Melnychuk S.,
Associate professor Department of pharmacology Batranovska S.,
Department of pharmacology Ostapchuk V.
Department of pediatrics and medical genetics Bukovinian State Medical University Chernivtsi, Ukraine
This article emphasizes the need and importance of creating a health-preserving environment when studying in medical university the subject "Bioethics and Biosafety", which is a prerequisite for the process of socialization of the personality of future doctors and their successful preventive and health educational work. The article describes the advantages and methods of studying this discipline, aimed at enhancing students' conscious perception of the importance of preventive work, the development of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills and abilities of social activity.
Keywords: health-preserving environment, bioethics, healthy lifestyle, medical students.
Scientific and technological progress and the development of society in modern conditions make high demands on the personality of a medical specialist, his comprehensive and harmonious development. In addition to the problems of pharmacotherapy of many diseases, the modern doctor faces a number of problems, such as deterioration in the health of the population, low physical activity, non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle, etc. [1]. In this regard, the study of the course "Bioethics and Biosafety" [2] in medical university is of particular relevance in nowadays conditions, because teaching this discipline logically complements and integrates the students' knowledge obtained in the study of previous disciplines [3]. At the same time, the pedagogical educational process of the university becomes extremely important and solves the problem of the formation of health-preserving competence of the future specialist as the basis of his culture of health preserving, value attitude to health, world outlook orientation towards health preserving [4].
The study of the course "Bioethics and Biosafety" in the Bukovinian State Medical University at the Department of Pharmacology is presented by 5 seminars, the last of which is a credit. Each topic of the next class is an integral part and a logical conclusion of the previous one, and in the aggregate, all the topics of the seminars make up a single whole.
Methods and techniques used in the classroom are aimed at activating students' conscious perception of the importance of preventive work, the development of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills and abilities of social activity. Socialization — with its complex connections of social interaction, role models and mentors, experimental learning, as well as overt and covert acquisition of knowledge — affects each student, forcing him to gradually "think, act and
feel like a doctor" [5]. When working with students, methods of persuasion, personal example, encouragement to participate in volunteer activities are used.
The first introductory topic is devoted to the basic issues of the formation and development of biomedical ethics as a science. So students have the opportunity to remember well the basic values of medicine: sympathy, competence, autonomy, and to master the issue of bio-ethical foundations of the professional activity of a doctor, relations models between doctor and patient, aspects of relationship of patient, his family and medical staff. Knowledge of the general bioethical problems of medicine, issues of medical ethics, deontology, moral, legal and psychological aspects of the activities of medical workers is necessary for future doctors. However, the most important thing for them should remain the ability to solve moral and ethical problems at a high professional level, which is an integral part in the daily work of any medical specialist, while avoiding the possibility of deontological and professional mistakes [6]. Thus, using case studies and situational tasks in the classroom, students have the opportunity to solve difficult psychological situations, which can often occur in the future in their own clinical practice, as well as to enter into discussions and debates with each other, also to analyze moral decisions and behavior of each other.
Topics for the next lessons are devoted to issues of human reproduction, family planning methods, genetic engineering. When studying these topics, does not remain aloof the problem of detrimental effects on the reproductive function of the female and male body of bad habits — alcohol consumption, drugs use, tobacco smoking.
Thanks to the topic of the lesson "Bioethical problems of living, dying, resuscitation and death", the teachers of the department cover a number of issues:
from attempts to prolong the life of seriously ill patients with the help of modern technologies to efforts to end the lives of seriously ill patients prematurely through euthanasia. However, regardless of the situation, students must remember that they have no right to refuse dying patients, but must continue to provide compassionate help, even when treatment is no longer possible.
When considering all the topics, the attention of students is focused on the fact that their future patients can endure deep suffering, through which they become aggressive and dissatisfied; they can be drug addicts, carriers of dangerous infections, criminals - in all these and many other situations, the doctor should not forget that a person, unlike an inanimate object, deserves special treatment. The problems of discrimination by doctors of certain patients are thoroughly disclosed on the last topic, which also comprehensively covers the issues of the prerequisites of health, its components, the conditions for its preserving and strengthening.
To implement the tasks of personality-oriented approach in the classes on "Bioethics and Biosafety", teachers find such approach to each student that helps him to realize the importance of his profession and social work, to feel like a person with great ambitions and clear convictions; to reveal in the student such opportunities that will stimulate his self-affirmation, self-realization, physical and spiritual improvement.
The teachers of the department create conditions that help make students active participants in the educational process in the classroom. The ability of each student to prepare a presentation determines the student's creative activity for self-realization in various types of life, the realization of creative potential on his own initiative. Further discussion of the topic and the use of examples of life situations by the teacher ensure creative cooperation of the teacher and students, teach to look for the correct answer, to listen to the opinions of others, to defend their point of view, to assume responsibility, also help to quickly navigate and make decisions on their own without the help of the teacher [7].
The objectives of studying the subject "Bioethics and Biosafety" require compliance with certain general pedagogical principles, such as humanization in relation to a person as the highest value, promoting the socialization of students, overcoming alienation in the relationship between teachers and students, systematicity and consistency in the course of assimilation of bioeth-ical principles and norms, as well as formation of social experience and awareness, continuity and consistency of educational influences of teachers, differentiation and individualization while teaching the discipline. At the same time, it is crutial to observe other principles of organizing the educational process when teaching this subject, such as humanistic communication, purposeful creation of emotionally enriched educational situations,
the use of empathy as a leading mechanism in the upbringing of a personality, as wel as a student's systematic analysis of his actions and the actions of strangers.
Establishment an atmosphere of good mood in the classroom, the ability to master a sense of pedagogical tact, a sense of proportion and tolerance in behavior and actions, to have good endurance and self-control are mandatory criteria for a teacher, who is an example for students and will build trusting relationship with them, when teaching the course "Bioethics and Biosafety". While conducting a lesson, the teacher must convince students of their own capabilities and the importance of their further social and preventive work, encourage and interest them.
Thus, possession of health-preserving technologies is an obligatory component of the pedagogical skill of modern teachers, which allows to form health-preserving competence in the classes on "Bioethics and Bi-osafety", based on their involvement in the process of forming of health-preserving responsibility, its individualization and differentiation, and this is the guarantee of high-quality treatment, prophylactic and social work of the future doctors.
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