широкой учащейся аудитории, молодых врачей. Он излагал труды не на древнеармянском языке, а, следуя демократическим традициям, идущим от Мхитара Гераци, на разговорном языке своего времени, который он называл «ашхарабаром».
Труды Амирдовлата оказали большое влияние на развитие армянской и мировой медицинской науки [1, c. 1268]. Следует отметить, что один из первых экземпляров книги «Ненужное для неучей» находится в библиотеке Британского музея, есть она и в Матенадаране (г. Ереван). Помимо богатого научного наследия Амирдовлат Амасиаци оставил после себя большую школу врачей, которая просуществовала несколько веков и оказала значительное влияние на формирование себастийской медицинской школы, представителем которой является знаменитый армянский врач Асар Себастаци.
Список литературы /References
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Abstract: in the article, the main objective of private occupational health is the definition of the class of working conditions in separate industries taking into account levels of harmful disclosed production factors, gravities and tensions of labor process, according to the available normative documents. Thus, working conditions of workers of light industry accordingly can be characterized as "harmful" with intensity ofproduction factors, gravity and tension of labor process in the range from first to the second degree of the third class of working conditions.
Keywords: occupational health, the light industry, enterprises, workers, working conditions, harmful production factors, the class of working conditions, case rate.
Шоюсупова Хадичахон Бобурхон кизи - студент, кафедра коммунальной гигиены и гигиены труда, Ташкентская медицинская академия, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье раскрыта основная задача частной гигиены труда - определение класса условий труда в отдельных отраслях промышленности с учетом уровней вредных производственных факторов, тяжести и напряженности трудового процесса согласно имеющимся нормативным документам. Таким образом, условия труда рабочих легкой промышленности могут быть охарактеризованы как «вредные» с интенсивностью производственных факторов, тяжестью и напряженностью трудового процесса в диапазоне от первой до второй степени третьего класса условий труда. Ключевые слова: гигиена труда, легкая промышленность, предприятия, рабочие, условия труда, вредные производственные факторы, класс условий труда, заболеваемость.
In the recent years in Uzbekistan, various productions of light industry is developing intensively, the joint ventures equipped with the modern equipment and technologies that leads to change of working conditions at the enterprises and to increase of intensity and neuroemotional tension of labor processes are framed. Also levels of the parameters characterizing production factors that create additional demands to definition of the class of working conditions [1, p. 23; 2, p. 15].
At the studied enterprises of the light industry by generally with different degree of expression are harmful production factors (dust, chemical, noise, vibration, an adverse microclimate) [3, p. 28; 4, p. 3]. Labor process is generally mechanized, but there are separate manual operations bound to gravity carrying. Besides, work relates with walking at the servicing of several machines, cars. High employment production operations - to 85% of change time becomes perceptible that indicates an appreciable tension of the work. Work is in the most cases performed "standing", followed by multiple inclinations [5, p. 5].
The leading factor of production environment is the production hum relating to constant, broadband hums. The greatest excess of the general level of sound pressure - on 8-10 dBA and taking into account spectral structure 3-5 dB at high frequencies (1000-8000 Hz). The increased air temperature in workplaces characterizes the production of microclimate during the warm period of year as heating with air temperature 4-6,5 degree Celsius higher than admissible size. Dust, mainly organic, vegetable (a cottonous fiber) or an animal (wool) of a parentage, with insignificant impurity of synthetic fibers, by 1,1-1,5 times exceeding maximum allowable concentration is among adverse factors of production environment. The measurement of levels of illuminating intensity showed that in the most cases there is an insufficiency and unevenness of levels of illuminating intensity in the workplaces at different types and systems of lighting are 10-26% less than the normalized size.
Combined effect of factors of production environment causes changes of the functional condition of the organism of workers in 3 hours after the beginning of work and the works amplifying to the extremity. These changes, in the basic are shown in mobilization of functional reserves of cardiovascular system, the strain of processes of the thermoregulation, elongation of the latent period of response to sound and light stimuli for 25-30%, depression of muscular endurance at 37,5% of initial sizes.
Working conditions of workers of light industry accordingly can be characterized as "harmful" with intensity of production factors, gravity and tension of labor process in the range from first to the second degree of the third class of working conditions.
The analysis of the case rate with temporary disability of workers taped direct correlation dependence of its level and structure on adverse factors of production environment, labor process,
an experience and age of workers. At the same time, higher incidence became perceptible at workers aged from 35 up to 50 years (48,5%), with an experience more than 15 years (75,2%), the level of control group exceeding by 1,9 times. The structure of the case rate of illness of respiratory organs made 24%, systems of organs of the circulation 22,7%, nervous 19,5%, genitourinary system 13% and illnesses of muscular system and a connecting tissue 10,8%.
Thus, the conducted sanitary and hygienic researches allowed to establish that on modern productions of light industry the complex of factors of production environment which includes excess of admissible noise levels, high temperature of air in warm season, dust content of air of the working zone and insufficient lighting taking into account professional accessory and the nature of work takes place.
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