Научная статья на тему 'Current areas of improvement of state regulation of entrepreneurship and investment activity in Kazakhstan"s food industry (on the example of milk processing enterprises)'

Current areas of improvement of state regulation of entrepreneurship and investment activity in Kazakhstan"s food industry (on the example of milk processing enterprises) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
перерабатывающие предприятия молочной отрасли Казахстана / молочные корпорации / независимые молокоперерабатывающие предприятия МСБ / меры по стимулированию инвестиционной деятельности в отрасли / переробні підприємства молочної галузі Казахстану / молочні корпорації / незалежні молокопереробні підприємства МСБ / заходи щодо стимулювання інвестиційної діяльності в галузі / dairy industry processing enterprises of Kazakhstan / dairy corporations / independent dairy enterprises of small and medium size / measures to encourage investment in the industry

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Шорабаева Зарина Амантаевна

В статье рассматриваются проблемы государственного регулирования предпринимательства и инвестиционной деятельности перерабатывающих предприятий молочной отрасли Казахстана в контексте задач обеспечения продовольственной безопасности и социально-экономического развития республики. Представлен авторский подход к выбору методов государственного стимулирования развития конкурентной среды в отрасли. Обосновано положение о том, что перерабатывающие предприятия отрасли нуждаются в глубоко дифференцированном подходе со стороны государства. Средства, предусмотренные для поддержки отрасли в рамках Государственной программы «Агробизнес-2020» должны быть перенаправлены исключительно в адрес независимых молокоперерабатывающих предприятия МСБ. В то же время необходимо ужесточение требований государства к инвестиционной политике международных молочных корпораций, действующих на территории Казахстана.

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The problems of state regulation of business and investment activity of the processing enterprises of the dairy industry in Kazakhstan within the context of food security and socio-economic development are considered in the article. The author"s approach to the choice of government’s methods for stimulating the development of a competitive environment in the industry is presented. It is justified that processing enterprises of the industry need a deep differentiated approach from the state side. The funds provided to support the industry under the State program «Agrobusiness-2020» should be forwarded exclusively to independent dairy enterprises of small and medium size. At the same time it is necessary to tighten the state investment policy for international dairy corporations operating in the territory of Kazakhstan.

Текст научной работы на тему «Current areas of improvement of state regulation of entrepreneurship and investment activity in Kazakhstan"s food industry (on the example of milk processing enterprises)»

Данные таблицы свидетельствуют о том, что за пятилетний период возросло число хозяйств, повысивших продуктивность коров. Это произошло за счет сокращения числа предприятий с удоями до 2500 кг на корову.

Хозяйства, ранее имевшие убыточное малопродуктивное молочное стадо, увеличив надои, добились повышения уровня рентабельности молочного скотоводства. Таким образом, значительные различия в уровне годового удоя молока на 1 корову по группам предприятий свидетельствуют о наличии резервов для повышения продуктивности молочного скотоводства в регионе

УДК 330.322:338. 4

Z.A. Shorabayeva*


Шорабаева З.А. Актуальные направления совершенствования государственного регулирования предпринимательства и инвестиционной деятельности в пищевой отрасли Казахстана (на материалах молокоперерабатывающих предприятий). - Статья .

В статье рассматриваются проблемы государственного регулирования предпринимательства и инвестиционной деятельности перерабатывающих предприятий молочной отрасли Казахстана в контексте задач обеспечения продовольственной безопасности и социально-экономического развития республики . Представлен авторский подход к выбору методов государственного стимулирования развития конкурентной среды в отрасли . Обосновано положение о том, что перерабатывающие предприятия отрасли нуждаются в глубоко дифференцированном подходе со стороны государства. Средства, предусмотренные для поддержки отрасли в рамках Государственной программы «Агробизнес-2020» должны быть перенаправлены исключительно в адрес независимых молокоперерабатывающих предприятия МСБ . В то же время необходимо ужесточение требований государства к инвестиционной политике международных молочных корпораций, действующих на территории Казахстана .

