Научная статья на тему 'Annotation and references (in Latin): translation / transliteration / transcription'

Annotation and references (in Latin): translation / transliteration / transcription Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Annotation and references (in Latin): translation / transliteration / transcription»

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ВІСНИК Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка ISSN 1728-3817

Appendix 1



А. Bokhan, PhD in Economics, Associated Professor Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv


In the articles considered pressing questions of development of strategic partnership are taking into account priorities of ecological security that appears qualificatory and integrating for the countries of the world at the terms of display of calls and threats of globalization. The expediency of forming a joint environmental responsibility and market pragmatism in foreign policy of the countries of the world. Defined trends of strengthening ecological conflicts in the regions of the world because of the acute shortage of natural and energy resources, disproportions in distribution and irrational consumption. It is proved that the capacity for sustained leadership will be the countries who will testify capacity up to new forms of strategic partnership on the principles of ecological security, economic decisions considering interests and competitive aspirations for joint protection of the future of mankind. It is vitally necessary given the complexity of the influence of the parameters of the international system of ecological security in the economic, political and social transformation in society.

1. Horbulin V.P. Stratehichne planuvannya: vyrishennya problem natsional'noyi bezpeky: monohrafiya / V.P. Horbulin, A.B. Kachyns'kyy. - K.: NISD, 2010. - 288 s.

2. Kosolapov N. Bezopasnost mezhdunarodnaia, natsionalnaia, hlobalnaia: vzaimodopolniaemost ili protivorechivost / N. Kosolapov //Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia. - 2006. - № 9. - P. 3-13.

3. Kulagin V. Globalnaia i mirivaia bezopasnost' / V. Kulagin // Mezhdunarodnye protsessy - 2007. - №2. - S. 38-51.

4. Mizhnarodne bezpekove seredovyshche: vyklyky i zahrozy natsional'niy bezpetsi Ukrayiny. /Parakhons'kyy B.O., Yavors'ka H.M., Reznikova O.A.; za zah. red. K.A. Kononenka - K.: NISD, 2013. - 64 s.

5. Asymetriya mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn / za red. H.M. Perepelytsi, O.M. Subtel'noho. - K.: Vyd. dim "Stylos", 2005. - 555 s.

6. Efremenko D. Vliianie krupnogo biznesa na teoriiu i praktiku global'noi' e'kolohycheskoi' politiki /D. Efremenko // Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia. - 2008. - № 11. - P. 61-68.

7. Kostin V.I. E'kopolitologiia i globalistika: Uchebnoe posobie / A.I. Kostin. - M.: Aspekt Press, 2005. - P. 141-142.

8. Piskulova N. Razvitie mirovoi e'konomiki: e'kologicheskii' vektor N. Piskulova // Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia.- 2010. - № 12. - P. 28-37.

9. "The Partnership Principle. New Forms of Governance in the 21st Century". Alfred Herrhausen Society for International Dialogue. Archetype Publications. London. 2005.

10. Internet-resource. Access mode: http://www.iiss.org.

11. Kissinger Henry A. The chance for a new world order / Kissinger Henry A. // The International Herald Tribune. -2009. - January 12. - Р. 12-14.

12. Rifkin D. Esli nefti bol'she net... Kto vozglavit mirovuiu e'nergeticheskuiu revoliutsyiu? /Dzh. Ryfkin; per. s angl. M. Shternhartsa. - M.: YD "Sekret firmy", 2006. - 416 s.

13. Earth in the balance. Ecology and the Human Spirit / A. Hor, pereklad z anhl.: VHO "Ukrayina. Poryadok dennyy na ХХІ stolittya" ta Instytut staloho rozvytku. - K.: Intelsfera, 2001. - S. 240.

14. Internet-resource. Access mode: http://www.rolandberger.com/news.

15. Herasymchuk V. Stratehichne partnerstvo: pryntsypy, instrumentariy, efektyvnist' / V. Herasymchuk / Internet-resource. Access mode: http://economy.kpi.ua.

16. Ukraina perevykonala vymogy Kiots'kogo protokolu shchodo vykydiv vugletsevogo hazu Internet-resource. Access mode: http://tyzhden.ua

O. Havryliuk, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Financial Research Institute of the Academy of Financial Management, Kyiv


It is argued that economic globalization leads to the formation of macro-economic, political and other risks that are able to grow into global risks affecting, without exception, all national economies, creating a serious threat to national economic security. The emphasis is on the negative elements of a set of global risks, their development and minimize the possibility of using a number of tools. Ensuring firmness of the state to external risks demands continuous monitoring and forecasting of world processes and usage of economic instruments of rapid response for prevention of negative consequences. The essence of the category of "risk" is revealed and deepened. The global risks that can not affect the economic security of Ukraine is disclosed. It is shown that the emergence of these global risks has negative impact on the economic security of Ukraine.

1. Albrow M., Bradford C. I. Regionalism in Global Governance: Realigning Goals and Leadership with Cultures // Regionalisation and Global Governance: the Taming of Globalisation? / Ed. by Andrew F. Cooper, Christopher W. Hughes and Philippe De Lombaerde. New York : Routledge, - 2008. - P. 360-393.

2. Kegley Ch.W. The Global Future: a Brief Introduction to World Politics / Charles W. Kegley, Jr., Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, Gregory A. Raymond, Boise State University / Fifth edition. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, - 2014. - 368 p.

3. Show M. Theory of the Global State: Globality as an Unfinished Revolution. Oxford, New York : Cambridge University Press, - 2000. - 295 p.

