Научная статья на тему 'Annotation and references (in Latin): translation / transliteration / transcription'

Annotation and references (in Latin): translation / transliteration / transcription Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Annotation and references (in Latin): translation / transliteration / transcription»

Appendix 1



V. Bazylevych, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, G. Kupalova, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


We consider important aspects of Kyiv climate change because of natural influences (growing population and level of household consumption accompanied with mounting volumes of waste) and anthropogenic factors (shrinking forests and green spaces, inefficient use of natural resources, increased use of fossil fuels, uneconomical use of energy and water for production and business activities, outdated production technology.) The study exposes major negative effects of the climate change, examines the dynamics of trends and the relationship among population growth, consumption of energy resources, emissions of substances to air and waste production in Kyiv during 2000-2013. The environmental conditions in the city are under careful examination and compared with the environmental situation in the largest European capitals. The key scientific and methodological, organizational, economic, technological steps are outlined in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European economic space to counteract climate change in Kyiv.

1. Kerri nazval izmenenie klimata krupnejshim oruzhiem massovogo porazhenija // http://earth-chronicles.ru/news/2014-02-17-59792.

2. Goroda i izmenenie klimata: napravlenija strategii. Global'nyj doklad o naselennyh punktah 2011 goda. Sokrashhen-naja versija. Programma OON po naselennym punktam. - London-Vashington: OON HABITAT, 2011. - 58 s.

3. Hanna Barnz. Skol'ko budet migrantov iz-za izmenenij klimata? //http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukrainian/ukraine_in_russian /2013/09/130904_ru_s_migrants_climate.shtml.

4. Shho take zmini klimatu?-[Elektronnij resurs].-Rezhim dostupu://http://wwf.panda.org/uk/ campaigns/ climate _chang e_camp_ukr.

5. Zakon Ukraini "Pro Osnovni zasadi (strategiju) derzhavnoi ekologichnoi politiki Ukraini na period do 2020 roku" //http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/.

6. Formuvannja ta realizacija nacional'noi ekologichnoi politiki Ukraini //Veklich O.O., Voloshin S.M., Zharova L.V. ta in.].

- Sumi: Universitets'ka kniga, 2012. - 336 s.

7. Potapenko V.G. Adaptacija do zmin klimatu v konteksti zabezpechennja ekonomichnoi bezpeki Ukraini // Strategichni prioriteti. - Kiiv : NISD, 2012. - № 2. - S. 167-172.

8. Snizhko S.I., Shevchenko O.G. Urbometeorologichni aspekti zabrudnennja atmosfernogo povitrja velikogo mista. -K.: Vidavnictvo geografichnoi literaturi "Obrii", 2011. - 297 s.

9. Demograficheskie bazy dannyh //http://demoscope.ru/weekly/pril.php.

10. Pro kil'kist' ta sklad naselennja Ukraini // http://2001.ukrcensus.gov.ua/results/general/urban-rural/.

11. http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/operativ/operativ2013/ds/kn/kn_u/kn0113_u.htm.

12. Bazylevych V.D., Kupalova G.I. Climate change in Kyiv: ways to counteract and minimize negative effects //Visnik Kiivs'kogo nacional'nogo universitetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Ekonomika. - 2013. - Vipusk 152. - S. 6-12.

13. Bazylevych V.D., Kupalova G.I. Ekonomiko-pravovi aspekti upravlinnja zminoju klimatu na urbanizovanih teritorijah //Klimat i misto (na prikladi m. Kieva): Materiali dopovidej Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktichnoi konferencii z pitan' zapobigannja zmini klimatu. - K.: STARTER, 2013. - S. 6-13.

14. Snizhko S.I., Shevchenko O.G. Vpliv velikogo mista na zabrudnennja atmosfernogo povitrja ta klimat //Klimat i misto (na prikladi m. Kieva): materiali dopovidej Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktichnoi konferencii z pitan' zapobigannja zmini klimatu. - K.: STARTER, 2013. - 103 s.

15. Do 70-oi richnici vizvolennja m. Kieva vid nimec'ko-fashists'kih zagarbnikiv //http://msmb.org.ua/.

16. Naselennja //http://www.gorstat.Kyiv.ua/p.php3?c=527.

17. Statistichnij shhorichnik m. Kieva za 2011 rik. - K.: Golovne upravlinnja statistiki u m. Kievi, 2012. - 468 s.

18. Dinamika vikidiv shkidlivih rechovin i dioksidu vuglecju v atmosferne povitrja. Dinamika osnovnih pokaznikiv ut-vorennja ta povodzhennja z vidhodami //http://gorstat.Kyiv.ua/p.php3?c=1730&lang=1.

19. Rejting ekologichnogo dobrobutu evropejs'kih mist [Elektronnij resurs]: - Rezhim dostupu:

http://www.rate1.com.ua/ua/dovkillja/2116/. - Nazva z ekranu.

20. Jekologicheskie indeksy gorodov [Jelektronnyj resurs]: - Rezhim dostupa: http://14000.ru/projects/city-climate/ green_index.pdf - Nazvanie s jekrana.

21. Naslidki zmini klimatu dlja Ukraini / /http://ecoclubua.com/2010/07/naslidky-zminy-klimatu-dlya-ukrajiny/.

22. Ostanne desjatilittja stalo najbil'sh teplim za vsju istoriju meteosposterezhen' v Ukraini //http://tyzhden.ua/News/98022.

23. "Mi spozhivaemo vdvichi bil'she, nizh potrebuemo" - ekspert z energetiki //http: //euukrainecoop. net/ 2014/05/21/consumption/.

