Научная статья на тему 'Annotation and references (in Latin): translation / transliteration / transcription'

Annotation and references (in Latin): translation / transliteration / transcription Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Annotation and references (in Latin): translation / transliteration / transcription»

ISSN 1728-2667

ЕКОНОМІКА. 5(170)/2015

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Appendix 1



G. Fyliuk, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, O. Pimenova, PhD in Economics, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The role of state support in enhancing of the competitiveness of agricultural sector is determined. Mechanisms of state support of Germany are analyzed. A necessity of use of targeted financial support to the introduction of monitoring systems in domestic agriculture is proved. The questions of financial support for Ukrainian agricultural producers, which carried out in 16 major budget programs that cover all areas of agricultural enterprises, including the provision of interest-free loans to farmers, reduction of bank loans and insurance premiums, to provide assistance in buying of heavy agricultural machinery of domestic production are examined.The international experience of support and regulation of agriculture, including studies of state support of agriculture in Germany, which allows to solve the problems of agriculture, including efficient use of agricultural land, food security and creating a competitive market for agricultural products is overviewed.

1. Ahrarnyj sektor SShA v nachale KhKhI veka: sbornyk trudov sektora ahrarnykh problem SShA y Kanady YSKRAN, tom I / pod red. B. A. Cherniakova. - M.: YSKRAN, 2008. - 405 s.

2. Ahrarnyj sektor SShA v nachale KhKhI veka: sbornyk trudov sektora ahrarnykh problem SShA y Kanady YSKRAN, tom 2 / pod red. B. A. Cherniakova. - M.: YSKRAN, 2008. - 427 s.

3. Bulat M. A. Derzhavna pidtrymka v systemi rehuliuvannia sil's'koho hospodarstva: avtoref. dys. ... k. e. n. : 08.00.03 / Bulat Mariia Andriivna ; Nats. nauk. tsentr "In-t ahrar. ekonomiky" UAAN. - Kyiv, 2010. - 19 s.

4. Valova produktsiia sil's'koho hospodarstva Ukrainy (u postijnykh tsinakh 2010 r.) za 2013 r / Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy // Statystychnyj biuleten'. - K.: Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky, 2014. - 21 s.

5. Heiets' V. M. Suspil'stvo, derzhava, ekonomika: fenomenolohiia vzaiemodii ta rozvytku / Valerij Mykhajlovych Heiets'; NAN Ukrainy; In-t ekon. ta prohnozuv. NAN Ukrainy. - K., 2009. - 864 s.

6. Zbars'kyj V. K., Hor'ovyj V. P. Derzhavna pidtrymka sil's'koho hospodarstva / V. K. Zbars'kyj, V. P. Hor'ovyj

/ Ekonomika APK. - 2010 r. - № 4. - Available at: ____http://eapk.org.ua/sites/default/files/eapk_files/

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7. Moldavan L. V. Latyfundii - zahroza Ukraini / L. V. Moldavan // Sil's'ki visti. - 19 lystopada, 2010 r. - S. 2.

8. Moldavan L. V. Sotsial'no-ekonomichna sutnist' sil's'kohospodars'kykh pidpryiemstv. - V monohrafii "Inovatsijni transformatsii ahrarnoho sektora ekonomiky" / za red.. d-ra ekon. nauk O. V. Shubravs'koi NAN Ukrainy, In-t ekon. ta prohnozuv. - K., 2012. - Ts. 235-250.

9. Pimenova O. V. Instytutsijne zabezpechennia form hospodariuvannia v systemi ahrarnykh vidnosyn. : dys. ... kand. ekonom. nauk: 08.00.01 / Pimenova Olena Volodymyrivna; Kyivs'kyj natsional'nyj universytet imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. -Kyiv, 2013. - 253 s.

10. Rozvytok ahrarnoho vyrobnytstva iak peredumova zabezpechennia prodovol'choi bezpeky Ukrainy / NISD. - K.: NISD, 2011. - 39 s.

11. Sajt Asotsiatsii mizhnarodnoho prodovol'stva ta upravlinnia ahrobiznesom IFAMA / Asotsiatsiia mizhnarodnoho prodovol'stva ta upravlinnia ahrobiznesom IFAMA. - Elektronni dani. - Tekhas: Amerykans'kyj departament sil's'koho hospodarstva, 2012. - Available at: https://vvv.ifama.org/Default.aspkh.

12. Sajt Amerykans'koho departamentu sil's'koho hospodarstva / Amerykans'kyj departament sil's'koho hospodarstva. -Elektronni dani. - Vashynhton: Amerykans'kyj departament sil's'koho hospodarstva, 2012. - Available at: http://vvv.ers.usda.gov/Brovse/viev.aspkh?subjetst=FarmEtsonomy.