4. Kaljuzhnyj V.G. Globalizacija i ustojchivoe razvitie sovremennogo mira // Vlast'. - 2010. - № 2. - S. 49-52.

5. Konovalov V.N. Global'nye konflikty: riski, problemy, krizisy, ugrozy // Konfliktologija. - 2009. - №2. - S. 78-83.

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6. Lukin V.N., Musienko T.V. Koncepcija racional'nosti i teorija racional'nogo vybora v kontekste globalizacii // Nacional'naja bezopasnost' i strategicheskoe planirovanie. - 2013. - № 4 (4). - S. 29-36.

7. Acharya A. Targeting Terrorist Financing: International Cooperation and New Regimes / Arabinda Acharya. London; New York: Routledge, 2009. - 241 p.

8. Moqhaddam F. The New Global Insecurity: How Terrorism, Environmental ollapse, Economic Inequalities, and Resource Shortages are Changing our World / Fathali M. Moghaddam. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger Security International, 2010. - 199 p.

9. Heywood A. Global Politics / Andrew Heywood. Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. - 560 p.

10. Gasanov S.S., Gavriljuk O.V. C^runtuvannja mozhlivostej mimmizacii' rizikiv postkrizovogo funkcionuvannja finansovogo sektora // Naukovi praci NDFI. - 2013. - Vip. 3 (64). - S.3-14.

Z. Halushka, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Yurij Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi


In the article essence and forms of display of social exception of separate citizens and certain layers of population are certain as the socioeconomic phenomenon. Theoretical principles and methodology of estimation of the phenomenon of social exception are analyzed. Certain characteristic lines of social exception: subzero even consumptions and profit of individuals or groups; a limit access is to the public mechanisms of increase of welfare; a mainly passive type of cooperating is with society. Attention is accented on a defect for the individuals of row of rights, limit nature of access to the institutes that distribute resources, to the labor-market. Poverty is certain the main category of social exception. A concept "circles of poverty" and mechanisms of its existence are reasonable. Other displays of social exception-direct violation of base human rights are examined on quality education, on medical services and kind health, on the acceptable standard of living, on access to cultural acquisition, on defense of the interests and on the whole on participating in economic, social, in a civilized manner, political life of country. Cited data about part of torn away housekeeping of Ukraine on separate signs. The analysis of distribution of housekeeping after the amount of the accumulated signs of the social tearing away gave an opportunity to set a limit after that the social tearing away begins brightly to show up, at the level of 5 signs. It is certain the limit of the sharp tearing away. The second degree of tearing away - critical - answers a presence 7thsigns. At this level in Ukraine there are 37,7. That's far more than those, who are considered poor on a relative national criterion (24,0). It is set that conception of social exception shows the "horizontal cut" of the system of social relations and place of individual, layer, group and others like that in this system, certain on certain signs. The necessity of the use of interdisciplinary approaches is well-proven in an order to find intercommunication of those factors that predetermine the problem of social exception, and set possibility of the practical use of these researches in development of principles of economic and social politics. Complex approach is offered for the study of this phenomenon with the aim of improvement of principles of economic and social politics of the state.

1. Abraxamson P. Socy'al'naya ekskpyuzy'ya y' bednost' / P. Abraxamson // Obshhestvennye nauky' y' sovremennost'. - 2001. - №2. -p.158-166.

2. Doklad o razvy'ty'y' chelovecheskogo potency'ala v Central'noj y' Vostochnoj Evrope y' SNG (v 1999 g.): Opubly'kovano dlya Programmy razvy'ty'ya OON (PROON). M.: Y'zd-vo "Ves' my'r",1999. - 88 p.

3. Il'chenko N.. Social'ne vklyuchennya: teoriya i prakty'ka/ N. Il'chenko, R. Zhy'lenko // Ekonomichny'j rozvy'tok gromady'. - 2006. -№2. - P.2 - 6.

4. Kuper R. Rossy'ya, Zapad y' global'naya cy'vy'ly'zacy'ya / R. Kuper// Rossy'ya y' Zapad v novom tbisyachelety'y': Mezhdu globaly'zacy'ej y' vnutrennej poly'ty'koj. - M.: George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, 2003. - P.30.

5. Malyarenko T. A.Insty'tucional'ne vy'klyuchennya gromadyan yak faktor nebezpeky' i ry'zy'ku / Malyarenko T. A., Olijny'k A. M. -International Association for Institutional Studies. EAN MONNET Working Paper No. 2011/56.

6. Social'ne vidtorgnennya v Ukrayini: specy'fika proyaviv ta metodologiya ocinyuvannya / O. V. Makarova // Demografiya ta socz. ekonomika. - 2011. - №1. - P. 57-68.

7. Nerivnist' v Ukrayini: masshtaby' ta mozhly'vosti vply'vu / za red. E.M. Libanovoyi: Insty'tut demografiyi ta social'ny'x doslidzhen' imeni M.V. Ptuxy', K., 2012. - 404 p. Novikova O. Ocinka social'ny'x ry'zy'kiv v regionax Ukrayiny' yak pidstava dlya pry'jnyattya upravlins'ky'x rishen' shhodo yix podolannya. - [Elektronny'j resurs]/ O.F. Novikova. - Rezhy'm dostupu: http://www.niss.gov.ua/ Monitor/Juli08/08.htm. - Nazva z ekrana.

8. Social'na eksklyuziya v Ukrayini na pochatkovij stadiyi restavraciyi kapitalizmu / S . Oksamy'tna, V. Xmel'ko // Sociol.: teoriya, metody', markety'ng . - 2004. - №3.