24. V Kievi zaprovadjat' "Eko-Taksi" //http://ukrjournal.com/2013/04/19/v-kyjevi-zaprovadyat-eko-taksi/.

25. U 2013 Ukraina zdala pozicii u borot'bi zi zminoju klimatu//http://necu.org.ua/u-2013-ukrayina-zdala-pozytsiyi-u-borotbi-zi-zminoyu-klimatu/.

26. V Gvropi sudjat' za energetichnu neefektivnist' budinkiv //http://www.teplydim.com.ua/.

27. Ekologichnij stan u Solom'jans'komu rajoni m. Kieva ta problemni pitannja prirodoohoronnoi sferi. - Elektronnij resurs. - [Rezhim dostupu]: http://www.solor.gov.ua/sectionZ7. - Nazva z ekranu.

O. Chernyak, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor,

N. Slushaienko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The new direction of modern investment projects was researched - socially responsible investing. We consider the system principles of social investment, including the selection of the best options for risk analysis, assessment and minimization. The methods of estimation of social projects in the energy sector of Ukraine for every type of risk were examined. The expert estimation of three power projects was analysed. The regressive model of estimation of competence of every expert was built and the type of projects according to environmental and social principles of analysis has been established.

1. Barsola, J., Kosmynskaya, E., 2013. Responsible investment. Journal KPMG. Vol. 3, pp.3-7.

2. Bayura, D.O., 2011. Social investment as a higher level of corporate social responsibility. Theoretical and applied problems of economy. Vol. 24, pp. 212 -218.

3. Blagonravov A.A. 2000. Risk Management: Sustainable development. Synergetics. A series of "Science: unlimited

possibilities and potential limitations". Science. 431 p.

4. Donets, L.I. 2012. Justification economic decisions and assessing risks. Centre textbooks. 467p.

5. Gorbulin, V.P., Kaczynski, A.B. 2007. Systematic Strategy of National Security of Ukraine. GC "SPC" "Yevroatlan-

tykinform". 592 p.

6. http://www.bcg.com/expertise_impact/capabilities/risk_management/impactstorydetail.aspx?id=tcm:12-88755&practicearea=risk+management, Boston Consulting Group

7. http://www.equator-principles.com/, Official site of the Equator Principles

8. http://www.ftse.com/index.jsp, FTSE Group (Financial Times Stock Exchange)

9. http://www1.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/Topics_Ext_Content/IFC_External_Corporate_Site/IFC+Sustainability/Risk+Ma nagement/, Banking on Sustainability. Financing Environmental and Social Opportunities in Emerging Markets. iFc, Washington. p. 11.

10. http://zakon2. http rada.gov.ua/laws/show/964-15, Law of Ukraine "On National Security".

11. http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/254K/96-Bp, Constitution of Ukraine.

12. Investment projects on modernization of the district heating systems of cities of Donetsk, Kremenchug, Zaporizhia, 2010.

13. Kaczynski, A.B, Egorov, Y., 2009. Environmental Security of Ukraine: system principles and methods of formalization. National Security: Ukrainian dimension. Vol. 4, pp.71-79.

14. Libanova Ye., 2010. The social market economy orientation as a precondition for the consolidation of society. Visnuk NAN of Ukraine, Vol.8, pp. 3-14.

15. Slushaienko N., 2008. Expert-regression estimation of investment projects. Journal of State and Regions, Vol. 5, p.179-182.

16. Slushaienko N., 2012. Formation of investment strategy in financial industrial groups using system analysis. Economics. Vol. 91(4), p.125-135.

17. Zelenko, A., Natalenko, M. 2012. The role of social investment in the socialization of economic relations between the entities and the public. Journal of Economic reform. Vol. 3(7), pp. 106-111.

18. Mossfeldt, Marcus and Osterholm, Par, 2011. The persistent labour-market effects of the financial crisis. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 18, Issue 7, pp. 637-642.

19. Nakanishi, Yasuo, 2001. Dynamic labour demand using error correction model. Applied Economics, Vol.33, Issue 6, pp. 783-790.

E. Ivokhin, Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor, Almodars Barraq. Subhi Kaml, PhD student, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


In this research paper, we shall consider the application of classical 0-1 knapsack problem with a single constraint to selection of television advertisements at critical periods such as prime time news, news adjacencies, break in news and peak times using the WINQSB software. In the end of this paper we shall formulate the task of investigation of the post optimality solution of optimal Television Adverts Selection with respect to time allocated for every group adverts.

1. Dantzig, G.B., 1957. Discrete Variable Extreme Problems. Operations research, 5, pp.266-277.

2. Sinha, A. and Zoltners, A.A., 1979. The multi-choice knapsack problem. Operations Research, 27, pp.503-515.

3. Nauss, R.M., 1978. The 0-1 knapsack problem with multi-choice constraint. European journal of Operations Research, 2, pp. 125-131.

4. Laport, G., 1992. The Vehicle Routing problem: An overview of exact and approximate algorithms. European journal of Operations Research, 59, pp.345-358.

5. Kolesar, P.J., 1967. A branch and bound algorithm for knapsack problem. Management science,13, pp.723-735.

6. James, K.H., 2000. Computing True Shadow Prices in Linear programming. INFORMATICA, V.11, No.4, pp.421-434.

7. Amposah, S.K., Oppong, E.O., and Agyeman, E., 2011. Optimal television adverts selection case study: Ghana television. Research journal of information technology, 3(1), pp. 49-54.

8. Ivokhin E.V., Almodars Barraq Subhi Kaml, 2013. Single-Objective Linear Programming Problems With Fuzzy Coefficients and Resources. Computational and Applied Math., N2, pp. 117-125.

