УДК 378.18: 378.661(470.56)]:796 ББК 75.1
DOI 10.47475/2500-0365-2023-8-3-13-20
M. I. Bolotova1, M. A. Ermakova1, S. A. Yarushin2
10renburg State Medical University, Orenburg, Russia 2Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
The article has basis of the importance and relevance of the problem of developing the student's social initiative, taking into account the development priorities of Russian society. The students are characterized by the highest activity, and the educational organization has sufficient potential for the development of social initiative through a variety of activities (innovative, research, social, sports, volunteer, creative, etc.). The semantic and content characteristics of a person's social activity based on initiative, responsibility, diligence are considered. The results of a survey of 2130 respondents, conducted in a number of medical universities in our country, showed the attitude of medical students to social activity as a productive activity that transforms the person and the environment. The survey helped to identify the types of social practices and extracurricular activities demanded by medical students: event volunteering, sports, tourism, research activities, etc. The article reveals social projects and programs on physical culture and sports, volunteering in the sports-related community, which are in demand by modern student youth and, by developing the initiative of the individual, allow self-realization in professional, personal and social life.
Keywords: university potential, initiative, activity, social initiative, social activity, physical culture, sports-related communities, event volunteering.
Introduction. A stable trend of modern digital education is its personalization, leading to the increase the role of the human factor due to the formation of social initiative and personal activity. The target of this process is the obtain by young people a new experience of social relations. In pursuance of the Federal project "Social activity" the organizations of higher education have directed the vector of actions to create conditions for the development of social activity of students as a key element of social responsibility of a developed civil society.
The purpose of the research is to theoretically and practically substantiate the importance of the development of social activity among modern students as the basis of a constructive lifestyle in the conditions of socio-cultural and economic transformations of
Russian society. The following tasks were solved: was studied the state of the problem in theory and practice; by the questionnaire method was determined the correspondence between the types of extracurricular activities offered by the university and the student's interests and needs, and were developed the current social projects, programs, practices on the basis of the results.
Methodology and organization of the research.
The analysis of scientific literature has shown that the ambiguity in the interpretation of the concept of "social activity" is explained by the complexity and variety of forms of the object of research. Already in the works of scientists of the XVIII century, the concept of "social activity" begins to acquire a deep philosophical and pedagogical meaning: the ideas of
the development of amateur activity, activity and initiative of a student who should be in the position of a researcher (Zh.-Zh. Rousseau, V. A. Disterweg), instilling a "taste" for social activity (V. V. Zenkovsky).
The task of our research is not to introduce new semantic determinants into the concept of «social activity», therefore, we will take as a basis the achievements of modern researchers who emphasize the integrality of this concept and interpret it as a person's ability to achieve high socially significant results in activities, to give something new to social development [5], as an integral personal characteristic (V. N. Mezinov, M. A. Zakharova, I. A. Karpacheva, A. N. Lomov) [11], aimed at the implementation of forms of activity (E. E. Bocharova, I. A. Dralyuk, O. D. Chugunova, E. S. Mironenko) [4], the formation of which is an important task of training a modern specialist, including a medical worker [9].
Based on the psychological structure of activity, in which the goal, motive, method, result are distinguished (A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein), pedagogical researchers reveal the structure of social activity in the logic of the structural components of activity. Thus, a number of scientists (A. I. Zarubezhny, M. V. Grigorieva, G. V. Novikova, A. A. Sharov) distinguish the following components of the structure of social activity: motivational (a set of knowledge, skills and qualities that allow goal-setting in social, educational and professional activities), operational (the formation of experience in diverse types of social activities), reflexive (self-analysis and self-assessment of one's own activity in the activity) [7; 12].
