Научная статья на тему 'Regulation of the mechanism of preparedness for development of students by physical culture and sports'

Regulation of the mechanism of preparedness for development of students by physical culture and sports Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
physical culture / physical readiness / sports-oriented technologies / state of health / improving technologies of teaching / multi-criteria approach / фізична культура / фізична підготовленість / спортивно- орієнтовані технології / стан здоров’я / оздоровчі технології навчання / підхід за багатьма критеріями

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Diegtiar Oleg Andriyovych, Vavrenyuk Sergey Anatolievich

The study analyzes and summarizes the system of forming readiness for the development of physical culture of students in higher education institutions of Ukraine, taking into account regional features, the possibilities of constructive reflection, integrated self-development and personality formation, ready for self-determination, self-improvement and self-development in the physical culture system. It was revealed that one of the most important components of the design of the system for the formation of young people’s physical culture is the level of health that was formed in the process of their life. Despite centuries of attempts to study human health, it still has no clear criteria for evaluation. Despite the large number of definitions, points of view on the nature of health, so far there is no unity of approaches to its definition. It does not, however, cause doubts and the fact that health must reflect the ability of a person to maintain his homeostasis through adaptation to changing environment conditions, that is, to actively resist such changes in order to preserve and prolong life. Therefore, when designing a system for the formation of students’ physical culture, it is necessary to know the features of the territories inhabited by students of higher educational establishments for the development of practical recommendations for the prevention of diseases and the introduction of changes in working curricula. It is noted that readiness for the development of physical culture in students is a new qualitative characteristic of a person with a high level of competence, self-development ability, self-perfection, self-development in the field of physical culture that is able to distinguish from it in the process of physical education in higher educational establishments. forming components in the process of self-development and professional formation. It is proved that the structure of readiness for the development of physical culture among students of higher educational institutions is a multicomponent model consisting of motivation-purposeful, informative, operationalfunctional and reflection modules.

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Досліджено, проаналізовано та узагальнено системи формування готовності до розвитку фізичної культури студентів у ВНЗ України з урахуванням регіональних особливостей, можливості конструктивної рефлексії, комплексного саморозвитку і формування особи, готової до самовизначення, самоудосконалення і саморозвитку в системі фізичної культури. Виявлено, що одним з найбільш важливих компонентів проектування системи формування фізичної культури молоді є рівень здоров’я, який сформувався в процесі їх життєдіяльності. Незважаючи на багатовікові спроби вивчення здоров’я людини, воно досі не має чітких критеріїв оцінки. Незважаючи на велику кількість визначень, точок зору про суть здоров’я, до теперішнього часу немає єдності підходів його визначення. Не викликає, проте, сумніви та обставина, що здоров’я має відбивати здатність людини зберігати свій гомеостаз через адаптацію до умов середовища, що міняються, тобто активно чинити опір таким змінам з метою збереження і продовження життя. Тому при проектуванні системи формування фізичної культури студентської молоді необхідно знати особливості територій, на яких проживали студенти вищих навчальних закладів, для розробки практичних рекомендацій профілактики захворювань і внесення змін в робочі навчальні програми. Відмічено, що готовність до розвитку фізичної культури у студентів — це сформована в процесі фізкультурної освіти у вищих навчальних закладах нова якісна характеристика особи, що має високий рівень компетентності, здатність до самовизначення, самоудосконалення, саморозвитку у сфері фізичної культури, що уміє виокремлювати з неї релевантні формуючі компоненти в процесі саморозвитку і професійного становлення. Доведено, що структура готовності до розвитку фізичної культури у студентів вищих навчальних закладів є багатокомпонентною моделлю, що складається з мотиваційно-цільового, змістовного, операційно-функціонального і рефлексії модулів.

Текст научной работы на тему «Regulation of the mechanism of preparedness for development of students by physical culture and sports»

UDC: 351:378:796.011.3(477)

Diegtiar Oleg Andriyovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Management and Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshala Bazhanova, 17, (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Дегтяр Олег Андртович, доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту i адмтктрування, Харкявський национальный утверситет мгського господарства ím. О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Хартв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Дегтярь Олег Андреевич, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

Vavrenyuk Sergey Anatolievich,

PhD in Public Administration, lecturer of the Department of pyrotechnic and special training, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 61023, Kharkiv, Str. Chernyshevska, 94, tel.: (057) 7003 1 71, e-mail: nuczu@mns. gov.ua

