CONCEPT “HOME” IN KAZAKH AND ENGLISH PROVERBS AND SAYINGS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kirgizbai Dina Satovna, Zhanysbekova Elmira Tulegenovna

Diffеrent lаnguagе cultures have both their own specific features and a certain commonality. The study оf the cоncept of "hоme", in thіs cаse, is оne way to fіnd оut the uniqueness and universality of these cultures. In this article, the concept of "hоme" is prеsentеd in these proverbs and sayings. features conceptualize "hоuse" is relаted to historical and cultural features of the formation and arrangement of the livіng space of the fаmily and the individual, the concept of "home" is formed and develops in the family, but it is inextricably linked to the socio-political, socio-cultural, spiritual, aesthetic sphere of human activity, the carriers of this culture. In the course of the study, on the basis of linguistic, folklore, linguocultural and cognitive approaches, it was concluded that the proverb is an important component of the phrаseological fund of both languages, and formulated its own definition of the proverb.

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1 2 Kirgizbai D.S. , Zhanysbekova E.T.

1Kirgizbai Dina Satovna - master's Student;


Abstract: different language cultures have both their own specific features and a certain commonality. The study of the concept of "home", in this case, is one way to find out the uniqueness and universality of these cultures. In this article, the concept of "home" is presented in these proverbs and sayings. features conceptualize "house" is related to historical and cultural features of the formation and arrangement of the living space of the family and the individual, the concept of "home" is formed and develops in the family, but it is inextricably linked to the socio-political, socio-cultural, spiritual, aesthetic sphere of human activity, the carriers of this culture. In the course of the study, on the basis of linguistic, folklore, linguocultural and cognitive approaches, it was concluded that the proverb is an important component of the phraseological fund of both languages, and formulated its own definition of the proverb. Keywords: home, family, hospitality, man, woman, homeland.

In linguistics, from the point of view of ethnolinguistic science, the principle of unity of language and nation is emphasized in the vocabulary, which reflects national cultural values. In linguistics at the new stage, special attention is paid to the cognitive origin of the language. An indigenous form of language, thinking, leads to the need to study human cognition. In the short Dictionary of cognitive terms, the basic concept of cognitive linguistics is defined as the concept of "a meaningful and active unity of memory, mental stock, inference system, and the entire world reflected in human consciousness." In the course of this formulation, the main parts of the concept system are formed. The attitude and worldview of a particular person is perceived in a ready form, forming a certain code through a system of categories passed from father to son. A person also perceives the life experience of an ethno-cultural community through the perception of the accumulated knowledge before him. The cognitive activity of a person is aimed at understanding the truth of being, understanding its place in the world on the basis of knowledge gained and knowledge of the surrounding world. The information accumulated as a result of the recognition, understanding, and understanding of being is reflected in the language. Linguoculturology as a branch of science studies the relationship between language, culture, and ethnic groups. The relationship between language and culture is the main object of study of linguoculturology. At first, the problems of the relationship between language and culture were considered at various levels in the works of philosophers Plato, I. herder, E. Kant, etc., but later they were reflected in the research of V. von Humboldt, E. Sepir, B. Worf, Kassirer, L. Weisgerber. The main center of modern linguistic research is recognized as a concept of the language picture of the world around a person, the image of cognitive activity, cognition in Language, Unity of the language consciousness of the individual. The theoretical foundations of the concept of the concept are mentioned in the works of many scientists: N. D. Arutyunova, E. S. Kubryakova, Yu.s.Stepanov, R. M. Frumkina, A. Vezhbitskaya, V. Maslova, etc. A concept is a semantic structure that characterizes the carrier of a particular ethno-culture, marked by a linguistic and cultural feature. The concept

of the linguistic picture of the universe, reflecting the ethnic worldview, is the home of life, a bundle of knowledge. (M. Heidegger) concept the meaning of the word does not arise directly, but the meaning of the word is the result of the experience of a person and an individual population.

Since ancient times, each nation has used stable phrases in its speech, along with words and stable combinations of words, one of the varieties of which are proverbs and sayings. They attract native speakers with their capacity and ability to use them in different speech situations and for different speech purposes. Since proverbs and sayings differ in the regularity of their use, we can conclude that they really express the most relevant concepts, the judgments of their carriers. Proverbs and sayings reflect the state of society at a particular stage of its development, record its way of life, customs, and traditions.

In English lessons, we learned that to express the concept of "home" in English, there are two words "home" and "house", which are almost synonymous. Both of these words refer to the place in which we live, and, in principle, when inviting a friend to your home, you can use the word "house", although most prefer to use the word home to describe their home. Thus, we used to call the place where we live with the word home, and the word house means the type of housing. Wherever you live, this place will be called your home. Home also has a figurative meaning, it adds emotional color to the place where you live. Most often, people call what they are building the word house, and after construction is completed, when the whole family begins to live there, they call it home. The word home means family, warmth, comfort, homeland, and the word house means a structure made of stone, brick or wood. A popular proverb says: "A house is made of walls and beams- but a home is built with love and dreams".

The essence of any proverb and saying is that it is intended to express thoughts about the values of the world.

Different language cultures have both their own specific features and a certain commonality. The study of the concept of "home", in this case, is one way to find out the uniqueness and universality of these cultures.

Kazakh word house has a broader meaning than the English house; it includes in its concept any building where a person lives or works (for example, I work in the house opposite). In English, a house is a house where you live, not work. For work, the British use the word building, and a large multi-storey building for them is a block of flats. Also in the Kazakh language we use the word home why we talk about the place where we grew up, about our motherland. In English, there is the word home for the place where you came from or where you usually live, especially when this is the place where you feel happy and comfortable.

In English and Kazakh symbolism, home is narrowed to the last limit of the inner world of a person.

