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Sakhnenko A.
Postgraduate student of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
ORCID 0000-0002-8084-3897
The article scientifically substantiates the importance of physical readiness of student's during their preparation for professional activity, presents the analysis of the level of physical readiness of students of agrarian specialties.
The process of physical upbringing in a higher educational institution is focused on improving the health, hardening, enhancing compensatory capacity of the body in the process of studying, improvement of physical condition, development of motor abilities, improving of physical and mental ability to work.
The important component of health, well-earning capacity and livelihoods, the basis on which the whole physical activity of a person takes place is the level of physical fitness increasing the level of physical fitness of student's youth is one of priorities of system of physical upbringing in the higher educational institutions of agricultural profile in Ukraine.
At the same time modern approaches to the organization of physical education do not satisfy natural biological need of student's youth in motor activity.
So, the assessment of physical training efficiency in the higher education institutions must be held with one hand regarding the health of those involved, and on the other hand regarding the development of basic physical abilities, that is on the level of physical fitness.
Keywords: physical fitness, physical abilities, the students of agricultural specialties, physical training.
Formulation of the problem. Today in Ukraine there is an unfavorable situation with staffing of the agrarian industry by qualified specialists capable of successful productive professional activity. One of the main reasons for this problem is low level of physical health and physical fitness of the graduates of higher education institutions of agrarian profile. Thus, according to experts, most of them are physically unable to meet modern requirements of the labor market [7].
The high level of requirements, competition, which prevails in the industrial and social spheres, shows that the psychophysical readiness of most graduates of higher education institutions of Ukraine does not meet the demands of the labor market [1, 2, 7]. In this regard, there is an urgent need to investigate the level of physical fitness of students of agrarian specialties and on the basis of analysis of research results to
draw the conclusions about the need to reform the system of physical education of the higher education institutions of agrarian profile.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The works of domestic scientists show that the modern system of physical education in higher education institutions is not effective enough to improve students' physical fitness [2-5]. Deterioration of young people's health worries not only the theorists but also the practitioners involved in the development of sports and health programs, guidelines aimed at optimizing the system of physical education in schools, etc. The problem field of the physical education system of students of the higher education institutions have been investigated by such scientists as H. L. Apanasenko, T. Yu. Krutsevych, O. S. Kuts, N. V. Moskalenko, P. T. Raiev-skyi, R. Sirenko, E. Stepanenkova, B. Shyian, S. M. Kanishevskyi, M. D. Zubalii and others [1-5].
Modern science, in the field of physical culture, provides an integrated assessment of human health, associated with the multifactor and syncretic nature of its components: the level of physical activity, genetics, gender, energy potential, learning conditions and lifestyle. And in this context, the main elements of strengthening the health of the future generation of specialists in various industries and non-productive areas are physical culture, sports and social orientation of students to a healthy lifestyle. The foundations of the process of forming a harmoniously developed personality of the future specialist are laid in the higher school. First of all, they include health promotion, achieving high and sustainable performance through exercise, recreation and sports [8-11].
It should be noted that optimal motor activity has a positive effect on the success of mental work, which is very important for student youth [11-13]. The appropriate level of students' physical development can meet modern requirements for the training of qualified future specialists [1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 15].
According to the law, the higher school, solving the problem of professional preparation, must provide students physical training. Therefore, it is perfectly legitimate to say that physical education of students is considered an integral, most important part of their general education [12-16]. The role of physical education and other forms of directed use of physical culture in universities is multifaceted. Means of physical culture provide general and special physical training in the context of the conditions of the future profession. Thus, solving specific tasks, physical education of students plays a significant role in moral, volitional and aesthetic development, makes a significant contribution to the training of qualified and well-developed professionals [1, 5, 7].
Separation of previously unresolved parts of a common problem. In order to solve effectively the problems of students' physical education it is very important to have reliable information about the level of physical fitness and health, as well as the degree of compliance of the curriculum with the students' interests, as the main purpose of physical education lies in students' physical culture formation and the possibility to implement it in social-professional and sports activities and life [1-4, 7].