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

Вавренюк Сергт Анатолшович,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, викладач кафедри пiротехнiчноiта специальноi тдготовки, Нащональний утверситет цившьного захисту Украгни, 61023, м. Хартв, вул. Чернишевська, 94, тел.: (057) 70031 71, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

Вавренюк Сергей Анатольевич,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, преподаватель кафедры пиротехнической и специальной подготовки, Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины, 61023, г. Харьков, ул. Чернышевская, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: nuczu@ mns.gov.ua

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i11.19 - 119


Abstract. The study analyzes and summarizes the system of forming readiness for the development of physical culture of students in higher education institutions of Ukraine, taking into account regional features, the possibilities of constructive reflection, integrated self-development and personality formation, ready for self-determination, self-improvement and self-development in the physical culture system. It was revealed that one of the most important components of the design of the system for the formation of young people's physical culture is the level of health that was formed in the process of their life. Despite centuries of attempts to study human health, it still has no clear criteria for evaluation. Despite the large number of definitions, points of view on the nature of health, so far there is no unity of approaches to its definition. It does not, however, cause doubts and the fact that health must reflect the ability of a person to maintain his homeostasis through adaptation to changing environment conditions, that is, to actively resist such changes in order to preserve and prolong life. Therefore, when designing a system for the formation of students' physical culture, it is necessary to know the features of the territories inhabited by students of higher educational establishments for the development of practical recommendations for the prevention of diseases and the introduction of changes in working curricula. It is noted that readiness for the development of physical culture in students is a new qualitative characteristic of a person with a high level of competence, self-development ability, self-perfection, self-development in the field of physical culture that is able to distinguish from it in the process of physical education in higher educational establishments. forming components in the process of self-development and professional formation. It is proved that the structure of readiness for the development of physical culture among students of higher educational institutions is a multi-component model consisting of motivation-purposeful, informative, operational-functional and reflection modules.

Keywords: physical culture, physical readiness, sports-oriented technologies, state of health, improving technologies of teaching, multi-criteria approach.


Анотащя. Дослщжено, проаналiзовано та узагальнено системи формуван-ня готовност до розвитку фiзичноï культури студенпв у ВНЗ Украши з ура-хуванням репональних особливостей, можливосп конструктивно!' рефлекси, комплексного саморозвитку i формування особи, готово!' до самовизначен-ня, самоудосконалення i саморозвитку в системi фiзичноï культури. Вияв-лено, що одним з найбшьш важливих компоненпв проектування системи

формування фiзично! культури молодi е рiвень здоров'я, який сформувався в процей 1х життедiяльностi. Незважаючи на багатовiковi спроби вивчення здоров'я людини, воно доа не мае чiтких критерив оцiнки. Незважаючи на велику кшьюсть визначень, точок зору про суть здоров'я, до тепершнього часу немае едносп пiдходiв його визначення. Не викликае, проте, сумшви та обставина, що здоров'я мае вiдбивати здатшсть людини зберiгати свiй го-меостаз через адаптащю до умов середовища, що мiняються, тобто активно чинити ошр таким змiнам з метою збереження i продовження життя. Тому при проектуванш системи формування фiзично! культури студентсько'1 мо-лодi необхвдно знати особливостi територiй, на яких проживали студенти ви-щих навчальних закладiв, для розробки практичних рекомендацш профшак-тики захворювань i внесення змш в робочi навчальнi програми. Вiдмiчено, що готовнiсть до розвитку фiзично! культури у студентiв — це сформована в процес фiзкультурно! освiти у вищих навчальних закладах нова яюсна характеристика особи, що мае високий рiвень компетентностi, здатшсть до самовизначення, самоудосконалення, саморозвитку у сферi фiзично! культури, що умiе виокремлювати з не! релевантш формуючi компоненти в процесi саморозвитку i професiйного становлення. Доведено, що структура готовно-стi до розвитку фiзично! культури у студентiв вищих навчальних закладiв е багатокомпонентною моделлю, що складаеться з мотивацiйно-цiльового, змютовного, операцiйно-функцiонального i рефлексi! модулiв.

Ключовi слова: фiзична культура, фiзична шдготовлешсть, спортивно-орiентованi технологi!, стан здоров'я, оздоровчi технологи навчання, пiдхiд за багатьма критерiями.


