мацалада гылыми-практикалыц ынтымацтастыцтыц цазацстандыц агровнеркэсттж кешеш халыцаралыц экономикалыц уйымдармен бiрге 25-жылдыц кезецде

егемендг дамуында зерттеледг. Онда сонымен б1рге Казацстан Республикасыныц аграрлыц саласыныц жэне онымен байланысты енеркэЫбтщ жиынтыц элеуетт ашу гсгндегг эрбгр халыцаралыц сауда, экономикалъщ уйымныц жалпы мYмкiндiктерi жэне эрцайсысыныц ерекшел1ктер1 зерттеледi. Осы гылыми тацырыпты гылыми тургыдан зерттеу процестде мацалада кетерыетт проблемаларды компаративтт (салыстырмалы-цуцыцтыц) талдау эдш, сондай-ац ауыл шаруашылыгы жэне сауда мэселелерi бойынша цазацстандыц жэне халыцаралыц цуцыц нормалары цатынасыныц талдаудан етшзтген проблемаларын цорыту эдш пайдаланылды. Мацалада Казацстанныц агроенеркэсттт кешеншц екiлдерiне ЭЫД¥-ныц аграрлыц жэне сауда мэселелерi женiндегi талдау материалдарын муцият зерделеу, осыныц негiзiнде экономикалыц тургыдан оларды ЖYзеге асыру мYмкiндiгiн ойла-стыру усынылатындыгы оныц гылыми жацалыгы болып табылады. Мацалада жеткiлiктi ауцымда бидай есре отырып, бидаймен гана туйыцталып цалмай, агродацылдардыц эртараптандырылуын (эртурлтгт) цамтамасыз ету цажеттыт негiзделедi. Бул ауыл шаруашылыгы етмдершц эр тYрiмен езiцдi гана цамтамасыз етт цоймай, сонымен бiрге оларды елдщ шегтен тысцары жерлерге де саудалауга мYмкiндiк берер едi. Мацала авторы Казацстанныц Халыцаралыц ауыл шаруашылыгы зерттеулерi женiндегi консультациялыц топца (ХАШЗКТ, CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) кiруi жентде дайындыц жэне уйымдастыру жумысын ЖYргiзудi усынады. Бул бiздiц аграрлыц саладагы галымдарымызга ец езектi деген халыцаралыц зерттеулердщ бел ортасында болуга мYмкiндiк берер едi, ал ол егт шаруашылыгы мен мал шаруашылыгы практикасымен бiрiккенде айтарлыцтай экономикалыц тшмдшк берер едi. Казацстан Республикасы агроенеркэсттт кешеншц екiлдерi ел АОК-мц экономикалыц-ресурстыц элеуетт кушейту мацсатында мYмкiндiгiне царай 1997 жылгы Qсiмдiктердi цоргау жэне олардыц карантин женiндегi халыцаралыц конвенцияныц, 1995 жылгы Дуниежузшк сауда уйымыныц (ДС¥) ауыл шаруашылыгы женiндегi Уругвай раунды келшмшц, Саудадагы техникалыц тосцауылдар женiндегi ДС¥ келшмшц, 1994 жылгы Санитарлыц жэне фитосанитарлыц шараларды цолдану женiндегi ДС¥ келшмшц, халыцаралыц аграрлыц жэне сауда цуцыгыныц кездерi ретiндегi ЭЫД¥ инвестициялар женiндегi кеп жацты келшмдершц нормаларын пайдалануы усынылады. Бул Казацстанныц ауыл шаруашылыгы мен саудасын дамудыц жаца, барынша жогары децгешне шыгарар еди Зерттеудщ гылыми нэтижелерт Казацстан Республикасыныц ауыл шаруашылыгы министрлiгi, улттыц экономика (сауда) министрлiгi, сыртцы ютер министрлiгi белiмшелерiнiц цызметi саласын-да, сондай-ац цазацстандыц жэне халыцаралыц аграрлыц жэне сауда цуцыгы гылымында пайдалануга болады.


