DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-62-67
Dynamics of physical qualities indices among first-year students at a technical
Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova*1, Mikhail E. Ryabov1, Svetlana V. Gorshkova2
1M.T. Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5899-91, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0003-0074-1338, [email protected] 2Rostov Regional School (College) of the Olympic Reserve Rostov, Russia [email protected]
Abstract: Studying at a higher educational establishment is one of the kinds of activity, when a person faces great mental, nervous-emotional loads. This activity is especially difficult for the first-year students. Educational activity success mainly depends on the fact how quick a student adapts to the conditions of a higher educational establishment. Adaptation is improved with the help of physical culture lessons. Materials. The article estimates physical fitness indices in students. They study at the first course of the technical University. Research methods. Information sources and scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, testing, mathematical processing of research results. Results. As a result of tests analysis, chosen from the 6th stage of RLD, held at the beginning of the semester with the first-year students at ISTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov, we see that the level of physical fitness in boys is ambiguous. In quickness, speed-power oriented qualities, coordination tests young people show above the average level of fitness, except some indices in 2020. We consider that coronavirus pandemic influenced the results, as during a long time period in 2020 physical culture lessons at school were held distantly or not held at all. Power and flexibility are at the average level. Endurance test results are not satisfying, each year during this test (3000 meters running) mean value was very low. Conclusion. It is necessary to correct physical culture program at Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov and introduce sufficient part of anaerobic load into it according to "Volleyball" specialty.
Keywords: Physical fitness, testing, respondents, indices, students, technical University.
For citation: Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova*, Mikhail E. Ryabov, Svetlana V. Gorshkova. Dynamics of physical qualities indices among first-year students at a technical University. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(3): 52-56. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-62-67.
Studying at a higher educational establishment is one of the kinds of activity, when a person faces great mental, nervous-emotional loads. This activity is especially difficult for the first-year students. Educational activity success mainly depends on the fact how quick a student adapts to the conditions of a higher educational establishment. Adaptation is improved with the help of physical culture lessons. [4,5,6,7].
Fig. 1 reflects control indices of testing in 100 meters running. 13,3% of the respondents didn't cope with this test, the average volume in the test is 14,00±0,70 sec. (above the average level). In 2018 10% of respondents didn't cope with this test, the average volume is almost at the same level (above
the average), the same as in 2017 - 14,08±0,67 sec. The same stable level (above the average) showed students in 2019 - 13,99±0,70 sec., 13,3% of respondents didn't cope with the test. In 2020 we see the results decrease in this test. 16,7% of the first-year students didn't cope with the test and the average volume was 14,30±0,sec. (the average level).
The aim of the research: to define the dynamics of physical fitness indices in young men of the first course at Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov according to the tests, which characterize the development of the main physical qualities.
Table 1 - Control indices of physical fitness
TESTS Points
Boys 5 4 3 2 1
100 m. running, sec. 13,1 13,2-14,1 14,2-14,4 14,5-14,6 14,7
3000 m. running, s 12,00 12,10-13,40 13,41-14,30 14,31-15,00 15,10
Standing long-jump, cm 240 239-225 224-210 209-200 199
Chin-up, quantity 15 14-12 11-10 9-7 6
Shuttle run 3x10 m, s 7,1 7,2-7,7 7,8-8,0 8,1-8,5 8,6
For flexibility,lean, cm 13 12-8 7-6 5 4
Fig. 1 reflects control indices of testing in 100 meters running. 13,3% of the respondents didn't cope with this test, the average volume in the test is 14,00±0,70 sec. (above the average level). In 2018 10% of respondents didn't cope with this test, the average volume is almost at the same level (above the average), the same as in 2017 - 14,08±0,67 sec. The same stable level (above the average) showed students in 2019 - 13,99±0,70 sec., 13,3% of respondents didn't cope with the test. In 2020 we see the results decrease in this test. 16,7% of the first-year students didn't cope with the test and the average volume was 14,30±0,sec. (the average level).
The level of physical fitness development among the students, who enter the first course of Izhevsk State Technical University (ISTU), was estimated according to the results of the obligatory tests. The following tests were fulfilled: 100 meters running - characterizes quickness, 3000 meters running- characterizes endurance; standing long-jump pushing by both legs - characterizes speed-power oriented quality development; chin-up at a high bar - characterizes power oriented endurance; shuttle run 3x10 m - characterizes the level of quickness and coordination; head lean from standing position at a gymnastic bench (from the bench level-cm) - defines the level of flexibility. Each of tests is estimated according to 5-point scale. Test is considered fulfilled, if the respondent showed the result. It corresponded with minimum 1 point. If a student doesn't cope with the exercise, he gets 0 points. Points reflect the level of readiness: 5 - high; 4 - above the average; 3 - the average; 2 - below the average; 1 - low. Table 1 reflects the tests. They are fulfilled by the students at ISTU, and the controlling part. The sum of the points for the tests divided by their quantity, characterizes the level of students'
physical fitness [1,2,3].
