Section 13. Philosophy
Ismailov Temurbek Islamovich, Senior teacher Nam EPI Department of Social Sciences E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. For the sake of prosperity and prosperity of the country in the first years of independence, first of all, the upbringing of comprehensively developed, comprehensively developed, comprehensively advanced generation, not only physical and spiritual wellbeing of our children, but also their most contemporary intellectual knowledge and a comprehensively advanced generation that meets the requirements of the 21st century it is not accidental that it is one of the most pressing issues to date.
Keywords: Unorganized youth, youth, youth, organized youth, youth problem, life strategy.
The modern requirements for the modernization and reform of our country, modernization and renewal of our country, and the need to find and implement effective ways and methods of consistent implementation of the state youth policy are growing. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev "It is well known that the upbringing of the younger generation has always been important and important. But in the twenty-first century of our existence, this issue is really a matter of life and death" [1]. Expresses the essence and meaning of this process.
In this sense, for the sake of prosperity and prosperity of the country in the first years of independence, first of all, the upbringing of harmoniously developed, intellectually developed comprehensively advanced generation, not only physical and spiritual wellbeing of our children, but also their most contemporary intellectual knowledge and a comprehensively advanced generation that meets the requirements of the 21st century it is not accidental that maternal mortality is one of the most pressing issues.
In this period, the further activation of the youth factor and the broadening of its potential are the guarantees of achievement of the desired goals in achievement of the efficiency of the creative work initiated on consistent implementation of the state youth policy. The following opinion of the head of state, Shavkat Mirziyoev, undoubtedly plays a crucial role in determining the main criteria for addressing this pressing problem: "Today, the age-old process of improving the effectiveness of our efforts to promote legal culture, healthy lifestyle, physical education and sport among our young people is in demand. Implementation of the measures outlined in
these programs will be continued on the basis of the recently adopted norms of the newly adopted Law "On Youth Policy."
A natural question arises at this point. We accept many programs, but are they sufficient, initiative and patriot, highly qualified personnel? Are higher education specialists capable of performing such vast tasks? Is the knowledge and skills of teachers and professors trained to meet these requirements? Unfortunately, it is difficult to answer these questions [2].
This conclusion, reflecting the fact of extreme and reallife, is once again reflecting on the main criteria, common aspects and peculiarities of the current state youth policy, identifying ways to use it effectively, and inextricably linked with the development of the younger generation and the effectiveness of democratic reforms and emphasize the urgent need to pay more attention to the issues being addressed.
It is also important to study the world experience and master the achievements of the advanced countries of the world. As you know, the emergence of special youth policy and youth policy throughout the world began in the middle of the last century after the Second World War. It was during that time that the two world wars of the terrible World War began to more clearly perceive their future, the future of civilization, the future of civilizations with young people, and many intellectuals, scientists and specialists were focused on this issue.
In the last quarter of the twentieth century, in many developed countries, youth policy has become the focus of independent action, and international documents have been adopted that define universal trends and priorities. In particular, the resolution "On the Basic Principles of Effective Youth Policy Formulation" adopted by the UN General Assembly
in 1985 is a clear example of this process. The adoption of this document, which is essential for the implementation of the youth policy in line with the national interests and development principles of the countries of the world, and the adoption of the most common international norms, laid the basis for its application at the national level, and secondly, this process is of utmost importance for the development of universal civilization. it can be said.
At the same time, Uzbekistan has become an integral part of the government's policy, with the emergence of a new attitude towards the young people all over the world, with independence and achievement of all spheres of life. Taking into account the requirements of the time, a special attention was paid to the youth problem in our country and the creation of wide opportunities to meet their interests and needs. From the first days of our country's independence, on November 20, 1991, it was the first among the former Soviet republics to adopt the Law "On the Fundamentals of Youth Policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan".
In this regard, it should be noted that the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted in 1992 is an important step in this direction. In addition to the Basic Law, the Family Code, the National Program for Personnel Training, the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of the Child, on Education, on Employment, on Physical Training and Sports, "On guardianship and prevention", "On guardianship and sponsorship", in turn, create a solid foundation for the formation and realization of state policy in this field in the independent Uzbekistan in the first years of independence has proven again.
This, in turn, has become one of the pressing issues today, to thoroughly study the process of becoming a solid foundation for the emergence of a new generation of young people with a new world of thought and democratic thinking, summarizing their findings and summarizing their experiences.