V. L. Khaykin expanded the number of elements of the structure of social activity, indicating the importance of the component of self-consciousness of the individual as an "intermediary" between the expression and realization of external and internal tendencies of a person, between the actions of the individual and the demand of society", as "a source of awakening in a person of his "dormant potentials" [17. P. 77]. We believe that it is necessary to consider the selected components in integrity, interconnection and interdependence, while the system-forming connection of the components of the social activity of the future specialist is his need to transform himself and society through motivated and conscious self-expression of essential forces in socially acceptable activities.
The traditional model of social activity includes various activities in terms of content: socio-political, labor, cognitive, artistic and creative, communicative, moral, axiological, etc. But it should be borne in mind
that virtual social activity is important for generation Z, which manifests itself in communication in social networks, chats, conversations, forums of various sites, using Internet media, participating in online voting, creating your own website magazine or website with a blog, etc. [13].
In the works of psychologists (B. G. Ananyev, N. V. Kuzmina, Y. N. Kulyutkin, A. A. Reap, E. I. Stepanova) it is proved that it is students as a social community that is characterized by the highest social activity and a fairly harmonious combination of intellectual and social maturity. At this age, personal qualities that determine an active life position, such as initiative, responsibility, and diligence, develop and crystallize. It is the above-mentioned personality qualities that are the units of analysis of the student's social activity in our research.
In pedagogy (T. A. Bunakova, T. A. Burtseva, I. G. Lukichev, N. B. Russians, A. A. Sukharev, E. A. Shants), within the framework of a systematic approach, "initiative" is interpreted as a socially significant quality of a student's personality, necessary for socially useful activities and aimed at self-realization in this activity [3; 18; 19]. A person assumes a certain measure of responsibility when solving social tasks that have social and prosocial values. This is the difference between social initiative and initiative as a psychological phenomenon, which may not have socially significant values.
Social activity in conjunction with initiative and responsibility forms a person's value orientations, which are the basis for building a life strategy. Personal responsibility characterizes the motivation of performance in terms of its sociality and maturity: solving social problems, a sense of duty, foreseeing the results and consequences of their actions as socially and personally significant. The correct and productive combination of initiative and responsibility allows the individual to fully maintain his autonomy and a high level of social activity. The connecting link between the concepts of initiative and responsibility is performance, as an integral part of the activity associated with volitional action, with the formed level of consciousness and independence of the individual.
When developing a student's social activity, according to V. A. Sitarov and V. G. Maralov, it is necessary to take into account the presence of social reactivity, that is, negative, unsuccessful past experience, which can lead to incorrect results. Activity, on the contrary, is oriented towards the future, the subject expands the
situation, formulates motives, shows readiness for a kind of risk [14].
It is important to note that it is the readiness of young people for independent active undertakings, entrepreneurship and the formed motivation for social activities that form an integrative socially demanded quality of a person initiative [11]. A person, showing initiative in activities, defining a target, making some kind of independent decision, takes responsibility for its consequences, which may be socially or asocially directed. The social orientation of initiative implies the ability to act disinterestedly and for the benefit of another person or society; asocial orientation is expressed in rejection, indifference to the affairs and condition of other people, inhuman acts, destruction.
An analysis of the classification types of initiative (M. Boguslavsky, L. Novikova, I. Plotnik, etc.) allowed us to identify two of its characteristics: 1) initiative as a need for actions, for the process of producing new ideas); 2) initiative as a personal quality that is formed in the process of activity and is characterized by socially significant (pro-social) motives and socially valuable products [18]. Thus social initiative is not only a socially significant phenomenon, but also has a deeply personal aspect that requires research at the level of a particular individual. There are such aspects of initiative as a vital energy and an appropriate temperament, life motivation, the desire for self-actualization and self-expression, a set of personal qualities (leadership, mobility, resourcefulness, responsibility, proactivity, etc.) [8; 15].
