DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-92-99
Emotional intelligence as a cross-linking component of aggressive behavior prevention in basketball players (by the example of students' basketball teams)
Nikoletta A. Serebrennikova'*, ViktoriyaP. Shagan1, Petr M. Samoylenko2
1Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism,
Kazan, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-2138-0511, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0002-3496-038X, [email protected] 2 Kazan Federal University Kazan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-3496-038X, [email protected]
Abstract: Emotional intelligence study is not developed enough. Emotional intelligence study in sport is closely connected with the specificity of the kinds of sport. Different kinds of sport are full of stress and competitive situations. They provide, on the one hand, high level of emotions self-control development in athletes, on the other hand, the ability of a coach to control emotional state of athletes. The absence of the ability to control emotions leads to destructive behavior in athletes, in particular aggressive behavior during competitive activity. It can lead to negative result during the competitions. In spite of the fact that many works in sports pedagogics and psychology are dedicated to aggressive behavior demonstration in athletes, special attention should be paid to cross-linking component of "emotional intellect" and their interconnection are not studied enough. Materials. Experimental effectiveness check of aggressive behavior prevention methodology in basketball players, based on emotional intelligence development. Research methods. Information sources and scientific-methodical literature analysis, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, psychological testing ("Emotional intellect" questionnaire by D.V. Lyusin; methodology of aggression level and its forms determination by A. Buss and A. Durkey; "Conterminous behavior in stress situations" methodology adapted version by T.A. Kryukova), methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The article presents the results of studying the effectiveness of the created methodology use, directed toward basketball players' emotional intelligence development and aggressive behavior prevention. The created methodology includes 5 modules, directed toward the following: introduction into the problem of emotional intellect; studying "emotions perception, evaluation and expression"; studying "emotions use for thinking and activity effectiveness increase"; studying "emotions understanding and analysis"; studying "deliberate emotions control". The methodology helped to decrease aggressive behavior of basketball players in competitive activity. Conclusion. The held research reveals that emotional intelligence influences athletes' aggressive behavior demonstration. It is demonstrated in readiness to express own feelings and positions directly. The research results prove that emotions control is the leading component of emotional intelligence in aggressive behavior demonstration and emotions understanding takes a subordinate role. Keywords: emotional intellect, aggression, aggressive behavior, prevention, methodology, basketball, basketball players, sport, athletes, sports team, sports training, psychological training.
For citation: Nikoletta A. Serebrennikova*, Viktoriya P. Shagan, Petr M. Samoylenko. Emotional intelligence as a cross-linking component of aggressive behavior prevention in basketball players (by the example of students' basketball teams). Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(3): 7680. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-92-99.
Nowadays the interest in emotional intelligence study and its influence on aggressive behavior considerably increased. Own emotions understanding and control, understanding the emotions of other people are important for athletes, as an athlete constantly goes through stress connected with competitive activity. It means that
the ability to control own emotions is one of the main ways to succeed in competitive activity.
The problem of emotional intelligence study in sport is not studied enough. Emotional intelligence study in sport is closely connected with the specificity of the kinds of sport. Different kinds of sport are full of stress and competitive situations, which provide, on the one hand, high level of emotions self-control
development among athletes, on the other hand, the ability of a coach to control emotional state of athletes. Taking into consideration mentioned above information we defined the problem: the necessity to create the methodology to prevent basketball players' aggressive behavior, based on emotional intelligence development.
The aim of the research: to substantiate theoretically, create and experimentally check the effectiveness of the methodology of aggressive behavior prevention among basketball players, based on emotional intelligence development.
Hypothesis of the research is based on the supposition that the methodology inclusion into the activity of basketball players, which is directed to emotional intelligence development, would help to decrease their aggressive behavior in competitive activity. In our research work we took into consideration the following suppositions: 1) emotional intelligence and its separate components condition individual level of basketball player's aggressive behavior; 2) the differences in orientation of emotional intellect, which influence the strategies of control and can condition the degree of aggressive behavior; 3) emotional intelligence is a cross-linking component in the system of personal resources for basketball players' aggressive behavior prevention; 4) emotional intelligence development using the created methodology can positively influence the level of aggressive behavior demonstration.
In accordance with the aim and the hypothesis of the research we defined the following objectives: 1) to study theoretical approaches to emotional intelligence development as a component of aggressive behavior prevention in sport in scientific research works; 2) to create the methodology of basketball players' aggressive behavior prevention, directed toward emotional intelligence of athletes development; 3) empirically prove the effectiveness of the created methodology.
In order to realize the set objectives the following methods were used: information sources and scientific-methodical literature analysis, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, psychological testing ("Emotional intellect" questionnaire by D.V. Lyusin; methodology of aggression level and its forms determination by A.
Buss and A. Durkey; "Conterminous behavior in stress situations" methodology adapted version by T.A. Kryukova), methods of mathematical statistics.