Аннотация. Исследована, проанализирована и обобщена система формирования готовности к развитию физической культуры студентов в ВУЗах Украины с учетом региональных особенностей, возможностей конструктивной рефлексии, комплексного саморазвития и формирования личности, готовой к самоопределению, самосовершенствованию и саморазвитию в системе физической культуры. Выявлено, что одним из наиболее важных компонентов проектирования системы формирования физической культуры молодежи является уровень здоровья, который сформировался в процессе их жизнедеятельности. Несмотря на многовековые попытки изучения здоровья человека, оно до сих пор не имеет четких критериев оценки. Несмотря на большое количество определений, точек зрения о сути здоровья, до настоящего времени нет единства подходов его определения. Не вызывает, однако, сомнения то обстоятельство, что здоровье должно отражать способность человека сохранять свой гомеостаз через адаптацию к условиям среды, меняются, то есть активно сопротивляться таким изменениям с целью сохранения и продления жизни. Поэтому при проектировании системы формирования физической культуры студенческой молодежи необходимо знать особенности террито-

рий, на которых проживали студенты высших учебных заведений, для разработки практических рекомендаций по предотвращению заболеваний и внесению изменений в рабочие учебные программы. Отмечено, что готовность к развитию физической культуры у студентов — это сложившаяся в процессе физкультурного образования в высших учебных заведениях новая качественная характеристика лица, имеющего высокий уровень компетентности, способность к самоопределению, самосовершенствованию, саморазвитию в области физической культуры, умеет выделять из нее релевантные формирующие компоненты в процессе саморазвития и профессионального становления. Доказано, что структура готовности к развитию физической культуры у студентов высших учебных заведений является многокомпонентной моделью, состоящей из мотивационно-целевого, содержательного, операционно-функционального и рефлексии модулей.

Ключевые слова: физическая культура, физическая подготовленность, спортивно-ориентированные технологии, состояние здоровья, оздоровительные технологии обучения, многокритериальный подход.

Problem statement. Analysis of scientific-methodical literature and generalization of advanced experience of the departments of physical education at Higher Education Institutions (HEI) of Ukraine reflects the crisis of the discipline 'Physical Education (PE)', which has started, since 90's. One of the areas in solving these problems is increasing sporting activities of physical activity in educational institutions. Modern sports training system is extremely complex social phenomenon. Planning is one of the most important aspects that provides consistency and commitment of the management process. A technology of training was developed to implement the system of readiness for the development of students' physical education in the higher education institutions of Ukraine, taking into account regional peculiarities. Structure of readiness for development of Physical Education (PE) of students in Higher Education

Institutions (HEI) of Ukraine is a mul-ticomponent model. The multi-criteria approach is one of the cornerstones of innovation education, including in the field of Physical Education (PE). This approach is a promising solution to the problems of formation of readiness for development of Physical Education (PE) of students in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) of Ukraine.

Analysis of recent publications on research issues. S. M. Dombrovska, V. G. Ariefiev, M. D. Zubalii, T. Yu. Kru-sevych, A. S. Kuts, R. T. Raievskii, S. M. Sinhaievskyi, B. M. Shyian, A. D. Dubohai and others devoted their researches to the improvement and development of the System of Physical Education of student youth.

However, the availability of these studies, the results obtained and the developed scientific and methodological recommendations in the above-mentioned directions can be used to solve urgent modern problems of field

management, namely to promote the efficiency of public authorities in the development of physical culture and sports. At the same time, a systematic analysis of available sources suggests that they are too general or a very professional nature. In addition, the theoretical foundations of state management of physical culture and sports in higher educational establishments for student youth are considered episodically, without the use of an integrated approach, which results in the absence of scientifically substantiated conclusions, recommendations and proposals that should contribute to a qualitative solution to the problems related to the development of the field.

The purpose of this article is to analyse and predict the model of multi-year training of a specialist in physical education and sport in a higher education institution.

Presenting the main material of research. The main purpose of Physical Education (PE) in the first place will be to meet the needs of students, as well as society as a whole, however, in the formation of spiritual and physical development of the individual, which will contribute to the growth of living standards and the formation of high Education (PE) and recreational competence of the trainees.

We propose to understand the complex system of personality formation, which contains motivational and value orientations aimed at a healthy lifestyle, together with emotional and volitional components that help to ensure the readiness of the specialist for physical self-improvement through means of Education (PE) and sports in the field of Education (PE) of students, under

the multicriteria approach. Multicri-teria approach also includes systemic physical culture and health knowledge, subject experience, skills and abilities necessary for solving Education (PE) and health issues of social infrastructure.

It should be noted that it is expedient to analyse the state of components of socio-cultural readiness in the regions of Ukraine as an objective factor ensuring its effective functioning in order to form a social order for the design of systems for forming the readiness of students for the development of Education (PE).