Ключевые слова: перерабатывающие предприятия молочной отрасли Казахстана, молочные корпорации, независимые молокоперерабатывающие предприятия МСБ, меры по стимулированию инвестиционной деятельности в отрасли

Shorabayeva Z.A. Current areas of improvement of state regulation of entrepreneurship and investment activity in Kazakhstan's food industry (on the example of milk processing enterprises). -


* Шорабаева Зарина Амантаевна - магистрант, кафедра экономики и менеджмента, специальность «Государственное и местное управление», Казахстанско-Британский Технологический Университет (КБТУ), г. Алматы, Казахстан.

Список литературы

1. Назаренко В. И. Продовольственная безопасность / В. И.Назаренко // Аграрный вестник Урала,- 2007. - № 3. - С. 16-21.

2. Каймышев В . Г. Молочная индустрия России: проблемы и перспективы / В.Г. Каймышев // Экономика сельского хозяйства и перерабатывающих предприятий . - 2003. -№ 5. - С. 8-11.

3. Основные показатели развития агропромышленного комплекса Челябинской области в 2005-2010 годах. - Челябинск, 2011 - 105 с

The problems of state regulation of business and investment activity of the processing enterprises of the dairy industry in Kazakhstan within the context of food security and socio-economic development are considered in the article. The author's approach to the choice of government's methods for stimulating the development of a competitive environment in the industry is presented . It is justified that processing enterprises of the industry need a deep differentiated approach from the state side. The funds provided to support the industry under the State program «Agrobusiness-2020» should be forwarded exclusively to independent dairy enterprises of small and medium size. At the same time it is necessary to tighten the state investment policy for international dairy corporations operating in the territory of Kazakhstan .

Keywords: dairy industry processing enterprises of Kazakhstan, dairy corporations, independent dairy enterprises of small and medium size, measures to encourage investment in the industry

Шорабаєва З.А. Актуальні напрямки вдосконалювання державного регулювання підприємництва та інвестиційної діяльності в харчовій галузі Казахстану (на матеріалах молокопереробних підприємств). - Стаття .

У статті розглядаються проблеми державного регулювання підприємництва та інвестиційної діяльності переробних підприємств молочної галузі Казахстану в контексті завдань забезпечення продовольчої безпеки та соціально-економічного розвитку республіки . Представлено авторський підхід до вибору методів державного стимулювання розвитку конкурентного середовища в галузі. Обґрунтовано положення про те, що переробні підприємства галузі потребують глибоко диференційованого підходу з боку держави . Кошти, що передбачені для підтримки галузі в рамках Державної програми «Агробізнес-2020 «мають бути перенаправлені виключно на незалежні молокопереробні підприємства МСБ . У той самий час необхідно посилити вимоги держави до інвестиційної політики міжнародних молочних корпорацій, що діють на території Казахстану

Ключові слова: переробні підприємства молочної галузі Казахстану, молочні корпорації, незалежні молокопереробні підприємства МСБ, заходи щодо стимулювання інвестиційної діяльності в галузі .

Milk and dairy products have traditionally played a major role in the diet of the population, are in steady and growing demand. The level of consumption in Kazakhstan is still several times lower than the European, but the market volume increases every year by about 5 % [1, p .19-21].

In several regions of Kazakhstan (in Kostanai, North Kazakhstan, Akmola, Almaty, Zhambyl and South Kazakhstan regions) have the necessary climatic and socio-economic conditions for the development of the cluster milk production and processing [2].

However, despite this, the situation is alarming in the industry specialists

1 The processing enterprises do not provide the processing of all milk produced in Kazakhstan The country produced 5 million 300 thousand tons of milk and processed industrial way only 1 million 300 thousand tons (about 25 %) [3]. (For comparison: Belarus produced 5 million 800 thousand tons - but almost the same quantity are processed [4]) .

