Development of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities at the university, taking into account modern challenges
UDC 796.011 : 378.18
Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva1 PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko2 1Russian University of Sport "SCOLIPE", Moscow Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to identify current trends and determine the vector of development of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of university students, taking into account the social challenges of modern society. Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work included: theoretical analysis of factors influencing the development of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of students; sociological survey of 726 university students; designing a patriotic sports event "Army Games" and its implementation on the basis of Nizhnevartovsk State University.
Results and conclusions. Among the factors influencing the choice of forms and content of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of student youth are: the orientation of the modern system of higher education to the individual needs of an individual in obtaining knowledge and developing competencies; social order of the state to increase the patriotic potential of students; taking into account the preferences of young men and women in the choice of mass physical culture and sports events; taking into account the psychological characteristics of the modern generation. The experience of developing and implementing a physical culture and sports project of a patriotic orientation "Army Games", which includes 70% of tasks of a practical and 30% of a theoretical orientation, showed the possibility of creating conditions for the integration of the individual abilities of individual participants to achieve collective goals in a team interaction, contributing to an increase in the indicator of student involvement in extracurricular physical culture and sports activities.
Keywords: social challenges, individualized education, patriotic potential, theory of generations, integration, physical culture and sports project.
Introduction. The strategic task of the development of physical culture and sports in our country is to involve all categories and groups of the population in mass physical culture and sports events. Reforming the system of physical education in higher educational institutions, which allowed students to independently choose their preferred type of physical culture and sports activity (PSA), taking into account interests in physical self-improvement, led to an increase in the number of young people systematically involved in physical culture and sports [7, 13]. The promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the popularization of sports among the population contributed to the active involvement of young people in the independently or-
ganized recreational PSA [11]. Along with this, mass extra-curricular forms of physical education, which are traditional, remain in demand among students, who, as a rule, have experience in sports training.
A new conceptual understanding of the development of extracurricular physical education at a university and the development of innovative physical culture and sports forms are required, taking into account not only modern trends in education, but also the existing social order for the formation of citizenship and patriotism among young people, contributing to their holistic harmonious development [10]. Objective of the study was to identify current trends and determine the vector of development of extracurricular physical cul-
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I July I № 7 2023
ture and sports activities of university students, taking into account the social challenges of modern society.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work included: theoretical analysis of factors influencing the development of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of students; a sociological survey of 726 university students (boys - 270, girls - 456) about their attitude to extracurricular physical culture and sports events implemented at the university; designing a patriotic sports event "Army Games" and its implementation on the basis of Nizhnevartovsk State University.
Results of the study and their discussion. In the course of the study, the factors influencing the choice of forms and content of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of student youth were identified.
Orientation of the modern system of higher education to the individual needs of the individual in obtaining knowledge and developing competencies. The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation indicated the inevitability of the transition from the system of mass to continuous individualized education [12]. The implementation of a student-centered approach, building an individual educational trajectory and taking into account personal preferences lead to the individualization and personification of education [2]. Research conducted by E.M. Revenko, as well as a team led by N.I. Sinyavsky, confirm the effectiveness of taking into account the individual typological characteristics of university students in the process of physical education in the organization of educational and extracurricular activities [1, 13]. The implementation of this approach contributes to the achievement of a positive individually significant result.
At the same time, stimulating the manifestation of extreme individualism, being a dangerous trend, can lead to social disunity, destructive to the basic foundations of Russian society [5]. In view of this, it seems difficult to form the so-called competencies of the 21st century - the ability to cooperate, solve nonstandard tasks, and show initiative [6]. Events are in demand, participating in which students in a competitive environment, in solving collective problems, have the opportunity to make decisions, showing individual abilities.
