Научная статья на тему 'Effective practices for developing reading comprehension'

Effective practices for developing reading comprehension Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sultanova Dilnoza Saliyevna

В данной статье рассматриваются эффективные способы для развития понимания навыка чтения, так как чтение является и целью, и средством обучения иностранному языку. В учебном процессе следует четко различать эти две его функции, так как они определяют методическую организацию всей работы. Чтение как цель обучения предполагает овладение учащимися умением читать на иностранном языке. Данное умение является одной из практических целей изучения этого предмета. В статье анализируется, как чтение во многом реализует познавательную функцию языка, и правильный подбор текстов дает возможность использовать содержащуюся в них фактическую информацию и для расширения общего кругозора учащихся, и в воспитательных целях.In this article there are discussed about effective practices for developing reading comprehension as reading is considered as both an aim and means of teaching a foreign language. In the educational process, these two functions should be clearly distinguished, since they determine the methodological organization of all work. Reading as the goal of learning involves students mastering the ability to read in a foreign language. This skill is one of the practical goals of studying this subject. In the article analyzed how reading largely implements the cognitive function of the language, and the correct selection of texts makes it possible to use the information contained in them both to expand the general horizons of students and for educational purposes.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Effective practices for developing reading comprehension»



Abstract: in this article there are discussed about effective practices for developing reading comprehension as reading is considered as both an aim and means of teaching a foreign language. In the educational process, these two functions should be clearly distinguished, since they determine the methodological organization of all work. Reading as the goal of learning involves students mastering the ability to read in a foreign language. This skill is one of the practical goals of studying this subject. In the article analyzed how reading largely implements the cognitive function of the language, and the correct selection of texts makes it possible to use the information contained in them both to expand the general horizons of students and for educational purposes.

Keywords: reading comprehension understanding, learning goal, substantive component, procedural component, information perception process.


Султанова Дилноза Салиевна - преподаватель, кафедра интегрированного курса английского языка - 1, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются эффективные способы для развития понимания навыка чтения, так как чтение является и целью, и средством обучения иностранному языку. В учебном процессе следует четко различать эти две его функции, так как они определяют методическую организацию всей работы. Чтение как цель обучения предполагает овладение учащимися умением читать на иностранном языке. Данное умение является одной из практических целей изучения этого предмета. В статье анализируется, как чтение во многом реализует познавательную функцию языка, и правильный подбор текстов дает возможность использовать содержащуюся в них фактическую информацию и для расширения общего кругозора учащихся, и в воспитательных целях.

Ключевые слова: понимания навыка чтения, цель обучения, содержательный компонент, процессуальный компонент, процесс восприятия информации.

UDC 303.039.4

In reading, as in any activity, two planes are distinguished: substantive (components of the objective content of the activity) and process (elements of the activity process), and the leading role always belongs to the first. The content of the activity includes, first of all, its goal - the result, the achievement of which it is directed. In reading, such a goal is the disclosure of semantic connections - an understanding of a speech work presented in writing (text).

The reading process is not something permanent, it changes under the influence of the purpose of reading: as in any activity, the reader seeks to get the result in the most economical way. In addition, the more experienced the reader, the more successfully he

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copes with this task: he reads differently, his reading is characterized by flexibility. Flexibility is a hallmark of a mature reader.

Although in a real act of reading, the processes of perception and comprehension proceed simultaneously and are closely interconnected, the abilities and skills that ensure its process are conventionally divided into two groups:

a) Related to the "technical" side of reading (they provide perceptual processing of the text (perception of graphic signs and their correlation with certain values or transcoding of visual signals into semantic units);

b) The establishment of semantic links between language units of different levels and thereby the content of the text, the author's intent, etc. (These skills lead to the understanding of the text as a complete speech utterance).

Reading is always aimed at the perception of a finished speech message (rather than its creation), to receive information, therefore it is referred to as receptive types of speech activity. A feature of reading is that the assessment of the success of its implementation is subjective and finds expression in the reader's satisfaction with the result obtained - the degree of completeness and accuracy of understanding achieved.

Thus, reading is a complex perceptual-mental mnemonic activity, the procedural side of which is of an analytical-synthetic nature, which varies depending on its purpose. A reader who is free to carry out this type of speech activity is mature, thanks to his ability to choose the type of reading each time that is adequate to the task, which allows him to solve it not only correctly, but also quickly, thanks to the complete automation of technical skills.

