CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX SENTENCES IN TURKMEN AND ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Непесова З. С., Гараева Н. Д.

Our article is dedicated to research the modern approaches of in the process of using semi-composite sentences in speech. So that to make it easy to perceive for those willing to keep up their educational and scientific carrier in the science of the English language. It was purposed to broaden views on ways of comprehension peculiar features of grammatical theories used in our native language. There are many compares types of the semi composite sentences in Turkmen and English languages. Semi composite sentences are used commonly in speaking language in Turkmen. We can find them in poems and all the literary works

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На основе полученных результатов, следующие шаги в исследовании влияния цифровых технологий на эффективность обучения могут включать в себя.

Глубокое анализирование воздействия. Дальнейшие исследования могут более подробно изучить, какие конкретные аспекты цифровых технологий оказывают наибольшее влияние на обучение, и как они взаимодействуют с различными типами учащихся и предметными областями.

Разработка адаптивных методик. Исследования могут сосредоточиться на создании индивидуализированных учебных программ и методик, использующих цифровые технологии для адаптации обучения к потребностям каждого студента.

Оценка эффективности в долгосрочной перспективе. Исследования могут провести долгосрочные наблюдения за влиянием цифровых технологий на успеваемость и учебные достижения студентов, а также на их последующую карьеру и профессиональное развитие.

Интеграция новых технологий. С развитием технологий и появлением новых инструментов, исследования могут оценить их потенциал для образования и определить, какие из них могут быть наиболее полезными для улучшения обучения.

Таким образом, дальнейшие исследования в этой области будут иметь важное значение для оптимизации образовательного процесса и повышения его эффективности в условиях цифровой эпохи. Список использованной литературы:

1. Херреро, А., Гарсия, М., & Родригес, П. Влияние цифровых технологий на мотивацию студентов: сравнительный анализ. Журнал Образовательные Технологии, 2018, 8(3), 56-69.

2. Робертс, Д., Смит, К., & Джонсон, Е. Негативные последствия цифровизации образования: анализ случаев. Журнал Инновационное Образование, 2019, 7(1), 102-115.

3. Ли, Ч., & Хан, Ю. Комплексный подход к внедрению цифровых технологий в образование: опыт Южной Кореи. Вестник Международной Ассоциации Образования, 2020, 17(2), 78-89.

©Непесова Г.Б., Тойлыева Б.Г., 2024


Непесова З. С.,

преподаватель-стажер Гараева Н. Д.,


Туркменского национального института мировых языков имени Довлетмаммеда Азади CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX SENTENCES IN TURKMEN AND ENGLISH


Our article is dedicated to research the modern approaches of in the process of using semi-composite sentences in speech. So that to make it easy to perceive for those willing to keep up their educational and scientific carrier in the science of the English language. It was purposed to broaden views on ways of comprehension peculiar features of grammatical theories used in our native language. There are many compares types of the semi composite sentences in Turkmen and English languages. Semi composite sentences are used commonly in speaking language in Turkmen. We can find them in poems and all the literary works.

The aims of my article is to investigate the syntactic structure of English and explain their grammatical, lexical and syntactic features and to find similar features and differences between two non-cognate languages

use English and Turkmen it is reasonable to research the usage of composite and semi composite sentences in our native language. So, this work aims of exploration the linguistic aspects.

This article is devoted to the structural syntactical and comparative analyses of the used in two languages. Which is under investigation. In relation to the formulations of the problems.

To identify the types semi composite sentences of the Turkmen and English language and to compare syntax of two non cognate languages to find out similarities and differences in Turkmen and English languages The method of componential analyses we used to find out the similar features and differences between Turkmen and English languages.

Typological- method is used to compare two non cognate to find out similarities and difference composite sentences. Theoretically, the readers are expected to be more open minded toward grammatical products particularly in language use, especially for the academicians. Then, they can express their creativity in various ways and conduct the use of sentences in language. Thus, they can conduct further studies in stylistics with a more complex discussion that focuses on different objects.