Сарсембаев Марат Алдангорович

Главный научный сотрудник Института законодательства Республики Казахстан, доктор юридических наук, профессор, г. Астана, Республика Казахстан; e-mail: [email protected]

Ключевые слова: Ресурс; агропромышленный комплекс; торговое право; аграрное право; таможенный тариф; продовольственный рынок; агрокультура; инвестиции; хозяйство-репродуктор.

Аннотация. В этой статье исследуются научно-практические проблемы сотрудничества казахстанского агропромышленного комплекса с международными экономическими организациями в течение 25-летнего периода суверенного развития республики. В ней также исследуются общие возможности и отличия каждой международной торговой, экономической организации в деле раскрытия совокупного потенциала аграрной сферы и связанного с ней промышленности Республики Казахстан. В процессе научного исследования данной научной темы использован метод компаративистского (сравнительно-правового) анализа поднимаемых в статье проблем, а также метод обобщения проанализированных проблем соотношения норм казахстанского и международного права по вопросам сельского хозяйства и торговли. Научная новизна статьи заключается в том, что в ней предлагается представителям агропромышленного комплекса Казахстана тщательно изучать аналитические материалы ОЭСР по аграрным и торговым вопросам, на этой базе продумать возможность осуществления реформ по созданию устойчивого сельского хо-

::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: '.Международное Право U Сравнительное ПравОввдвНИв

зяйства в стране. Это позволило бы Казахстану сменить статус «приглашенного» на статус государства-члена ОЭСР. И это стало бы не только престижно, но и выгодно с экономической точки зрения. В статье обосновывается, что, выращивая пшеницу в достаточных масштабах, необходимо обеспечивать диверсификацию (разнообразие) агрокультур, не замыкаться только на пшенице. Это позволило бы обеспечивать не только себя разнообразными продуктами сельского хозяйства, но и торговать ими далеко за пределами страны. Автор статьи предлагает провести подготовительную и организационную работу по вхождению Казахстана в Консультативную группу по международным сельскохозяйственным исследованиям (КГМСХИ, CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research). Это позволило бы нашим ученым-аграриям быть на острие самых актуальных международных исследований, что в соединении с практикой земледелия и животноводства дало бы существенный экономический эффект. Предлагается, чтобы представители агропромышленного комплекса Республики Казахстан в целях увеличения экономико-ресурсного потенциала АПК страны по возможности использовали нормы Международной конвенции по защите и карантину растений 1997 года, Соглашения Уругвайского раунда Всемирной торговой организации (ВТО) по сельскому хозяйству 1995 года, Соглашения ВТО по техническим барьерам в торговле, Соглашения ВТО по применению санитарных и фитосанитарных мер 1994 года, многосторонних соглашений ОЭСР по инвестициям как источников международного аграрного и торгового права. Это вывело бы сельское хозяйство и торговлю Казахстана на новый, более высокий уровень развития. Научные результаты исследования могут быть использованы в сфере деятельности подразделений министерства сельского хозяйства, министерства национальной экономики (торговли), министерства иностранных дел Республики Казахстан, а также в науке казахстанского и международного аграрного и торгового права.

By decree ofMarch28, 2016 «On celebrating the 25-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan» Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev approved the Concept of the celebration of the 25-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan «25 Years of Unity and Creation», which stated that «the international community appreciates Kazakhstan's achievements to build a stable, successful, competitive state pursued a policy of strengthening national unity». It also refers to the need to improve the competitiveness of the economy, including the agricultural sector on the world economic scene. The President also said that this holiday is the great event of the year [1]. By the 25-th anniversary of the republic the agricultural sector shows a significant increase in development. You can proudly assert that Kazakhstan is in the group of leading countries that provide global food security. The study of agriculture in line with its international relations will allow to work out recommendations for inviting foreign specialists of high class, to introduce advanced foreign experience, to intensify efforts to attract foreign investments, to find new markets for agricultural products and food in other countries. Of course, we had and have our the Williams, Dokuchaevs, Maltsevs and Zhahaevs, research works and agricultural practice which we should certainly learn. However, solving the issue of foreign specialists-agrarians we need, to my opinion, to invite such experts, who clearly know how to put into practice the agricultural scientific achievements of agricultural science