2. At the same time milk enterprises experiencing an acute shortage of raw materials (production capacity for receiving and processing of marketable milk, most of the year have partial load) - and therefore actively used for the production of dairy products imported milk powder and herbal products [2]

3 Enterprise sector cannot fully meet the demand and saturate Kazakh dairy market, which experts called «depended on import» [5].

In the last decade there was a steady increase of import of dairy products In the period from 2005 to 2010 (when there were no Customs Union), it was increased by 39. 3 % . In 2011, the share of imported dairy products in the Kazakh market made: on condensed and concentrated milk - 98 % over the cheese and cottage cheese - 58 % for butter - 33 % . In general, the annual imports of dairy products in monetary terms is about 60 billion tenge [1, p. 19-21] . And in 2012, after the entry into force of the rules of the Customs Union in the northern and western regions, cheaper Kazakh dairy

products was pushed from the shelves by Russia's dairy products [4].

This, frankly, is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of food security, state of the industry maintained throughout the last decade -but , despite the implementation of a number of government programs, the problems have not been solved. Planned results of following programs «Program development of agricultural production RK for 2000-2002», «Import substitution program in light industry and food industry in the years 2001-2003», «Agro-food program in 2003-2005» and «Program for development of rural areas for 2004-2010» [6]. (For more information about shortcomings and necessity to review state programs in the field of industrial policy - see [7]) were not achieved.

The State Program on «Agrobusiness 2020», adopted in 2012, set following targets «to increase production of competitive dairy products almost 2-fold, reducing the dependence on imports by product deep processing of milk and reduce the share of imports in domestic consumption by 15 %» [1] As in previous programs, the emphasis is on stimulating the development of a competitive environment in the industry Planned to subsidize the cost of processing enterprises to purchase raw materials for the production of milk powder, butter and cheese, thus increasing the attractiveness of private equity investments in these activities And, of course, this program is not about direct public investment: the leading role in the industry is reserved for private business

Attempts to implement such an approach has already been made repeatedly - but did not bring the population of the republic and the state long-awaited changes - there were no reduction «depended on import» products or saturation of the market with quality products or lower prices for dairy products Rather - on the contrary, the problem only exacerbated: there is a marked discrepancy between the main trends in the development of the processing enterprises of the dairy industry public policy in ensure of food security

Hence - the study of the question is:

- How exactly should change investment activity of processing industry to contribute to the socio - economic development of Kazakhstan?

Data from the Agency for Statistics of Kazakhstan it is obvious that located in the 80s in almost every region of the country the largest 2-3 milk industrial complexes (each had a vast network of milk collection points), replaced by few hundred enterprises significantly lower performance recycling from 5 to 50 tons of milk per day Each of them has its own specialization and product range Agency divides them into the following groups: whole milk and ice cream, fermented milk, cheese and cheese manufacture products, butter, cheese, canned milk production, processing of secondary dairy raw materials [3, p . 20]. The main volume of dairy products produced by several large enterprises

There are 3 trading brands of dairy products in the top of national brands in Kazakhstan «KazBrand 2011»: «Food Master», «Odari» and «Aynalayin» [8]. Group of companies «Food Master» includes six dairy companies and the largest in the entire Central Asian region for the production of ice cream factory Second trademark belongs to the group of companies «Agroproduct», which includes 15 milk processing factories . Brand «Aynalayin» belongs to LLP «Raimbek Agro», which is part of the group of companies «Raimbek Group»

Thus, a dominant position in the industry do not even occupied by several dozen of independent milk industrial complexes, but several vertically integrated (from preparation of forges and dairy farms - to own retail outlets) corporations Investment activities of these enterprises are organized in accordance with international standards of management and based on financial resources on the international capital market (For the world economy it is a quite common situation For example, the Russian dairy market is almost completely divided between three dairy corporations