The home for the native speaker of the national language consciousness is a part of the unchanging environment of a person, the sphere of his existence, a source of practical benefit , and much more. The house is a symbol of constancy, reliability and a sense of security, belonging to the family, the genus. It is extremely difficult to translate proverbs (sayings or idioms) adequately, i.e. preserving the meaning and form. Often it is impossible. Something usually has to be sacrificed: either meaning or form. Both are a loss.

The meanings of the word "home" in Kazkh and English proverbs and sayings with are divided into groups with general concepts. There are some proverbs with similar meanings in both languages (Table 1):

Hospitality ^0Ha^K;a Ken geMeK 6ap ga, KeT geMeK xo;. The glory of a house is its hospitality. A home without guests, a village without shepherds, both are hopeless indeed

Homeland OTaH oTÖactmaH öacTanagti. 03 yhîm enerç TecerÎM The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people. There is no place like home. East or west, home is best.

Man and woman Yftgi Kbipti; epKeK TonTLipa anMaftgti, 6ip sften TonTLipagLi. EpKeK yhâîr - HMaHLi, Öften - yhâîr raraHLi. Öften-Y^ÄIH K33LIFLL Öfteni xo; Yft - xeriM. A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make a home. Men build houses; women build homes. Where there is no wife, there is no home. A home without a woman is like a barn without cattle.

Social communication KiMHirç xepiH xepnecerç, cohlir otlih oTa. KeRingim^ YHÎHge KYHge MeftpaM, KYHge Toft Do in Rome as the Romans He lives long that lives well.

Family Property BaftLi MemKeft 6onca, Yftre TapTag^i, Öfteni MemKeft 6onca, Yftfli K¥pTag^i. Yftge orçôaraH TY3ge ge oRÖaftg^i. A bad wife wishes her husband's heel turned homewards, and not his toe. Better be kind at home than burn incense in a far place.

The collected and analyzed examples allow us to identify the main groups with the "home". This lexeme is part of the proverbs and sayings represented by the following semantic groups: Family, home comfort, hospitality, homeland, man and woman.

Kazakh has different equivalents in hospitality. No matter what Proverbs and sayings on the topic, any words are the basis for their creation. The meaning of "home" has the same meaning as the term "family". In the dictionary, it is briefly interpreted as "family" [3, 18]. The family is the foundation of society. Much in society depends on the upbringing of the family. The Kazakh people brought up their children at home through proverbs and sayings, hints (poems), constant turns, slowly, without raising their voices. Proverbs and sayings are especially important in teaching young people art, knowledge, and language. In Proverbs and sayings, great importance is attached to the upbringing of children. " Vhusa vpiphw, yuden mum," they say, raising children not only in their family, their home, but also in their relatives and even in the whole country, which brought up the younger generation for good. In the family, the noble qualities of a person are reflected and formed.

The concept of "home" is primarily used in the sense of housing. The concept of "home" of national significance reflects the connection of an ethnic group, tribe with other peoples, material, spiritual and aesthetic development. The house is a symbol of stability, a sense of confidence and security, and a sense of being part of the family. The House should have a cozy atmosphere that will bring warmth and peace of mind. It is not said for free that if there is a fight in the house for a day, then forty days will pass. Therefore, you should always be patient and think about the welfare of your home.

The Kazakh people have long been hospitable, they have not seen what they have in their hands from the "guest of God" - "^^garni ^oHa^". Therefore, "Kemenme vpnav,

ynnadu, Kemennen соц yu ueci ynnadu", they say, passengers who did not know which house to go to, that is, to spend the night, mostly paid great attention to the appearance of the house and, judging by the external mail of the house, determine who is the owner of the House. " Yunepi qoybip eKen den Ken ayundan Kemne^i3," the passenger, who did not remember the folk wisdom, sometimes came across a poor village at night, but asked to go out for the night. At the same time, most often they eat half a loaf of bread, even if they do not have bread to eat, even with hot water, they prefer to give peace, and show the hospitality. "ATacH3 yh 6o^ca ga, accbi3 yh 6o™angbi" - "When the host is friendly, the guest is cheerful," they says, trying not to forget.

The proverb: "Do in Rome as the Romans do" is usually associated with the respect of others' culture and customs: KiMni^ wepin wepneсeц, coubi^ omun omc. In every country people respect other's private property, if not it can be regarded as a rude and offensive manner. People mostly accept peaceful and mutual relations and negotiations between each other: Anucmasu csauunncn, cndu^dcsu Keprni apmuK,. Some proverbs of communication are based on people's emotions, like happiness, joy and wealth and etc. For example: He lives long that lives well - Ke^indini^ yuinde Kynde MeupaM, Kynde mou. This proverb has no complex colouring in compared languages. They are simple sentences which ordinary people use in everyday speech and have become a proverb as a result of long and frequent useof people.

Comparing proverbs and sayings in different languages help to understand national values and peoples' understanding the outer world. Proverbs and sayings have greatlingua-cultural values in linguistics. They need to find equivalents of the original meaning, so the word-forword translation is not impossible. One of the methods of translation is also descriptive translation which can be used in translation of proverbs and sayings in case the one of the languages doesn't have any equivalents: Yu 6onscn сoц munu anx, cbindbipncMcu mypMcudbi. -Skeleten in the cupboard.

In conclusion, the common history of domestic and life of individuals is connected with common things and phenomena. It is the most widespread character of phraseological units: proverbs and sayings in non-related English, Kazakh and languages. As a result of comparative contrastive analysis, proverbs and sayings are grouped agreeing to lingua -cultural topical groupings, like: proverbs of precautions, proverbs of peoples' experiences, critical considering of peoples' habits, wisdom of people, philosophic views. The research has moreover demonstrated that proverbs and sayings transferred from language to language mostly on the basis of translation equivalence.


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