in view of the specific features of the local area. It is desirable to invite specialists from Canada, the Nordic European countries, from arid countries (for example, Israel), which can grow decent crops in their areas, «more or less risky agriculture». In other words, the Republic of Kazakhstan in this regard could conclude a package of intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements with these and other similar countries in which it would be appropriate to write the rules on invitation to Kazakhstan the necessary specialists, on dispatch to these countries of the Kazakhstan scientists and specialists, students, undergraduates. Farmers of Kazakhstan shall cooperate closely in the preparation of agricultural training with universities, specialized research institutions, advanced training courses in countries such as Germany, Canada, Australia, Singapore. To these countries directs our attention the country's President in his Message of 30 November 2015. To implement this provision of the Message The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs could develop with concerned agencies of the cooperation agreements on this subject. Such agreements would allow to expand opportunities for international scientific and educational consortium, which was created at the Kazakh National Agrarian University with the support of partners, universities and research centers of 70 countries in which the scientists of the University and foreign colleagues are conducting research on biological resources and environmental management.

Of particular relevance today takes the

multilateral cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the international organizations. We should welcome the fact that Kazakhstan is currently in the process of active agricultural cooperation with FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), the OIE (Office International des Epizooties), the WTO (World trade organization), EC (European Union), the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation).

In WTO today there are tendencies of refusal from direct measures of state support of the agrarian sector. In this regard, the WTO and in the agro-food markets of the world can not but arouse the interest of the countries Cairns group, the Association of agricultural products exporting countries (established in 1986 in the Australian city of Cairns), which now includes Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Vietnam, New Zealand, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Thailand, Uruguay, the Philippines, South Africa. In this group of countries the level of direct government subsidies in the sphere of agricultural production is minimal: the countries of this group tend to develop its agricultural sector due to the increase of competitiveness and the implementation of efficiency. It should be emphasized that for the Cairns Group of countries that do not have direct support for its agricultural production, characterized by higher growth in agricultural productivity factors in the subsequent period of the abolition of state subsidies. Kazakhstan is not in this group. It would be desirable to Kazakhstan and other EAEU participating countries worthily became part of the group in the future. Accession of Kazakhstan to the WTO became «an important priority for the economic development of the country», including the agricultural and trade sector, promotes «the expansion and deepening of integration processes aimed at mutually beneficial cooperation» [2, 74].

In the OECD there is no state of the Eurasian Economic Union, which would have a membership in this organization. Only one state - the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015 received the status of «guest» state. In cooperation with the OECD in this capacity, Kazakhstan has an opportunity to receive advice on increasing direct foreign investments to the country with a view to diversification, the accelerated development of its agriculture in particular, as well as improving the competitiveness of all sectors of Kazakhstan's economy, producing high-quality goods, including the agro-industrial complex. Particularly close relationship Kazakhstan supports with the Committee of the promotion of this respectful international organization.

One of the activities of the OECD refers to food products, agriculture and fisheries. Kazakhstan, like other states, seeks to both domestic and foreign markets to take a variety of measures to support agricultural production. The competence of the Directorate for food products, agriculture and fisheries of the OECD is to prepare the necessary analytical materials and recommendations aimed at assisting Governments to achieve their objectives, in particular, to prevent failures in agricultural trade. These activities include: the implementation of reforms in the sphere of agricultural policy, the implementation of trade liberalization of the agricultural sector production economy and sustainable development of agriculture and fisheries. Kazakhstani agribusiness representatives have already carefully considered these analyzes, to consider the possibility of implementing reforms on the creation of sustainable agriculture in the country. Such approaches will allow Kazakhstan to change quickly the status of «guest» on the status of member state of this organization. It should be emphasized that the annual reports entitled «OECD Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation» is a unique, made up at a high international level of analytical information about changes in agricultural policy in the world and the countries, their consequences. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministries of other countries related to agricultural issues must be constantly aware of this information. Collection of «Review of OECD Agriculture», highlighting areas of agrarian market development, to assess the impact of agriculture on the natural environment should be required reading for all farmers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