9. Ryevnivceva O.V. Social'ne vy'klyuchennya: problemy' vy'znachennya ta doslidzhennya /O.V. Ryevnivceva. Demografiya ta social'na ekonomika. - 2008. - №1. - P. 98-106.

10. Savel'yev Yu. Superechnosti koncepciyi social'nogo vy'klyuchennya i vklyuchennya: vply'v social'no-polity'chnogo dy'skursu na sociologichni teoriyi / Yu. Savel'yev // Visny'k Ky'yivs'kogo nacional'nogo universy'tetu. Sociologiya. - 2012. - №3. - p.33-41.

11. Sen A. Mozhly'vist' suspil'nogo vy'boru /Amartiya Sen // [Elektronny'j resurs]. - Rezhy'm dostupu : nobel.org.ua/ images/laureats/6/1998/sen.pdf.

12. Tolsty'x N.Social'ne vy'klyuchennya v suchasnij Ukrayini: sproba ocinky' /N.V. Tolsty'x. // Ukrayins'ky'j socium. - 2003. - №1 (2). -


13. Ukrayina: na shlyaxu do social'nogo zaluchennya. Nacional'na dopovid' pro lyuds'ky'j rozvy'tok/ Ella Libanova, Yurij Levenecz', Olena Makarova ta in. - 2011. - 124 p.

14. Joint Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion, 2007 / [Elektronny'j resurs]. - Rezhy'm dostupu

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ВІСНИК Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка ISSN 1728-3817

A. Grazhevska, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The article highlights the features of the institutional approach in the study of rent relations in a market economy. On the basis of the institutional concept of "rent seeking" the author reveals the dualism of rent-seeking behavior of economic agents in post-communist economies. The main factors affecting the intensity and extent of rent-seeking in these countries include their genetic heritage and institutional imbalance associated with controversial interaction of social and economic routines and innovations. It is concluded that the consequence of the formation of "rental economy" in the former socialist camp is the reduction of the global competitiveness of national economies.

The author analyzes the dynamics of the Global Competitiveness Index of Ukraine for the period of 2006-2014 and identifies the main factors of low competitiveness of the national economy related to the search of status-oriented administrative and political rents. These factors include: excessive bureaucratization of the economy, low credibility of politicians, poor performance of law enforcement agencies and courts, violations of material and intellectual property rights, significant amount of corruption and bribery. The article substantiates the main directions of improving the competitiveness of the national economy that are focused on the normative regulation of "rent-seeking" in order to prevent counter-productive rent-seeking behavior and to stimulate productive rent-oriented behavior of economic agents while maintaining the balance of interests between them.

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11. Krueger A.O. The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society / A.O. Krueger // American Economic Review. -1974. - Vol. 64. - P. 291-303.

12. Enerhoefektyvnist' yak kryteriy innovatsiynoho rozvytku ta konkurentozdatnosti derzhavy: Natsional'na dopovid' pro stan ta perspektyvy realizatsiyi derzhavnoyi polityky enerhoefektyvnosti // http://naer.gov.ua/wp-content/uploads/ 2010/02/nazdopovid.

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14. Dmytryev A.S. Razvytye systemy raspredelenyya pryrodnoy renty kak faktor stanovlenyya sotsyal'no oryentyrovannoy ekonomyky // A.S. Dmytryev. Dyssertatsyya ... kandydata ekonomycheskykh nauk: 08.00.01. - M.: Ros. hos. sotsyal. un-t, 2009. - 30 s.

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17. HPU pozbavyla kompaniyu Stavyts'koho dozvoliv na vydobuvannya nafty i hazu // Ukrayins'ka pravda, 26 bereznya 2014 // http://www.epravda.com.ua/news/2014/03/26/431574/

18. Kabinet ministriv Ukrayiny initsiyuye dvorazove zbil'shennya rentnoyi platy za vydobutok korysnykh kopalyn, yaki v znachnykh obsyahakh vykorystovuye velykyy monopol'nyy biznes. - Informatsiyne ahentstvo UNIAN, 27.03.2014 // //http://economics.unian.ua/industry/901097-kabmin-proponue-podvojiti-rentnu-platu-za-vidobutok-korisnih-kopalin.html

L. Demydenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The article summarizes the causes of the financial crisis and reveals a set of measures to overcome the consequences of the financial crisis and stabilize the financial systems of EU member states. Practical and theoretical issues of financial crisis in the European economy are explored in this article. Changes in approaches to overcome fiscal imbalances at the national and the supranational levels in the EU are considered. Significant role in stabilizing public finances is given to the fiscal policy and its main instruments. Organizational basis of tax policy of developed countries - members of the EU, in order to reach financial stability and population's well being, are studied. We consider the budget balance rules aimed at ensuring the sustainability of public finances, borrowing, and debt rules that limit the growth of public debt as percentage of GDP, expenditure norms focused on ensuring fiscal discipline by enhancing the control of volumes and directions of the budget resources use, rate of return, aimed both at ensuring a level of revenues needed to fund state's functions and to prevent excessive growth of the tax burden and increase in size of the general government.

1. Yefymenko T.I. Aktualni problemy transformatsii ekonomichnykh teorii v umovakh hlobalnykh zmin / T.I Yefymenko // Finansy Ukrainy. - 2013. - №5. - C.7-14.

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2. Kolander D. Fynansovbii kryzys y provalbi sovremennoi экопотусИеБксн nauky/ D.Kolander, A.Kyrman, H.Felmer// Voprosbi эkonomyky. - 2010. - №6. - s. 10-25.