The purpose of the article: to determine the level of professionally important physical qualities development of students of agricultural specialties in accordance with the tests and standards developed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Statement of the main material. The study involved 1201 students of the I-III years of study of agrarian specialties, namely: students of Sumy National Agrarian University (n=612); students of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko (n=403); students of Glukhiv Agro-technical Institute named after S. A. Kovpak (n=186). The average age of the students was 18 years.
The study was conducted during the second semester of the 2016-17 academic year according to the standard tests of annual assessment of physical fitness of the population of Ukraine [6].
Tests that assess the physical fitness of higher education applicants (aged 18-20 years) include the following standards: running 3000 meters for male students and 2000 meters for female students, pull-ups on the crossbar (boys) and flexion of the arms in a supine position (girls), long jump from the place, running 100 meters, shuttle running 4x9 meters and tilting the torso forward from a sitting position.
The results of each test were evaluated by quantitative and qualitative criteria. The quantitative criterion is based on scores ranging from five to zero. According to the number of points scored, a qualitative assessment was calculated: high level is assessed at five points; above average - four points; average level - three points; below average - two points. The result of students who did not meet the standard by two points is evaluated at zero points and is defined as low.
According to the sum of quantitative assessments, we determined the total score of physical fitness of students of agrarian specialties. The general level of physical fitness of students was determined using an integrated criterion, by comparing the value of the total score of physical fitness of the student with the "Scale of test results and standards for pupils and student youth". Thus, based on the results of the calculations, the assessment and the level of students' physical fitness were determined.
Having considered the average values (M ± <) of the obtained indicators of physical fitness (Table 1), we can state that the results of male students are in the limits of low and below average levels.
Table 1
Indicators of physical fitness of male students of agrarian specialties (M ± <)
Types of tests Year of study
I year II year III year I-III years
Running 3000 m (min., s) 14.47 ± 0.06 15.26 ± 0.06 16.30 ± 0.09 15.40 ± 0.05
Pull-ups on the crossbar (times) 9.00 ± 0.18 9.60 ± 0.15 7.70 ± 0.21 8.76 ± 0.11
Long jump from the place (sm) 212..51 ± 1.17 214..37 ± 0.84 210.46 ± 0.90 212.41 ± 0.59
Running 100 m (s) 15.04 ± 0.05 15.67 ± 0.07 15.91 ± 0.08 15.51 ± 0.04
Shuttle running 4 x 9 m (s) 9.90 ± 0.03 10.18 ± 0.03 10.46 ± 0.03 10.16 ± 0.02
Tilting the torso forward from a sitting position (sm) 7.06 ± 0.17 7.14 ± 0.15 6.49 ± 0.13 6.90 ± 0.09
[developed by the author]
It should be noted that among male students the best results showed freshmen, the worst - third-year students. Quantitative averages of female students are in the low and below average levels (Table 2).
Table 2
Indicators of physical fitness of female students of agrarian specialties (M + c)
Types of tests Year of study
I year II year III year I-III years
Running 2000 m (min., s) 12.46 ± 0.06 13.01 ± 0.06 13.33 ± 0.06 13.05 ± 0.05
Flexion of the arms in a supine position (times) 13.5 ± 0.12 13.9 ± 0.34 12.8 ± 0.37 13.4 ± 0.11
Long jump from the place (sm) 170.25 ± 1.68 171.35 ± 1.35 166.13 ± 1.13 169.26 ± 1.66
Running 100 m (s) 17.07 ± 0.07 17.53 ± 0.10 17.30 ± 0.09 17.28 ± 0.04
Shuttle running 4 x 9 m (s) 11.66 ± 0.03 11.70 ± 0.03 12.08 ± 0.03 11.81 ± 0.02
Tilting the torso forward from a sitting position (sm) 14.19 ± 0.17 12.14 ± 0.15 9.40 ± 0.13 12.06 ± 0.09
[developed by the author]
The analysis of qualitative test results has shown that most agrarian students had a low level of physical fitness (Table 3). No students with a high level of physical fitness were identified by the sum of points obtained.