Any educational institution has a pedagogical potential and it is determined by the purpose and tasks that it solves. The pedagogical potential of the university is aimed at developing the subjects of the educational process as carriers of an innovative culture. The properties of the pedagogical potential are resourcefulness, conditionally of implementation, dynamism, consistency and functionality, which are revealed in the aggregate of organizational, value, content and methodological components. It is the pedagogical potential that has the ability to actualize the initiative of students, the generation of a new, non-standard in the functioning and development of the university.
Sports and recreation space is a field of interaction of its subjects — the teacher and the student and environment between them, all subjects are in constant interaction. The space is in constant movement towards changes and responds to the activity of the teacher, the activity of the student, the activity of the environment. Such a vision allows us to consider the three-
component interaction subjects of the physical culture and health-improving space as a single the process of purposeful development of the student's initiative [2].
Having defined the essence of the concept of "social activity" and the relevance of the problem of the development of social activity among students, it is necessary to identify effective areas of activity in the educational environment of the university. The results of the research, which were obtained during the experiment (2022-2023), initiated by the Orenburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, are taken as a basis.
Only respondents from educational institutions of higher medical and pharmaceutical education in the Russian Federation participated in our research, as studying at a medical university has a number of features: a long school day; long transport movements around the city due to the peculiarities of the location of academic buildings and clinical bases; additional work at departments with preparations, simulation models and library work with atlases, literary sources; night duty and contact with patients.
The results of the research and their discussion. In order to identify the attitude of students to social activity and the most relevant and popular areas of extracurricular activities at the university, the author's questionnaire "Student's social activity in the socio-cultural environment of the university» was developed and tested. The survey was attended by 2,130 respondents from 8 institutions of higher medical and pharmaceutical education (Kaliningrad, Tomsk, Kazan, Moscow, Tyumen, Orenburg, Ryazan, Permian). The presented number of responses to the request reflects the representativeness of the sample and allows us to consider the data obtained as reliable.
Let's present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained during the processing of the questionnaire. The majority of respondents 81.7 % noted that social activity is significant for personal growth and development, 52 % for professional activity and 46 % for socially significant activities. They were given their own answers that are of interest for understanding the motivation of students to show social activity: "for points in residency", "development of productive ideas", "to define themselves in society", "for mental health", "to monitor their health". Only 1 % of respondents have no interest in any other activity other than studying "it (social activity) is not important to me."
Proceeding from the logic that young people involved in socially active activities are, first of all,
initiators, activists and leaders who are able to form their own teams, respondents were asked to express their attitude to leaders. Slightly less than half of the respondents (47,1 %) expressed a positive attitude towards the leaders: "It's good that there are people who are ready to take responsibility." 35,2 % of respondents expressed a desire to be a leader: "no problem, well done, I also want to be like that." 13,7 % of respondents classified themselves as leaders, which indicates sufficient leadership potential in the group and the university.
The absolute majority of respondents (61,5 %) confidently confirmed the thesis about the importance of social activity as an elevator of personality formation in professional and social activities. 35,5 % answered vaguely, not being sure: "maybe", and only 3 % answered negatively.
In order to identify students' interest in the proposed areas of extracurricular activities and types of social activity at a medical university, respondents were given to assess the degree of their participation in events held in an educational organization. The analysis of the data showed weak involvement (36.9 %) in student organizations and extracurricular activities, and 20 % participate voluntarily and forcibly, which is the basis for reviewing or expanding existing areas of activity and searching for new projects and practices that are attractive to students.
Among the reasons for students' non-participation in events, respondents call high academic workload, lack of time, interest, insufficient level of stimulation from curators, teachers, university administration.