«Unimilk», «Danone» and «Wimm-Bill-Dann» [9]. There are competences in the Russian market only between these three companies but not between entering into their structure milk enterprises)

In Kazakhstan continue to operate about one hundred and fifty «independent» dairy enterprises of small and medium size (SMSE) - although their number is gradually decreasing There are no official statistics about aggregated data on how many of them included in the Kazakh dairy corporations According to Agency for Statistics of Kazakhstan total number of active enterprises for the production of dairy products has changed in recent years as follows: 2007 - 331; 2008 - 206, in 2009 -209, 2010 - 207, 2011 - 183 [3, p. 20].

The investment activity of any enterprise is primarily determined by availability of long-term loans (of course in case if we will not consider the possibility of someone's investment in exchange for partial or complete loss of control over the business, i . e . , the actual change of ownership)

It is obvious that the conditions of access to investment resources from companies belonging to Kazakhstan «Dairy corporation» (which credited by international financial markets) and «independent» dairy SMSE (who are dealing with domestic banks) - are very different

Therefore, in our opinion, there is no sense to talk about the investment activities of all dairy companies «as a whole» (as well as, on encourage of a competitive environment «in general») We must admit that there are two very different groups in the industry - members of the «Dairy Corporation» and «independent» SMSE And, accordingly, there are two very different approaches to defining the relevant issues for improving investment activity.

Analysis of the recommendations of scientists and practitioners (independent experts and business leaders) showed that the idea of the industry without isolation as its structural elements «dairy corporations» and «independent» SMEs inherent not only to

developers of government programs, but also to the scientific - expert community (see, eg, [9-13] and others). Review of the literature on this subject, we do not present here due to space constraints article

Greatest interest for us was made the recommendations of Chairman of the Board of JSC FoodMaster: « . . . requires a set of longterm and emergency measures: protection of the domestic market from hidden dumping and falsified goods, to develop long-term plans for the production and consumption and the resulting this balance of distribution between domestic production and imports Strengthening the role of technical regulation and control of incoming goods into the country, leave preferences for the transit period of 3-5 years of joining to the WTO, subsidies for the production of raw materials and their processing Make a zero rate of income tax for the processing industry; it will stimulate the development of any production Measures and amounts of government support to make commensurate with the amount provided in other countries that are our major trading partners (for example: in Russia in the list of measures of 8 points, and we have only 2 points - this program «Roadmap 2020» and subsidizing interest rates loans) . Necessary to ensure the availability of credit, issued for diary producers and milk refiners for example like in WTO member countries, which funding projects with a rate of 0-2 % for 25-30 years . Create conditions for investment in the warehouse and logistics sector and the development of road transport routes Creation at the state expense the network of independent laboratories for irrespective control of parameters of quality and safety of milk» [4]

Analysis of the recommendations of scientists and practitioners allows us to assert that all the authors somehow avoided answering the question: What should be the total amount of public spending on the development of the industry, how much of this money will go to the development of «dairy corporations» - and what will get «independent» milk processing

SME? And most of them predicting catastrophe that would happen if the government cannot (or unwilling) to finance the «complex longterm and emergency measures»

Now let's see what kind of company so insistent demands for a government bailout. It is no secret that the Food Master in 2004 was acquired by French (origin) and transnational dairy corporation «Lactalis» Which belongs 200 processing enterprises worldwide (in 2011 she was named «number one dairy company in the world») [4]

In fact, among companies who were wishing to purchase FoodMaster were also all three mentioned above Russian dairy corporation «Unimilk», «Danone» and «Wimm-Bill-Dann » But «Lactalis» was won . But, desire to enter into the dairy market in Kazakhstan of «Wimm-Bill-Dann» company was so great that they bought a Kyrgyz company «Bishkeksut» [14].