By studying the criteria for assessing the regional peculiarities of the development of Physical Education (PE), we have identified a group of factors that can be combined with such concepts as sociocultural readiness for the development of the PE is an integral qualitative characteristic of the life of the population, based on public health, as a result of the influence of economic development of the region, ecological status, climatic and geographical features and development of physical education (financing, sufficient number of skilled personnel, development of modern material and technical the base of sports and the number of people engaged in various kinds of Physical Education (PE).

The criteria for the component of socio-cultural readiness is the development of Physical Education (PE) including an assessment of the state of development of the material and technical base (number of structures and capacity), funding (the amount of funds allocated per person engaged in sports), the number of those engaged in sports

sections and in educational institutions [1].

One of the most important components of designing a system for the formation of young people's Physical Education (PE) is the level of health that was formed in the process of their life-sustaining activities (lifestyles). Despite centuries of attempts to study human health, it still has not any clear criteria for evaluation. Despite the large number of definitions, points of view on the nature of health, so far there is not any unity of approaches to its definition.

However, it does not cause doubts and the fact that health must reflect the ability of a person to maintain his ho-meostasis through adaptation to changing environment conditions, that is, to actively resist such changes in order to preserve and prolong life.

Therefore, when designing a system for the formation of students' Physical Education (PE), it is necessary to know the features of the territories inhabited by students of the Higher Education Institution (HEI) for the development of practical recommendations for disease prevention and the introduction of changes in the Working Curriculum. Health at the population level is characterized by a set of quantitative parameters, among which a special place occupy the indicators of morbidity and markers of the health and demographic situation in the first place, fertility, mortality and infant mortality [2, p. 89].

Updating and deepening the content of education in the field of Physical Education (PE), primarily, is associated with the most complete realization of its cultural-forming functions. Its socio-cultural essence is the formation

of a new image of the world and a new, inscribed in this image and system of cultural activity of a person. On the one hand, the educational process is correlated with their socially meaningful content, and with another, it is driven by the experiences of the student as a subject of the educational process and the media of their own culture. In this situation, the student realizes the freedom of choice, the individuality of his educational path, as a result of which he acquires his cultural identity. Person perceives education in the field of Physical Education (PE) as a component of their own lifestyle, can create by him, subordinate education to the goals of personal growth in this case only [3, p. 12].

Education becomes a factor in the person's mental activity and the form of its cultural existence at the same time. Education is largely determined by the logic of the process of personality development, awareness of their needs and goals at the same time. The conditions should be created for this purpose in which there are processes of development and self-development, education and self-education, education and self-education.

Thus, increasing the motivational and valuable relationship of students to Physical Education (PE) and sports will be effective if the proposed the Physical Education (PE) Curriculum take into account the inquiries and needs of students in the field of Physical Education (PE) and sports, taking into account age-gender and socio-demographic characteristics. Priority of sport oriented approach in the educational process at higher education institutions of Ukraine will allow the

continuity of the sports movement and remove the contradiction between the request and implementation of it by the students in the types of athletic sporting activities.

Focusing on the health effects of the HEIs' educational programs can be partly solved in the higher education system objectively, in this way it cannot be a priority only. Factors of human life (heredity, ecology and lifestyle) are so large that the share of 'motor activity on health' is 50 % in the 'good case' and is less than 10 % in 'worst case'. Therefore getting a real fast result from this Program is difficult. The professionalapplied orientation of the Working Curriculum for the HEI students reduces its importance due to the fact that the physical qualities, included in the zone of occupational risk, have a remote effect of obtaining the result and, in turn, restrain the overall, harmonious development of the individual [4, p. 7]

The Sport-Oriented Curriculum for students, aimed at in-depth study of individual sports and modern motor systems, allow you to obtain results from a type of activity in terms of competitions, control tests, assess abilities and form a steady need for regular training. It is justified for students who are practically healthy but not trained enough for classes in the sports perfection department where preparation of teams for participation in student competitions of different levels is carried out.

Focusing on the training effect is an optimizing factor for the development of basic physical qualities that is necessary for adolescence when active processes of physical development take place. Therefore, the choice of a train-

ing program in the field of sport is a students' need, which must be taken into account when organizing the educational process and correcting the content of the working curriculum (see Table) [5, p. 17].

Studying the motivational and value relation of students to physical education and sports has allowed allocating nine main motivations that reflect this relation: physical perfection, friendly solidarity, rivalry, imitation and sports, etc.