Results of data of presented article can be used as an aid for the lectures and seminars of the English grammar, practical courses of the English language and worthy source for compiling a handbook on grammar of semi-composite sentences of the Turkmen and English languages. In the English language such incomplete sentences are named as semi- composite sentences. These semi composite sentences are also divided into the following two kinds the semi complex sentences and the semi compounds. In our article we analyzed these semi complex and the semi compound sentences typologically in comparison of the English and Turkmen -languages The comparative use of these semi composite sentences found out of the existence of these semi-composite sentences also in the Turkmen language.

The semi -complex sentences are sentences built up on the principle of subordination. Each of the semi-complex sentence is divided from base sentences connected with one fulfiller of the action. That is why the semi complex sentences are divided to different kinds, such as subject sharing into sentences, object sharing sentences, attribute sharing sentences, and adverbial complication sentences There are also the nominal phrase complication sentences In the theoretical analyses of the real types of such semi-complex sentences we use transformational method of investigation which helps to define the real types of these semi complex and semi-compound sentences. This method clears up the real grammatical structure and the full lexical meanings of these semi composite sentences.

The semi-compound sentences are also semi-composite sentences built up on the principle of coordination. The structure of semi compound sentences consists of two basic clauses belonging to one principle of the syntactic position. There may be coordinated predicate. The number of the basic parts of the semi compound sentences may be two base or many bases. All these types of semi complex and semi-compound sentences are used in the English and Turkmen languages.

In the investigations of the comparative analyses we widely used the transformational method of investigation. This method of investigation gave good results also in the comparative study of the semi-composite sentences in these languages.

Semi-complex sentences of object sharing. as different from those of subject-sharing, are built up of two base sentences overlapping round the word performing different functions in them in the matrix sentence it is the object, in the insert sentence it is the subject. The complicated expansion of such sentences is commonly called the "complex object" Eg: We saw him. He approached us. We saw him approach us (approaching us). They painted the fence. The fence was (became) green. They painted the fence green object sharing complex sentences are often used in the use of the complex object in English.

In the conclusion we can say that by their structure composite sentences are poly-predicative sentences. In these poly-predicative sentences there are usually two or more than two clauses and each of these clauses has its own subject and predicate. Alongside these completely composed composite sentences there are also a

lot of sentences in the language in which predicative lines are incomplete in such incomplete composite sentences one of the members of the sentence is absent. That is why such incomplete composite sentences have been studied in the list of the simple sentences. But such sentences cannot be pure simple sentences, because they have two or more predicative lines That is why such incomplete sentences should be considered in the intermediate between the simple sentences and composite sentences. Literature:

1. Soyegow M. Turkmen dilinin grammatikasy. Morfologiya.( The grammar of the turkmen language.Morphology) A.1999

2.Martin Hewing. Advanced grammar in use Cambridge University Press, 1999.

3.Raymond Murphy. English grammar in use Cambridge University Press, 1985-1994.

© HenecoBa 3.C., TapaeBa H.fl., 2024


Нурлиева М.А.,

Старший преподаватель кафедры "Русского языка", Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули

Бердыева А.Х.,

Старший преподаватель кафедры "Географии" Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули Ашхабад, Туркменистан



На примере экскурсии к мемориальному комплексу авторы обобщают опыт работы среди студентов, направленный на формирование исторической памяти, а также патриотизма, преемственности поколений и гражданской ответственности перед нашими предками. Кроме того, обозначены задачи о патриотическом воспитании молодежи на современном этапе развития туркменского общества.

Целью данной статьи является дать понятие молодежи о неизмеримом значении Великой Победы для судеб наших народов и человеческой цивилизации.

Ключевые слова

Мемориальный комплекс, достопримечательные места, умиротворенность, монументы, памятники, память о героях, архивные документы и фотоматериалы, документальная хроника, Великая Победа, подвиги туркменского народа

Nurlieva M.A.,

Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language Department, Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

Berdyeva A.H., Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

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