One of the results of the fruitful cooperation between Kazakhstan and the OECD is in the developing in 2011 an important document -Review of Agricultural Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which contains a detailed analysis of the agricultural sector, evaluation of the effectiveness of the invested public funding and other resources. Subject to the requirements of the OECD Review of the agricultural policy monitoring procedure is carried out every two years, which is defined and assessed the level of support to agricultural producers by the state. Through monitoring we own reliable and comparable quantitative data on state support for the agricultural sector in the country. On January 22, 2015 between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the OECD a Memorandum on the implementation of the Country Program for 2015-2016 was signed, which provides the implementation of major projects in key areas of social and economic development of the country, including the agricultural sector. It should be

noted that this document was signed by only 4 countries, the implementation of which will be a strategic step towards the country's joining in the 30 most developed countries of the world. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan set the task for the public authorities «in the planning, development and implementation of programs at all levels», including development of agribusiness programs, «to comply with the 5 key principles based on OECD recommendations: monitoring, continuity, transparency, validity, control.»

Since 1997 the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN) is implementing in Kazakhstan the management programs for natural resources, food security, the production of eco-friendly organic food, to ensure the protection of animal health and production of livestock products. In cooperation with the FAO Investment Centre, the Government of Kazakhstan in this period managed to attract about 740 million US dollars from funding partners, which are the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which contributed to the dynamic growth of agriculture in Kazakhstan.

In the process of cooperation with FAO Kazakhstan has an opportunity to receive advice from a qualified agricultural high-class specialists in the development of the most appropriate for the country's agricultural policy, consulting and technical assistance in the implementation of the priorities of the agricultural sector, to respond quickly to relevant changes in the agricultural policy of the country. This cooperation enables the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the governments of other countries to determine the most important areas of agricultural production, taking into account characteristics of the region and on this basis to develop recommendations. FAO representative in Kazakhstan is connected with implementation of regional projects with the participation of specialized agencies and enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

It is desirable and necessary to listen to consultations of the FAO. At the same time, Kazakh farmers have to be critical to some consultations, taking into consideration the characteristics of the climate and growing agricultures in Kazakhstan. For example, experts of UN organizations insist that Kazakhstan should be engaged only in the production of wheat, based on the fact that it is the Kazakh wheat has an important place in the world production of agriculture for food security on a global scale. In principle, such a recommendation as a whole deserves to be listened to it in our country. We have no objection in general against such a formulation of the question and consider that wheat really

is the basis of the food security in the world. At the same time we can not ignore the fact that the Kazakh territory presents all kinds of climate: from hard frosts to excessively hot weather. Therefore, growing wheat on a sufficient scale, we must ensure diversification (diversity) of agricultures.

The Republic of Kazakhstan should always look closely to the latest developed under the auspices of the Office International des Epizooties (now - the World Organization for Animal Health) international standards, guidelines and recommendations related to the issues of animal health. Kazakhstan in cooperation with the Office International des Epizooties can count on him to receive methodological, technical and other assistance. Kazakhstan clearly implements the provisions of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Office International des Epizooties about the program on veterinary cooperation. With the opening in Astana subregional coordination office of the OIE for the control of the murrain on the Central Asian region is carried out considerable work on strengthening control over the prevention of foot and mouth disease, to develop common approaches to ensure adequate control of the murrain at the regional Central Asian level, at the joint efforts of veterinary services of all the countries of the Central Asian region, including the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating the murrain together with the specialized commissions of the OIE.