13. Sajt derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky Ukrainy / Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy. - Elektronni dani. - K: Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy, 2013. - Available at: http://ukrstat.gov.ua.

14. Sajt Ministerstva ahrarnoi polityky ta prodovol'stva Ukrainy/ Ministerstvo ahrarnoi polityky ta prodovol'stva Ukrainy. -Elektronni dani. - M.: Ministerstvo ahrarnoi polityky ta prodovol'stva Ukrainy, 2012. - Available at: http://minagro.gov.ua.

15. Sil's'ke hospodarstvo Ukrainy (u postijnykh tsinakh 2010 r.); za 2011 r / Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy // Statystychnyj biuleten'. - K.: Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky, 2010 - 384 s.

16. Sajt Yevropejs'koi komisii. / Yevropejs'ka komisiia. - Elektronni dani. - Briusel': Yevropejs'ka komisiia, 2008. Available at: http://ets.europa.eu/agritsulture/agrista/2010/table_en/Ts7-1-375.pdf.

17. Cherniakov B. A. Amerykanskoe fermerstvo: KhKhI vek. / B. A. Cherniakov. - M.: Khudozhestvennaia lyteratura, 2002. - 399 s.

18. Osnovni ekonomichni pokaznyky vyrobnytstva produktsii sil's'koho hospodarstva v sil's'kohospodars'kykh pidpryiemstvakh za 2013 r / Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy // Statystychnyj biuleten'. - K.: Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky, 2014r. - 25 s.

19. InformationsbroschQre Qber die einzuhaltenden anderweitigen Verpflichtungen. - Cross Compliance. 2013 Endfassung 12.12.2012-104 s.

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ВІСНИК Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка ISSN 1728-3817

О. Grishnova, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv,

S. Dmitruk, Assistant


The paper estimates the impact of crisis on human capital. The elements of modern system crisis in Ukraine - socioeconomic, political, military crisis are characterized. The directions of their negative impact on human capital are found. The system of crisis depth indicators and method of crisis depth integral index calculation is offered. Ukrainian system crisis of 20142015 is found as the deepest one in the country's history of XXI century; it has dealt a devastating blow to reproduction capabilities of human capital. The impact assessment of crisis on integral index of human capital preservation is carried out in the system of statistical analysis STATISTICA 10. The results of evaluation prove that crisis mostly impacts on employment, social security and health care financing. The evidence reviles highly topicality of finding opportunities to reduce crisis negative impact on human capital preservation. The most important directions are: strengthening of social responsibility level of Ukrainian society, development of mutual aid culture, strengthening of the cohesion level and overcoming tendencies of individualization.

1. Brintseva O.H., 2014. Vplyv kryzovykh yavyshch u sotsial'no-trudoviy sferi na protsesy formuvannya ta vykorystannya lyuds'koho kapitalu. Cotsial'no-trudovi vidnosyny: teoriya ta praktyka. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats', 1(7), S. 284-290.

2. Kovalenko O. V. Antykryzove upravlinnya: teoriya, metodolohiya ta mekhanizmy realizatsiyi / O. V. Kovalenko. -Zaporizhzhya: Zaporiz'ka derzhavna inzhenerna akademiya, 2011. - 466 p.

3. Hal'kiv L.I., 2012. Intehral'ni otsinky vtrat lyuds'koho kapitalu rehioniv Ukrayiny. Rehional'na ekonomika, 1, S.184-192.

4. Grishnova O.A., 2011. Sotsial'na vidpovidal'nist' u konteksti podolannya systemnoyi kryzy v Ukrayini. Demohrafiya ta sotsial'na ekonomika, 1, S. 39-46.

5. Dmytruk S.M., 2015. Naukovo-metodychni pidkhidy do vyznachennya mozhlyvostey zberezhennya lyuds'koho kapitalu v umovakh kryzy. Cotsial'no-trudovi vidnosyny: teoriya ta praktyka. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats', 1(9), S. 318-322.

6. Zakon Ukrayiny "Pro Derzhavnyy byudzhet Ukrayiny na 2015 rik". - Available at: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/80-19/page

7. Zhorova Ye. R. and Grishnova O.A., 2014. Kadrove zabezpechennya efektyvnoyi systemy antykryzovoho korporatyvnoho upravlinnya. Problemy ekonomiky, 1, pp. 193-198.

8. Kolot A.M., 2012. Asymetriyi rozvytku sotsial'no-trudovoyi sfery: proyavy, prychyny, peredumovy podolannya. Aktual'ni problemy ekonomiky, 6, pp. 205-211.