3. Rossyiskaia эkonomyka. Tedentsyy y perspektyvbi. - M.: Prospekt; УЭРР, 2010. - s.52.

4. Dluhopolskyi O.V. Publichni finansy za umov finansovo-ekonomichnoi kryzy ta transformatsii svitovoi ekonomiky / O.V. Dluhopolskyi // Finansy Ukrainy. - 2012. - №8. - S.108-109.

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O. Demydiuk, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The paper studies the problem of institutional efficiency of the economic system of Ukraine for sustainable development. The study shows that one of the obstacles to sustainable development is the inefficiency of the institutional system of Ukraine. An analytical assessment of the institutional environment in Ukraine based on the rating methods of economic analysis. The results demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the national institutional economics. It is proved that overcome institutional inefficiency of Ukraine's economy can be achieved by determining the institutional matrix and practical measures to restore institutional balance sustainable economic development of Ukraine.

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T. Dubovyk, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv


In the article the conceptual model of the major factors that influence consumers trust in online shop: reliability of online store, reliable information system for making purchases online, factors of ethic interactiveness (security, third-party certification), internet-marketing communications of online-shop and other factors - that is divided enterprises of trade and consumers (demographic variables, psychological perception of internet-marketing communications, experience of purchase of commodities are in the Internet). The degree of individual customer trust propensity which reflects the personality traits, culture and previous experience. An implement signs of consumer confidence due to site elements online shop - graphic design, structured design, design of content, design harmonized with perception of target audience.

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V. Zianko, PhD student Vinnytsia national technical university, Vinnytsia


There have been developed a three econometric models, in particular the model of venture funds numbers, the net asset value model of venture capital funds and the model of net asset value per venture fund. It is allow to make a prediction of the volume of venture capital investment innovation activity. Factors that have the greatest impact on the development of venture capital funds and net asset value as all venture capital funds and a single venture capital fund were detected. These factors include the Consumer Price Index, deposit and the real interest rate, GDP deflator, interest rate spread and quasi money. The impact of these factors on the value of the simulated variables is that the change of someone independent variables (regressors) on the right side models (1, 3, 4) leads to the transformation of the simulated variable according to the value of the elasticity of this variable. This allows anticipating possible volumes of venture investment in Ukraine is the dependence is taken into account in the models persist in the future.

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M. Kalynychenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Donetsk National University, Donetsk


The paper presents the results of research marketing subject as an object of scientific knowledge. Existing definitions of the subject marketing in modern specialized literature were systematized. The essence of the main characteristics and attributes (structure) of the subject of marketing is determined; the features of marketing are highlighted in the narrow and broad sense.

The author's definition of marketing subject is given including within the process and system approaches. It considers also the set of characteristics and attributes which reflect all possible objects of knowledge in marketing.

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K. Krytsun, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The paper describes testing of monofractal analysis for obtaining Herst's indicator by Mandelbrot's method on example of exchange rates in the financial market of Ukraine. The assessment shows an adequacy of the results generated by calculating the Hurst parameters for the selected data sample. The study highlights the relationship between the crisis in the market and obtained indicators. Argued the feasibility of using R / S analysis to obtain data on the foreign exchange in the financial market of Ukraine using a small sample volume. Grounded perspective of using this method in the study of the dynamics of financial time series.

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E. Moroz, Assistant

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The necessity of the transition to the tariffs' formation in the water supply and plumbing sphere on the stimulating regulation' principles is substantiated in the article. The feasibility of public-private partnerships in the water supply and plumbing sphere of Ukraine are analyzed. The actuality of introduction and realization of water supply and sewerage' concession is substantiated on purpose overcoming innovation and investment activity' problems in the water supply and plumbing sphere and introduction' and development' preconditions of such cooperation are demonstrated.

In the article financial and economic indicators of the water supply and plumbing enterprises' activity and their tariff policy are analyzed in detail.

The concession as a tool to the activation of innovative-investment development has advantages and disadvantages for the municipality and for the water supply and plumbing enterprises' owners which disclosed in detail in the article too.

The algorithm of tariffs' formation of the water supply and plumbing' services on the stimulating regulation' principles is developed by the author. This algorithm provide higher rate of return' application on the value of assets to be used for social and ecological' activities with the aim of the attract investors (concessioners) to implementation of social programs and improving the ecological situation than the rate of return on assets which is installed now.

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V. Osetskyi, Doctor of Sciences, М. Kovtun, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyuv, Kyiv


This paper deals with the uncertainty as a part of the modern economic system, uncertainties factors and types are highlighted and analyzed. Existing approaches of scientist and economists to determine the essence of uncertainty are researched. The impact of uncertainty on the processes taking place on the residential property market in the national economy is revealed. The need to consider the market environment risks in order to ensure the stability and efficiency of the residential property market in the face of uncertainty is determined. It was proved that the uncertainty of macroeconomic situation in Ukraine triggered an increase of construction costs and interest rates on mortgage loans, changed conditions of mortgage loans, reduce an effective demand on housing, temporary stop its construction, and in consequent, led to stagnation on the domestic residential property market. An application of organizational and economic methods and legal tools in order to prevent risks negative effects and to minimize compensation costs in case of adverse circumstances are suggested.

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7. Lemeshko D. Krizisnye transformacii rynka nedvizhimosti: prinjatie reshenij v uslovijah neopredelennosti i ocenka volatil'nosti popravki na risk / D. Lemeshko // Jekonomika obrazovanija. - 2011. - №1. - s. 162-171 - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.ksu.edu.ru/attachments/article/780/2011-%E2%84%961-%D0%AD%D0%9E.pdf#page=162 - Nazva z ekrana.