Table 3
Test results of students of agrarian specialties (%)
Types of tests Year of study Level of physical fitness (%)
High Above average Average Below average Low
male female male female male female male female male female
Running 3000/2000 meters I 0.6 - 10.0 3.1 29.5 7.8 22.8 40.3 37.1 48.8
II - - 4.3 1.0 14.8 3.0 43.6 39.0 37.3 57.0
III - - 1.8 - 7.6 - 35.6 24.1 55.0 75.9
Pull-ups on the crossbar / Flexion of the arms in a supine position I 2.4 2.3 9.7 3.9 31.3 4.7 20.7 36.4 35.9 52.7
II 1.6 1.0 5.8 2.0 18.7 3.0 57.2 57.0 16.7 37.0
III 0.7 0.9 2.9 - 6.8 0.9 49.6 52.8 40.0 45.4
Longjump from the place I 1.8 2.3 4.2 7.8 22.2 14.7 28.6 38.0 43.2 37.2
II - 1.0 1.9 4.0 11.7 7.0 68.1 77.0 18.3 11.0
III - - 0.7 1.8 5.8 2.8 66.5 76.9 27.0 18.5
Running 100m I - - 6.4 4.7 24.9 7.8 32.5 55.0 36.2 32.5
II - - 0.8 1.0 15.2 5.0 18.3 45.0 65.7 49.0
III - - - 0.9 5.0 2.8 43.9 75.9 51.1 20.4
Shuttle running 4 x 9m I 2.4 1.6 25.9 5.4 38.3 9.3 18.2 22.5 15.2 61.2
II 1.2 2.0 7.4 2.0 22.6 4.0 41.2 61.0 27.6 31.0
III - - 3.6 0.9 8.3 1.9 49.6 43.5 38.5 53.7
Tilting the torso forward I 3.6 7.8 11.6 16.3 16.1 17.8 34.0 45.7 34.7 12.4
II 1.2 10.0. 5.8 14.0 14.0 10.0 63.8 32.0 15.2 34.0
III 1.8 3.7 4.0 5.6 3.6 4.6 72.6 52.8 18.0 33.3
developed by the author]
According to the results of the test "Running 3000 m", 0,2 % of male students had a high level; 5,7 % showed above-average results; 18,1 % showed an average level; 33,1 % of male students had a level below average. Low level of physical fitness on the test "Running 3000 m" was found in 42,9 % of male students.
Among female students, the results of the test "Running 2000 m" were distributed as follows: 1,5 % of female students had above average level; average level demonstrated 3,9 % of the respondents; 34,7 % and 59,9 % of female students, respectively, showed below average and low levels.
Having analyzed the results of the test "Pull-ups on the crossbar", we can conclude that among male students 1,6 % had a high level; 6,4 % showed an above average level; 19,7 % showed an average level; 40,8 % of male students demonstrated below-average results; outside the mark of 2 points (low level) were the results of 31,5 % of male students.
In the test "Flexion of the arms in a supine position" 1,5 % of female students showed results that correspond to a high level; 2,0 % of the respondents had an above average level. The average level was found in 3,0 % of female students. Results below the average level were found in 47,8 %. 45,7 % showed a low level of results.
Analysis of the results of the test "Long jump from a place" showed that 0,7 % of students had a high level; 2,4 % showed a level above average; 13,8 % showed average results; 52,5 % of male students as a result of the test received a mark of 2 points, which corresponds to a level below average. A low level of the test "Long jump from a place" was found in 30,6 % of male students.
Among female students in the above-mentioned test, a high level was found in 1,2 %; above average level showed 4,8 % of respondents; 8,6 % showed results that correspond to an average level. More than half
of female students (62,0 %) had a level below average.
23.4 % showed low results.
No students received five points or a high level on
the test "Running 100 m". 2,7 % of male students had a level above average according to the results of this test; 15,6 % showed an average level; 31,9 % had a level below average; low level showed about half (49,8 %) of male students.
According to the results of this test, 2,4 % of female students had indicators corresponding to a level below the average. 5,3 % had an average level. The results of 58,8 % of female students were below average.
33.5 % of respondents showed a low level.
Statistical processing of the results of the test
"Shuttle running 4 x 9 m" showed that 1,3 % of male students had results that correspond to a high level; 13,2 % showed a level above average; 23,9 % showed average results; indicators of 35,2 % of students correlate with the level below the average; according to the test results, 26,4 % of male students had a low level of physical fitness.
