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N.Y. Buryak, Associate Professor
Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies - IMSIT (Russia, Krasnodar)
Abstract. This article is devoted to the issues of the emergence of the information society as an independent stage of human development. Modern society is considered as a society of IT technologies that permeate literally all spheres of human life and activity. The author highlights the main features of the information society, describes the problems and contradictions in the development of the information society. The differences between the information society and other types of societies are shown.
Keywords: information, communication, information society, information and communication technologies, digitalization, data.
Modern society is a society of IT technologies that permeate literally all spheres of human life and activity. We cannot imagine our lives without various gadgets, computers, and the Internet. According to Kuyantse-va L.M. "We live in the XXI century, which means that we live in an information society". In the article, she defines the information society as a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information. However, we should define what information is. There are many interpretations of the definition of this concept; almost all of them agree that information is some kind of data. For example, Kolkov A.I. defines information as the basis of knowledge. Moreover, he is right if we take the information as information.
The informatization of society provides:
- active use of the often expanding intellectual potential of the society concentrated in the printed form of the fund, and scientific, industrial and other activities of its participants;
- integration of information technologies into scientific and industrial activities, initiating the development of all spheres of social production, intellectualization of work;
- high level of information service, accessibility of any member of society to various sources of reliable, correct information, visualization of the information presented, the materiality of the data used.
Signs of the information society are the following: society's understanding of the priority of information over other products of human activity; the initial basis of various human activities (economic, industrial, political, educational, scientific, creative, cultural, etc.); information is a product of the activities of modern society; information in its pure form is the subject of purchase and sale; equal opportunities in access to information for all sectors of society [3].
If information is the basis of knowledge, then the information society is a society in which the accumulation, preservation and transfer of this knowledge plays a major role. The society has been accumulating and learning for a long time to preserve and use the acquired knowledge. Now we are moving from the era of accumulation to the era of use. The transfer of information plays an important role, which determines the development of information and communication technologies. It is important to understand that with the effective use of accumulated knowledge, information is inseparable from communication. Although these are different concepts, they generate an information society at their point of contact. It can also be concluded that an information society can be called a society in which the majority of employees are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information. Knowledge becomes its highest form. Information becomes the subject of universal con-
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sumption. There are the main features of the information society [2].
1. Increasing the role of information and knowledge in society;
2. The increasing number of people employed in the field of information and communication technologies;
3. The growth of the share of information products and services in the gross domestic product;
4. The emergence of a global information space;
5. The development of the information economy, e-government, social networks, and digital markets.
The most important difference between the information society and other types of societies is the ever-growing role of information. It becomes the main resource. If we determine the pace of development, then the information sector becomes the leading, fastest-growing one [1].
In general, opinions about the formation of the information society are divided: some consider it an inseparable part of postindustrial society, i.e. that the information society came to us exactly when the postindustrial one did; others consider it a "new stage" in the development of society. The post-industrial society was characterized by the enormous pace of development of science and technology, however, it was impossible to predict that its development would go precisely towards universal informatization and the global dominance of IT technologies. Just as now, we cannot predict what the new stage of society's development will be in a few centuries, we can only guess. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the information society as the next "step" in the development of society. It is important to note the reverse side. The potential for intelligent and competent use of the opportunities created by the information society is great and opens up wide prospects for development. All this creates a very real problem, which is known as the information gap. Its essence lies in the inequality of people in access to the global information system. This gap is due to the socio-economic and scientific-theoretical gap. Against this background of the active use and implementation of global networks, such a phenomenon
as cultural aggression is noted. Today, information technologies are used in almost all spheres, as a result they have a huge impact on the socio-cultural reality. Such technologies are also capable of changing it.
Currently, it is not so important to us whether the information society belongs to the post-industrial, or is a new stage, the important thing is that in any case, it has not yet reached its final "heyday", and there are various problems on the way of its formation. Kolkov A.I. sees the problem in the development of the information society in the fact that humanity has not yet learned how to use its knowledge. He believes that the information society should be transformed into an intellectual one, where individual intelligence is combined into a system whose goal is the effective use of knowledge without harm to humanity. Harm refers to knowledge, for example, such as the production of deadly bacteria or knowledge about weapons of mass destruction - obviously, they harm humanity. Lysenko A.E. sees the barrier to a full transition to the information society in "inequality", namely, in the situation of people with disabilities who are deprived of the opportunity to use information and communication technologies to the fullest. Technologies should be created for people with disabilities, taking into account their mental and physical disabilities, because if we are talking about a society, then it should cover all segments of the population, including people with disabilities. Lopatina N.V. sees the problem in the very functioning of the information society, where the dysfunction of classical elements caused by its development does not occur in a delicate way, but actually through raiding. The most striking example is the library and the Internet: with the advent of the Internet, libraries abruptly receded into the background, many of them simply became meaningless to exist, but they represented an entire system, many people were involved, and then gradually lost the value of their activities. Of course, now many libraries have been improved, their archives have been systematized and automated into information systems, but the transition to this system has not been made gradually and delicately, without any
- Культурология-
losses for the subjects of this field of activi- development of the information society, it ty [5]. should be noted that its formation undoubted-
However, this can be called a predictable ly contains many positive aspects and has a consequence of informatization, because it is fruitful effect on the development of society, impossible to make a completely homogene- which, thanks to information and communica-ous transition to completely new technologies tions, becomes the most intelligent and demo-of work in such a vast territory as Russia. De- cratic, and these problems are only a matter of spite these problems and contradictions in the time [4].
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5. Хартия о сохранении цифрового наследия Принята на 32-й Генеральной конференции ЮНЕСКО, Париж, Франция, октябрь 2003.
Н.Ю. Буряк, доцент
Академии маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий - ИМСИТ (Россия, г. Краснодар)
Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена вопросам возникновения информационного общества как самостоятельной стадии развития человечества. Современное общество рассматривается как общество технологий, которые пронизывают буквально все сферы жизни и деятельности человека. Автором выделены основные признаки информационного общества, описаны проблемы и противоречия в развитии информационного общества. Показаны отличия информационного общества от других типов обществ.
Ключевые слова: информация, коммуникация, информационное общество, информационно-коммуникационные технологии, цифровизация, данные.