DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-4-78-83
Interconditionality of subjective control level indices and emotional sphere
of 15-16 year-old team sports players
Evgeniya N. Usmanova'*, Dinara R. Uldanova2
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism
Kazan, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-4633-2006, [email protected]* Municipal Autonomous Establishment"Sports school №10"
Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-0699-6366, e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Sports reserve preservation in youth teams is mainly conditioned by the efforts of a coach connected with physical changes correlation with psychological side of training, by the help in dealing with age related and situational crises, in order to prevent spontaneous formation of their personality; by timely orientation toward work for the sake of the future success. In this case emotional and moral-volitional spheres experience great loads. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of subjective control and its connection with emotional sphere indices among 15-16 year-old players of team sports. Materials. Protocols of psychological diagnostics. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, psychological testing (methodology of subjective control level diagnostics; questionnaire for an athlete's aggressiveness level study; MBI questionnaire for "burnout syndrome" revelation), stating experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The features of "burnout syndrome" were revealed among 57% of respondents. Internal locus of control is mentioned in the progress field among 61% of respondents, in the field of failures - among 63%, interpersonal relations-66%; least of all it is revealed in family (34%) and industrial (20%) relations. In the average according to sampling aggressiveness index (I = 57,8) is higher than hostility index (Iho = 48,9). At the same time 14 players-externals, who very often can't deal with their negative emotions, show the tendency to experience deep sense of guilt instead of sense of responsibility in socially and personally important situations. It proves that adolescent crisis is not solved and creates considerable psycho-emotional tension, prevents age-related and sports crises productive solution [4]. Conclusion. Young men with an internal type of self-controlsix times less experience emotional exhaustion, three times less show cynicism towards team members, though they have some tendency to reduce (depreciate) the importance of own personal achievements on the basis of the increasing demands of a new level of sports results. Athletes-internals twice less experience sense of guilt, preferring objective responsibility in the sphere of interpersonal, family and industrial relations, in the situation of success or failure.
Keywords: level of subjective control, emotional burnout, aggressiveness and hostility index, sense of guilt, sense of being adult, team sports, young athletes.
For citation: Evgeniya N. Usmanova*, Dinara R. Uldanova. Interconditionality of subjective control level indices and emotional sphere of 15-16 year-old team sports players. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2020; 15(4): 65-69. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-4-78-83
At the age of 15-16 one of general age-related characteristics of a young football player (or the representatives of other team sports) is the need for self-affirmation. It is mainly based on the achievements in the training process in terms of moral-volitional efforts satisfaction and demonstration. During this period we see an active social intellect development, proactive thinking formation. It is demonstrated in rational and resource-based forms of behavior, in terms of stress
situations of competitive and social life [1,6,7,8]. Athletes during this age period go through so called youth crisis of self-determination, connected with important question solution. It is professional and moral self-identification. The aim and moral duty of a coach is to connect physical changes with psychological side of training, in order to prevent spontaneous formation of players' personalities; orient everybody toward the future hard work [2,3,4,5].
However, before the contradiction of
youth crisis solution (between "should choose own an adult (yet)") and "sense of maturity" mastering
career, life), but don't want to (be wrong)") goes through responsibility for oneself and own actions
successfuladolescent crisis contradiction solution realization (Fig.i). by each athlete ("want to (be an adult), but can't be
Crises of sports career: 1-beginning of sports specialization;
2 -transfer to advanced training; 3 -transferfrom mass sport into higher achievements sport; 4 -transfer from youth sport intoadult sport; 5 -transfer fromamateur sportinto professional sport; 6 -transfer fromclimax to sports career finish; 7 -sports career endand transfer to other career
Fig. 1. Crisis model of life and sports career
Otherwise, as the coaches mention, a player starts to agree with all objective reasons, but continues to play and act as he wants. Very often it leads to the conflict of interests and role positions between a coach and a player, a player and a team and finally, it influences sports reserve preservation at the transferring stages of sports career in general.
The aim of the present research work was conditioned by answering the following question: Do young athletes, who are involved into team sports, always demonstrate high indices of an internal type of subjective control? (which proves timely teen-age crisis overcoming and "sense of maturity" mastering).
The aim of the research work is to reveal the peculiarities of subjective control indices and its connection with emotional sphere indices in 15-16 year-old team sports players.
41 15-16 year-old athletes (32 football players and 9 basketball players) took part in the research work. These athletes answered the questions of three diagnostic methodologies during
pre-competitive meso cycle 2018-2019:
1 -methodology of subjectiv econtrollevel diagnostics (J. Rotterin adaptation byE.F.Bazhin, E.A.Golynkina, A.M.Etkind, 1984);
2 -questionnaire foran athlete's personality aggressivenessstudy(A.Bass, A.Darkiin adaptation byA.K.Osnitskiy, 1999);
3 -MBIquestionnaire for "burnout syndrome" revelation(K.MaslachandS.Jacksonin adaptation byN.E.Vodopyanova, 2000).
"Burnout syndrome "questionnaire results analysis showed the features of burnout in 57% of respondents, according to one component in 23% of athletes, according to two components - 27% of athletes and according to three components - 7%.