It should be noted that there are some differences between both boys and girls students in physical education and sports, who require careful attention from lecturers to the training organization. In our opinion, the differences between the motivation of girls and boys may be explained by their attitude to occupations, as well as the value that Physical Education (PE) and sports in their lives take place. According to data from Reference [5], for girls the most valuable were figures such as figure correction (almost 45 %), health promotion (38 %) and motor skills enrichment (35 %), while boys prefer to attend classes satisfaction with the needs of the movement (58 %), are interested in the original types of motor activity (44 %), as well as the ability to increase their level of physical fitness (32 %).

It is noteworthy that while studying the negative motivation of heterogeneous groups, any particular differences were not identified, among them the following indicators can be distinguished: specific sporting specialization (55 %), inability to comply with control standards (51 %) and low level of physical preparedness (42 %).

Dynamics of the choice of sports and modern motor systems of students depending

on age(%)

№ of item Kinds of sport Age, years

16 17 18 19 20 21 and elder


Number of participants 102 300 129 50 45 42

1 Badminton 1,9 4,6 3,1 4,0 20,0 -

2 Basketball 17,9 6,2 3,9 8,0 - 16,6

3 Volleyball 12,7 27,2 27,9 10,0 15,5 21,4

4 Handball 3,9 - - - -

5 Rhythmic gymnastics 25,8 24,2 2,3 4,0 - -

6 Aerobics 8,8 10,3 21,7 10,0 28,8 30,9

7 Shaping 0,9 4,3 3,9 28,0 24,4 19,3

8 Athletics (Recreational jogging) 1,9 2,6 3,1 - - -

9 Table tennis 10,7 9,3 13,2 24,0 - 9,5

10 Mini soccer 0,9 5,3 12,4 - 6,6 -

11 Self-defence course 15,4 6,0 8,5 12,0 4,7 2,3

12 Chess 1,9 - - - -


number of participants 104 384 120 47 53 35

1 Armsport - - 15,8 10,6 26,4 8,5

2 Athletic Gymnastics 2,8 9,6 5,8 17,0 9,4 17,1

3 Badminton 1,9 - - - - -

4 Basketball 22,1 14,0 9,1 23,4 5,6 -

5 Boxing - - - 1,8 8,5

6 Wrestling 6,7 7,3 7,5 19,1 16,9 20,0

7 Volleyball 20,1 19,2 - - 24,7 11,4

8 Handball 4,8 2,8 - - - -

9 Kettlebell lifting 3,8 5,9 - 1,8 -

10 Karate Do 3,9 4,9 3,6 - - -

11 Athletics (Recreational jogging) 1,9 2,6 - - - 5,7

12 Table tennis 6,7 4,7 10,8 8,5 - -

13 Taekwondo 3,9 - - - - -

14 Powerlifting 2,9 2,8 17,5 4,5 - -

15 Football 3,9 9,1 19,1 12,7 - 17,4

16 Mini football 5,9 - - - 13,4 -

17 Self-defence course 8,7 17D 10,8 4,2 - 11,4

This state indicates that the results tional process, together with the intro-obtained during the study should be duction of a differentiated approach to used in the construction of the educa- work with students of different sex, in-

cluding determining types of motor activity and when planning the content of physical education classes.

In order to increase this component of the multi-criteria approach as individuality, in our view, it is necessary to foresee the same for individual classes for students of both sexes. It is important to take into account not only different standards, but also to assume in the construction of educational work different orientation classes. So, the choice of subject matter should not be limited to a particular sport of choice, it is possible to put the selection of sports on interests in the foreground, to vary forms, means and methods of organization of classes.

We note that the construction of educational process, limited by the framework of the normative approach, which involves only external indicators, and does not pay attention to the learners themselves, leads to a negative attitude towards sports and the reluctance to engage in physical education. This becomes the reason that many students do not perceive Physical Education (PE) as a discipline that has its own scientific and practical content, concepts and principles, patterns and methods of activity. It is also determined that many students associate physical education with a purely mechanical activity. Therefore, the formation of positive motivation for physical education and sports students of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) should be one of the bases of effective professional training for further practical activities. And the process of its activation will be more successful, if to allocate objective and subjective factors that determine

the dynamics of the formation of motives to engage in sports.

At the same time, sports motives become relevant and personal to the student when they interact with educational and professional motives. Thus, we can say that based on the motives of physical education, applying an individual approach to different types of personality trainees, we can educate the necessary attitude to physical education and sport, based on the developed optimal forms and methods of organizing classes that will the best meet the interests of students.