The questionnaire helped to identify the types of social activity that are significant for students. The leading position among students of medical and pharmaceutical universities is occupied by volunteering (32.6 %), including medical volunteers, activists of the association of public associations, media workers, volunteers and activists of student sports clubs, which was the basis at the moment for the development of a number of projects in the OrGMU aimed at the development of this area and the involvement of students in event volunteering. To this end, the university plans to implement the project "Health Laboratory", the result of which will be the training of highly qualified medical volunteers for preventive actions at various levels. The "School of activists" provides an opportunity for interaction of departments of the Association of Public Associations of Students in order to develop each of the associations; The "Marathon of a young media man" promotes the development of skills in photo and video
equipment, the correct formation of medical content, promoting the image of the university, maintaining social networks taking into account medical and pharmaceutical specifics. Research activity is traditionally a priority for medical and pharmaceutical universities, 31.9 % of respondents chose it as the direction of their professional growth.
The leader of social activities is physical culture and sports, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, a tourist destination is singled out separately, since it is the sports lifestyle that is becoming fashionable among most of the modern youth [1; 6; 10]. The analysis of respondents' responses showed that out of 11 areas of activities in which it is possible to show social activity, they choose this direction is 52 % of respondents. It should be noted that students who not only have a certain physical and athletic training take an active part in the events, but also numerous initiative groups and sports-related communities (fans, volunteers, activists, volunteers) are being created, attracting a large number of students to social activities. Sports-related communities prove the status of an effective practice of social activity. In this regard, it seems relevant to implement a number of projects to involve students in projects: the "Doctor's Olympiad 2023" is a traditional event dedicated to increasing motivation in systematic physical culture and sports; the "TouristMark" project is dedicated to increasing the attractiveness of the tourist destination as a series of educational intensive courses immersing students in traditional and new tourist destinations; for students with HIA has developed an educational intensive "New Horizons".
Separately, students identified the direction of development of student teams, and for this purpose, a social project was developed — a forum of career opportunities "Vocation", within which the leaders of student medical teams will be able to adopt the best practices of other teams, develop mechanisms for embedding labor projects in the educational process, build relationships with healthcare institutions in the region.
1 % of respondents do not want to take an active part in the life of the university, and such answers can be explained either by the presence of social reactivity (negative past experience) [16] or by the personal qualities of students (laziness, shyness, indecision, uncertainty, etc.). 2 % of respondents indicate that "no one offers me interesting directions", "I do not accept, but I want to", "I am doing another thing that is not in the university", etc.
One of the significant stages of analysis is the self-reflection of respondents, which often shows an objec-
tive picture of the researching data. 24 % of respondents indicated the ability to collectively implement the tasks set, and only 15,3 % indicated the ability to independently implement the tasks set. The ability to make suggestions was expressed by 11,7 % and 9,4 % of respondents are able to lead a group of like-minded people, which, in general, corresponds to statistical data and previously conducted research in this area.
Respondents were asked to choose the qualities that are necessary for the manifestation of social activity. The leading positions are held by: responsibility (80,2 %), the ability to communicate (64,7 %), initiative (55,7 %), willpower, increased efficiency (41,2 %), diligence — 36,1 % and 30,2 % identified leadership among the significant qualities of a socially active person. It is important that students clearly understand and realize the importance of the formation of precisely those qualities (initiative, responsibility, diligence) that determine the level of social activity of an individual.
The key problem in our research was the issue of providing the university with enough practices and types of social activity for self-realization of students. The analysis of the results showed that the largest number of respondents (78 %) answered that the university where they study provides a sufficient variety of types of social activity. 16,2 % of respondents found it difficult to answer this question and 5,9 % answered "no".
Thus, the analysis of the questionnaire revealed students' understanding of the importance of social activity in general (81,7 %) and its individual types in which they take a real part: volunteer (32,6 %), research activities (31,9 %), FC and S, tourism, healthy lifestyle (52 %); intellectual quests, academic competition (25,4 %). The desire of students to be a leader, case initiator (48,9 %) indicates a high leadership potential in the university.
Conclusions. The conducted research has shown that each epoch puts forward its own type of social personality, today a personality is in demand, which is characterized by activity, initiative, responsibility, and diligence.