9. Zimmermann H.J., 1978. Fuzzy programming and linear programming with several objective functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, pp.45- 55.

Yu. Makogon, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Yu. Kinchevskaya, PhD student, Donetsk National University, Donetsk


This article analyses the main world transnational companies (TNCs) and the impact of globalization on their activities. Globalization is a powerful real aspect of the new world system and it represents one of the most influential forces in determining the future course of the planet. In this process TNCs play an important role. Last researches are analyzed and they show that number of TNCs increased every year. Investments in offshore financial centers (OFCs) remain at historically high levels. By joining each other TNCs create global value chains (GVC). From one hand it ies the different processes in different parts of the world that each add value to the goods or services being produced. Positive and negative impact of GVCs is shown. The KOF index of globalization in the world and in Ukraine is investigated. The main regional trends, which could involve into regional industrial development compacts, are analyzed.

1. World investment report 2013. Global Value Chains: Investment and Trade for Development, UNCTAD, Division on Investment and Enterprise Geneva, - 26 June 2013.

2. World Bank, Globalization, Growth, and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy, Washington DC: World Bank and New York: Oxford University Press, - 2002

3. Balassa B. The theory of Economic Integration, London. - 1961

4. Globalisation, Peter Smith, Economic Review, - September 2000

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6. Dreher A., 2006. Does Globalization Affect Growth? Empirical Evidence from a new Index, Applied Economics 38, 10:1091-1110.

7. Dreher A., Gaston N. and Martens P., 2008, Measuring Globalization - Gauging its Consequence, New York: Springer.

8. James Harold, The End of Globalization: Lessons from the Great Depression, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,-2001.

9. Micklethwait, John and Adrian Wooldridge, A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Hidden Promise of Globalization, New York: Random House, 2000;

10. Top 100 the biggest world companies by market capitalization, pwc. - 2013.

S. Nate, assistant professor/lecturer PhD.,

V. Grecu, teaching assistant PhD.

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania


Many of the challenges associated with sustainable development can be traced in the way modern society produces and consumes. Production, distribution and supply of goods and services require material and energy consumption, having an impact on natural resources both quantitatively and qualitatively, generating waste, pollution and disrupting ecosystems.

Eco-business intelligence is the capacity of people, processes and applications / tools to organize business information, to facilitate consistent access to them and analyse them in order to improve management decisions, for better performance management of the organizations that are increasingly pressed to synchronize their processes and services with a sustainable development agenda, through the development, testing and implementation of decision support software.

By adopting sustainable practices, eco - intelligent companies can gain added value, increase market share and boost shareholder value. Moreover, the growing demand for "green" products has created new markets and the visionary entrepreneurs already reap the rewards of approaching sustainability. Large and small companies are learning that sustainable business practices not only help the environment but also can improve profitability by pursuing higher efficiency, fewer harmful side-effects, and better relationships with the community and more.

Gaining competitive advantage is a core concern of the companies and the existence of systems of identification, extraction and analysis of available data in a company, but also from the external environment, to provide real support for business decisions, is an essential ingredient of success.

This paper highlights the necessity of eco-intelligent tools that help determining the organization's strategies, identifying the perceptions and capabilities of the competitors, analyzing the effectiveness of current operations, deploying long-term prospects for environmental action and establishing indicators and key variables for organizational health, security and natural growth of its assets. The proposed tool is a decision support system that will be implemented in an online environment, tested and integrated with the information systems of the organizations. The eco-intelligent business tool can be used to obtain competitive advantages by the organizations that seek to contribute to a better quality of life in the present without compromising the development and life quality of future generations.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

8. Bodea, C. and Constantinescu, V. (2000). Software pentru benchmarking in domeniul managementului proiectelor. Revista Informatica Economica, 3(15), 39-43. Retrieved June 6, 2013, from http://revistaie.ase.ro/content/15/bodea.pdf

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18. Figge, F., Hahn, T., Schaltegger, S., Wagner, M., (2002), Thesustainabilitybalanced scorecard-linking sustainability management to business strategy. Business Strategy and the Environment 11,269-284.

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24. Matthews, R. (2009), What Constitutes a Green Business? Accessed at: http://globalwarmingisreal.com/ 2009/09/16/what-constitutes-a-green-business/ on 10.09.2011

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O. Zhylinska, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,

I. Orobets, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The paper substantiates an innovation constituent of sustainable development along with environmental, social and economic pillars of the concept. Determining of implementation details of innovation activity by J. Schumpeter is a theoretical prerequisite to understanding of innovation constituent. An innovator-entrepreneur provides a customer with an information image of 'new combinations.' The image is created by identifying customer's future needs, which outline business aims, subject and appropriate means for creating the innovation products. However, consumer choice is largely motivated by values and specific rules of behavior. The rules of consumer society that in the industrial age become the motive, morality and institution, did not consider the reproductive capabilities of the environment. This disagreement was previously presented in The Limits to Growth by the Club of Rome and was reflected in the concept of sustainable development, which gained immense significance after the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 (Our Common Future). The study highlights importance for establishment of new social values that motivate innovators to change their thinking, comprehend their responsibility not only to consumers but also to the environment and future generations. The Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum: Innovation and Collaboration for the Future We Want, organized by the UN Global Compact, demonstrates the interest of entrepreneurs in practical implementation of the concept of sustainable development, through an effective innovation activity. The paper summarizes management tools for implementing business commitments to action in priority areas of ensuring sustainable development: Energy & Climate, Water & Ecosystems, Agriculture & Food, Economics & Finance of Sustainable Development, Social

Development, and Urbanization & Cities. Main stages of changes in companies are outlined for making responsible innovation solutions and implementing the innovation constituent of sustainable development.