Social order to increase the patriotic potential of youth. At the student age, in the conditions of educational and professional activity, the social need is realized to be aware of oneself as a member of society, to
understand oneself and one's capabilities, along with an awareness of one's place and purpose in life. At the same time, according to a number of authors, potential employers of university graduates are interested in the competencies formed in the learning process that are necessary for the implementation of productive professional activities and the presence of such personal qualities as responsibility, sociability, learning ability, discipline, while patriotism and love for the Fatherland are often not are considered by them as significant for the performance of labor functions. [8]. In this regard, realizing the social order of the state for the patriotic education of student youth, the importance of extracurricular activities increases, during which not only conditions are created for self-development and self-realization, but also the experience of society is transformed into its own values and attitudes, identification of oneself with the team, formation own identity [4].
Accounting for preferences in the choice of forms of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities. An analysis of the plans and reports of the work of sports clubs of universities showed that considerable attention is paid to the development of a mass sports direction, which provides for competitions in sports, as a rule, traditional ones, within the framework of tournaments and championships of the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia. The total number of participants in these events creates the illusion of mass involvement in competitive activities of a significant number of students studying at the university. In fact, the same boys and girls take part in them [3]. The unpopularity of such forms is explained by not taking into account individual capabilities and the lack of interest in them on the part of young people. This is confirmed by the results of a sociological survey: 25% of boys and 33% of girls are not ready to participate under any circumstances in sports events. At the same time, the demand for such competitive forms increases, which provide for the performance of motor and intellectual tasks and the value of each participant increases, regardless of his readiness and ability to make maximum physical efforts to achieve victory. Only 11% of the students surveyed refused to take part in events of this format, the rest showed readiness with a different wording of the motive - from the interest shown, to the possibility of encouragement or fear of punishment.
Accounting for the psychological characteristics of the modern generation. An important vector for solving strategic problems in the physical and spir-
itual improvement of modern youth is the expansion of the subject of sports events with a focus on age preferences [9]. In accordance with the theory of generations by N. Howe and V. Strauss (1991), modern students are characterized by activity and the desire to learn more information in a short time, the manifestation of a rational and emotional approach at the same time, the rejection of routine and predictable work is characteristic, which explains the unpopularity among young people of traditional mass competitions. Experiencing difficulties in social and team interaction, the most comfortable type of intra-collective relations for them is a low level of cooperation. The use of the game method increases the efficiency of working with such a contingent [14].
Thus, it is important to develop mass physical culture and sports events that ensure the integration of the individual abilities of each participant in order to achieve collective goals in the conditions of team interaction.
Based on the main provisions of the system of human relations to various aspects of reality (K.A. Abulkh-anova-Slavskaya, 1973; V.N. Myasishchev, 1995), the theory of activity (S.L. Rubinstein, 1956; A.N. Leontiev, 1975) , the theory of behavioral choice (S. Epstein,
1990), the theory of generations (N. Howe, W. Strauss,
1991), a physical culture and sports project of a patriotic orientation "Army Games" was developed, including 70% of tasks of practical and 30% of theoretical orientation. The experience of its implementation at the Nizhnevartovsk State University has shown that teams consisting only of physically prepared or exclusively erudite students are less likely to win. Inclusion in the event of such tasks as remote control of technical objects, orientation on the map on the ground, translation of a foreign text from the "intercepted message of the enemy", first aid - all this increases the value of the participation of students with these competencies, even with their insufficient physical fitness. Tasks related to the tests of the VI stage of the VFSK GTO, where the manifestation of physical qualities is required, are performed by trained students, motivating the rest to achieve a level corresponding to the age and gender standards. In the conditions of rivalry with other teams, the ability of a well-coordinated joint solution of non-standard tasks is formed. The inclusion of this event in the work plan of the university sports club contributed to the increase in the indicator of students' involvement in extracurricular physical culture and sports activities.
Conclusions. The theoretical analysis, as well as the results of a sociological survey of young people, showed that when developing effective extracurricular forms of physical culture and sports activities, their content, one should focus on the individual needs of the individual in obtaining knowledge and developing competencies, the existing social order for the formation of the patriotic potential of young people, satisfaction motives and interests in choosing an extracurricular sports event, as well as take into account the psychological characteristics of the current generation of students. The experience of implementing the physical culture and sports project of a patriotic orientation "Army Games" showed the possibility of creating conditions for the integration of the individual abilities of each participant to achieve collective goals in a team interaction.
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