Two students' basketball teams took part in the research. The sampling formed basketball players at the age of 18-24: control group - 15 basketball players of male students' team "University of sport-1", experimental group - 15 basketball players of male students' team "University of sport-2".
The research included three stages: 1) theoretical approaches to the problem of emotional intelligence analysis and summarizing and empirical study of its role in aggressive behavior demonstration; 2) studying psychological peculiarities of an emotional intelligence and aggression demonstration by the subjects, methodology introduction and its testing; 3) research results analysis and interpretation.
Scientific-methodical sources analysis concerning the problem of the research helped us to reveal the main approaches to emotional intelligence study, consider the problem of aggressive behavior among athletes in the training and competitive processes. The peculiarities of emotional intelligence are described in the models of J. Mayer and P. Salovey, models by R. Bar-On and G. Daniel. The base of emotional intelligence is emotions understanding and their control. Typical characteristic of emotional intelligence is its orientation to information analysis, which is significant for an individual. Emotional and social intelligence have general characteristics, which distinguish them from other types of intelligence: connection with personal characteristics, in particular with moral development of a personality, with axiological orientations of the personality, with the system of a personality's relations with oneself and other people. Emotional component is an important part of aggressive behavior prevention. This aspect is important for personal reasons of aggression, in athletes' aggressive behavior prevention. In order to create the methodology of aggressive behavior prevention among basketball players in competitive activity, based on emotional intelligence development, we used a basic model
of abilities emotional intelligence by J. Mayer and P. Salovey. This model selection is conditioned by the fact that in comparison with other models it has the widest cognitive orientation, connected with information handling, which is included into the emotions and which are less included into personal characteristics [1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7].
On the basis of literature sources analysis we created the method of basketball players' aggressive behavior prevention. This method is directed toward athletes' emotional intelligence development. The created methodology includes 5 modules: 1 - introduction into the problem of emotional intelligence; 2 - studying the first component of emotional intelligence "emotions perception, evaluation and expression"; 3 - studying the second component of emotional intelligence "emotions use for thinking and activity effectiveness increase"; 4 - studying the third component of emotional intelligence "emotions understanding and analysis"; 5 - studying the 4th component of emotional intelligence "deliberate emotions control".
Each module includes theoretical material
for the participants' knowledge improvement and systematization in the sphere of the considered problem. Moreover, for new skills gaining and for connection strengthening between theory and practice, modules include practical exercises. These exercises are selected in accordance with cognitive theory of emotions. Moreover, some modules include additional exercises, which the participants are recommended to fulfill out of basic trainings and it provides new behavioral patterns development.
The volume of the methodology (time of study) is 10 lessons. The recommended time for one lesson is 2 academic hours with 5 minute rest in the middle of the lesson. Training hand-outs, audio and visual aids (slides), practical exercises and trainings were used during the lessons. The form of study organization: group work.
Carried out experiment concerning testing the created methodology of aggressive behavior prevention among basketball players, based on emotional intelligence development, showed that before the methodology introduction (at the beginning of the experiment) all basketball players experienced aggressive behavior (table 1).
Table 1 - Aggressive behavior indices in the groups of basketball players at the beginning of the experiment
Indices Experimental group 1 Control group t P
X ±S„
Physical aggression 6,6±0,13 X 6,4±0,07 0,14 >0,05
Indirect aggression 7,3±0,11 7,4±0,11 0,58 >0,05
Irritation 9,3±0,06 9,4±0,13 2,03 >0,05
Negation 4,1±0,16 4,2±0,14 1,69 >0,05
Indignation 6,7±0,12 6,6±0,09 1,20 >0,05
Suspicion 8,0±0,10 7,8±0,12 0,58 >0,05
Verbal aggression 5,3±0,13 5,6±0,09 0,19 >0,05
Guilt 8,6±0,0q 8,4±0,11 1,55 >0,05
In both groups emotional intelligence was at the average level (table 2). Table 2 - The indices of emotional intelligence level in the groups of basketball players at the beginning of the experiment
Indices Experimental group 1 Control group t P
I _ I x ±S - 1
Interpersonal intelligence 40,24±0,15 x 40,I8±0,I6 0,28 >0,05
Interpersonal intelligence 39,94±0,21 40,04±0,24 0,31 >0,05
Emotions understanding 39,82±0,13 39,87±0,13 0,27 >0,05
Emotions control 39,51±0,13 39,59±0,13 0,44 >0,05
We also organized controlling behavior diagnostics (table 3). According to the controlling behavior study among basketball players it can be characterized in the following way: in conflict situations they don't search for the difficult problem solution; conflicts are perceived at a very high
emotional level; they try to avoid conflict situations, don't pay attention to other important questions, don't underline their emotional state during the conflicts; social absence of mind is at a high level, they don't constantly think about the work.