1. Schumpeter, J. A., 2008. Teoriya ekonomicheskogo razvitiya [The Theory of Economic Development]. Moscow: Di-rektmedia Pablishing.

2. Sakaiya, T., Stoimost' sozdavaemaya znaniem, ili, istoriya budushhego [The Knowledge-Value Revolution, Or, a History of the Future]. In: V. L. Inozemcev, ed. 1999. Novaya posindustrial'naya volna na Zapade. Antologiya. Moscow: Academia. pp. 337-371.

3. Olejnik, A. N., 2000. Institucional'ny'e aspekty' social'no-e'konomicheskix transformacij [Institutional Aspects of Socioeconomic Transformations]. Moscow: TEIS.

4. Baudrillard, J., 2006. Obshhestvo potrebleniya. Ego mify' i stryktura [The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures]. Moscow: Respublika.

5. The World Bank, 2006. World Development Report 2007: Development and the Next Generation. Washington, DC: The World Bank.

6. Meadows, D. L., Meadows, D. H., Randers, J. and Behrens, W. W. Ill, 1972. The Limits to Growth. New York : Universe Books.

7. Krymskyi, S. B., 2003. Zapyty filosofskyh smysliv [Requests of Philosophy Senses]. Kiev: PARAPAN.

8. Pauli, G. A., 2010. The Blue Economy: 10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million Jobs. USA: Paradigm Publications.

9. UN Documents. Our Common Future. Available at: http://www.un-documents.net/our-common-future.pdf.

10. Nidumolu, R., Prahalad, C. K., and Rangaswami, M. R., 2009. Why Sustainability is Now the Key Driver of Innovation. Harvard Business Review, 87(9), pp. 57-64.

11. Bazilevich, V. D., ed. 2009. E'konomicheskaya teoriya: polite'konomiya: Uchebnik [Economic Theory: political economy: Textbook]. Moscow: Ry'bari; Kiev: Znannia.

12. Inozemcev, V. L., ed. 1999. Novaya posindustrial'naya volna na Zapade. Antologiya [New Post-industrial Wave in the West. Anthology]. Moscow: Academia.

13. The World Bank, 2002. World Development Report 2003: Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World: Transforming Institutions, Growth, and Quality of Life. Washington, DC: The World Bank and Oxford University Press.

14. UN Global Compact. RIO+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum. Overview and Outcomes. Available at: http://goo.gl/iOfmwT.

T. Nagachevska, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, V. Zakharchenko, master student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The challenges connected with attracting foreign investments into the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy as well as diversification of forms of international investments are actual due to the immediate needs of realization of innovative development, technological upgrading and strengthening of agricultural sector attractiveness on the world market.

Current situation and problems connected with attracting foreign investments into the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy are revealed. It is detected that level of attracting foreign investments into the agricultural sector of Ukraine and into AIC together don't meet the needs of its innovative potential.

The following factors of agricultural sector attractiveness have been considered: high soil fertility and favorable weather conditions for growing crops; export capacity; high yield of the Ukrainian farming companies; undervalued assets and low level of capitalization of agricultural companies; attractive tax regime for agricultural producers. It is recommended that agricultural producers should indicate these factors in investment proposals and projects that they present to potential international investors.

State investment policy in the agricultural sector is viewed to consolidate the resource base and the sources of investment have been determined.

Suggestions to expand the financing mechanisms for investment projects in the agricultural sector involving angel investors have been justified. Economic feasibility of attracting foreign investments for financing of innovation activity of farming companies has been revealed. The key requirements and main stages of investments of angel investment association have been described.

1. Agriculture. Industry overview. By Deloitte. [Elektronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://investukraine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Agri_www.pdf.

2. Opportunities of Ukrainian agriculture. Presentation. By Oleg Nivievskyi and Anna Kuznetsova. KSE Alumni Congress, May 25, 2012 [Elektronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://www.kse. org.ua/ru/search/?q=


3. The European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds, and other Early Stage Market Players (EBAN) [Elektronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://www.eban.org/.

4. Vedennia ahrarnoho biznesu v Ukraini. 2013 rik. Ukrainskyi klub ahrarnoho biznesu [Elektronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://apd-ukraine.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Doing2013_1_for-web.pdf.

5. Kovalishyn P. Instytut "Biznes-anheliv" u SSHA ta Evropi. Suchasnyi stan.//Ekonomist. - 2010 rik. - №8. [Elektronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://archive.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/soc_gum/ekonomist/2010_8/52-55.pdf.

6. Desiak S. Neformalnyi rynok venchurnogo kapitalu: biznes-anhely [Elektronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://www.ek-ua.com/business-angels.htm.

7. Nimetsko-ukrainskyi ahropolitychnyi dialoh.// Ohliad ahrarnoho zakonodavstva. Vypusk №7/2013. [Elektronnyi resurs]

- Rezhym dostupu: http://apd-ukraine.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/APD_LR_7_2013_ukr.pdf.

8. Silske hospodarstvo Ukrainy // Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy [Elektronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://www. ukrstat.gov.ua/.

9. Zovnishnia torhivlia tovaramy ta posluhamy // Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy [Elektronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/.

V. Skitsko, PhD., doctoral student Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv


In this work the problem of high quality drinking water provision is described and analyzed. It is shown that a person may obtain such water by various ways one of which is bottled water delivery by specialized companies. The existence of numerous players on drinking water market stipulates the occurrence of the number of problems - in particular, the choice of the delivering water company by the consumer and fight of such companies for the consumer. The work proposes to apply a reflexive approach in order to influence the choice of the consumer, which allows the company to make him take the "right" decision. For solving the problem the classical and fuzzy model of reflexive management are described.

