THE IDENTITY OF THE PROVERBS AND SAYINGS IN KAZAKH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zakirova D.F., Zhandaeva U.Z., Satpaeva Z.A., Bayseitova A.Z.

His article discusses the Proverbs and sayings of the Kazakh and English languages. The history of Proverbs and sayings in the Kazakh and British peoples. A comparative analysis of some examples is also carried out. With the help of this analysis, similar qualities of Kazakh and English Proverbs and sayings are determined. In some examples, you can pay attention to the same meaning of these works. From the above examples you can see the General theme of sayings in Kazakh and English. The General provisions of Proverbs and sayings in the English and Kazakh languages on certain topics are analyzed: a) a person and his attributes; b) work and profession; b) Science and Education. As a result of the study of these materials, we came to the conclusion that this topic requires separate consideration.

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УДК 371.3:81'246.3 (574)


Байсеитова А.Ж., Жандаева У.Ж., Закирова Д.Ф., Сатпаева Ж.А.

Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (г.Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются пословицы и поговорки казахского и английских языков. История появления пословиц и поговорок у казахского и британских народов. Также ведется сравнительный анализ некоторых примеров. С помощью этого анализа определяются похожие качества казахских и английских пословиц и поговорок. В каких-то примерах можно обратить внимание на одинаковый смысл данных произведений. Из приведенных выше примеров можно увидеть общую тематику поговорок на казахском и английских языках. Проанализированы общие положения пословиц и поговорок на английском и казахском языках по отдельным темам: а) человек и его атрибуты; б) работа и профессия; в) Наука-Образование. В итоге исследования данных материалов мы пришли к выводу, что данная тема требует отдельного рассмотрения.

Ключевые слова: пословицы, поговорки, казахский язык, английский язык, анализ, сходство.

UDC 371.3:81'246.3 (574)



Zakirova D.F., Zhandaeva U.Z., Satpaeva Z.A., BayseitovaA.Z.

Abay Myrzahmetov Kokshetau University

Аbstrасt. This article discusses the Proverbs and sayings of the Kazakh and English languages. The history of Proverbs and sayings in the Kazakh and British peoples. A comparative analysis of some examples is also carried out. With the help of this analysis, similar qualities of Kazakh and English Proverbs and sayings are determined. In some examples, you can pay attention to the same meaning of these works. From the above examples you can see the General theme of sayings in Kazakh and English. The General provisions of Proverbs and sayings in the English and Kazakh languages on certain topics are analyzed: a) a person and his attributes; b) work and profession; b) Science and Education. As a result of the study of these materials, we came to the conclusion that this topic requires separate consideration.

Keywords: proverb, sayings, Kazakh language, English language, analysis, similar.

"Everyone knew the language, art, the same as the one who knew", the word of the great poet Abay reveals our theme. Each nation has its own characteristics, such as language, religion, literature, oral literature.The rich heritage of our people, Kazakh literature, as precious, precious treasures. English, Kazakh Proverbs and sayings are similar. From these examples, sometimes we see that the Kazakh and English Proverbs are similar in structure and meaning, and even are a direct translation of each other.

Proverb - proverb words. It is one of the types of poetic genre of folk figurative poetic genre, consisting of one or two branches of life, reasoning on the previous lines, reflecting on the last lines, deep content, deep meaning that has developed over the centuries, with a wide range of topics. Proverbs are often pronounced in a sample poem, sometimes in black words.

Sayings - not to mention its key summary, does not make sense to confront each other,the conclusion coincides with the result, a brief and concise version. Very close to the proverb. Proverb item understudy. The word is added and becomes a proverb[1].

In the British encyclopedia of Proverbs and sayings given the following definition: "Ethnolinguistic, that part of anthropological linguistics concerned with the study of the interrelation between a language and the cultural behavior of those who speak it".

During the review of materials concerning Proverbs and sayings in the Kazakh language, it was found that their collection, sorting, systematization, publication consists of two stages, the first of which — the second half of the XIX century. If before 1948 the Soviet period was carried out work on the collection and publication of Proverbs and sayings only from the mouth of the people, the second stage-is characterized by the formation of their language research.

Sh.Ualikhanov and N.N.Berezin, who first published Kazakh proverbs and sayings. The archives contain more than two hundred proverbs and sayings written in the fifties of the 19th century.

To date, the work on the generalization and publication of the national heritage in English has developed in the Ancient century, and to this day traditionally continues. According to historical data, the first collection of "Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament", including a chain of ancient Proverbs and sayings, was published in the V century. With the name of Desiderius Erasmus, the scientist who made a huge contribution to this cause, which became the property of the people. His compilations, published in 1500 in "Collectanea" (818 MM), in 1508 in Venice under the title "Chiliades" (3260 MM), were published in 1515-1536.