Undoubtedly, satisfying the interests of students is an essential way in strengthening their health, promoting independent exercises in Physical Education (PE) and sports, which in general will have a positive effect on a healthy lifestyle.

So, we assume that the following pedagogical conditions need to be taken into account for the effective formation of the value attitude of students to Physical Education (PE), which is based on the application of the multi-criteria approach:

1. Improvement the value attitude to Physical Education (PE) and sports can be based on a differentiated approach to constructing training sessions, which is based on studying the motivation of students and their personal preferences, which allows determining the inclination of an individual to take a particular sport.

2. Based on the activity approach, which manifests itself in the inclusion of all students in different types of physical activity, each student should be able to choose the field that most

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closely matches his physical capabilities, interests and preferences.

3. It is necessary to achieve the maximum correlation between the structure of Physical Education (PE) and sport activities in the HEI and the direction and content of the process of profes-sionalization, which involves preparing the student for future professional activities. It is important to ensure the interaction of physical education with the professional orientation of the personality of the future specialist, which should be aimed at the valuable understanding of sports as one of the ways to effectively perform social and professional functions.

4. In order to increase the intensity of the process of Physical Education (PE) in Higher Education Institutions (HEI), it is necessary to increase the number of physical education classes by involving students in physical training and sports activities of university sports sections. Such systematic classes will contribute to the more active formation of the physical culture of the individual.

5. With the help of expanding the range of knowledge of sport and recreation activities, its value assignment for the individual and society, it is possible to shift the emphasis of students from the traditional administrative direction of sport and recreation activities to its recreational, pedagogic, educational and vocational and developmental potential.

To solve all the above tasks should follow certain principles, which consist of:

• Comprehensive development of personality;

• Health improvement of physical education;

• Relation of physical education with the labour and military practice.

Physical and spiritual development of student youth, organically complement each other and contributes to the increase of social activity of the person. Student's age is especially important. It is expressed in the active mastering of the full range of social functions of an adult, including civil, socio-political, vocational and labour.

Physical Education (PE) is a means not only for the physical improvement and rehabilitation, but also for the education of young people's social, work and creative activity, which significantly influences the development of the social structure of society. In particular, the fulfilment of their socio-occupa-tional functions depends on the physical preparedness, health, and the level of efficiency of future specialists in the national economy.

The multifunctional nature of physical education places it in the number of areas of socially useful activity in which the social activity and creativity of young people are formed and manifested. These studies suggest that the skills of social and professional activities acquired through physical education are successfully transferred to other activities. Physical culture allows us to present in certain forms and directions certain aspects of the essence of man (manifestation of character, will and determination) and creates conditions for social activity.

A comprehensive solution to the tasks of Physical Education (PE) in higher education institutions ensures the readiness of graduates for more active production activities, the ability to master skills faster, and develop

new labour (vocational) professions. Physical Education (PE) contributes to the manifestation of the best qualities of the student's personality. At the same time, one of the most important social needs as communication with people is realized at a high emotional level. The benefits of sport as a social phenomenon are its attractiveness for young people, its 'language' is accessible and understandable to everyone, to man, his benefit to health is undeniable [6, p. 200]. By influence of action on a person, physical education goes to one of the central places in the cultural life of society as one of the spheres of social and state (public) activities and is an important means of enriching culture.

Thus, the students' readiness for the development of physical education is a new qualitative characteristic of a person with a high level of competence, ability to self-determination, self-development, self-development in the field of physical education in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) that is able to distinguish the relevant shaping components from it in the process of Physical Education (PE) in the process of self-development and professional formation. Structure of readiness for development of Physical Education (PE) of the students of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) is a multicom-ponent model, consisting of: motivational and targeted, content-related, operational and functional modules and module of reflection.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Modern tendencies of science development in Ukraine are characterized by a change in the paradigms of thinking and types of education, a change in the nature of learning

activities, teaching technologies, an increasing diversity of organizational forms of learning, and evidence of the strengthening of innovative processes in education. One of the cornerstones of innovation education, including in the field of physical education, is a multi-criteria approach. It involves the accounting conflicting interests in the targeting of the education system, which binds into a single whole the task of forming the content of physical education, its outlook and moral aspects, allows take into account national and regional specifics.

This approach is one of the most promising in solving the problems of formation of readiness for the development of Physical Education (PE) of the HEI students, since it opens up the possibility of constructive reflection, complex self-development and the formation of a person ready for self-determination, self-development and self-development in the system of Physical Education (PE).

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