In recent years, the market of packaged milk in Almaty aggregate share of JSC «AIC «Adal», LLP «Food Master Trade», JSC «Food Master», LLP «Wimm-Bill-Dann CA-Almaty», LLP «RG Brands Kazakhstan», LLP «Danone Berkut», LLP «Raimbek Agro» and LLP «Agroproduct Asia» is over 90 % [15] Moreover, since 2008, these companies have repeatedly accused by the Kazakhstan Agency for Competition Protection (ACP) in violation of antitrust laws, of price collusion and inflating the prices for their products [4] - seems, that these are really features of «competition» between dairy corporations According to Chairman of the Board JSC «Food Master», «there were no collusion, just higher prices for dairy products which depend on the growth in raw milk prices, fuel and energy prices. In practice is that the producers are trying to compensate for rising prices for raw materials, energy, fuel, etc. - Naturally, it takes place at one and the same time . It would be strange to work at a loss constantly in certain regions We are not just not agree, we intend to appeal this decision to the Supreme Court» [4] Perhaps she is right But - attention - read further: «We invest

heavily in the development of the company Over the past few years the company invested a lot of money - since 2007 - 6 billion. For example, over the last 2 years 1 2 billion tenge was invested in the Issyk dairy factory, and for the last 3 years to 1 6 billion tenge spent Pavlodar JSC «Sut». This money was spent to 100 % reconstruction of all the company's plants in Kazakhstan» [4]

«Profits have been increasing form year to year, due to the geographical expansion of the company in the market of Kazakhstan If before we were present in only in 6-8 cities, now we have 18 to 22 cities. Further increase in profit is expected due to the expansion of distribution» [4]

We see quite successful and rapidly growing division of an international corporation Center of decision-making (and shareholders) is far beyond the Kazakhstan As it seems, this corporation did not need our advice on how to improve the investment activity, which is already quite successfully held corporation in the interests of its shareholders (turnover and profits grow) But does not solve the actual problems of Kazakhstan to ensure food security and socio-economic development And so we need an answer to these questions: How to influence on investment activity of processing enterprises included in the JSC FoodMaster (Kazakhstan and other «dairy corporations»)? And so they need help from the state?

To answer the first question we give an illustrative example At the time, the corporation «Unimilk» refused from expansion into Kazakhstan and moved their development priorities on Belarus: she got access to cheap and quality Belarusian market milk Having promised instead of an ambitious investment program for development of deep processing of milk and expansion of assortment of dairy products produced in Belarus [14] The Corporation has developed rapidly filling Belarusian milk and supply it to the Russian market - but not in a hurry with the launch of new high-tech industries of dairy products

3kohommkc № 2^ 2014 51

with higher added value And immediately get threatening ultimatum by the President of the Republic of Belarus Corporation made a noise in the Russian press, but then thought and reconciled And established in Belarus production of glazed curd cheeses and a wide range of baby milk

In our opinion, working on the territory of Kazakhstan dairy corporations has long been need is not an investment «cake» but a good «lash» At least because the republic in this case practically have no risk: three-quarters of the population in Kazakhstan consumes milk without industrial processing And if one from dairy corporations decides to leave from Kazakhstan, the vast majority of consumers will not notice it at all The enterprises will not be closed because another company will replace it immediately Company which will be more loyal to the interests of the population and food security of the country

Scientist and practitioners are unanimous agree that the main problem of all Kazakhstan’s dairy companies - is raw material base (in addition to the already mentioned above works - for example, see [16]).

Dairy corporations in order to solve the shortage of raw materials create their own farms and milk collection points To ensure the quality of raw materials, ensure the delivery of raw materials by own transport, equipped milk collection points with special coolers [4] I e restore the structure of the industry that existed in the 80s and destroyed in the 90s .Of course, such «integration» requires a significant amount of investment and cannot give a quickly feedback

In our opinion, it is quite possible, to use the most promising for the development of a competitive environment in the industry another process: the creation of low-power dairy companies, which are owned by the producers of marketable milk (more on this, see, eg, [17]) . After all, «an impossible dream» of almost every dairy commodity economy - is organizing the processing and sale of their products

«Impossible» - because according to surveys 2011-2012, about half of SMEs are on the brink of survival, the most of Kazakhstan’s SMEs with growth potential, are have serious difficulties in the financing The first place in the rating of business problems, respondents put the lack of financial resources and difficulties in obtaining credit [18].