Locus of control results analysis according to the main sphere of life showed that the athletes of this sampling mainly feel responsibility in the situations, connected with own achievements (61%), failures (63%), and in interpersonal relations (66%).Least of all internal type of self-control is demonstrated in family (34%) and industrial (20%)
relations. subjective control localization are presented in table
The described characteristics of the present 1. sampling of 15-16 year-old athletes on the basis of
Table 1 - Subjective control localization and emotional sphere indices in 15-16 year-old athletes-team sports players, n = 41
Subjective control localization Variables of "Subjective control level" questionnaire Variables of "Emotional burnout" questionnaire Variables of A. Bass, A. Darki questionnaire
Ig, people Ia, people If, people Ifam, people Ii, people Iinter, people Ih, people EE, people D, people RPA, people SG, people Iagr, av Iho, av
Internals 13 25 15 14 8 26 27 2 4 4 7 54,5 45,7
Externals 28 16 26 27 33 15 15 12 12 7 16 59,3 50,7
Internality according to all seven scales was only in 3 athletes of the present sampling. The rest of athletes showed selective internality in the main spheres of life. That is why for further analysis of diagnostic results we conditionally divided the group of respondents to internals and externals, taking into account the results of "general internality" scale.
In the average the aggressiveness index (Iagr) was 57,8 and it was higher than hostility index (Iho), which was 48,9. Numerical indicator of "sense of guilt" was considered as the level of an athlete's auto aggression in case if it was higher than Iagr and Iho, and as a moral regulator of athletes, if it wasn't higher. The ratio according to this index was 34% to 66%. It means that 14 athletes (mainly with external type of self-control) had sense of guilt instead of responsibility sense in socially and personally
crisis is not solved and create considerable psycho-emotional tension, lead to professional burnout.
In order to state closeness and orientation of correlation inter connections between the indices of control locus and emotional sphere we selected 13 variables: 7 of them belong to internality (general (Ig), in the sphere of achievements (Ia), index of failures (If), family (Ifam), industrial (Ii), interpersonal (Iinter) relations, (Ih)- health/disease), three variables belong to "burnout syndrome" (emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (cynicism) (D), reduction of personal achievements (RPA)) and 3 variables (sense of guilt (SG), aggressiveness index (Iagr), index of hostility (Iho)-for the forms of aggression study among the athletes of the sampling. The results of correlation analysis are presented in table 2. important situations. It can prove that adolescent
Table2 - Closeness and orientation of correlation interconnections between the variables of control locus, "burnout syndrome" aggressiveness in 15-16 year-old players
Van itlü u la If Ifam Ii lititsr Ih SG EE D RPA IaEr Iho
Ig 1
la 046S6S :
If 0.66364 0.06163 :
Ifam 0399S1 016:35 0:9306 :
Ii 02 "805 02 592 0.07268 :
jnta1 0J426S 035778 oj4: is -0.1737 0.1335 :
Ih 028962 -0.1738 0.08-95 0.3Ö:57 -0:045 -01:49 :
SG -0.2931 -0.1S 14 -0.1484 -0.1383 -01154 -o.:49: 0.03513 1
EE -03669 -02s:9 -o::47 -0.348 S -o:64i 0^1206 -01056 01901 1
D -02:61 -C 1962 -c.:533 4U007 -0.4788 oi92s -01641 0.097" 0.64:7 1
EPA 0.09995 0.40:6 -0.0336 -0:103 o.i37s 0343: -Ö.104S 0.0C17 0.1749 -0.095 S 1
laer -0:36- -S. 1496 -0:44: -o.:45: -0.1252 0.073 S 9 -01281 01499 0:5909 0.5^3 s: -0.1176 1
Iho -0:061 -c 156: -0.098 -0,125 S -03095 0.04138 -02144 0.1S75 0.46S6 049398 0.01732 0.6354 1
We stated mostly negative inter connection between the scales of internality and the components of burnout "EE" and "D". The higher general internality is, the lower is "burnout syndrome"
index. The exception was "RPA" index. The higher internality in the sphere of achievements is, the more athletes are prone to decrease the importance of own achievements and prevent negative traits
of personality development, such as "star fever", arrogance.
The higher internality in the sphere of interpersonal relations is, the stronger is emotional exhaustion and cynicism concerning team members. Aggression can be expressed, which is in general typical for heterogeneous in individual psychological characteristic of youth sports collective and for its high interaction intensity during the game.
"SG" variable has a negative interconnection between all variables of internality and positive interconnection with all "burnout syndrome" variables and aggressiveness. The more an athlete demonstrates internal type of self-control (responsibility), the less he experiences sense of guilt and "burnout syndrome" features.
Thus, we state that young men with an internal type of self-control six times less experience emotional exhaustion, three times less show cynicism towards team members, though they have some tendency to reduce (depreciate) the importance of own personal achievements on the basis of the new level of sports results increasing demands.
Athletes-internals twice less experience sense of guilt, preferring objective responsibility in the sphere of interpersonal, family and industrial relations, in the situation of success or failure. Aggressive behavior among these people has instrumental character in the form of "sports anger" or "righteous anger", more than hostility in terms of interaction with outer environment. Sense of guilt in this case fulfills the role of social behavior regulator as a moral part of a personality.
However, the fact that there was only 31% of respondents with internal type of self-control among the sampling, proves the importance and necessity to organize a coach base for sports collective formation and upbringing as a small social group using individual-differentiated and resource-based approaches.
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Submitted: 12.11.2020 Author's information:
Evgeniya N. Usmanova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Senior Lecturer, Volga region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 420138, Russia, Kazan, Universiade village str., House 35, e-mail: [email protected]
Dinara R. Uldanova - First category basketball Coach, Municipal Autonomous Establishment "Sports school №10", 423808, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Komarova str., House23, e-mail: uldanowa@mail.