9. Kolot A. and Grygorovych S., 2005. Teoretychni i prykladni aspekty pidvyshchennya dokhodiv pratsyuyuchykh yak peredumovy zberezhennya ta rozvytku lyuds'koho kapitalu. Ukrayina: aspekty pratsi, 8, S.19-27.

10. Korotkov E.M. Antykryzysnoe upravlenye. Uchebnyk / E.M. Korotkov. - M.: YNFRA-M, 2010. - 620 s.

11. Libanova E. M. Lyuds'kyy rozvytok v Ukrayini: minimizatsiya sotsial'nykh ryzykiv (kolektyvna naukovo-analitychna monohrafiya) / E. M. Libanova - K.: In-t demohrafiyi ta sotsial'nykh doslidzhen' im. M. V. Ptukhy NAN Ukrayiny, Derzhkomstat Ukrayiny, 2010. - 496 p.

12. Mel'nychuk D. P., 2010. Antykryzove upravlinnya lyuds'kym kapitalom: zmist ta zavdannya v suchasnykh umovakh. -Available at: http://ir.kneu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/2010/3013/1/Melnychuk.pdf.

13. Memorandum pro ekonomichnu ta finansovu polityku (Ukrayina-Mizhnarodnyy valyutnyy fond) - Available at: http://www.minfin.gov.ua/file/link/ 411035/file/MEFP%20-%20UKR%20(4).pdf .

14. Site of Ministerstvo sotsial'noyi polityky Ukrayiny. - Available at: http://www.mlsp.gov.ua/labour/control/uk/index.

15. Statystychnyy shchorichnyk Ukrayiny za 2013 rik. Za redaktsiyeyu O.H. Osaulenka. - Kyyiv, 2014. - 534 s.

16. Ukrayina 2014-2015: dolayu chy vyklyky (analitychni otsinky). - Available at: http://www.razumkov.org.ua/upload/ Pidsumky_2014_2015_A4_fnl.pdf.

17. Site of UNIAN, 24/12/2014. - Available at: http://www.unian.ua.

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19. Hauschildt, T. Lenarz, J. Schofield, S. & Wand, D. (2014). 'Ukraine: A Regional Crisis With Global Impact'. Human Security Centre Strategic Briefing, Issue 3, No. 1. 26th March 2014. - P. 18-39. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.15196/rs04202

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21. Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 15 December 2014. -Available at: www.ohchr.org/ Documents/Countries/UA/ OHCHR_eighth_report_on_Ukraine.pdf.

D. Baiura, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor,

D. Sytenko, PhDStudent Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv



The key factors of investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector of Ukraine and the need to finance its development through the use of the IPO are analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages received by any company after passing the IPO are demonstrated. The analysis of the results of the IPO of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine is conducted. Such areas of corporate restructuring as organization of a new corporate structure, bringing system of a corporate governance to the principles of OECD, increased transparency of financial - economic and not financial reporting, optimization of financial management and business process, and also appropriate measures for each of these areas in order to ensure an effectiveness of the IPO are proposed.

1. Valova produktsiia silskoho hospodarstva Ukrainy za 2014 rik - Available at: http://ukrstat.org/uk/druk/ publicat/kat_u/publ7_u.htm

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2. Geddes R. IPO i posleduyushhie razmeshheniya aktsij/ R. Geddes. - K.: ZAO "Olimp-Biznes", 2007. - 352 s.

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I. Kaleniuk, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,

O. Kuklin, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Cherkasy State Business-College, Cherkasy


In the article the relevance of educational risk-management has been revealed. On the basis of the analysis of the wide range of political, economic, global, demographic, technological and other risks it has been proved the necessity of educational risk-management on different levels in education: microlevel, regional level, mesolevel, macrolevel and metalevel. The peculiarities of educational risks connected not only with direct economic losses but with strategic losses have been disclosed. The essence of the educational and research clusters as one of the possible forms of educational activity development has been revealed in detail. The educational and research clusters have been proved to enable to reduce the acuteness of modern problems and possible risks and to intensify the system by means of providing synergetic unity of all components. Within the educational and research clusters educational establishments strengthen their ability to perform their functions, provide high efficiency and competitiveness of the educational system in its close interaction with business and economy. It has been suggested the general concept of creation of the educational and research cluster in Cherkasy region.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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ВІСНИК Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка ISSN 1728-3817

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The essence of resource-based view is focus on using unique and rare combination of resources, core competences and organizational capabilities of the firm. The new intellectual resources and their combination provide the formation of sustainable competitive advantages. Therefore, it seems there is necessity to join in research the application of resource-based theory to creation of new combination of resources in dynamic environment. In this paper modern areas of development of resource-based theory have been considered. The concept of knowledge management, the concept of open innovation, the resource-based view and the system organization of economy have been characterised.