The agrarian legal relations of Kazakhstan with the European Union have evolved and developed in two ways: directly with the union - the European Union and each member state of the European Union in particular. On January 25, 1995 in Brussels, the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the one hand, and the European Communities and their Member States, on the other hand, was signed. Among the 7 key areas of implementation of the projects the agrarian sector in the framework of the signed agreement is to be funded. This legal instrument became the basis of Kazakhstan's exports of agricultural products to the European Union member countries. European countries and the authorities of European integration provided for Kazakhstan real assistance in the modernization of the livestock sector, the production of the necessary equipment and materials for agriculture, necessary for private farming. Indicative Programs for Kazakhstan, designed for the period of 1996-1999, 20012002 and 2003-2004, for the development of the agro-industrial sector and its base infrastructure, have been successfully implemented. In turn, Kazakhstan has developed and adopted a

document «On the State (special) program Path to Europe» for 2009-2011. Thanks to them, Kazakhstan received power development for the processing of raw materials, agricultural production. In the period from 1991 to 1998 through the European Union, Kazakhstan has received allocations for the development of its agriculture in the amount of 16, 9 million euros.

Kazakhstan and the European Union is now linked by a common international legal instrument - an Agreement to expand cooperation and partnership of 21 December 2015. Currently, the European Union and the Republic of Kazakhstan are the largest trading partners. This is evident from the fact that the foreign trade of Kazakhstan with the European Union in various goods, including agricultural, was in the amount of over 53 billion dollars at the end of 2014, accounting for 53.2 percent of the total foreign trade turnover of the country. During the period from January to September 2015, this figure amounted to 24.5 billion dollars, which corresponds to approximately to the same percentage of the total volume of foreign trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This Agreement serves as the legal foundation of relations of Kazakhstan with each European state party of the EU. Economic agreements and conventions between Kazakhstan and individual European states define bilateral relations in various sectors of the economy, including the agricultural sector. Thus, the Netherlands as an EU member is a major investor in the economy of Kazakhstan. This country is the second European country to export agricultural products. Italy and the Netherlands occupy the 3-rd and 4-th place in terms of turnover among the foreign trade partners after China and Russia.

Italian researcher A. Pekoraro believes that the Russian embargo on imports of foodstuffs produced in the EU is a measure prohibited by Article XI of the GATT [3, 19-20]. Based on the content of paragraph 1 of Article XI of the GATT (WTO), which says that «none of the contracting parties does not establish or does not save on the importation of any product from the territory of the other contracting party or export or sale for export of any product destined for the territory the other contracting party, no prohibitions or restrictions, whether in the form of quotas, import or export licenses or other measures, in addition to duties, taxes or other charges «, it turns out that action to impose reciprocal sanctions is illegal, not only from Russia, but and from the European Union.

Therefore, the participants of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the Russian Federation and the European Union on 24 June 1994 should sit down at the negotiating table and resolve these and other issues. The

main thing here - to eliminate the causes that led to the sanctions because they do not allow members of the EAEC adequately expand economic and trade cooperation with the WTO, FAO, OECD.

According to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) established Islamic Organization for Food Security was established, whose headquarters is located in the city of Astana. This organization assists in providing a more efficient organization of supplies of the Kazakh grain and other food to the poor countries of the Islamic organization allocated by international financial organizations funds. This may assist in finding additional markets for the Kazakh grain. With this organization, you can ensure the implementation of major investment projects for the creation of the necessary infrastructures in the country. This approach will create conditions for increasing the volume of exports of grain and other food products.