A high level was found in 1,2 % of female students; 3,0 % showed a level above average; the results corresponding to the average level showed 5,3 % of female students. 40,7 % and 49,8 % of respondents had below average and low levels, respectively.
Analysis of the results of the test "Tilting the torso forward from a sitting position" showed that 2,3 % of
90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00%
above average below the low average average
I female 0 male
Fig. 1 Level ofphysical fitness of male and female students of agrarian specialties
Further analysis of the obtained data allowed to determine the general level of physical fitness of future agrarian industry specialists (Fig. 2).
male students had a high level; 7,4 % showed above average levels; 11,5 % showed an average level of flexibility; more than half of young men (55,3 %) had indicators that correspond to a level below the average; results corresponding to a low level showed 23,5 % of male students.
In the above-mentioned type of testing, female students' results were distributed as follows: a high level of indicators was found in 7,1 %; above the average level - in 12,2 %; 11,3 % showed an average level of results; 43,9 % and 25,5 % were below average and low, respectively.
Summarizing the quantitative and qualitative assessments of the results of six tests, we can draw conclusions about the general level of physical fitness of male and female students of the I-III years of study of agrarian specialties (Fig. 1).
According to the test results, the vast majority are students with low and below average levels of physical qualities development. A low level was found in 17,5 % of female and 8,3 % of male students. 82,2 % of female and 77,4 % of male students showed a lower than average level. 0,3 % of female and 14,2 % of male students had an average level. 0,1 % of youth showed above average level. No results corresponding to a high level were found.
1— \—
■ above average E3 average 0 below the average S low
Fig. 2 General level ofphysical fitness offuture agrarian industry specialists
■.■Asl1- ■-■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■.-■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■.-■ ■.■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■.-■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■.-■ ■■■ ■■■ Iti: ■; ■: ■; ■; ■: ■; ■; ■: ■: ■; ■: ■; ■; ■ -M
Statistical processing and analysis of the obtained results allow to state low and below average levels of physical fitness in the majority of students. As it has been already mentioned, no students showed a high level of physical fitness; 0,1 % showed a level above average; l0,3 % had an average level. Most students (78,8 %) showed results that correspond to a level below the average. The results of 10,8 % of respondents by the studied quantitative indicators were within the low level. The mean values of most indicators of the I-III years students were within a low level of physical fitness.
Conclusions and offers. Physical fitness - is the readiness of a student to perform physical activities of the curriculum. It reveals the level of development of physical qualities achieved in the process of physical upbringing. Physical fitness is the result of physical activity of students, their integrated indicator, because during exercise in the relationship come almost all the organs and systems of the body. Physical fitness is considered not only as a function of the motor apparatus, but also as a functioning of the organism as a whole.
The lack of reliable information about the real state of physical and functional fitness of a student, the inability for rapid assessment of the impact of physical load on his body not only reduces the efficiency of the process of physical training and recovery, but also can lead to more serious negative consequences.
As a result of the conducted research it is possible to state an unsatisfactory state of physical fitness of the majority of the investigated contingent. The results of more than half of the students are in the low and below average levels, which corresponds to the marks of 2 and 0 points.
It should be noted that students with a high level of physical qualities development were not identified, 0,1 % of students showed above the average level.
In our opinion, the results of the study indicate an unsatisfactory situation in the system of physical education in higher education institutions of agrarian profile in Ukraine.
Areas of further research will lie in the search for ways to optimize organization of physical education of the students of agrarian specialties.
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Форостюк Т.В.
кандидат педагоггчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогжи, теорИ та методики початково'1 oceimu, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний nедагогiчний ymiверси-
тет iменi Григорiя Сковороди»
Forostyuk T.
Cand. Sc., associate professor, associate professor ofpedagogy, theory and methodology of elementary education, Public higher education institution «Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University»
У статп розкриваються особливосп професшно! шдготовки майбутнього вчителя початково! школи. Проаналiзовано rayraBi пращ з проблеми. Доведено актуальшсть зазначено! проблеми. ABSTRACT
The article describes the features of professional training of primary school teacher. The scientific works on the problem have been analyzed. The actuality of this problem has been proved.