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K. Prykhodko, PhD in Economics, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The article examines methodological approaches to the calculation of price indices (deflators) for qualitative estimates of GDP and its components. Particular attention is paid to consumer price indices and producer price indices. It analyses their dynamics in 20013, describes procedure for selecting goods and services of the representatives, as well as calculation of regional indices by administrative units. It also marks advantages and disadvantages of conceptual approaches to index price research through the use of Laspeyres and Paasche formulas. In order to improve quality estimates for GDP and its components at constant prices, the current reporting period prices were proposed to be adjusted for "quality shift", as well as for price discrimination, which, according to the System of National Accounts, is a factor of price rather than volume change.

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8. Metodologichni polozhennja shhodo organizacii' statystychnogo sposterezhennja za zminamy cin (taryfiv) na spozhyvchi tovary (poslugy) i rozrahunkiv indeksiv spozhyvchyh cin [zatverdzheni nakazom Derzhstatu vid 01.07.2013 №190] // Metodologichni polozhennja zi statystyky. Vyp. 2, t. 1 / Derzh. kom. statystyky Ukrai'ny. - K.: IVC Derkomstatu Ukrai'ny, 2006. - S.190-222.

9. Metodologichni polozhennja shhodo organizacii' statystychnogo sposterezhennja za zminamy cin vyrobnykiv promyslovoi' produkcii', rozrahunku indeksiv cin i serednih cin vyrobnykiv promyslovoi' produkcii' [zatverdzheni nakazom Derzhstatu vid 24.12.2012 №533] // Metodologichni polozhennja zi statystyky. Vyp. 2, t. 1 / Derzh. kom. statystyky Ukrai'ny. - K.: IVC Derkomstatu Ukrai'ny, 2006. - S. 223 - 227.

R. Rudyk, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


Ukraine came up against the significant economic challenges that currently are at the stage of resolution. It leads to the development of inhibitory processes at all levels of social and economic life of the country. Changes in government policy related to matters of monetary and fiscal policy and the state's inability to solve independently problems of financing of the state budget leads to taking on new debt funds flowing in the overall financial resources of the state affect the further development of the economy of the country. This process does not always lead to positive changes. Cyclic fluctuations of the economy, crises at the national and international levels lead to complications in return of funds assumed in debt and sometimes even country cannot return the debt and comes up against the problem of default.

The regulation of external indebtedness of Ukraine requires using a systematic approach in anticipation of the complexity of management procedures involved in this case. There is a need to consider the systemic response of the economy of the country, the constant introduction of corrective signals and analysis of the following system responses.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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N. Strochenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy



The article aims at socio-ecological- economic analysis and evaluation of environmental procedures of standardization and certification effectiveness on the cultivation and export crops. Proposed to determine the cost-effectiveness of the standards use for environmental certification in the field of agrarian nature qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative evaluation of the effectiveness of standardization proposed to carry out the analysis of economic benefits, comparing output certain quantity and quality of products and the matrix method. Quantitative estimation of economic efficiency of standardization proposed to carry out on the income and expenses basis. The justification of economic efficiency standards for environmental certification by the example of the cultivation and export of rapeseed indirect method at the state level.

The calculations revealed that as a result of growing environmental certification of rape and subsequently export at world prices in the state will receive 1.21 more profit as compared with the price in Ukraine.

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E. Tkach, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,

S. Tkach, Degree seekers, Assistant Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi


This article analyzes the main causes and possible effects of exchange rate movements in Ukraine. It was determined that under conditions of high inflation rate and the relative exchange rate stability there is a high probability of real effective exchange rate appreciation. This, in turn, reduces the competitiveness of the economy and worsens the country's trade balance. If the central bank uses a hard peg to a foreign currency, then in terms of appreciation of the real exchange rate, it always has to carry out foreign exchange intervention to prevent exchange rate fluctuations. But if the amount of reserves reaches the minimum value, as a result of such stabilization measures, the further deterioration of external trade conditions can lead to a sharp depreciation of the nominal exchange rate. The authors proved that the reduction of the exchange rate in Ukraine leads mostly to negative economic and social consequences. Despite the axiomatic assertion of automatic balance of payments alignment as a result of devaluation, it is not confirmed in Ukraine. If a country has a high marginal propensity to consume imported goods, at low levels of import substitution, reducing the exchange rate does not lead to a reduction in import operations. All of the above statements supported by relevant statistical information. In addition, the practical measures to avoid sharp fluctuations of the exchange rate in Ukraine are proposed in the article.

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T. Trohlyuk, Degree seekers National University of Water and economy of nature, Rivne


To negotiate the consequences of agricultural modernization as an example of nature Polissya areas in Ukraine. Studies addressing the conceptual foundations of ecological and economic conflict over agricultural use or cultivation of second generation biomass due to the transformation of land use during the economic reforms in the country. Formed classification of environmental conflicts in modern land use. Established the use of biomass for the production of food depends on its performance. Analyzed the environmental situation on land in Rivne region. Proposed to solve it through socio-ecological-economic assessment of environmental audit procedure in the context of the strategy of "green" economy. Specified methodical approach will help preserve land resources on the basis of sustainable development. The function of the state should be: controlling, regulating, innovation, investment, stimulating, coordinating, legislative in assessing natural resources.

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27. Fischer, G., Prieler, S., van Velthuizen, H., Berndes, G., Faaij, A., Londo, M. & de Wit, M. 2010. Biofuel production potentials in Europe: sustainable use of cultivated land and pastures, Part II: Land use scenarios. Biomass and Bioenergy, 34 (2): 173-187.

28. OECD/IEA. 2010. Sustainable production of second-generation biofuels, potential and perspectives in major economies and developing countries. Anselm Eisentraut, Paris.