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T. Kravchenko, PhD in Economics, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The paper encapsulates the essence of the resource providing value based management at the enterprises. The study explores the nature and components of diagnostic resources of the enterprise. The features of fixed categories of resource theory are characterized. Correlation constituent resource provision value based management of enterprise is detected. The research highlights the achieve synergy resulting from the right combination of resources, which provides increase competitiveness of enterprises. The effects of resource types using different resources in the workplace are considered. The necessity of creation and development of strategic resources at the enterprises are analyzed.

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N. Azmuk, PhD in Economics, Deputy Director Cherkasy State Business-College, Cherkasy


In the article the author has presented the comparative analysis of both digital and traditional segments of the global labour market. The main functions of the digital labour market are social, economic and stimulant ones. The features of the digital labour market are digital employment, globality, high level of flexibility, large competition, dynamic changes of labour force and working places. The main kinds of digital employment are electronic free lance and electronic outsourcing. In the article the advantages and the risks of digital employment using have been determined.

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T. Kostenko, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


Overcoming the innovative inertia and effective use of innovative reserves of labor productivity increase in domestic sugar factories is an important step towards the revival of strategically important sector for Ukraine's economy and the key to its future development in the long run. The aim of the article is to search and study of innovative reserves of labor productivity increase in domestic enterprises of sugar industry. The international experience of innovation implementing in sugar industry enterprises is studied. The paper proves that management innovation is innovative reserves of labor productivity improve in the domestic sugar enterprises. The study analyzes overall trends of innovation development and dynamics of labor productivity in the sugar factories of Ukraine during the period of 2003-2013. The benefits and risks of laboratory tests of sugar beets and sugar are overviewed for the optimal technological mode of production installation on terms of outsourcing. The necessity and economic effectiveness of laboratory research outsourcing is proved to create the optimal technological mode of sugar production. It will improve labor productivity and quality of sugar, increase production and develop new profitable activities of sugar industry enterprises.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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О. Domkina, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


In the article, we study the main approaches to the assessment of investment risk aiming to find the most appropriate method for estimation of risks of the investment in personnel development considering the human factor. We analyze the pros and cons of the existing methods. As a result, we suggest using the combination of expert and ranking methods as it provides wide opportunities for risk factors analysis in the sitiuation of data scarcity, in spite of the methods' limitations of the subjectivity of expert judgments that can, however, be reduced by some of the advanced expert methods. Additionally, we consider the application of the analytical method that provides factor analysis and a foundation for the further risk management of these factors. The use of the statistical group of methods, although promising, is not feasible in practice yet because of the paucity of required data and difficulty of obtaining it from the companies which do not have incentives to provide such sensible information. Logically, the next step of the research should be a practical application of the listed methods, a test of the presented hypotheses, and an evaluation of the obtained results with the accent on the quality of risk indicators, data demands, utility and complexity of the methods' practical application.

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M. Rymkina, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv



The paper highlights the administrative regulatory instruments of socio-economic development of solar energy in Ukraine. This article considers that the current state of the energy market requires fundamental change. Analysis of international studies and publications indicates the balance between social, economic and environmental aspects that give rise to the development of alternative energy. Scientific originality of this article in a study of the dynamics of solar energy in Ukraine. International studies show that among the proposed renewable energy is the most environmentally friendly solar power. The practical significance of the study is to seek proposals for ensuring effective socio-economic development of enterprises in the industry for the future. For the implementation and development of the national energy strategy based on alternative energy in Ukraine has everything: raw materials, experience, technical and technological developments, training of highly qualified specialists in higher education. An important issue is the comprehensive state support, which will attract additional investment resources. As a result, at the macroeconomic level to mitigate the potential effects of the energy crisis.

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ISSN 1728-2667

ЕКОНОМІКА. 5(170)/2015

~ 73 ~

I. Magdych, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv



The article explores the methodological approaches to the analysis of cash flows in investment activity of the enterprise; the system of motion net cash flows, reflecting the impact of cash management efficiency on the amount and source of investment cash flows of the enterprise; analytical model of definition of effectiveness of cash management of the enterprise is proposed, based on the selected principals of modeling, comprehensive analysis of cash flows in investing activities and their optimization for the purpose of maximization of social and economic benefit. The research performed here allowed generalization and definition of stages of analysis for investing cash flow of the enterprise with the appropriate reasoning. It is necessary that research is going concern in this direction of effectiveness valuation of cash flow management in investing activity of the enterprise.

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