1. Olga Rybak. A drinking poison? [Online resource] / Olga Rybak. - Access mode to the article: http://life.pravda.com.ua/health/2011/06/22/80702/

2. Drinking water packed. The quality choice [Online resource] // Site "The Consumer Portal". - Access mode to the article: http://www.consumerinfo.org.ua/upload/iblock/e28/Water-broshure.pdf

3. The International Bottled Water Association - IBWA [Online resource]. - Access mode to the site: http://www.bottledwater.org/

4. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [Online resource]. - Access mode to the site: http://www.fda.gov/

5. Scientists: bottled water can be harmful [Online resource]. - Access mode to the article:


6. "Bisphenol A": Facts and Commentaries. - Access mode to the article: http://www.bottledwater.org.ua/node/116

7. The consumption of bottled water in Ukraine is increasing: in 2012 the average Ukrainian drank 42.3 l [Online resource]. - Access mode to the article: http://www.ids.ua/ua/press-center/news/sect1/761/

8. The Consumer's Guide [Online resource]. - Access mode to the article: http://test.org.ua/inprocessplans/278

9. Site of the company "IDS Aqua Service" [Online resource]. - Access mode to the site: http://ids-service.com.ua/uk/

10. Taran T. A. Mathematical Modeling of Reflexive Management / T. A. Taran, V. N. Shemaev // System Research and Informational Technologies. - Kyiv: The Institute of the Applied System Analysis of the NAS of Ukraine and Ministry of Health Defense of Ukraine, 2005. - # 3. - P. 114-131.

11. Arkhypenko E. V. Conceptual Basics of the Reflexive Management in Commercial Bank Activity / E. V. Arkhypenko // The Bulletin of Khmelnitskiy National University. - 2001. - # 5, Vol. 1. - P. 200-204.

12. Pryymak V. M. Taking Management Decisions: Study Guide. / V. M. Pryymak. - K.: Ataka, 2008. - 240 p.

13. Simon H. A. Models of Man Social and Rational. J. Wiley Sons, Inc., 1957.

14. Vitlinskiy V. V. The Theory of Intellectual Systems of Decision Making / V. V. Vitlinskiy, O. D. Sharapov // Modeling

and Information Systems in Economics: 36. Scientific works. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2008. - Issue 78. - P. 58-69.

15. Levitas A. More Money from Your Business: Concealed Methods of Increasing Income / A. Levitas. - Spb.: Piter, 2009. - 320 p.

16. Lepa R. N. Models of Reflexive Management in Economics: monogr. / R. N. Lepa; NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Economics and Industry. - Donetsk, 2012. - 380 p.

17. Lefebvre V. Algebra of Conscience / V. Lefebvre. - M.: Kogito-centre, 2003. - 136 p.

18. Leonenkov A. V. Fuzzy Modeling in MATLAB Environmebt and fuzzyTECH / A. V. Leonenkov. - Spb.: BXV-

Peterburg, 2005. - 736p.:il.

19. Matviychuk A. V. Modeling of Economic Processes with Application of Methods of Fuzzy Logic: monograph /

A. V. Matviychuk - K.: KNEU, 2007. - 264 p.

N. Servetnyk, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The paper researches business cycles synchronization. The fluctuations in post-Soviet countries are considered. The study examines different measures of synchronization in groups of countries according to some criteria.

1. Cerqueira P., 2013. Volatility Shifts and Business Cycle Synchronization, European University Institute, p.31.

2. Dimitrijevic A., Moulton C., Tierney M., How We Rate Sovereigns, available at: www.standardandpoors.com/ ratingsdirect. (Accessed 05.02.2014).

3. Grabynska I., Pyrch M., 2004. Factors of business activity fluctuations under globalization [Faktory synhronizatsii

kolyvan dilovoi aktyvnosti v ymovah globalizatsii], Visnyk Lvivskogo universytetu, vol.33, p.133 - 141.

4. Schirwitz B., Walde K., 2004. Synchronization of Business Cycles in G7 and EU14 countries, Europian Commission, Economic Studies and Research, p. 11.

5. Stephane Dees S., Zorell N., 2011. Business cycle synchronisation disentangling trade and financial linkages, ECB Working paper, vol. 1322, p.38.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

6. Tomljanovich M., Yung-Hsiang Y., 2005. "We're All Connected": Business Cycle Synchronization in G-7 Countries, available at: http://academics.hamilton.edu/economics/ (Accessed 17.02.14).

I. Lukyanenko, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Head of the Department of Finance, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Kyiv, M. Oliskevych, PhD, Associate Professor Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv


The labor market background in Ukraine has not only economic but also significant social value, and therefore is an important element of social and economic policy. The effectiveness of the state socio-economic regulation mechanisms requires profound analysis, modeling and forecasting of the processes of the labor market by means of modern flexible econometric tools, taking into account the short-term dynamics of economic processes and features that are characteristic of the unstable economic development of our country. As a result of empirical research on relationships between the macroeconomic indicators of the labor market in Ukraine, we developed a set of dynamic econometric models using an error-correction mechanism which take into account the long-run equilibrium relationships, as well as provide an opportunity to model the short-term effects of several factors such as the rate of change of wages, size of the labor force, employment and unemployment. The developed model is used to predict future trends of the labor market, as well as to describe the dynamics of its operation under various alternative scenarios of economic development. The application of the developed specifications in the structure of an integral macroeconometric model of Ukraine will allow us to carry out a comprehensive analysis of economic processes in the national economy and its prospects both in the short term and in the long run.