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ВІСНИК Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка ISSN 1728-3817

G. Kharlamova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, V. But'kovsky, Master of Economics Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


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Ecological security of the state - is a complex and multifaceted category that requires deep study. A comprehensive assessment of environmental security in terms of national security in Ukraine is not exercised. The paper summarizes the theoretical aspects of ecological safety of Ukraine and its components, contains the analysis of environmental safety indexes compiled by international organizations, including the Commission on Sustainable Development UN, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), Yale University. Analyses of such indexes as Environmental Sustainability Index, Environmental Performance Index, Human Development Index, Environmental Vulnerability Index, Enabling Environment Index had shown that despite all of them represent the level of ecological security, there is a lack of adapted for Ukraine method to assess domestic ecological situation and to compare it with global tendencies. On the basis of statistical data, a concept of evaluation of Environmental Safety Index (ESfI)of Ukraine is proposed for subsequent adequate science-based assessment of the current level of ecological situation in Ukraine in comparison with other countries. Its main feature is that it takes into account in addition to the most important environmental indicators also economic and demographic indicators as threats/risks components. The rating of more than 150 countries according to ESfI is evaluated.

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19. Malishko M.I. Ekologichne pravo Ukraini: Navch. posibnik. - K.: Juridichna kniga, 2008. - 105 s.

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24. Pro ohoronu navkolishn'ogo seredovishha: zakon Ukraini vid 25 chervnja 2011 r.(iz nastupnimi zminami i dopovnennjami) // Vidomosti Verhovnoi Radi Ukraini. - 2011. - №41. -546 s.

25. Rejmers N.F. Jekologija (teorija, zakony, pravila, principy, gipotezy). - M.: Rossija molodaja, 2004. - 367 s.

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27. Serov G.P. Jekologicheskaja bezopasnost' naselenija i territorij Rossijskoj Federacii. - M.: Akkil, 2008. - 207 s.

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29. Harlamova G.O. Do problemi modeljuvannja ekologo-investicijnih vzaєmovpliviv // Visnik Shidnoukrains'kogo nacional'nogo universitetu imeni Volodimira Dalja, №5 (87), 2005. - s. 214-219

30. Carik ТЄ. Osnovi ekologii / ТЄ. Carik, V.V. Fajfura. - T.: Ekonom. dumka, 2003. - 207 s.

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42. Kharlamova, G., 2010. Optimizing the Management of Complex Dynamic Ecosystems: An Ecological-Economic Modeling Approach. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Vol. 75, pp. 229-240.

43. Kharlamova G. Environmental Security and Its Economical Aspect. Environmental and Food Safety and Security for South-East Europe and Ukraine. Vitale, Ksenija (Ed.), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, 2012, pp. 73-80.

44. Kharlamova G., Nesterenko V. Environmental Safety And Economic Development Of Ukraine: Impact Assessment. Visnik Ki'i'vs'kogo nacional'nogo universitetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Ekonomika. - № 155/2014, s. 19-26.

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48. The Environmental Vulnerability Index: - [Elektronnij resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.vulnerabilityindex.net/

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O. Chernyak, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, O. Komashko, PhD in Physicals and Mathematicals, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


S. Kuznets's empirical and theoretical researches of the economical growth and economical development, made in 1940 -1960th, became a main source for upgrading the econometrical models of those processes. The ideas of S. Kuznets gave a beginning for two outstanding directions of the applied literature. The first one deals with the Kuznets's cycles, that have approximately 20 years length period. The second direction appeared after the Kuznets's hypothesis about the unequal allocation of income in a process of economical growth. Kuznets made an assumption, that this inequality growth first and then rolls off. This dependence was named "Kuznets curve". An appearance of new works is caused by creation of new econometrical methods and models (panel data, nonstationarity) and by putting forward new theoretical explanations of the phenomenon. Similarly to the original Kuznets curve in the early 1990th "Environmental Kuznets curve" was suggested. After appearance of that concept plenty of econometrical researches were done. On our opinion, the Kuznets's scientific heritage includes great unsolved potential. The usage of this potential will promote a further progress of economical theory.

1. Kuznets S. Secular Movements in Production and Prices / [S.Kuznets]. - Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930.

2. Kuznets S. Capital and the American Economy / [S.Kuznets]. - New York, 1961.

3. Vasina L.L. Nobelevskie laureaty XX veka. Jekonomika. Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / [L.L. Vasina]. - M.: "Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija" (ROSSPJeN), 2001.

4. Klotz B.P. Long Cycles: A New Look At the Evidence / [B.P. Klotz] // Eastern Economic Journal. - 1979. - №2. -P. 403-408.

5. Schumpeter J. Business Cycles, Vol I / [J. Schumpeter]. - New York, 1939.

6. Lewis A.W. Secular Swings in Production and Trade, 1870- 1913 / [A.W. Lewis, P. J. O'Leary] // The Manchester School . - 1955.- Vol. 2. - P. 113-152.

7. Abramovitz M. The Nature and Significance of Kuznets Cycies / [M. Abramovitz] // Economic Development and Cultural Change. - 1961. - Vol. 9, N4. - P. 225-248.

8. Adelman I. Long Cycles: Fact or Artifact? / [I. Adelman] // American Economic Review. -1965. -Vol. 60. - P. 444-463.

9. Granger C. The Typical Spectral Shape of an Economic Variable / [C. Granger] // Econometrica. - 1966. -Vol. 34. -P. 150-160.