Ключовi слова: training, preparation of future teachers, educational process, creative activity. Keywords: професшна шдготовка, шдготовка майбуттх учителв, освггнш процес, творча дiяльнiсть.
Постановка проблеми. Проблема професшно! шдготовки майбутшх фахiвцiв, зокрема, початково! школи е актуальною, осшльки ввд И розв'язання залежить формування майбутнього по-колшня; пiдготовка вчителiв, здатних до оргашзацп освiтнього процесу в умовах реформування освiти та сучасних викликiв часу. Школi потрiбен творчий фахiвець, який володiе iнновацiйними техно-логiями, активними методами та прийомами; мае потребу та бажання до самовдосконалення, про-фесшного творчого розвитку; умiе активiзувати шзнавальну творчу дiяльнiсть, любить дiтей i свою професш; мае Iрунтовнi знания та бажання !х по-повнювати; досконало володiе словом як засобом стлкування та органiзацii освiтнього процесу; прагне впроваджувати в життя европейсьш цш-ностi.
У зв'язку з цим особливо актуальною е проблема професшно! шдготовки творчих учителiв початково! школи. Адже вдосконалення нацiональноi' освiтньоi системи потребуе наукового пошуку ефективних засобiв, оптимальних шновацшних способiв перебудови органiзацii всього процесу професшно! шдготовки в напрямку орiентацii на особистiсний розвиток суб'ектiв цього процесу.
Ah^Í3 останшх досл1джень i публжацш. Аналiз лiтератури дав змогу стверджувати, що в рь зш перiоди розвитку суспiльства й освии ця проблема була завжди актуальною. У наукових досль дженнях багатьох науковцiв 1рунтовно розкрито рiзнi аспекти цiеi проблеми.
Проаналiзувавши лггературу, ми з'ясували, що проблемою професшно! шдготовки фахiвцiв
цiкавилися науковцi минулого, а нинi вона теж актуальна, а тому в полi зору багатьох вчених. Зокрема, !'!' дослщжували В. Сухомлинський, I. Бех, В. Кремшь, А. Алексюк, О. Савченко, Л. Кондрашова, В. Ракович, О. Безпалько, В. Свдокимова, I. Зязюн,
0. Абдуллiна, В. Лозова, О. Пехота, О. Щербакова,
1. Синиця, В. Андрущенко, С. Мелшда, О. Падалка, М. Стась та ш.
Пiдготовка майбутнiх учителiв у вищих педа-гогiчних освггшх закладах потребуе постiйного вдосконалення теоретично! бази, пошуку й упрова-дження ефективних методик та iнновацiйних тех-нологiй навчання. Науковцi вважають, що необ-хiднi змiни в пвдходах до розв'язання поставлених завдань. Це питання висвiтлюють у працях таш вченi: £. Антонович, Е. Белшна, Л. Масол, В. Бу-тенко, Н. Миропольська, О. Олексюк, Г. Падалка, О. Шевнюк, О. Щолокова та iн. [3].
Проблема шдготовки вчителя псно пере-плiтаеться з проблемою розвитку творчих здiбно-стей особистосл, з проблемою органiзацii творчо! iнновацiйноi дiяльностi. Цi питання е важливими, хоча й неоднозначними, про що сввдчить значна кiлькiсть наукових праць вiтчизняних i зарубiжних фiлософiв (М. Каган, М. Бердяев та ш.), психологiв (I. Бех, Л. Виготський, Д. Богоявленська, £. 1ль!н, В. Кузiн, А. Маслоу, В. Моляко, Я. Пономарьов, В. Роменець, С. Рубшштейн, Б. Теплов та ш.), педа-гогiв (В. Бутенко, I. Зязюн, О. Коберник, В. Кузь, Б. Неменський, О. Олексюк, В. Орлов, I. Осадченко, Г. Падалка, Н. Побiрченко, О. Рудницька та ш.), ми-стецтвознавцiв (М. Волков, С. Дашель та iн.).
У працях сучасних учених-дослщнишв