It is desirable occurrence of Kazakhstan in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research), established in 1971, is the world's largest association of 15 international agricultural research centers. Through membership in the CGIAR Kazakhstan could have access to the world's largest gene pool of agricultural plants and animals, to the rich collection of various species of plants and animals. Centers and scientists of this international association could provide the Kazakh agrarians quality consulting and services expertise of agricultural scientific technology. But, taking into account that the entry fee is 500 thousand dollars, the global economic crisis, that has affected Kazakhstan, it makes sense to refrain from membership of our country in this international research center.

Today, JSC «National Holding» KazAgro» is engaged with three projects. The cost of all three projects amounts to 8 billion tenge, or nearly 50 million dollars, including 2.3 billion tenge of foreign direct investment. These projects are related with reproductive farm with two thousand heads of cattle in the Akmola region in the form of LLP «Kazbeef Ltd», reproductive farm with 3 thousand heads of cattle in the Kostanai region in the form of LLP «Global Beef», which promoted by American company «Global Beef Investors», feed mill, which produces 37 million tons of animal feed annually, in the form of LLP «Agrotrading -2007» with the assistance of «Agravis AG» Group from Germany.

We are aware of successful projects in the framework of the agro-industrial complex, which implemented by global leaders for production of high-quality dairy products. In

the framework of private international law the French company «Danone» and «Lactalis» formed together with Kazakh entrepreneurs joint ventures, for example, LLP

«Food Master», which are very popular among the population of Kazakhstan. With the economic entities of Russia, China, Hungary international commercial agreements and contracts were signed. For example, holding «Efko» of Russia is implementing a project to launch oil and fat plants, which will operate in Almaty and North Kazakhstan oblasts and process annually about 660 thousand tons of oilseeds. These plants are planning to process sunflower, soybean and rapeseeds. Investment is 26.6 billion tenge. Chinese investors in the Akmola region are implementing the «KazGluten Co» project. The project consists in the construction of the plant, which will produce glucose and fruit syrups: cost of the project is 18.5 billion tenge. We should pay particular attention to the signed by the joint-stock company «National Managing holding «KazAgro» and the Hungarian Export-Import Bank of important bilateral international legal document - a memorandum of understanding in which the designated target in the form of the need for a joint fund to finance agricultural projects, whose duty is the investment in projects of agriculture and food industry of the republic.

Economic and resource potential of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan will be increased if we are able to make proper use of the Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on agriculture in the interests of the country. This agreement became legally binding for all WTO member states from 1 January 1995. For Kazakhstan, it became a binding international instrument from the date of its accession to the WTO - from 30 November 2015. Becoming a member of this prestigious and important international economic and trade organization, the Republic of Kazakhstan is now obliged to think not only about themselves but about the interests of the entire international trade and agricultural system as a whole. Therefore the preamble of the Agreement states that the «long-term objective of the reform process initiated by the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations is to establish a fair and market-oriented agricultural trading system».

This goal is achieved by specific international commitments which assumed by the member states of this organization. The essence of these international obligations is a gradual reduction of restrictions on access to the domestic market of agricultural products, reducing both domestic support and export subsidies, as well as in the establishment of

sufficiently strict and effective rules of the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). Although such concepts as food security and the need to protect the environment have no direct relationship to agricultural trade, but nevertheless Agreement regulates these issues. The provisions of the Agreement shall apply to trade in agricultural raw materials: wheat, milk, live animals, for example, products that have become established as a result of primary processing of agricultural raw materials: for example, wheat, butter, sour cream. To such trade framework much recycled products, which include sausage, chocolate, may fit. The agreement also regulates the trade and wine, spirits and tobacco products, fiber in the form of cotton, wool, silk, animal skins. What is surprising is that trade in fish and fishery products are not covered by the Agreement.