10. Hatanaka M. Low Frequency Variation in Economic Time Series / [M.Hatanaka, E. P. Howrey] // Kyklos, Fsc. 4. -1969. -Vol. 22. -P. 752-766.

11. Howrey E. P. A Spectrum Analysis of the Long-Swing Hypothesis / [E. P. Howrey] // International Economic Review. - 1968. -Vol.9. - P. 228-252.

12. Harkness J. Long Swings / [J.Harkness] // The Review of Economics and Statistics.- 1969. -Vol. 51. -P. 94-96.

13. Poulson B. Background Conditions and the Spectral Analytic Test of the Long Swings Hypothesis / [B.Poulson, J. Dowling] // Explorations in Economic History. -1971. -Vol. 8. - P. 343-351.

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14. Cargill T. Construction Activity and Secular Change in the United States / [T.Cargill] // Applied Economics. -1971. -N6. - P. 85-97.

15. Rostow W.W. The World Economy: History and Prospect / [W.W. Rostow]. - Austin Texas, 1978.

16. Forrester J. Changing Economic Patterns / [J. Forrester] // Technology Review. - 1978. - Vol.80. - P.46-53.

17. Pancrazi R. Is the Kuznets Cycle Still Actual? Evidence from the Demand and Supply / [R. Pancrazi]. - Duke University Working Paper, 2007.

18. Korotayev A. V. A Spectral Analysis of World GDP Dynamics: Kondratieff Waves, Kuznets Swings, Juglar and Kitchin Cycles in Global Economic Development, and the 2008-2009 Economic Crisis / [A. V. Korotayev, S.V. Tsirel] // Structure and Dynamics. -2010. - N 4(1).

19. Kuznets S. Economic Growth and Income Inequality / [S. Kuznets] // American Economic Review. -1955. - Vol.65. -P.1-28.

20. Srinivasan T. N. Development, poverty, and basic human needs: Some issues / [T. N. Srinivasan] // Food Research Institute Studies. - 1977. Vol.16. - P. 11-28.

21. Moran T. P. Kuznets's Inverted U-Curve Hypothesis: The Rise, Demise, and Continued Relevance of a Socioeconomic Law / [T. P. Moran] // Sociological Forum. - 2005. - Vol. 20, No. 2. - P. 209-244.

22. Mollick A.V. Income inequality in the U.S.: The Kuznets hypothesis revisited / [A.V. Mollick] // Economic Systems. -2012. - Vol. 36, Issue 1. - P. 127-144.

23. Grossman G. M. Environmental impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement / [G. M. Grossman, A. B. Krueger] // In: The U.S. - Mexico Free Trade Agreement (P. Garber, Ed.). MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma, 1994.

24. Shafik N. Economic Growth and Environmental Quality: Time Series and Cross-Country Evidence / [N. Shafik,

S. Bandyopadhyay] // Background paper for World Development Report 1992. - Washington: The World Bank, DC., 2002.

25. Stern D. I. Environmental Kuznets Curve / D.I. Stern // In: Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 2. - Elsevier, 2004. -P. 517-525.

26. Kuznets S. National Product since 1869 / [S. Kuznets]. - New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1946.

27. Kuznets S. Proportion of Capital Formation to National Product / [S. Kuznets] // American Economic Review. - 1952. -Vol. 42, N2. -P. 507-526.

28. Chernjak O.l. Ekonometrika: [pidruchnik] / [O.l. Chernjak, O.V. Komashko, A.V. Stavic'kij, O.V.Bazhenova]. - K.: VPC "Kiivs'kij universitet", 2010.

29. Hall R.E. Stochastic Implications of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence / [R.E. Hall] // The Journal of Political Economy. -1978. - Vol. 86, N 6. - P. 971-987.

30. Akerlof G.A. The Missing Motivation in Macroeconomics / [G.A. Akerlof] // American Economic Review. - 2007. -Vol. 97 (1). - P. 5-36.

31. Kuznets S. Economic development, the family, and income distribution: selected essays / [S. Kuznets]. - Cambridge University Press, 1989.

32. Handbook of Population and Family Economics. - Elsevier, 1997.

33. Handbook of Income Distribution. - Elsevier, 2000.

34. Diamond Ch.A. A multinomial probability model of size income distribution / [Ch.A. Diamond, C.J. Simon, J.T. Warner] // Journal of Econometrics. - 1990. - Vol. 43, N 1-2. - P.43-61.

35. Okrasa W. Who avoids and who escapes from poverty during transition? - evidence from Polish panel data, 199396 / [Okrasa W.] // Policy Research Working Paper Series 2218, The World Bank, 1999.

36. Fry Tim R.L. The DOGEV Model / [Tim R.L. Fry, M.N. Harris] // Monash Econometrics and Business Statistics Working Papers 7/02. - Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, 2002.

37. Fissuh E. Determinants of Poverty in Eritrea: A Household level Analysis / [E. Fissuh, M.Harris] // Econometric Society 2004 Australasian Meetings 364, Econometric Society, 2004.

G. Chornous, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Actual status of management confirms usefulness and necessity for development of scientific modeling tools for decision-making processes based on distributed artificial intelligence. The paper presents opportunities of the agent - oriented approach to support operative and strategic management decisions at the pharmaceutical enterprise. It is argued that the combination of intelligent agents technology and Data Mining (DM) produces a powerful synergistic effect. The basis of the intellectual agent - oriented DSS (AODSS) is proposed to put a hybrid approach to the use of DM. Hybrid intelligent AODSS is represented numerous network of small agents, it provides concurrent operation execution, solutions distribution, knowledge management. Agents can be divided into groups: data agents, monitoring agents, agents for solutions search, modeling agents, impact agents and presentations agents. The result of research is development of AODSS created as a multi-level system wherein the project, process and environment levels are intercommunicated. The combination of intelligent technologies in AODSS allows involve rules, cases, a wide range of DM methods and models. The paper proposes a variant of AODSS implementation within the real enterprise IT-infrastructure based on SAP NetWeaver. The analysis results of the semi-commercial operation of the system assures that it can improve managerial decisions inasmuch as accuracy, consistency, flexibility, speed together form the basis of actual efficient solutions.