1. Babych S. M., 2012. The actual labour market in the economic system [Suchasnyj rynok prazi v economichnij sys-temi]. Busines Inform, N. 10, pp.160-164.

2. Bohynya D. P. and Hrishnova O.A., 2002. Introductory of labour economics [Osnovy economiky prazi]. Kyiv: Snannja

- Pres, 387P.

3. Zoidze D. R., 2013. The actual labour market: firing of employees as a factor in the structural mismatch between supply and demand [Suchasnyj rynok prazi: vyviljnennya najmanych prazivnykiv yak chynnyk nevidpovidnosti mizh popy-tom ta proposyziyeyu]. Problemy economiky, N. 2, pp. 59 - 65.

4. Kiryan T. M., 2008. The motivation of human capital for productive work [Motyvaziya ludsjkoho kapitalu do produc-

tyvnoyi prazi]. K. : NDI prazi i sajnyatosti naselennya. - 416 P.

5. Lukyanenko I. H., 2003. The dynamic macroeconomic models. A new conceptual approach [Dynamichni makroeko-nomichni modeli. Novyy konzeptualjnyy pidchid]. Kyiv: Publishing house "KM Academia", 52 P.

6. Sultan K., Lukyanenko I. and Gorodnichenko Y., 2000. Metodolohichni aspecty rosrobky ta praktychnoho sastosu-vannja makroeconometrychnych modelej (na prykladi Ukrainy) [The methodological aspects of development and application of macroeconometric models: the case of Ukraine]. Kyiv: Publishing house "KM Academia", 204 P.

7. Fedorenko V. H., 2009. The labor market in Ukraine and economic trends in the global economic crisis [Rynok prazi

v Ukraini ta ekonomichni tendenziji v umovach svitovoji ekonomichnoji kryzy]. Ekonomika I derzhava, N.1, pp. 12-14.

8. Umanez' T. V. and Kosmina K. M., 2012. Ukrainian and regional dimensions of actual trends in the labor market [Sahaljnoukrayinsjki ta regionaljni vymiry suchasnych tendenzij rosvytku rynky prazi].]. Busines Inform, N.7, pp. 98-101.

9. Checchi, Daniele and Garcfa-Penalosa, Cecilia, 2008. Labour market institution and income inequality. Economic Policy, CEPR & CES & MSH, vol. 23, pp. 601-649.

10. Rotaru, Paul Costel, 2013. A regional model for labour demand in Romania. Theoretical and Applied Economics. Vol. XVIII, Issue 5(582), pp. 71-78.

11. Mossfeldt, Marcus and Osterholm, Par, 2011. The persistent labour-market effects of the financial crisis. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 18, Issue 7, pp. 637-642.

12. Staneva, Anita, 2008. Analysis of the Labour Market in Bulgaria throuth a Error Correction Model. Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, Issue 3, pp. 90-106.

13. Nakanishi, Yasuo, 2001. Dynamic labour demand using error correction model. Applied Economics, Vol.33, Issue 6, pp. 783-790.

14. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. http://www. ukrstat.gov.ua

15. Wooldridge, Jeffrey M, 2010. Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. The MIT Press Cambridge. -1064 P.

G. Kharlamova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,

V. Nesterenko, economist Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Environmental security is a key issue in the context of the national security evaluating of each state and the world in whole. The lack of universality in the term definition, not to mention the technology of an assessment of environmental security, encourages researchers to develop and improve methods and approaches to assess integrated index of environmental safety at the level of the country and its regions. The main scientific results of this study include the following: given the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of well-known techniques and approaches to the evaluation of ecological security in the world and in Ukraine, represented the authorial approach to the calculation of the integral index of environmental security of Ukraine and its regions, with the option of cross-state comparison; calculated integral index of ecological safety of Ukraine (1996 - 2013); held the comparative analysis of the ecological security of Ukraine and other selected countries; proposed the system of indicators for ranking of regions of Ukraine at the level of its environmental security.

1. Pisarev, V., 1997. Jekologicheskaja bezopasnost' kak komponent nacional'noj bezopasnosti USA. USA-EPI, 6, pp. 5-16.

2. Taylor, Gen Maxwell, 1974. The Legitimate Claims of National Security. Foreign Affairs (Council on Foreign Relations, Inc, 52 (Essay of 1974), p. 577. doi:10.2307/20038070.

3. Brown, H., 1983. Thinking about national security: defense and foreign policy in a dangerous world. As quoted in Watson, Cynthia Ann (2008). U.S. national security: a reference handbook. Contemporary world issues (2 (revised) ed.), ABC-CLIO, p. 281.

4. Kelly, D., 2003. On Environmental Kuznets Curves Arising From Stock Externalities. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 27 (8), pp. 1367-1390.

5. Andreitsev, V.I., 2002. Pravo ekolohichnoi bezpeky. K., Znannia-Press.

6. Barnett, J., 2001. The Meaning of Environmental Security: Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Era. Zed Books, UK.

7. Hetman, A., 2006. Ekolohichne pravo Ukrainy. Kharkiv, Pravo.

8. Kachynskyi, A., 2001. Ekolohichna bezpeka Ukrainy: systemnyi analiz perspektyv pokrashchennia. Kyiv, Natsional-nyi instytut stratehichnykh doslidzhen.

9. Lipkan, V., 2009. Natsionalna bezpeka Ukrainy. K., KNB.

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11. Rejmers, N.F., 1994. Jekologija (teorija, zakony, pravila, principy, gipotezy). M., Rossija molodaja.