Experience of many countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan, shows that the negotiations on agriculture is due to the issue of possible accession to the WTO, they were and are so complicated and lengthy. The accession process from the beginning of negotiations on agricultural topics to solve the issue of accession of the state to the World Trade Organization consists of three stages. So, on the first stage Kazakhstan had a chance to start bilateral negotiations on access to the market: in these negotiations was a question of the tariff concessions. As it is known, the Uruguay Round led to the agreement on the need to control the access of imported products only through tariffs, which meant that the maximum rate of customs duties on products of agricultural production should be strictly fixed, then to be gradually reduced in accordance with an agreed scale. During the second stage Kazakhstan entered the negotiations on the level of government subsidies to domestic support for agricultural sector of the economy. Not less long phase the negotiations has been on ensuring the state level export subsidies. When taken to the WTO Kazakhstan managed to «defend the right to the provision of state support of agriculture in the amount of 8.5 % of the gross value of agricultural products (currently, the figure is 5%)» [4, 2]. This is a great achievement of the country and it is necessary in the initial stage of the country's membership in the WTO.

International obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as all other WTO member countries in the field of access to agrarian goods market, were limited to the following. The country has committed to provide market access to agricultural products only to tariff measures. The country also undertook not to use any other restrictions on access to the market, with the exception of customs tariffs. It also undertook to establish fixed rates of customs

International law and comparative jurisprudence

tariffs on agricultural products, which it should gradually reduce. Moreover, if the developed countries under this Agreement should reduce the average level of tariffs on agricultural products by 36 percent, with minimal reduction for each agricultural commodity should reach 15 percent. But developing countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan, during 10 years should reduce tariffs by 24 percent and 10 percent in respect of each product.

The manufacturing industry of the country, subject to processing of which are largely grown in Kazakhstan agricultural products, as stated in the President's Message - 2015, increased by 1.3 times, which led to a substantial increase in the export of Kazakhstani goods. Kazakhstan must skillfully use the advantages of reciprocal trade in agricultural products within the EAEU, and foreign trade in the WTO and in

good faith to carry out the obligations arising from international treaties and agreements of integration [5, 66].

It would be desirable that representatives of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to increase economic and resource agribusiness potential of the country as far as possible use standards covered in this research paper agreements, as well as the norms of the international Convention on the Protection and Plant Quarantine 1997, the Agreement of the Uruguay Round of the World Trade Organization, Agreement on agriculture of the WTO, Agreement on technical barriers to trade, the WTO Agreement on the application of sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures of 1994, the OECD multilateral agreement on investments as the sources of international agricultural and commercial law.


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2. Kulzhabayeva J.O. Sblizhenie natsionalnogo zakonodatelstva s pravovymi normami Vsemirnoy torgovoy organizatsii (WTO). - Sootnoshenie mezhdunarodnogo prava i natsionalnogo zakonodatefstva: problemy implementatsii. - Astana: ТОО «KazGYU Konsalting», 2015. - Pp. 68-74.

3. Pecoraro A. Justifying Russian Sanctions: Quantitative Restrictions on Trade and Security Exceptions in WTO Law. - Pravo i gosudarstvo. - 2015. - № 4 (69). - Pp. 19-23.

4. Kuryatov V. Kazakhstan - WTO: na printsipach svobodnoy torgovli i otkrytogo vzaimodeistviya. - Kazakhstanskaya pravda. - 2015. - 28 iyulya. - P. 2.

5. Sagidan A.J. Osobennosti zaklyuchenia mezhdunarodnych soglasheniy о zonach svobodnoy torgovli s gosudarstvami-chlenami integratsionnych ob'edineniy s tretimi stranami. - Vestnik Instituta zakonodatelstva Respubliki Kazakhstan. - 2014. - № 4 (36). - Pp. 63-67.

УДЕ 342.52; 34.05; 34.07



Dostan Dosmyrza

Head of Department of constitutional, administrative legislation and public administration of the Institute of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail: [email protected]

Almas Kanatovich Kanatov

Head of Department of criminal, criminal procedural, criminal executive legislation and forensic examination of the Institute of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail: [email protected]

Key words: legislation; regulations; analysis of legal regulation; comparative law analysis; law enforcement activity.

Abstract. Considering the legislative regulation in the sphere of law enforcement activity the

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