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3. Yershov, S.V., 2013. The theoretical basis of the model-based construction of fuzzy intelligent multiagent systems. Ph.D. Nat. Acad. Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Cybernetics Glushkov (Ukrainian)

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6. Siddique, N., 2014. Intelligent Control: A Hybrid Approach Based on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. Berlin: Springer.

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10. Ventre, A.G., Maturo A., Hoskova-Mayerova S. and Kacprzyk J., 2013. Multicriteria and Multiagent Decision Making with Applications to Economics and Social Sciences. Springer.

11. Huzhva, V.M., 2002. Modeling of multiagent systems for logistics management in enterprises. Ph.D. Kyiv National Economic University. (Ukrainian)

12. Rogozin, O.V., 2012. Methods and models for support of innovative solutions in the agent-oriented systems. Moscow: MJeSI. (Russian)

13. Romanov, V.P. and Lel'chuk A.V., 2013. Multiagent Systems in Economics. Moscow: RJeU im. G.V. Plehanova. (Russian)

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15. Srinivasan D. ed., 2013. Innovations in Multi-Agent Systems and Application. Springer.

16. Trajkovski G., 2010. Developments in Intelligent Agent Technologies and Multi-Agent Systems: Concepts and Applications. IGI Global.

17. Tjurin, I.Ju., Vylegzhanin, A.S., Andreev, M.V., Kol'bova, Je.V., Skobelev, P.O. and Shepilov Ja.Ju. Implementation results and prospects of multi-agent system for operational management tool shop of JSC "Izhevsk Motor - Axion Holding" [online] Available at:<http://egov.samregion.ru/external/elgov/files/c_10506/ Programma_PUMSS-2012.pdf> [Accessed 7 March 2014] (Russian)

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20. Chornous, G.O., 2012. Proactive decision-making mechanizm based on mining technology. Ekonomica (Economics), 91(1), рр.105-118.

21. Chornous, G.O., 2013. Hybrid use of methods of intellectual analyses of data for modeling processes of proactive management. Bussiness Inform, 4, pp.172-177. (Ukrainian)

22. Chornous, G.O., 2012. Modeling of socio-economic systems patterns based on balanced strategic measurement methods. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 135, pp. 61-63. (Ukrainian)

23. Hilgefort, I., 2011. Reporting and Analysis with SAP BusinessObjects. SAP PRESS.

M. Shumaeva, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The relevance of research is caused by global informatisation and active formation of open information society, through which are created entirely new conditions for the functioning of the global economy. A significant number of ICT-indexes was developed by various international organizations / companies to examine the state of development of information society in the world. Each index is based on the priorities and focus of the study. But none of the established international indicators can not be directly transferred to the assessment of the development of information society in Ukraine. The paper proposes an index model of development of the information society of Ukraine based on the ICT-indicators. It is used to characterize the technological state of information and telecommunication infrastructure in Ukraine. The comparative analysis of methods of ICT-indexes is also given. With the help of index model it is possible to characterize almost all factors that influence on development of information society in Ukraine. Further the model will be harmonized for international level to compare Ukraine with other countries.

1. Zakon Ukra'ini pro osnovni zasadi rozvitku informacijnogo suspil'stva v Ukra'ini na 2007-2015 roki.

2. Nakaz MON Ukra'ini pro zatverdzhennja metodiki formuvannja indikatoriv rozvitku informacijnogo suspil'stva vid 06.09.2013

3. Postanova KMU pro zatverdzhennja nacional'no'i sistemi indikatoriv rozvitku informacijnogo suspil'stva vid 28 listopada 2012 r.

4. Chernjak O. І., Shumova M. І. Metodologija formuvannja kompozicijnih indikatoriv / O. І. Chernjak, M. І. Shumova // Visnik Zaporiz'kogo nacional'nogo universitetu: ekonomichni nauki. - Vipusk №1, 2014.

5. Gauging ICT potential around the world. ITU releases the first global Digital Access Index 10/2003.

6. Internet World Stat. Usage and population statistics. [Elektronnij resurs]. - Rezhim dostupu:

http://www. intern etwo rldstats.co m/

7. Net Index Explorer. . [Elektronnij resurs]. - Rezhim dostupu: http://explorer.netindex.com/

8. Statistical data for NRI Readliness Index for 2006-2013. [Elektronnij resurs]. - Rezhim dostupu:


9. The digital guide to digital opportunities: measuring infostates fro development. [Elektronnij resurs]. - Rezhim dostupu: https://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/publications/dd/material/index_ict_opp.pdf

10. The Digital Opportunity Index (DOI).World Information Society Report 2007. [Elektronnij resurs]. - Rezhim dostupu: http://www.ictliteracy.info/rf.pdf/DigitalOportunityIndex.pdf

11. The Networked Readiness Index 2013: Benchmarking ICT Uptake and Support for Growth and Jobs in a Hyperconnected World. World Economic Forum. [Elektronnij resurs]. - Rezhim dostupu: http://www.searo.who.int/entity/ health_situation_trends/country_profiles/e_health/wef_gitr_2013_nri_structure.pdf

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