12. Zerkalov, D., 2012. Ekolohichna bezpeka ta okhorona dovkillia. Kyiv, Osnova.

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16. Sizova, A. Jekonomicheskie aspekty ocenki jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti [online]. Available at: http://ecology.gu-unpk.ru/index.php/konferentsiya-2010/45-ekonomicheskie-aspekty-ekologicheskoj-bezopasnosti/192-economic-aspects-of-environmenta l-safety

17. Pro okhoronu navkolyshnoho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha: zakon Ukrainy vid 25 chervnia 1991 roku № 1264-XII [online]. Available at: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1264-12.

18. Shmandii, V.M., Shmandii, O.V., 2008. Ekolohichna bezpeka - odna z osnovnykh skladovykh natsionalnoi bezpeky derzhavy. Ekolohichna bezpeka, 1 (1), pp. 9-15.

19. Yatsenko, L. Indykatory stanu ekolohichnoi bezpeky derzhavy [online]. Natsionalnyi instytut stratehichnykh doslidzhen pry Prezydentovi Ukrainy. Viddil ekolohichnoi ta tekhnohennoi bezpeky. Available at: http://www.niss.gov.ua/ articles/993/

20. Obykhod, H., Omelianenko, T. Metodychni pidkhody shchodo otsinky rivnia ekolohichnoi nebezpeky rehioniv Ukrainy [online]. Available at: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?operation=1&iid=1429.

21. Kharlamova, G., Nesterenko, V., 2014. Environmental Safety And Economic Development Of Ukraine: Impact Assessment. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics., 155, pp. 19-26

22. World development indicators (WDI) [E-resource]. World DataBank. Access mode: http://databank.worldbank.org/ddp/home.do.

23. Ukrainian Department of statistics [E-resource]. Available at: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/.

24. Ministerstvo ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Ukrainy, 2012. Natsionalna dopovid pro stan navkolyshnoho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha v Ukraini u 2011 rotsi. Kyiv:, LAT & K.

25. Ivaniuta, S. P., Kachynskyi, A. B., 2013. Ekolohichna bezpeka rehioniv ukrainy: porivnialni otsinky, Stratehichni pri-orytety, 3 (28), pp.157-164.

26. Kharlamova, G., 2010. Optimizing the Management of Complex Dynamic Ecosystems: An Ecological-Economic Modeling Approach. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Vol. 75, pp. 229-240.

27. Kharlamova, G., 2007. Modeling the Best Use of Investments for Minimizing Risks of Multiple Stressors on the Environment. In: Multiple Stressors: A Challenge for the Future, Ch. 33, pp. 441-448.

28. Ecological passports of regions [E-resource]. Ministerstvo ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Ukrainy, Available at: http://www.menr.gov.ua/content/category/6575.

29. Natsionalna dopovid pro stan navkolyshnoho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha v Ukraini u 2011 rotsi. K.: Ministerstvo ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Ukrainy, LAT & K, 2012.

G. Chornous, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, V. Gura, PhD in Economics, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


Practical realization of sustainable development general conception is passing to the organic production, that allows to satisfy society problems, not putting health and future generations' existence under a threat. At this entrepreneurs, which work in the consumer products' field, must displace accents from economic oriented to social oriented entrepreneurship. The article is dedicated to research negative and positive factors that influence on social oriented Ukrainian enterprises in the sphere of organic goods production. The special attention is attended to the analysis of foodstuffs producers' activity, the results of which have considerable direct influence on consumers' health. The value of informative influences on consumers and producers is analyzed. State support directions of organic goods production, creation of internal market ecologically safe products infrastructure are defined. Recommendations are given according to research results in relation to stimulation social responsibility of businessmen and model forming, which combines interests of consumers and producers, environmental preservation, population health refinement and ecological situation improvement.

1. Fortier, J.-M., Bilodeau, M. and Fleming, S., 2014. The Greenhorn s The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower's Handbook for Small-scale Organic Farming. New Society Publishers.

2. Wiswall, R., 2009. The Organic Farmer's Business Handbook: A Complete Guide to Managing Finances, Crops, and Staff - and Making a Profit. Chelsea: Green Publishing.

3. Artysh, V.I., 2012. Features of organic agricultural production in the concept of sustainable development of agriculture of Ukraine. Economics AIC, 7 (213), pp. 19-23. (Ukrainian)

4. Buha, N., Kulyk, N. and Zuyakova L., 2014. The development of biological agriculture and providing organic production of agricultural products. Economist, 2 (328), pp. 27-33. (Ukrainian)

5. Kuzmenko, O.B., 2013. Organic farming as a factor of European integration of Ukraine. Bulletin of Poltava State Agrarian Academy, 3, pp. 151-155. (Ukrainian)

6. Kobets, M.l. Organic farming in the context of sustainable development [pdf] Available at: http://www.undp.org.ua/agro/pub/ua/P2004_01_051_04.pdf [Accessed 15 March 2014]. (Ukrainian)

7. Skachek, N., 2011. Statistical support of organic production development. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 129, pp. 38-41. (Ukrainian)

8. Chudovska, V.A., 2012. World experience of organic agricultural products. Balanced Nature, 1, pp. 83-86. (Ukrainian)

9. Shubravska, O., 2008. The market for organic products and the prospects for its development in Ukraine. Economy of Ukraine, 1, pp. 53-61. (Ukrainian)

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14. International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM), 2014. [online] Available at: <www.ifoam.org> [Accessed 10 February 2014]

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16. Niggli, U., 2008. Advantages of organic farming: Environment and economical characteristics. [pdf] Available at: < http://orgprints.org/15019/08/niggli-2009-advantages-oa.pdf > [Accessed 10 February 2014]