Table 3 - The indices of controlling behavior in the groups of basketball players at the beginning of the experiment
Indices Experimental group Control group t P
X +S
Problems solution 8,8+0,1 ■ X ~ 8,9+0,1 0,71 >0,05
Emotions 49,8+0,9 52,4+1,0 1,93 >0,05
Avoidance .34,0+0,9 .34,1+0,9 0.08 >0,05
Distraction 9,9+0,1 9,1+0,4 1,94 >0,05
Social distraction 33,9+1,9 36,2+1,6 0,93 >0,05
At the beginning of the experiment we don't see statistical differences according to all indices, which prove groups homogeneity.
At the end of the experiment, when we tried to introduce the methodology of aggressive behavior
prevention into the training process of basketball players, we discovered that in the control group all indices didn't change much. In the experimental group aggressive behavior indices considerably decreased (table 4).
Table 4 - aggressive behavior indices in the groups of basketball players at the end of the experiment
Indices Experimental group Control group t P
Physical aggression 7,5+0,12 6,6+0,14 4.88 <0,05
Indirect aggression 7,8+0,05 7,5+0,06 3.84 <0,05
Irritation 10,1+0,09 9,5+0,13 3,79 <0,05
Negation 4,8+0,15 4,4+0,11 2.15 <0,05
Indignation 7,4+0,12 6,8+0,15 3.12 <0,05
Suspicion 8,8+0,11 7,9+0,12 2.46 <0,05
Verbal aggression 7,5+0,3 6,6+0,2 2.5 <0,05
Guilt 8,8+0,14 8,4+0,11 2.25 <0,05
The indices of at hletes' emotional themselves competent in own and other people
intelligence statistically experimental group (table 5), application it was revealed
increased in the After the methodology that athletes consider
emotions determination. Moreover, they think that they are able to control own emotions and the emotions of other people.
Table 5 - indices of emotional intelligence demonstration in the groups of basketball players at the end of the experiment
Indices Experimental group Control group t P
Interpersonal intelligence 42,64+0,15 42,0+0,18 2.73 <0,05
Interpersonal intelligence 42,13+0,04 40,24+0,5 2,95 <0,05
Emotions understanding 42,82+0,15 40,05+1,10 2.50 <0,05
Emotions control 42,54+0,5 40,12+0,7 2.81 <0,05
Statistically significant differences between the groups were also received according to all indices of the controlling behavior (table 6).
Table 6 - indices of the controlling behavior in the experimental and control groups of basketball players at the end of the experiment
Indices Experimental group Control group t P
- - X +S
Problems solution 11,9+0,5 10,1+0,7 2,09 <0,05
Emotions 59,9+1,2 55,1+1,1 2,95 <0,05
Avoidance 42,6+1,1 38,5+0,8 3.01 <0,05
Distraction 12,0+0,6 10,2+0,3 2.68 <0,05
Social distraction 40,4+0,4 38,8+0,5 2.50 <0,05
The athletes from the expeßrimental group in stress situations accept conflict without emotions, don't try to avoid conflict situations, but pay attention to other important questions, focus on own emotional state in stress, social distraction is
not for them.
Rank correlation coefficient rs is calculated according to the following formula:
f = 1 - 6
'S u N^-1) for interconnection determination between emotional intelligence, aggressiveness and controlling behavior.
According to the results of interconnection identification we revealed that the interconnection is valid between: 1) absolute interpersonal emotions and their understanding and irritation, verbal aggression, guilt, physical aggression, negation; 2) emotions understanding and physical aggression, irritation, negation, verbal aggression, guilt; 3) emotions and irritation, offence, verbal aggression, guilt control; 4) emotions and physical aggression, irritation, negation, guilt; 5) avoidance and irritation and verbal aggression 6) distraction and verbal aggression, negation, suspicion, verbal aggression, guilt; 7) social distraction and guilt, suspicion, verbal aggression, guilt.
Thus, it was stated that the frequency of aggression and the corresponding component of emotional intelligence are connected. They also prove that emotions control is the leading component of emotional intelligence in aggressive behavior demonstration and emotions understanding plays minor role, which proves the hypothesis of the research and the created methodology effectiveness.
The held research reveals that emotional intelligence influences athletes' aggressive behavior demonstration. It is demonstrated in readiness to express own feelings and positions directly. The emotions control is the leading component of emotional intelligence in aggressive behavior prevention and has a positive influence on readiness
to cooperation, to own feelings and positions demonstration, which is proved by the results of the experiment and proves the effectiveness of the created methodology.
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Submitted: 10.08.2021 Author's information:
Nikoletta A. Serebrennikova - Senior Lecturer, Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 420010, Kazan, Universiada village, House 35, e-mail: nikoletta [email protected] Viktoriya P. Shagan - Senior Lecturer, Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 420010, Kazan, Universiada village, House 35, e-mail: v.shagan79@ Petr M. Samoylenko - Lecturer, Kazan Federal University, 420008, Kazan, Kremlevskaya str., House 18, e-mail: [email protected]