Научная статья на тему 'Teaching reading in English lesson'

Teaching reading in English lesson Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Turgunova Shakhnoza Tursunbaevna

This article discusses reading instruction in an English lesson. As its known, activity in the assimilation of information in children occurs on the basis of their own views and interests, which is the main means of motivating learning activities. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the personal individualization of students, to correlate speech actions with their real feelings, thoughts and interests. As lexical units accumulate, many children need visual support because it is extremely difficult to perceive speech only by ear. This is especially true for those children whose visual memory is better developed than auditory memory. Therefore, reading is analyzed here as a relevant skill in learning language.

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В данной статье рассматривается обучение чтению на уроке английского языка. Как известно, активность в усвоении информации у детей происходит на основе их собственных взглядов и интересов, что является основным средством мотивации учебной деятельности. При этом необходимо учитывать личностную индивидуализацию учеников, соотносить речевые действия с их реальными чувствами, мыслями и интересами. По мере накопления лексических единиц многие дети нуждаются в зрительной опоре т.к. воспринимать только на слух речь крайне трудно. Особенно это касается тех детей, у которых зрительная память развита лучше слуховой памяти. Поэтому чтение здесь анализируется как актуальный навык в изучении языка.

Текст научной работы на тему «Teaching reading in English lesson»

TEACHING READING IN ENGLISH LESSON Turgunova Sh.T. Email: Turgunova685@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article discusses reading instruction in an English lesson. As its known, activity in the assimilation of information in children occurs on the basis of their own views and interests, which is the main means of motivating learning activities. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the personal individualization of students, to correlate speech actions with their real feelings, thoughts and interests. As lexical units accumulate, many children need visual support because it is extremely difficult to perceive speech only by ear. This is especially true for those children whose visual memory is better developed than auditory memory. Therefore, reading is analyzed here as a relevant skill in learning language.

Keywords: reading training, reading technique, reading aloud, speech activity, the initial stage of training.


Тургунова Ш.Т.

Тургунова Шахноза Турсунбаевна - преподаватель, кафедра интегрированного курса английского языка-1, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматривается обучение чтению на уроке английского языка. Как известно, активность в усвоении информации у детей происходит на основе их собственных взглядов и интересов, что является основным средством мотивации учебной деятельности. При этом необходимо учитывать личностную индивидуализацию учеников, соотносить речевые действия с их реальными чувствами, мыслями и интересами. По мере накопления лексических единиц многие дети нуждаются в зрительной опоре т.к. воспринимать только на слух речь крайне трудно. Особенно это касается тех детей, у которых зрительная память развита лучше слуховой памяти. Поэтому чтение здесь анализируется как актуальный навык в изучении языка.

Ключевые слова: обучение чтение, техника чтения, чтения вслух, речевая деятельность, начальный этап обучения.

UDC 303.039.4

Reading is one of the most important types of communicative and cognitive activity of students. This activity is aimed at extracting information from a written fixed text. Reading performs various functions: it serves for practical mastery of a foreign language, is a means of learning a language and culture, a means of information and educational activity, and a means of self-education. As you know, reading contributes to the development of other types of communication activities. It is reading that gives the greatest opportunities for the upbringing and comprehensive development of schoolchildren by means of a foreign language.

When learning to read at the initial stage, it is important to teach the student to read correctly, that is, to teach him to voice graphemes, to extract thoughts, that is, to understand, evaluate, use the information in the text. These skills depend on how fast the child reads. By reading technique, we understand not only the quick and accurate correlation of sound and

letters, but also the correlation of the letter-letter bundle with the semantic meaning of what the child is reading. It is a high level of mastery of the reading technique that allows to achieve the result of the reading process itself - quick and high-quality information extraction. However, this is not possible if the student does not know enough linguistic means, is not able or incorrectly reproduces sounds.

So, learning to read aloud is at the initial stage both the goal and means of teaching reading, as it allows you to control the formation of reading mechanisms through an external form, and makes it possible to strengthen the pronunciation base that underlies all types of speech activity.

The formation of reading skills is one of the most important components of the process of teaching a foreign language at all its stages. Reading refers to receptive types of speech activity, enters into the sphere of communicative and social activity of people and provides a written form of communication in it [2].

