Evaluation of changes in the motives of physical culture and sports among students during the period of self-isolation
UDC 159.9:796/799
PhD A.S. Grachev2
PhD, Associate Professor D.E. Egorov1 PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Kopeikina3 A.S. Sheplyakov2
1Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
2Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod 3Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to assess the change in the motives for physical culture and sports among students during the pandemic.
Methods and structure of the study. In February 2020, an online survey was conducted, which was based on the methodology of A.V. Shaboltas, adapted for physical education at the university. The study involved 1385 students of Belgorod universities (n=755 girls and n=630 boys). A second survey was conducted in late April - early May 2020. It was found that the distribution of motives of boys and girls before self-isolation was identical.
Results and conclusions. During self-isolation, an increase in the indicators of the motive of emotional pleasure and social self-affirmation was noted. Moreover, in girls, the indicators of this motive significantly increased from 2.8±2.4 points to 3.6±2.3 points and moved from the last line of the rating of motives to the penultimate one. Thus, it was found that the self-isolation associated with Covid-19 and the limitations in self-expression that arose among students contributed to an increase in the significance of the motive of social self-assertion. Consequently, students have formed a desire to prove themselves, which is expressed in the fact that physical education classes and the successes achieved at the same time are considered and experienced from the point of view of personal prestige and respect from friends/ acquaintances.
Keywords: students, motives, physical culture, self-isolation, Covid-19.
Introduction. The student period often occurs at the age of 17-22 years, when young people become independent. What value systems they were able to form in the family [6] and school largely determines how they will study at the university, how they will organize their day and their leisure. Nevertheless, it is common for a person to reconsider values and outlooks on life [4]. This can be facilitated by various events that have occurred with a person or people close to him [5]. The surrounding society has a great influence on these processes.
For example, studies by Falk E. and Scholz C. [3] indicate that consistently structured information can change a person's perception of a phenomenon or event, form certain value attitudes and motives. How-
ever, a more significant factor for the transformation of motives is a change in the habitual way of life of a person associated with some kind of disease or limitation. In this connection, the question arises: how could the two-month lockdown associated with Covid-19 affect the needs and aspirations of student youth?
Objective of the study was to assess the change in the motives for physical culture and sports among students during the pandemic.
Methods and structure of the study. To assess the motives for physical culture and sports among students, a survey was conducted, which was based on the method modified and adapted for students by A.V. Shaboltas [2]. Judgments concerning competitive activity were rephrased taking into account the realities
of educational and physical culture and sports activities at the university. However, the semantic load and correspondence to motives-categories remained unchanged.
The survey was conducted in two stages: the first -in February 2020, the second - in late April and early May 2020. The survey involved 1385 students (n=755 girls and n=630 boys).
Results of the study and their discussion. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of changes in girls' motives for physical culture and sports activities during the period of self-isolation is shown in the figure. The most pronounced motive, both in women and men before self-isolation, was the motive of physical self-affirmation. Consequently, most of the students are engaged in physical culture or sports in order to have a good physique and be physically developed. In second place in importance among students was a rational-volitional motive, which allows us to say that physical culture or sports are considered as an opportunity to compensate for the lack of motor activity associated with intellectual load and a sedentary lifestyle during study. The results of the survey during self-isolation showed that in boys the rational-volitional motive came out on top, while in girls there were no such changes. In general, the ranking of motives is similar to the results obtained in our earlier studies [1].
In girls and boys during the period of self-isolation, indicators of the motive of emotional pleasure increased. This is due to the fact that during the lock-
Dynamics of changes in the motives of physical culture and sports among students during the period of self-isolation
PhS - the motive of physical self-affirmation
RV - rational-volitional motive
PA - the motive for preparing for professional activity
EP- motive of emotional pleasure
AS - the motive for achieving success in sports
SEd - sports and educational motive
SE - socio-emotional motive
CP - civil-patriotic motive
SM - social and moral motive
SS - the motive of social self-assertion
down period, the forms of obtaining new emotions and impressions, such as live communication with friends, visiting cinemas, cafes, restaurants, various events, and much more, have significantly decreased. There was a need to compensate for the lack of emotions with other available activities. One of these forms for girls was physical education and sports, which contribute to the production of "happiness hormones": serotonin and dopamine. Moreover, in girls, the motive of emotional pleasure began to prevail over the motive of preparation for professional activity.
The least significant, both for girls and boys, are the socio-moral motive, which manifests itself in the desire to train for the victory of their team, and the motive of social self-affirmation, which is based on the mechanism of self-expression and obtaining social recognition through sports achievements. The validity of finding these two motives at the bottom of the rating obtained is understandable. Both motives are focused on sports activities and the achievement of sports success. Given that the majority of respondents do not connect their lives with sports, these motives are less significant for them.
To assess the dynamics of indicators of motives before and during self-isolation, a comparative analysis was carried out. Initially, using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method, it was found that the indicators of all motives have a normal distribution (Z statistic varies from 3.12 to 5.09; p=0.000). Accordingly, this made it possible to apply the Student's t-test for paired samples. As a result, significant changes from 2.8±2.4 points to 3.6±2.3 points were found only in girls in the index of social self-affirmation motive (t=2.864; p=0.004). We assume that such changes may be related to the lack or limitation of live (offline) interaction between people during self-isolation. In this connection, physical culture or sports, both at home with video recording and subsequent placement in a social network (challenges, stories, etc.), and on the street, were perceived by girls as a way of self-expression and attracting attention to themselves. There were no significant changes in the indicators of motives among young men.
Conclusions. Comparing the results of boys and girls, it is necessary to note the identity of the distribution of motives before self-isolation. During self-isolation, the girls experienced a redistribution of priorities, and the motive of emotional pleasure became more significant than the motive of preparing for professional activities. The indicators of the motive of social self-affirmation significantly increased among the girls. As a result, this motif moved from the last line of the rating
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I december I № 12 2022
to the penultimate one. No significant changes were found in boys.
Regardless of gender characteristics, the most significant for both boys and girls are the motive of physical self-affirmation and the rational-volitional motive. This is due to the fact that in this age category, students, on the one hand, still tend to strive for physical development and health promotion, and on the other hand, there is an understanding of the lack of physical activity due to workload. Nevertheless, awareness of the need to regularly engage in physical culture or sports does not always develop into real physical culture and sports activities.
Thus, the conducted research showed that the motives for going in for physical culture and sports can, albeit slightly, change depending on the created external conditions. Therefore, the search for forms and methods that can activate the necessary motives for physical culture or sports in students will be the basis for our further research in this direction.
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