A modern university acts as an educational and experimental platform for social practices that form students' potential for effective "post-university" self-realization in professional, personal and public life. The university, offering students to self-actualize in significant social initiatives (for example, in volunteer actions, creative activities, club movements, etc.), social projects of various types and levels, contributes to the formation of students' social experience neces-
sary for successful social and professional mobility in a complex modern society.
The practical significance of this research lies in the interpretation of the results of the survey, which allow those responsible for the educational and social work of educational institutions of higher education to make changes in the development of areas of extracurricular activities relevant to modern youth; an increase in the number of social infrastructure facilities of students, types of student organizations, support for socially significant activities of young people, etc.
The data analysis allowed the management of Orenburg State Medical University to develop in-demand directions, programs, projects, practices that formed the basis of the work program of education and calendar plans of educational work.
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Финансирование. Исследование не имело спонсорской поддержки.
Конфликт интересов. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.
Для цитирования: Bolotova, M. I. The potential of physical culture and sports-related communities in the development of students' initiative / M. I. Bolotova, M. A. Ermakova, S. A. Yarushin // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2023. — Т. 8, № 3. — С. 13-20.
Information about the authors
Bolotova Marina Ivanovna — doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department of social sciences and youth policy, Orenburg state medical University. ORCID: 0000-0001-7376-0404. SPIN-код: 2614-0752, AuthorID: 277737. E-mail: [email protected]
Ermakova Marina Arkadyevna — candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of Physical culture and sports, Orenburg state medical University. ORCID: 0000-0003-0181-8368. SPIN-код: 77925392, AuthorID: 62721. E-mail: [email protected]
Yarushin Sergey Alekseevich — candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Department of physical education and sports, Chelyabinsk state University. Chelyabinsk, Russia. ORCID: 0000-0001-5213-5298. Author ID: 490095. E-mail: [email protected]
Потенциал физической культуры и околоспортивных сообществ в развитии инициативности обучающихся
М. И. Болотова1, М. А. Ермакова1, С. А. Ярушин2
10ренбургский государственный медицинский университет, Оренбург, Россия 2Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия
Обоснована важность и актуальность проблемы развития социальной инициативности обучающегося с учётом приоритетов развития российского общества. Студенчество характеризуется наивысшей активностью, и образовательная организация имеет достаточный потенциал для развития социальной инициативности через разнообразные виды деятельности (инновационную, научно-исследовательскую, социальную, спортивную, волонтёрскую, творческую и др.). Рассматриваются смысловые и содержательные характеристики социальной активности личности, базирующейся на инициативности, ответственности, исполнительности. Результаты опроса 2 130 респондентов, проведённого в ряде медицинских вузов нашей страны, показали отношение студентов-медиков к социальной активности как продуктивной деятельности, преобразующей саму личность и окружение. Опрос помог выявить востребованные студентами-медиками виды социальных практик и внеурочной деятельности: событийное волонтерство, спорт, туризм, научно-исследовательская деятельность и др. В статье раскрыты социальные проекты и программы по физической культуре и спорту, волонтерству в околоспортивном сообществе, которые востребованы современной студенческой молодёжью и, развивая инициативность личности, позволяют ей самореализоваться в профессиональной, личной и общественной жизни.
Ключевые слова: потенциал вуза, инициативность, активность, социальная инициативность, социальная активность, физическая культура, околоспортивные сообщества, событийное волонтерство.
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Сведения об авторах
Болотова Марина Ивановна — доктор педагогических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры общественных наук и молодёжной политики, Оренбургский государственный медицинский университет, Оренбург, Россия.
Ермакова Марина Аркадьевна — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой физической культуры и спорта, Оренбургский государственный медицинский университет, Оренбург, Россия.
Ярушин Сергей Алексеевич — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой физического воспитания и спорта, Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. [email protected]
Это произведение доступно по лицензии Creative Commons «Attribution-NonCommercial» («Атрибуция — Некоммерческое использование») 4.0 Всемирная — https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
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