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Mokrani Djamel - Institute of Physical Education and Sports, University of Mostaganem, Algeria, e-mail: djamel.mokrani@,
Benzidane Houcine - Institute of Physical Education and Sports, University of Mostaganem, Algeria, e-mail: Koutchouk Sidi Mohamed
Bencheni Habib - Institute of Physical Education and Sports, University of Oran, Algeria
For citations: Mokrani Djamel, Benzidane Houcine, Koutchouk Sidi Mohamed, Bencheni Habib. The correlation between training with weights and plyometric training, and their impact on the development of certain physical qualities in shooting in extension for handball players, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-hiologicalproblems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 14-20.
DOI 10.14526/01_2017_201
Kirsan S. Kolodeznikov - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, Honored hoxing trainer
of the Sakha (Yakutia)Repuhlic
Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov ", Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, 46, Kulakovskogo str., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Ruslan V. Bestinov - senior teacher, Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov", Institute of Physical Culture and Sport 46, Kulakovskogo
str., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Margarita G. Kolodeznikova - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov ", Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, 46, Kulakovskogo
str., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Annotation. Since new rules in boxing were adopted highly-qualified sportsmen changes considerably the ways of sports combat organization and definite objectives solution in possible situations during the combat. In sports and competitive activity competitions form the main and initial component and trainings form subordinate component, which is the means of training for competitions. Material. Competitive activity study of highly-qualified boxers from the World Series Boxing (WSB) in order to determine the level of training, taking into consideration rules changes, for timely correction of educational-training process. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, the indices of boxers' technical-tactical actions during competitive activity registration by means of combats video analysis, methods of mathematical data handling. Results. 7 tables are created, which fully reflect competitive activity of boxers and their technical-tactical mastery. Comparative analysis of competitive activity helps to reveal advantages and disadvantages of sportsmen and also helps to correct timely the plan of training boxers to take part in competitions, taking into account potential opponents. Conclusion. Trainers are recommended to pay attention to technical-tactical actions organization, the tightness of conducting a combat, psychological mood and readiness, to watch the dynamics of a sportsman combat results at important competitions.
Keywords: comparative analysis, accuracy of blows, technical-tactical mastery, purposefulness, training sportsmen.
Introduction. Taking into consideration the results, received during the research works and published in scientific monographs [2], and having notion of the concepts "purposefulness", "goal-directedness" [3], we came to the conclusion that since new rules in boxing were adopted sportsmen had considerably changed the ways of conducting a sports combat and the definite objectives solution in possible situations during a combat. Having made the analysis of sports and competitive activity from the position of system approach, we determined, that competitions form the main and initial
component and trainings form subordinate component, which is the means of training for competitions [1].
Research methods and research
organization. In order to study competitive activity the following methods were used: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, the indices of boxers' technical-tactical actions during competitive activity registration by means of combats video analysis and methods of mathematical data handling. We created 7 tables, which fully reflect competitive activity of boxers and their technical-tactical mastery. In this article only
one table is used, which shows general number of blows and their effectiveness during the round and during the combat in general. In order to estimate the effectiveness of the attacking actions the ratio of general number of the fulfilled blows, and the blows, which achieved the aim (reflected) is used. Then the coefficient of blows efficiency (CBE) is the following: CBE =n/N,
where: n - number of blows, which achieved the aim, N - general number of the fulfilled blows.
Research results and their discussion. The
material for competitive activity analysis, among WSB highly-qualified boxers of weight categories till 49 kg, till 52 kg, was combats video within the following period 2014-2015. In terms of confidentiality and moral- ethical norms boxer's names were replaced by letters.
In combat sports competitive activity indices are often understood as competitive activity effectiveness: activity and diversity of the used techniques and technical-tactical actions. In our research work the following items were reflected as competitive activity indices: general number of blows during the round, combat (each blow separately and the place of hit), number of attacks, number of counterattacks during the round, combat, number of series of attacks during the round, combat, number of defensive actions during the round, combat, general number of tactical actions during the round, combat, number of rules violations during the round and combat, number of repetitive attacks (combinations). All blows were divided into fulfilled and achieving the aim. The main activity parameter was the arithmetic average of the fulfilled blows general number.
