УДК 82
Altymuhammedova G.
Pedagogical School named after Hydyr Deryayev (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)
Аннотация: this article represents types of composite and semi-composite sentences in English and Turkmen languages. We gave examples and analysed. We have found similarities and differences in syntax. It will help for learners of English and Turkmen languages.
Ключевые слова: composite sentences, semi-composite sentences, compound sentences, clauses in sentences, literary analysis, well-known poet, Magtymguly's poetry.
The poetic personality of Magtymguly was the first to appear in Eastern literature. Magtymguly spoke in the Turkmen language and approached the daily life and spiritual psychology of the Turkmen (perhaps the poetic personality of Magtymguly is the spiritual psychology of the Turkmen) is a high level of national literature. As we mentioned above, Magtymguly was a poet close to the people and wrote his poems so that the people could understand them more clearly. In Magtymguly's poems, we come across abbreviated compound sentences that exist in the syntax section of English grammar. An example of this is in the poet's poem " ho§ gal, gozel §irgazy"[1].
Joçgun yuregimde mowç urar, yatmaz,
Gaynar, gazaplanar, hiç laya batmaz,
In this poem we can meet with the poly-predicative semi-composite sentences. Because there are more than 4 actions or predicate but there is only one subject " Joshgun". Let me translate that sentence into English.
In English:
A passion surges in my excited heart, won't sleep,
It will be hot and angry, it will never be angry,
As you see it is real Subject sharing semi-composite sentence.
Let's we see another examples:
In the poem "Gokleng"
Ilin yurduny byrakmaz, bela bakmaz, yowuz bakmaz, Alladan emirdir, fykmaz, bu sozum yalana goklen. In English:
He wouldn't leave his country,
trouble and violence won't touch him,
his words are order of Allah so he will never lie.
In my opinion it is kind of semi-composite sentence too. There is lack of subject for all predicates. If we divide sentence to simple sentences, all predicates can't mean. They are semi-notional.
The other examples from Magtymguly's poetry:
There was big obstacle for the fundamental social idea of Magtymguly "to unite all Turkmen tribes" in the eighteenth century, because each of tribes had their own plan and they were not unanimous. Absence of the central government impacted their disassociation. There were also active shadow forces which worked under special scheme to increase animosity among tribes.
When we say that the great Magtymguly manifested the Turkmen nationality in a more perfect way, it is not an exaggeration, it is a pure truth. It is a truth that demands a deep understanding of its content and carries the dignity of our literature.
The advantage of Magtymguly is that he criticized unfriendliness and disagreement and fought for the union of the Turkmen people. At present Turkmen people educate their children and young on the lessons of Magtymguly and time proved that Phyragy's ideas about the powerful state was true.
As a result, we found out that the abbreviated compound sentences that exist in the syntax section of the English language can be seen not only in the spoken language of the Turkmen language, but also in the poetry of our great personalities.
Read through selections of Magtymguly Pyragy's poems and identify examples of composite and semi-composite sentences.
Analyze how these sentences are constructed. For composite sentences, this could involve identifying independent and dependent clauses and how they are connected. For semi-composite sentences, look for how they are formed using conjunctive adverbs or transitional phrases.
Consider the role that these sentence structures play in conveying meaning and creating rhythm or flow in Magtymguly Pyragy's poetry.
1. Соегов М. Туркмен дилинин грамматикасы. Морфология. (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) C 32-35;
2. Arnold I. V. The English Word. (M., Russia) C 54-62;
3. N. Shammayeva «Lexicology»;
4. Pigamov «Theoretical grammar of English language»