17. Moreau, C., 2013. The French Organic Sector. [pdf] Available at: < http: orgprints.org/22345/13/moreau-2013_BiofachODN_french_market_AgenceBio.pdf > [Accessed 10 February 2014]

18. Kropyvko, M.F. and Kovaliova, O.V., 2010. Ecological diversification of agricultural land in Ukraine. Economy of Ukraine, 7, pp. 78-85. (Ukrainian)

19. Willer, H. and Lernoud J., 2013. The European Market for Organic Food 2011. [pdf] Available at: < http://orgprints.org/22345/19/willer-2013-session-european-market.pdf > [Accessed 13 February 2013]

20. The National Institute of Strategic Studies, 2014. [online] Available at: <www.niss.gov.ua/articles> [Accessed 10 February 2014]

21. Huber, B., 2013. The World of Organic Agriculture: Regulations and Certification Emerging Trends 2013. [pdf] Available at: < http:orgprints.org/22324/7/huber-2013-standards.pdf > [Accessed 10 February 2014]

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23. International Public Association 'Ukraine BIOLan', 2014. [online] Available at: < http://www.biolan.org.ua/uk/biolan-ukraine/today/> [Accessed 10 March 2014]

24. Centre for Ecological Agriculture 'South Organic', 2014. Problems and prospects of organic agriculture development

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25. Centre for Organic Agriculture 'Poltava Organic', 2014. [online] Available at: < http://poltava-organik.com/> [Accessed 10 March 2014] 26. Chernyshenko, I.I., 1998. Restoration of soil fertility in soil agriculture. Kyiv: Oranta. (Ukrainian).

O. Mykytyuk, PhD in Economics,

O. Honcharova, PhD in Economics Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The article deals with the actual issues of such forms of innovative infrastructure development as venture capital and clustered formation. Particularities of their functioning in the market conditions and problems of their existent are analyzed in the article. Special attention is devoted to the different types of innovative clusters such as truncated, branch, innovative branch, pro-innovative and innovative oriented ones. Also the foreign experience of cluster's formations functioning in different conditions are researched according to use it in current conditions in Ukraine. The specific features of the venture investments forms are mentioned with the aim of different purposes to make venture investments. Two types of venture capital such as internal and external are researched in the article too. Formation of venture financing in Ukraine is researched from the beginning to present days. The prospects of venture entrepreneurship in Ukraine are characterized; three tendencies of venture funds in Ukraine over the last years are noticed. Also in the article the abilities, restrictions and prospects for venture capital development in Ukraine are listed. Ukrainian small business has very significant problems with using venture financing because of infrastructure and continuously changing legislation. It's necessary to create the conditions for stimulation the investments flow therefore developing the venture financing and domestic economic growth. The problems of Ukrainian legislation have to be solved as soonest to simulate the domestic production with the usage of venture financing. Also the significant meaning for innovative development has the state innovative policy which has to be aimed to making innovations especially in current conditions.

1. Voronyna, L. A., Ratner, S. V., 2010. Nauchno-ynnovatsyonnye sety v Rossyy: opyt, problemy, perspektyvy, 254 p.

2. Yanenkova, I. H., 2012. Orhanizatsijno-upravlins'ki resursy innovatsijnoho rozvytku ekonomiky: metodolohiia ta prak-tyka : monohrafiia, 380 p.

3. Varnalij, Z. S., Harmashova, O. P., 2013. Konkurentospromozhnist' natsional'noi ekonomiky: problemy ta priorytety innovatsijnoho zabezpechennia : monohrafiia, 387 p.

4. Baranets, I.O., 2004. Osoblyvosti ta perspektyvy rozvytku venchurnoho pidpryiemnytstva v Ukraini. Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini, 4(35), P. 47.

5. Varnalij, Z. S., 2003. Male pidpryiemnytstvo: osnovy teorii i praktyky, 302 p.

6. Mykytiuk, O. P., 2005. Osoblyvosti venchurnoho finansuvannia v Ukraini. Finansy Ukrainy, 8, P. 83-90.

7. Velyka, K. V., 2012. Venchurnyj kapital iak faktor innovatsijnoho rozvytku ekonomiky: zarubizhnyj dosvid. Akademichnyj ohliad, 1, P. 170-175.

8. Novykov, V. A., 1998. Fondy venchurnoho kapytala y ykh metody fynansyrovanyia predpryiatyj. Ukrains'kyj investyt-sijnyj zhurnal, 9, P. 33-38.

9. Dolhova, L. I., Problemy ta shliakhy rozvytku venchurnoho biznesu v Ukraini [online], http://xies.ru/306693/1/ LI_Dolhova_L_Dolgova. html

10. I nnovation Policy in Europe: Annual Country Report. INNO-Policy TrendChart [online], http://proinno.intrasoft.be/ index.cfm?fuseaction=page.display&topicID=263&parentID=52

11. Tang, L., Koveos, P. E., 2004. Venture entrepreneurship, innovation entrepreneurship, and economic growth. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 9, P. 161-171.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

12. Cooke, P., 2001. Regional innovation systems, clusters, and the knowledge economy. Industrial and corporate change, 10(4), 945-974.

I. Shevchenko, PhD student Kyiv National Economic Vadym Hetman University, Kyiv


The paper studies a role of labor resource in sustainably oriented international competitiveness. Economic development is now more driven by employment, labor resource and social conditions. That cause a change from economic to sustainably oriented competitiveness, reflecting the increasing role of labor resource and social conditions.

Labor resource quality and internationalization n have a long-term influence on the sustainable competitiveness. CEE and NIS countries labor resource and social factors input into sustainable competitiveness are considering. The relevance of economic and social factors of Ukraine international competitiveness is assessed.

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