Table 1 - Numl Der of t he fulfil ed blows during a round and com bat
Round Gener al numb er of blows Achi eved the aim CBE Didn 't achie ve the aim Blows to the head Achi eved the aim CBE to the head Did n't ach ieve the aim Blo ws to the body Achi eved the aim CBE to the body Didn 't achi eve the aim
Boxer A, combat 1
1 87 10 0,115 77 78 6 0,77 72 9 5 0,555 4
2 98 17 0,173 81 90 14 0,155 76 8 3 0,375 5
3 96 16 0,167 80 87 15 0,172 72 9 1 0,111 8
4 71 11 0,155 60 63 8 0,127 55 8 3 0,375 5
5 78 16 0,205 62 60 12 0,20 58 8 3 0,375 5
Total 430 70 0,163 360 388 55 0,142 333 42 15 0,357 27
Boxer A, combat 2
1 67 18 0,268 49 62 14 0,226 48 5 4 0,80 1
2 104 21 0,202 83 82 17 0,207 65 22 4 0,182 18
3 73 17 0,233 56 53 8 0,151 45 20 9 0,45 11
4 74 15 0,203 59 62 12 0,193 50 12 3 0,25 9
5 78 17 0,239 61 68 11 0,161 57 10 6 0,60 4
Total 396 88 0,222 308 332 62 0,187 277 64 26 0,406 42
Boxer B
1 87 5 0,57 82 66 1 0,15 65 21 4 0,19 17
2 75 17 0,226 58 66 16 0,242 50 9 1 0,111 8
3 70 5 0,71 65 62 5 0,8 57 8 0 0 8
4 70 10 0,143 60 56 7 0,125 49 14 3 0,214 11
5 70 7 0,10 63 46 7 0,152 39 24 0 0 24
Total 372 44 0,118 328 296 36 0,121 260 76 8 0,105 68
Boxer C, com bat 1
1 67 11 0,164 56 57 7 0,123 50 10 4 0,40 6
2 57 11 0,193 46 49 10 0,204 39 8 1 0,125 7
3 55 13 0,236 42 46 11 0,239 35 9 2 0,222 7
4 45 5 0,111 40 40 5 0,125 35 5 0 0 5
5 46 6 0,13 40 35 3 0,85 32 11 3 0,272 8
Total 270 46 0,17 224 227 36 0,158 191 43 10 0,232 33
Boxer C, com bat 2
1 79 17 0,215 62 72 15 0,208 57 7 2 0,285 5
2 68 11 0,141 57 62 9 0,145 53 6 2 0,333 4
3 70 9 0,128 61 65 7 0,107 58 5 2 0,4 3
4 56 16 0,285 40 50 12 0,24 38 6 4 0,666 2
5 68 3 0,44 65 63 2 0,31 61 5 1 0,20 4
Total 341 56 0,164 285 312 45 0,144 267 29 11 0,379 18
Boxer D
1 33 7 0,212 26 27 3 0,111 24 6 4 0,666 2
2 28 6 0,214 22 22 3 0,136 19 6 3 0,5 3
3 30 7 0,233 23 25 7 0,28 18 5 0 0 5
4 48 13 0,27 35 40 11 0,275 29 8 2 0,25 6
5 50 10 0,20 40 41 7 0,17 34 9 3 0,333 6
Total 189 43 0,227 146 155 31 0,20 124 34 12 0,353 22
Table 1 shows the following:
1. Boxer A: during the whole combat accuracy is 19,24% and it is slightly below the average index, even taking into consideration the fact, that not all blows are fulfilled in order to achieve the aim definitely. During the combat a boxer makes false, light, reconnoitering, provoking, preparatory and controlling the distance blows in order to reveal the defense of the opponent, prepare, conceal attack, come to attacking distance and reject an opponent's attack. If we consider the rounds, the number of blows during the first three rounds is ~ 85 blows during the round, during last three rounds the number of the fulfilled blows decreases till ~72 blows during the round and it shows the decrease of combat tempo. Functionally well-trained boxer during the whole combat doesn't let the tempo decrease from round to round or increases the tempo with each following round.
