Pedagogical potential of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of the university
UDC 378.4
I.A. Fedotov1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to identify and substantiate the pedagogical potential of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of the university in increasing the effectiveness of military-applied physical training of students.
Methods and structure of the study. A pedagogical study was conducted from 2021 to 2023 at Orenburg State Pedagogical University, in which 107 graduate students, divided into control and experimental groups, took part. The pedagogical design of the extracurricular physical culture and sports educational environment of the university was considered as a universal model that provides the formation of a complex result of educational work with students of military applied orientation. In the process of extracurricular activities, a wide arsenal of physical exercises, elements of militaryapplied and sports training, psychological trainings were used.
Results and conclusions. It is shown that the pedagogical potential of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of the university can be successfully used to increase the effectiveness of military-applied physical training of students.
The presented structural components and semantic guidelines of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of students contributed to the formation of the motor component of the physical culture of the individual, the expansion of the communicative sphere and psychological stability in non-standard situations, providing effective comprehensive readiness for military service.
Keywords: physical culture and sports activities, students, educational environment.
Introduction. The current state of the unstable geopolitical situation in the world, flaring up interstate conflicts of socio-economic inequality, as a global problem of mankind, requires the state to systematically prepare young people for military service. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in his message to the Russians, outlined the need to reconsider the need to strengthen work with young people of pre-conscription age, drawing attention to the importance of physical culture and sports. In the orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, attention is focused on ensuring the interaction of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation in organizing
extracurricular physical culture and sports work with young people of pre-conscription and military age.
The pedagogical potential of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities allows to improve the formation of such indicators as general and special physical fitness, cognitive activity, functional literacy, reflexive thinking in a situation of "difficulty", psychophysical readiness in the service in the armed forces [1, 2, 3, 5].
Objective of the study was to identify and substantiate the pedagogical potential of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of the university in increasing the effectiveness of military-applied physical training of students.
Methods and structure of the study. A pedagogical study was conducted from 2021 to 2023 at the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, which was attended by 107 graduate students, divided into control and experimental groups.
The pedagogical design of the extracurricular physical culture and sports educational environment of the university was considered as a universal model that provides the formation of a complex result of educational work with students of military applied orientation. In the process of extracurricular activities, the following were used: a wide arsenal of physical exercises, elements of military-applied and sports training, psychological training (see figure).
Within the framework of pedagogical modeling, a program of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of a military-applied orientation was developed, designed for the academic year and divided into three stages (adaptation - 1 month, training - 8 months and productive - 1 month). Students of the experimental (EG) and control groups (CG) studied four
times a month. The traditional curriculum was implemented in the CG. In the EG, stimulating pedagogical conditions were introduced, which were implemented once a month and included classes with a specialist in military-applied physical training, psychological trainings with a psychologist-practitioner working with conscripts, participation of students in military sports festivals and competitions, classes in military patriotic orientation.
To assess the effectiveness of military-applied training in terms of extracurricular activities, the level of general and special physical fitness of participants was tested at the beginning, after seven months and at the end of the experiment.
Results of the study and their discussion. Initial testing did not reveal significant differences between the control and experimental groups.
Intermediate testing of general physical fitness, carried out after seven months, showed a positive trend in the EG. In the 100m run, the indicator increased by 7%, in pull-ups (number of times) - by
Organization of a problem-search situation - motivation (understanding and interest in solving problematic tasks)
Space for organizing a communicative community (accumulation of knowledge, enrichment of the information and communication field of interaction)
Modeling situations, relationships and conditions, long-term planning _ (performance of social roles, removal of barriers in solving simulation problems, training intuition)
Knowledge actions, physical culture and sports activities (mechanisms of reproductive, partially search-productive nature of actions)
Developing conditions for variable methods of action in non-standard situations (spatial-objective, social-didactic structures)
Structural components and semantic guidelines of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of the university
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I June I № 6 2023
Таблица 1 - Dynamics of students' physical readiness assessment (after 7 months)
Test exercises Students Before research After research Д%
100 m run, s Control group 14,2±0,2 13,6±0,4 4
Experimental group 14,2±0,3 13,2±0,3 7
Pull-ups (number of times) Control group 12,9±4,1 14,1±3,8 9
Experimental group 13,4±3,8 15,1±3,7 12
3 km run, min, s Control group 14,3±1,0 13,5±0,9 5
Experimental group 14,2±1,04 12,9±0,7 9
12%, in the 3 km run - by 9%, while in the CG they were lower (see table).
In the assessment of special physical fitness, which directly reflects the military-applied, positive dynamics was also recorded in the EG: the result of performing exercises to overcome a single obstacle course increased by 10%, in throwing a grenade at a distance - by 7%, in shooting from an air rifle - by 9 %, in hand-to-hand combat - by 15%. Along with the physical, the level of psychological preparedness of students was determined. According to the results of diagnostics, the indicator of adaptability, indicating the ability to overcome difficulties, received a positive trend of 24% in the group of students from the EG.
Conclusions. It is shown that the pedagogical potential of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of the university can be successfully used to increase the effectiveness of military-applied physical training of students.
The presented structural components and semantic guidelines of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of students contributed to the formation of the motor component of the physical culture of the individual, the expansion of the communicative sphere and psychological stability in non-standard situations, providing effective comprehensive readiness for military service.
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