It is known that the reader's eye normally performs short jumps between which there are stable fixations on the object in order to extract information. Observations of eye movements show that they are divided into two types:

1) Search, installation and corrective movements;

2) The movements involved in the construction of the image and recognition of the perceived object.

With a novice reader, the eyes not only move forward, but also make reverse (regressive) movements, which indicate a poorly developed reading technique, inability to overcome the focus of attention on internal speaking and that perception has not received proper completeness. When reading aloud, the length of pauses, as well as the number of regressions, increases. Some psychologists attribute this fact to the cumbersomeness of the pronunciation process, as well as to the reader's desire for accessibility and expressiveness, since reading aloud is usually performed for others.

If we turn to speech reading mechanisms, then, as well as in oral communication, speech hearing, forecasting and memory will play a huge role, although they manifest themselves somewhat differently. The particular character of the sound-letter system of the printed text determines the role of speech hearing in the reading process. The reader must possess sound-letter associations, be able to isolate sounds from the speech stream and differentiate them. In this case, phonemic hearing performs a particularly important function, contributing to the successful perception and differentiation of the sound composition of words. In difficult cases, the reader resorts to alitic-synthetic operations for these purposes.

The most fully applied to a foreign language was described by Z.I. Klychnikova, who identified four types of information extracted from the text (categorical-cognitive, situational-cognitive, emotional-evaluative, compulsive-volitional), and seven levels understanding. The first two levels: the level of words, the level of phrases indicate an approximate ("fragmented") understanding. Learning the meaning of words and phrases in the context, the reader gets an idea of the topic to which the text is devoted. The operations that the novice reader performs in this case are distinguished by a certain complexity. It arises not only due to the quantitative discrepancy between the vocabulary of the reader and the vocabulary present in the text, but also for the reason that many words are used in a figurative meaning and are not motivated. Significant words, homographs, antonyms and synonyms are also of great complexity [2].

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The third level (understanding of sentences) is more advanced, although it is also fragmented. Difficulties in understanding sentences are related to both syntax and morphology. Perceiving the sentence, the student must divide it into separate elements, establish a connection between them and their role in utterance, recognize grammatical homonyms, especially in official words, etc. The most difficult are distant constructions in which one part of the message is separated from the other directly associated with it in meaning; constructions with inversion, which can be understood after reconciling the correspondence between the sequence of events and the sequence of words. When perceiving distant constructions, the reader in the mind transcodes small units of sentences into larger ones. The farther the reunited elements are disconnected, the greater the load falls on short-term memory, slowing down the process of understanding. These mental operations require a special form of synthesis of individual elements and simultaneous, rather than sequential, visibility of the whole sentence.

The fourth and fifth levels of understanding of the text can be associated with the types of reading and with what types of information the content extracted from the text belongs.

If categorically - cognitive and situational-cognitive, then this is a reading with a general or global understanding, if the text to one degree or another reflects information of the third and fourth levels, the reader reaches a full or detailed understanding. For the understanding of the text, it is particularly difficult to distinguish combat words that express syntactic relations and formulate semantic relations, but do not carry a large informative load. It is no accident, therefore, that the majority of psychologists classify combat words as especially important for understanding informative signals, as "orientational components of perception", which help to organize perceptual activity in accordance with the structure and logic of the perceived text [1].

The sixth level includes an understanding of informative and emotional-volitional information, the seventh - an understanding of all four types of information, including stimulative-volitional.

Reading, like any other form of written or verbal communication, requires a lot of practice, so students should read as much as possible. The educational complex is only a mandatory minimum, in addition to which it is necessary to attract books for independent reading. In independent reading, students should rely extensively on their speech experience. Of particular importance, is the conjecture that objectively exists in the mental activity of man and in most cases is supported by a context - linguistic and semantic (clearly expressed and implied).

It is important to remember that reading acts as a means of forming a secondary linguistic personality in foreign language lessons. Therefore, students need to read as many texts of various scientific styles as possible: literary, popular science, scientific and newspaper-journalistic.

References / Список литературы

1. Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages. M., 2004.

2. Makhmuryan K.S. The development of a linguistic personality in foreign language lessons. Lecturer, 2000. № 2. Р. 7-11.

3. Nikitina L.L. The development of personal activity of students in foreign language lessons. Foreign languages at school, 2005. № 7. Р. 80-82.

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