2. Boxer B: during the whole combat accuracy is 11,83% and it is below the average index, even taking into consideration the fact, that not all blows are fulfilled in order to achieve the aim definitely. If we consider the rounds, the number of blows is comparatively not big ~74 blows during the round and it shows a low
tempo of combat. Boxer B has a low index of blows, which achieved the aim.
3. Boxer C: during the whole combat accuracy is 16,75% and it is slightly below the average index, even taking into consideration the fact, that not all blows are fulfilled in order to achieve the aim definitely. A boxer is technically and tactically well-trained, fulfills the blows achieving different aims and places, but tightness of combat decreases to the end of the combat. If we consider the rounds, the number of blows during the first two rounds is ~ 62 blows during the round, during last three rounds the number of the fulfilled blows decreases till ~49 blows during the round and it shows very low tempo of combat. That is why boxer C should work over holding the tempo of combat in order not to decrease the tightness of combat to the end of the combat, but, on the contrary, increase it.
4. Boxer D: during the whole combat accuracy is 22,75% and it is slightly below the average index. At the same time, he fulfills accurate and effective blows to the head, to the end of the rounds "boosting" the tempo. It should be noted that the opponent stood out the tightness of combat. It can be the sign of well-trained
opponent or it means that Boxer D fulfilled not so many blows to the body in order to decrease the opponent's endurance level.
1. Competitive activity analysis helps to reveal advantages and disadvantages of sportsmen and also helps to correct timely the plan of training boxers to take part in competitions, taking into account potential opponents.
2. Dynamics analysis of competitive activity indices, taking into account the changes of rules and differences reduction in training boxers can be used as the means of boxing development tendency determination for a timely introduction of the corresponding
4. The availability of competitive activity indices study helps to use this methodology at any competitions, with any potential opponent and will help to fulfill correction. The research work helped us to understand that competitive activity study provides sportsmanship improvement, a sportsman's effectiveness increase and the set aim achievement.
Practical recommendations
1. It is recommended to study boxers' competitive activity regularly at every
corrections in order to increase the training level of highly-qualified boxers. 3. As a result of comparative analysis of WSB boxers' competitive activity, we came to the conclusion that all WSB sportsmen are well-trained enough physically, functionally and technically-tactically. That is why all WSB sportsmen have almost the same level of training and mastery, any boxer can become a winner. There is always a high level of competition. Each boxer should work hard over broadening the arsenal of his technical-tactical actions, as one and the same arsenal of combinations doesn't do for all opponents. It is very important to define the aim and the objectives of the future competitions, taking into account potential opponents.
important competition in order to fulfill timely correction of the training process.
2. To fulfill comparative analysis of technical-tactical indices of competitive activity between highly-qualified boxers from different regions and countries.
3. To compare the average indices of different ages (every year) in order to estimate the dynamics, effectiveness and the set aims of competitive activity achievement.
4. It is necessary to analyze the combats of the future opponents, the members of Russia national team and the winners of the Europe,
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World championships and the Olympic Games last championships.
5. Combats video watching and analysis between professional boxers in different weight categories in the best years of their career in order to improve own technical-tactical mastery.
As the result of this research work, trainers are recommended to pay attention to technical-tactical actions organization, the tightness of conducting a combat, psychological mood and readiness, to watch the dynamics of a sportsman combat results at important competitions.
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Kirsan S. Kolodeznikov - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, Honored boxing trainer of the Sakha (Yakutia)Republic Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov", Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, 46, Kulakovskogo str., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia, E-mail: [email protected] Ruslan V. Bestinov - senior teacher, Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov", Institute of Physical Culture and Sport 46, Kulakovskogo str., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]
Margarita G. Kolodeznikova - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov ", Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, 46, Kulakovskogo str., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]
For citations: Kolodeznikov K.S., Bestinov R.V. Kolodeznikova M.G. WSB boxers' competitive activity study, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 20-25.