The initial stage of learning to read has as its goal the formation of students' reading techniques in a foreign language and, in particular, such abilities as:

• quick establishment of sound and letter matches;

• correct scoring of the graphic image of the word and its correlation with the meaning, i.e. understanding / comprehension of what is read;

• reading by syntagmas, combining words into specific semantic groups;

• reading at a natural pace of texts based on familiar language material;

• expressive reading of texts by ear, with the correct stress and intonation.

• quick establishment of sound and letter matches;

• correct scoring of the graphic image of the word and its correlation with the meaning, i.e. understanding / comprehension of what is read;

• reading by syntagmas, combining words into specific semantic groups;

• reading at a natural pace of texts based on familiar language material;

• expressive reading of texts by ear, with the correct stress and intonation [1].

Reading is a speech activity aimed at visual perception and understanding of written


To understand a foreign language text, it is supposed to possess a set of phonetic, lexical and grammatical informative features that make the recognition process instant.

Although in a real act of reading, the processes of perception and comprehension proceed simultaneously and are closely interconnected, the abilities and skills that ensure its process are conventionally divided into two groups:

a) related to the "technical" side of reading

b) providing semantic processing of the perceived - establishing semantic links between linguistic units of different levels and thereby the content of the text, the intent of the author, etc.

Effectively solve the tasks, it is possible using modern teaching technologies that take into account the needs of younger students, their psychological age-related capabilities in the organization of the learning process. Perception takes on a controllable character, becomes more accurate, dissected, deliberate, and the relations between analysis and synthesis are clearly distributed. The proportion of voluntary attention is increasing, it is becoming more stable. There is a development of intellectual operations: comparison, generalization of orientation, classification, coding, and the transition from visual-figurative to verbal, critical thinking. The share of productive thinking is increasing. Mnemonic activity becomes more perfect. The amount of memory is increasing. Logical memory is formed, productive ways of memorizing.

Based on the above features of the mental processes of students of primary school age, it is possible to formulate pedagogical requirements for the organization of the process of teaching reading in a foreign language in elementary school.

1. The practical orientation of the learning process:

- formulation of specific communicatively-motivated tasks and questions aimed at solving practical problems and problems, allowing not only to master new knowledge and skills, but also to understand the content and meaning of what is being read;

- Mandatory emphasis on the loud-speaking stage of reading in the system of teaching the technique of reading in a foreign language, contributing to the consolidation of articulation and intonation skills, phonetically correct speech and "internal hearing".

2. A differentiated approach to learning:

- taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of students, individual styles of their cognitive activity when communicating new knowledge and the formation of skills;

- the use of analytical and synthetic exercises, tasks differentiated by degree of difficulty, depending on the individual abilities of students; selection of adequate methods of teaching reading aloud and to oneself.

3. An integrated and functional approach to learning:

- the construction of reading instruction on the basis of oral lead, i.e. children read texts containing linguistic material that they have already learned in oral speech; at the alphabetical stage, the mastery of new letters, letter combinations, reading rules is carried out in accordance with the sequence of introducing new lexical units and speech patterns in oral speech.

4. Consideration of the features of the native language:

- the use of positive transfer of reading skills, formed or already formed in the native language of students;

- the maximum reduction in the interfering influence of reading the native language, associated with the peculiarities of the Russian language (phonemic writing and syllabic reading), by explaining, comparing, demonstrating methods of action and plentiful training in reading.

5. Accessibility, feasibility and awareness of learning.

6. An integrated approach to the formation of motivation:

- giving at the lesson a lot of attention to the implementation of game tasks, action in problem situations of a communicative nature;

- the use of various types of visibility, stimulating the comprehension of new material, the creation of associative connections, supports, contributing to a better assimilation of reading rules, graphic images of words of intonational phrase models [3].

In addition to observing the listed pedagogical requirements, the success of the organization of training also depends on the level of professional literacy of the teacher, the degree of his methodological competence, the ability to use effective methods and forms of work in the lesson that are adequate to the purpose of the training.

References / Список литературы

1. Vaysburd M.L. Requirements for texts for independent (synthetic) reading in English in the VII grade. M., 1955.

2. Vaysburd M.L., Blokhina S.A. Learning to understand a foreign language text while reading as a search activity // Foreign languages at school, 1997. № 1-2. P. 33-38.

3. Karpov I. V. Psychological characteristics of the process of understanding and translation by students of foreign texts. Manual "Theory and methodology of educational translation". M., 1950.

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