It is also crucial to thoroughly and thoroughly analyze the issues related to the successful implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and the National Program of Personnel Training in implementing effective ways and methods of consistent implementation of the state youth policy in the country. It plays a crucial role.
State policy on youth has always been based on the urgent issues of the time and the essence of the problems of social development. The head of the Republic of Uzbekistan, speaking on the issues of youth, emphasized the importance of raising a healthy generation for the development of the state, the need to create favorable socio-economic opportunities for social development and development of young people, the criteria of upbringing of universal and national values in the youth, preservation of the independence of the country, mobilization of youth power and potential for further advancement of
the state, the sacred duty on the way, the organization of the necessary infrastructure to engage in sports, the glorification of the country's potential and power all around the world. focused on the training. They have identified the main criteria, theoretical and practical aspects ofyouth policy in Uzbekistan.
Efforts to address the problems of youth at any given time are in harmony with the various complex processes of society life. The country's new legislation recognizes youth as the basis of social development, creates opportunities for the development of youth organizations, creates a new generation of young people, ensures access to the intellectual potential of young people in the world community, and creates a new layer of ownership among young people. A strong civil society being established in Uzbekistan strengthens the social demand for unorganized youth [3]. Because civil society is a conscious, educated, educated society. Civil society can not be built without educating citizens. Therefore, various state and nongovernmental organizations are widely involved in the decisionmaking and practice of unorganized youth in the country. Youth organizations are among the institutional structures of society in building a democratic state of law and human rights. As a result, the most promising topic for the future has been the identification of the future of youth organizations and movements.
State and non-governmental organizations are widely involved in the implementation of unorganized youth in Uzbekistan. Its structures carry out targeted and targeted actions by legislative bodies, supreme executive power, ministries, regional government, their special subdivisions, local executive institutions and non-governmental organizations.
In civil society, the state relies on the activities of nongovernmental organizations in the socio-political, spiritual and educational development of the state, which considers its structure as supportive. In the process of political reforms being implemented in Uzbekistan, the tasks of the state with regard to the daily life of citizens gradually go to this institute. The development of the non-state sector is a modern stockpile of new jobs, and this reserve is not fully reflected. Nonprofit organizations are one of the major organizations supporting charity, needy families, orphan children, the disabled, and the elderly in promoting social protection of citizens on the basis of national and universal values.
One of the key elements of civil society is the nongovernment organization. The main task of non-governmental organizations is to coordinate different interests in the state and society, to support them, to provide communication between the state and the population, to represent the interests of the parties in this dialogue.
Particular attention was paid to the activities of nongovernmental organizations in civil society development processes.
Despite the fact that the system of non-governmental organizations in Uzbekistan is one of the newly formed social infrastructures, dozens of youth organizations created during the years of independence have developed in harmony with the requirements of the time.
State and nongovernmental organizations are widely involved in the social activities and employment of unorganized youth in Uzbekistan, with its targeted and targeted efforts in the structure of lawmakers, supreme executive power, ministries, regional government, their special subdivisions, local executive bodies, non-governmental organizations will go. One of the main obj ectives of state policy in the country is to attract young people to the state and society, and to increase their interest in the process of democratic reform. In this context, young people are encouraged to work with non-governmental organizations to strengthen young people's political and legal literacy, build up their moral and ethical outlook, social activity, prepare families for their family life, and protect young people from harmful threats such as drug abuse, toxic-mania, alcoholism, and AIDS. helping the state system.
In addition, negative emotions among young people include depression, depression, self-renewal, inclining contradictions, egoistic look at life, material incentives, difficulties, difficulties in ignorance, dissatisfaction, crime, as well as nongovernmental organizations.
As a result, young people are becoming increasingly demanding for non-governmental organizations to pursue specific goals. At the same time, young people are in the center of the country, and the weakness of youth movements in rural areas is one of the challenges posed by the problem.
The development of youth non-governmental organizations, their incentives for the development of a great opportunity and benefits system, as well as strengthening the focus on youth initiatives within local governments are among the most important tasks. In short, the creation of broader opportunities for young people in the process of building a civil society is a key requirement for the fourth phase of building a state-of-the-nation basis, on the basis of new principles. Establishing the foundations of civil society will serve as a major political concept in the country, ie the foundation of a new statehood.
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