According to surveys, many entrepreneurs believe that banks withheld information from them about the real conditions of government programs or give a distorted interpretation of their conditions, shifting their internal problems to customers [19] Moreover, there is a stereotype in the business environment that the regional offices of banks have become more corrupt than public authorities in recent years [20]. Since summer of 2012, demand for loans from borrowers is very high, so banks’ profits soaring The desire to reduce the risks makes them to tighten the requirements for longterm loans, to restrict the access for sectors of construction, agriculture and processing [21, 22] .

Many local companies with growth potential (including many «independent» milk enterprises SMEs), are experiencing serious difficulties in financing due to the position of second tier banks, but also because in fact that they do not have an access to public capital markets

In our opinion, under these conditions, stimulation of the competitive environment in the industry means the state protectionism, protection of the interests of the «independent» dairy SMEs from expansion of dairy corporations

Analyzing the state of the dairy industry, we are seeing the hard struggle for existence for more than hundred «independent» dairy SMEs Actually, this is the way it should be -according to the theory it is this struggle, should ensure the competitiveness of the industry However, this obviously an unequal struggle, because of the position of second tier banks and competition with dairy corporations

On the other hand, we are also seeing a very active and successful operation of dairy

enterprises, which are part of international corporations operating in the territory of Kazakhstan . Income and volumes of realization are growing, and ACP in some regions for several years continuously records unfair competition, price collusion and overpricing Successful investment activity of «dairy corporations» does not bring to the state and the population of republic the long-awaited changes - not conducive to reducing «depended on import» products, market saturation with quality products, and reduction of prices for dairy products

Kazakhstan really has to worry about In

2011 the volume of production of the major types of food products per capita compared to 1990 decreased from 4 to 50 times . Share of food industry in GDP fell from 16 % to 7 . 4 % . Currently, the share of imported poultry meat is 49 %, sausages - 50 %, sugar confectionery - 38 %, flour confectionery products - 64 %, canned vegetables - 88 % In the terms of growth in food prices Kazakhstan ranks fourth place among 33 European countries . [6]

As we can see, in private problems of dairy food industry of Kazakhstan reflected the global challenges of food security and socio-economic development, which urgently require adequate answers

Current state of the dairy industry caused by such factors as the growing influence of globalization processes and trade integration, participation in the Customs Union, the prospects of joining to the WTO - and complex of interrelated specific problems, which are closely intertwined, with economic and social aspects

Therefore, we believe that industry companies need a deep differentiated approach from the state side Thesis of specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture that «At this stage it is impossible without saving and expansion of state support to develop the dairy industry of the country» [2] this needs to be clarified: government support and investment need only «independent» SMEs of dairy industry

At the same time it should be a significant tightening of the investment policy of the state to international dairy corporations operating in Kazakhstan To the dairy enterprises that are in the group of corporation, they need to reorient their investment activities in accordance with the objectives of ensuring of food security of the country

List of References

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2012 - 97 p

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3. Kazakhstan in 2012. «Statistical Yearbook - Astana: SARK, 2013 -487 p .

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6 In Kazakhstan, the deficit of butter and cheese . Interview with the Executive Director of the Dairy Union of Kazakhstan Vladimir Kozhevnikov // Portal about business in Kazakhstan 28. 10.2011, http://www. com. kz/v-kazaxstane-deficit-masla-i-syra/

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8 Rating of national brands of Kazakhstan «KazBrand 2011» http://www. mppconsulting. com . ua/ukrbrand/kazbrand2011. html

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