DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-80-85
Physical fitness of first-year students at the University of the Ural Federal
Oksana N. Lovygina1, Roman V. Sidorov2*, Igor M. Dobrynin23, Tatyana A. Fassakhova3
1KurganStateUniversity, Kurgan, Russia ORCID:0000-000l-5455-7240, [email protected] 2Ural StateUniversityof Economics Yekaterinburg, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-0295-935X, sidorov [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0002-5726-6219, [email protected] 3UralFederalUniversitynamed after the 1stpresident of Russia BN. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russia [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-2542-0074
Abstract: Physical culture is the part of students' healthy life style. Materials. Physical fitness of first-year students of Ural State University of Economics and Kurgan State University. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, method of control tests and methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The article presents comparative results of first-year students' general physical fitness. It is mentioned that according to "standing long jump with two legs push (cm)", "body lifting from back posture (quantity within a minute)", "pull-up at a high bar (quantity)"(boys) and "push-up lying on the floor (quantity)"(girls) tests the average indices are higher among the students of Kurgan State University. In "bending forward from standing position on a gymnastic bench (cm)" test higher results were among the boys from Ural State University of Economics. Conclusion. We come to the conclusion that first-year students from Kurgan State University have better developed power oriented and speed-power oriented abilities and flexibility is better developed among the students of Ural State University of Economics.
Keywords: physical fitness, testing, physical qualities, physical culture of students.
For citation: OksanaN. Lovygina, Roman V. Sidorov*, Igor M. Dobrynin, Tatyana A. Fassakhova.Physical fitness of first-year students at the University of the Ural Federal District. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(1): 64-68.DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-80-85.
Physical culture is the part of students' healthy life style.There is sufficient amount of articles, which reflect physical fitness of students at different educational establishments [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. Earlier we considered the dynamics of physical fitness among the students of Kurgan State University during the period since 2010 till 2019. During recent years great attention in Russia is paid to physical culture and sport. In 2014 president of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. signed the Decree of All-Russian physical culture-sports "Ready for Labor and Defense" (RLD) complex introduction, which nowadays is one of the mechanisms of mass sports development and the way of people involvement into a healthy life style [12].
The aim of the present research work was to study physical fitness of students, who study at Ural
State University of Economics and Kurgan State University.
1240 students at the age of 17-18 took part in the research. They study at the first courses of Ural State University of Economics (Yekaterinburg) and Kurgan State University (Kurgan). 556 of them are boys and 684 are girls. All students were included into the main medical group according to the doctor's opinionand didn't have any physical complaints during the test.
In order to define physical fitness level of first-year students we used the method of control tests. As the control tests we used the tests from All-Russian youth physical culture project "From the student-credit of ASSC (association of students sport clubs) toward RLD badge": "standing long
jump with two legs push (cm)", "bending forward from standing position on a gymnastic bench (cm)", "body lifting from back posture (quantity within a minute)", "pull-up at a high bar (quantity)"(boys) and "push-up lying on the floor (quantity)"(girls) [10,11]
There are five tests in the presented program [9], but, taking into account material-technical base of a higher educational establishment, "60 meters running (sec.)" test at Ural State University of Economics (UrSUE) and "shuttle running 3x10
m (sec.)" test at Kurgan State University (KSU) were organized in order to define speed abilities development. That is why we didn't carry out students' speed abilities comparison in this research work.
Testing results among first-year students showed that in "pull-up at a high bar (quantity)" test the average result among KSU students was 2,17 times (23%) better, than among the students from UrSUE(picture 1).
Picturei - The average results of boys in "pull-up at a high bar (quantity)"test
Among girls power oriented abilities of the upper extremities and shoulder girdle muscles development reflects "push-up lying on the floor
(quantity)" test. In this test girls from KSU had 1,12times (11%) better average result, than the girls from UrSUE (picture 2).
I 10,27
1 1
Picture 2 - The average results of girls in "push-up lying on the floor (quantity)"test
In the test, which demands speed-power oriented endurance of bodyflexor muscles, "body lifting from back posture (quantity within a minute)" test, the average results among boys were
the following: UrSUE - 3i,67±20,67 times within a minute, KSU - 38,44±i6,7i times. Female first-year students had the following results in this test: 26,87±i8,23 times and 35,2i±9,0i times (picture 3).
50 40
£ bo
I 20
10 o
26,87 35,21
1 i
Picture 3 - The average results of students in "body lifting from back posture (quantity within a
minute)" test
Speed-power oriented abilities or dynamic strength of lower extremities muscles were estimated with the help of "standing long jump with two legs push (cm)" test. The average results in standing long jump among first-year students at UrSUE were the
following: among boys-177,36±88,31 cm, among girls - 132,55±72,69 cm. AmongKSUstudents: boys- 228,88±23,32cm, girls - 165,74±22,46 cm (picture 4).
250 200 150 100 50 0
165,74 132,55
i i
Picture 4 -The average results of students in "standing long jump with two legs push (cm)" test A standard test for flexibility is "bending boys and 11,39±7,88 cm - girls. KSU students forward from standing position on a gymnastic fulfilled 4,71±4,53 cm (boys) and 11,64±7,41 cm bench (cm)" test. The students fromUrSUE in the (girls) bending. Picture 5 showstheresults. average fulfilled 6,82±6,79 cm bending forward-
14 12 10
6 4 2 0
1 ¿1
11,39 11,64
6,82 4,71
Picture 5-The average results of students in "bending forward from standing position on a gymnastic bench
(cm)" test
Comparative analysis of the received results shows that in three offered tests the average results were better among students from Kurgan State University, these differences are from 11% to 23%. In "bending forward from standing position on a gymnastic bench (cm)" test higher result was among the boys from Ural State University of Economics. Their result is 30% better, than among the boys from Kurgan State University.Among the girls the results of this test didn't differ validly and significantly. Thus, we come to the conclusion that first-year students from Kurgan State University have better developed power oriented and speed-power oriented abilities and flexibility is better developed among the students of Ural State University of Economics.
Ranking of All-Russian physical culture-sport "Ready for Labor and Defense" complex realization according to the results of the 3rdquarter 2020 shows that Kurgan region takes the 8th place and Sverdlovsk region takes the 28th place [9]. Probably it can explain higher results of students from Kurgan State University in the tests of All-Russian youth physical culture project "From the student-credit of ASSC (association of students sport clubs) toward RLD badge".
In the future we plan to realize more qualitative analysis of physical fitness among the students at higher educational establishments of the Ural Federal Region and involve the colleagues from Chelyabinsk and Tyumen.
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Submitted: 15.01.2021 Author's information:
Oksana N. Lovygina- CandidateofBiologicalSciences, Associate Professor, Kurgan State University,
640020, Russia, Kurgan, Sovetskaya str., House 63, e-mail: [email protected]
Roman V. Sidororv — Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Ural State University of
Economics, 620144, Russia, Yekaterinburg, 8Marta Narodnoy Voli str.,House 62/45, e-mail: sidorov
Igor M. Dobrynin- Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Ural Federal University named after the 1st president of Russia BN. Yeltsin, 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Mira str., House 19, e-mail: [email protected]
Tatyana A. Fassakhova — Senior Lecturer, Ural Federal University named after the 1st president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Mira str., House 19, e-mail: [email protected]