Proverb mainly consists of two parts ( mainly from the two points). In the first part of the vision sounds (the basis of thought), in the second part-the conclusion of thoughts. For example, if each would sweep before his own door, he should have a clean city. The proverbs that are used literally and in a variable sense are often derived from the people.

According to the meaning and application of Proverbs are divided into two groups: a) Proverbs and sayings used in the literal sense: A friend is never known till man have need. 6) Proverbs and sayings used in a variable value: Speech is silver, but silence is gold.

For any people, for humanity, a special place is occupied by the house. In the course of the study, it was noted that proverbs and sayings related to this topic are more common in both languages. Among the many English Proverbs and sayings we are talking about the history of the origin of the Proverbs "My house is my castle"

"My house is my castle" (C. C. A.: His house - fortress) that the Kazakh people "my house - my poem bed", which, figuratively, gives it a special character.

1. General provisions of Proverbs and sayings in English and Kazakh were analyzed on separate


a) man and his attributes;

b) work and profession;

b) Science-Education.

2. Proverbs and sayings prompt, differentiated according to;

a) knowledge of Proverbs and sayings in 2 (Kazakh, English) languages;;

a) Proverbs, sayings 2 (Kazakh, English) languages dictionary equivalents match[2]. For example:

Education - power (Bilim - qyat). Knowledge is power.

In this saying, the verbal equivalent in 2 languages and the meaning is exactly the same. These are synonymous sayings, that is, they are translated directly in the process of translation, and the meanings and words are the same. It is very convenient to use such synonymous Proverbs and sayings when learning a foreign language.

As you have made you bed, so you must lie on it - And what you sow, you will pluck it up (Ne eksen, sony orasyn). in these two Proverbs and sayings States that it is necessary to think in advance before you commit to any action. After all, we are responsible for our actions.

Better late that never - Better late than not (Eshten kesh jaqsy). These two Proverbs are almost identical in meaning, although the origin is different.

Bad news flies fast - The evil is not in place (Jamandyq jerde jatpaidy). These sayings are in English, which in Kazakh also has a common, similar meaning. They say that everything bad quickly becomes known.

In this article we also want to reveal the meaning of some Kazakh Proverbs. For example:

"A mountain eagle shares his food, but an owl would hide the food under his backs." Something about having someone who is skilled at slaughtering sheep and cattle, they must be treated generously because in the older times Kazakhs respected those who did manual labor or craftsmanship.

"First of all you need health, then a white shawl (a wife) and five sheep." It was assumed that if you did not sell 12 sheep and if you kept them safe from wolves and thieves, in five or ten years a herdsman might have five hundred of his own. So being a herdsman was considered an honorable trade which could lead to prosperity.

"Trade occurs while you are stroking your beard." Brokerage is a very profitable trade and to be successful at it you must be a vivacious and eloquent orator as well.

"Uishi would walk among the woods in the same fashion that a critic would walk among countries." A uishi is a house builder or in early Kazakh times, the frame of the yurts. He would always keep his eyes open for trees he could use for the next project.

"Do not consider a sorcerer a husband, nor a male bull a cattle." Neither is likely to ever be found at home.

"Cattle are found by cattle, not by man." It means that gradually a herdsman would improve his financial position. Kazakhs consider a good flock of sheep to number about five hundred.

From the above examples you can see source of Proverbs and sayings in the Kazakh language: economy, profession, life, Institute of dance, etc. it can be noted that the main source in English, as well as in the Kazakh language, are both economy and profession, life, and the Holy gospel book and in modern English are Shakespeare's Proverbs.

During the research work we noticed that Proverbs and sayings in English are used by direct translations into the Kazakh language and various linguistic particles, as well as Proverbs and sayings.


1. «Qazaqstan»: Ulttyq entsklopediia / Bas redaktor A. Nysanbaev - Almaty «Qazaq entsiklopediiasy» Bas redaktsiiasy, 1998 ISBN 5-89800-123-9, VI tom

2. Bisenova G. A., Abtihalova R. J. Agylshyn maqaldary men olardyn qazaq, orys tilderindegi balamalary // Molodoi ychenyi. — 2015. — №8.2. - s. 46-48.

Байсеитова А.Ж., старший преподаватель, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау). e-mail:[email protected]

Жандаева У.Ж., старший преподаватель, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау). e-mail: [email protected]

Закирова Д.Ф., старший преподаватель, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау). e-mail: [email protected]

Сатпаева Ж.А., старший преподаватель, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау). e-mail: [email protected]

Дата поступления статьи: 17.02.2021

© А.Ж. Байсеитова, У.Ж. Жандаева, Д.Ф. Закирова, Ж.А. Сатпаева

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