Such aims achievement is caused by several measures. They are taken by the state. The main of them became the Decree of the Russian Federation President on March, 24, 2014 № 172 «On All-Russian physical-culture sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (RLD)». It was officially introduced since September, 1, 2014».
Now the complex is introduced everywhere, including the program of physical upbringing at higher educational establishments of the Russian Federation. The main tests of RLD complex define the level of physical fitness in young people. It means their state of health.
Let's analyze the results of the tests. They characterize the level of physical fitness in boys, who entered the first course of ISTU, within the period since 2017 till 2020. We used the results of the main health group students. They voluntarily chose "Volleyball" specialty; in each considered year we took the results of 30 students.
Let's see the average indices of testing in 3000 meters running. Fig. 2 reflects the results.
It should be noted that the mean values of presented by us years don't achieve even a low level mark. In 2017 the mean value was 16,20±2,65 min., sec., 70% of the respondents didn't cope with the test. In 2018 and 2019 90 and 93,3 percentage of respondents didn't cope with the test. The mean value of the test in 2018 - 16,17±1,15 min., sec., in 2019 - 16,10±0,94 min., sec. In 2020 we see not significant improvement - 23,3% of students managed to cope with the test, in comparison with 2018 and 2019, mean value stays at a low level -16,32±2,06 min., sec.
Fig. 1. Dynamics of the average volume of the students' results at ISTU in 100 meters running, sec.
Fig. 2. Dynamics of the average volume of the students' results at ISTU in 3000 meters running, min, s
Fig. 3 reflects the average indices of qualities as above the average level. The mean value
standing long-jump test. Since 2017 till 2019 100% of the test during these years was 231,83±15,34 cm;
of students cope with this important for volleyball 233,67± 13,13 cm;236,67± 6,86 cm. test. It characterizes students' speed-power oriented
240,00 230,00 220,00 210,00 200,00
Fig. 3. Dynamics of the average volume of the students' results at ISTU in standing long-jump, cm
In 2020 86,7% of respondents entered the control board. The mean value of the test was 218,03±20,06 cm (the average level).
Fig. 4 reflects mean values of testing in chin-up at a high bar. In 2017 the mean value of the test was 9,93±3,98 times (almost the average level), 20% of first-year students didn't cope with the test. In 2018 only 6,7 percentage of students
didn't cope with the test, the mean value of the test was10,33±3,53 times (the average level). In 2019 100% of respondents fulfilled the test for shoulder girdle power - 10,47±2,60 times (the average level); 2020 - 7,87±4,16 times (below the average level), 20% of respondents didn't cope with the test.
Fig. 4. Dynamics of the average volume of the students' results at ISTU in chin-up, quantity
Fig. 5 reflects mean values of shuttle run following: 7,32±0,41 sec.,7,33±0,38 sec.,7,26±0,40 test. Since 2017 till 2019 100% of the first-year sec. (above the average level). In 2020 the same students successfully passed this test, the average level (7,53±0,54 sec.) showed the students, but 96,7 indices of the test during these years were the % of respondents entered the point table.
Fig. 5. Dynamics of the average volume of the students' results at ISTU in shuttle run 3x10 m, s
Fig. 6 presents mean values of flexibility testing. In 2017 mean values were 6,17±4,36 cm (the average level), 26,7% of the respondents didn't cope with the test. In 2018 6,53±4,55 cm (the average level), 33,3 % of young people didn't cope with the
test. In 2019 6,87±4,05 cm (the average level), 20% of respondents didn't cope with the test. In 2020 26,7% of the respondents didn't cope with the test, the mean values of the test were 6,57±4,72 cm (the average level).
Fig. 6. Dynamics of the average volume of the students' results at ISTU in head lean from standing position at a gymnastic bench (from bench level - cm)
As a result of tests analysis, chosen from the 6th stage of RLD, held at the beginning of the semester with the first-year students at ISTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov, we see that the level of physical fitness in boys is ambiguous. In quickness, speed-power oriented qualities, coordination tests young people show above the average level of fitness, except some indices in 2020. We consider that coronavirus pandemic influenced the results, as during a long time period in 2020 physical culture lessons at school were held distantly or not held at all. Power and flexibility are at the average level. Endurance test results are not satisfying, each year during this test (3000 meters running) mean value was very low. It is necessary to correct physical culture program at Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov and introduce sufficient part of anaerobic load into it according to "Volleyball" specialty.
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Submitted: 20.08.2021 Author's information:
Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, M.T. Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk, Izhevsk, E-mail: [email protected].
Mikhail E. Ryabov - senior teacher, Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov, Izhevsk, E-mail: [email protected]
Svetlana V. Gorshkova - deputy director of educational-upbringing work; Rostov Regional School (College) of the Olympic Reserve, Rostov E-mail: [email protected]