certain types of work from childhood, encourage the initiative. This is promoted by the principle of combining effective pedagogical management.
Principle of children's consciousness. This principle is designed to show the importance of the active position of students in the pedagogical process.
The principle of a reasonable attitude to the child, which combines demand and encouragement in a justified ratio.
The principle of combining and unifying respect for one's own personality, on the one hand, and a certain level of exactingness to oneself, on the other hand. This becomes possible when there is a fundamental reliance on the strengths of the individual.
Thus, by defining step-by-step the unity of upbringing and education in the pedagogical process, the goal as a system-forming component of the educational system, a general characteristic of the education system in Russia, as well as features, structure, patterns, principles of the pedagogical process, we were able to disclose the main idea of the lecture and find out how The process of education, being fundamental, systemic, purposeful and uniting the processes of education and training, has an impact on the development of the individual, and, therefore, on the development Society and state.
UDC 004.942.330
Damirova P.R. master student 1 course, faculty of "informatics and information technology" Technologies Dagestan State University Makhachkala, Russian Federation ICT DEVELOPMENT AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY
Annotation: the article reveals the topic of ICT development and how they affect the economy. Such definitions as what information and communication technology is, what information is. It also reveals how information technologies influence not only the economy, but also social development of society, management of telecommunications networks, the impact of ICT, the use of ICT in society, the growth of the ICT sector, the goal offurther development, deep penetration of ICT, the direction of ICT research.
Keywords: information and communication technologies (ICT), information, economics, Internet, company.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) is understood as a systemically organized set of methods and means of implementation of operations of collection, registration, transfer, accumulation, search, processing and protection of information on the basis of the application of the developed software, used computers and communication, as well as the ways in which information is offered to users. The ICT industry consists of several segments, among which telecommunications, software, hardware and IT services are distinguished. The last
three segments are usually combined into the IT market. ICT today is an integral infrastructure of the global economy, not only ensuring the most efficient functioning of world markets, but also acting as a locomotive in the development of the world economy. The degree of introduction and use of ICT in various areas of society is becoming a decisive factor in the progressive economic and social development of States. Now the information revolution is on the way of global integration of all computers in the world network. Today, the Internet has entered the second phase of its development, turning from an indigestible pile of information into a real business tool.
Electronic transactions can now be carried out between virtual offices of organizations around the world, electronic cash flows can safely pass between international Bank accounts, and transactions can be made by e-mail.
Types of e-business:
* E - business-modern means of interaction of business agents among themselves, the seller with the buyer, the Bank with the depositor, the supplier with the collector, etc.This is the conduct of all business processes, both internal and external, using electronic means.
* E-business B2B (Business-to-business) company transaction with the company
* B2C (Business-to-consumer) companies with consumers
* S2S (Consumer-to-consumer) of the user with the user
* C2B (Consumer-to-business) consumers with
* G2B (Government-to - business) government Agency with companies
* G2C (Government-to-business) government Agency with consumers
Of the above types of transactions dominate the first three.
Business — to — business (B2B) - is the most common type of e-Commerce, allowing to carry out business relations of economic entities through electronic networks in almost any field of activity-advertising, personnel, financial, sales of goods or services, marketing research, technical support and others. And new opportunities for small business are new methods of competition in the market, increasing its competitiveness, and hence the effective allocation of resources.
There is still such a thing as Informatization. Informatization is a global social process of production and widespread use of information as a public resource that provides the intensification of the economy, democratization and intellectualization of society. The law "on additional measures to improve the management system of telecommunications networks of the Republic of Dagestan"was adopted in Dagestan.
The awareness of the public in General and the scientific community in particular of the global role of information in the development of the individual and society leads to the fact that a new direction of ICT research is highlighted in the scientific system. It is accepted to distinguish two main theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of Informatization of society:
1) Technocratic approach reduces public Informatization to technical and technological equipment of labor activity of people in the sphere of management
and production.
2) the Second direction in understanding the essence of Informatization of society — sociological. They ensure the development and wide-ranging receipt, exchange and use of information in society for the further development and improvement of society and its members.
Today, more and more important for society is the Informatization of education. In this regard, many events are held in Dagestan, such as "the Expansion of technical capabilities of access to the National information retrieval system of foreign users." And in Dagestan, not only at the state level, but also on the world stage, there are opportunities to participate in various events in the field of ICT. The increasing penetration of ICT in all spheres of society leads to an increase in the role of legal regulation of relations in the use of information communications in order to implement and protect the rights and freedoms of the individual, the interests of society and the state, as well as information security. The mentioned circumstances stimulated the development and creation of automated means of creation, processing and transmission of information. Scientific research on understanding the role and importance of information on the development prospects of society has also intensified. And in Dagestan, information technology and Internet services are developing at a high pace. In many countries, an active and purposeful technical policy for the development of key technologies of the information society, the creation on their basis of a wide range of applications, service systems in various spheres of human life, industry and society. This policy, which determines the economic and social situation, the prospects of the country or region, their position in the world and national economy is called Informatization. In the era of globalization and intensive development of ICT, it is necessary to develop a strategy for the sustainable development of all mankind and individual countries.
New effective means of communication allow for flexible organization of enterprises, making them more competitive. Such forms of labor relations as work at home, part-time and in a row are widely used. The state in the information society acquires new features. The experience of developed countries that have joined the information civilization and have achieved great success in the economy and quality of life, shows that the rule of law democratic state should be built on the principle of five rings. This principle States: "A state can have a prosperous economy and progress in socio-cultural terms only through the interaction of five independent authorities: legislative, Executive, judicial, information and intelligence authorities". And the last two authorities should permeate all the others. Here, the power of information means freedom of the press, transparency, and an abundance of publicly available data banks.
ICT standards and platforms include the expansion of ICT applications around the world to stimulate the development of standards and platforms, including the International organization for standardization (ISO), the developers of Control objects for Information and Related Technology (COBIT), the information technology infrastructure Library (IT Infrastructure Library), the international
organization Data Management International (DAMA), the organization for the advance of Structured Information Standards(OASIS), the world Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Object group management group, participants of the project the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and the group Capability Maturity Model integrated(CMM/CMMI). These standards and platforms are universal and cover a wide range of activities, and therefore they are applicable in all areas of business. These international standards and platforms provide comprehensive and rigorous approaches to overcoming the challenges of ICT.
Thus, it can be concluded that the development and application of information technologies in the life of modern society reveals the need to analyze the nature and importance of information and communication technologies, to identify its content characteristics and structure. Informatization of society is represented as a set of interrelated technical, social, economic, political, spiritual and cultural factors. They ensure the development and wide-ranging receipt, exchange and use of information in society for the further development and improvement of society and its members. It is known that in the last decade information and communication technologies (ICT) have been rapidly developing as a separate significant segment of the economy. The analysis shows that, despite the existing work in the field of development of models to assess and predict the various aspects of the use of ICT, a systematic approach to the study of this problem is absent.
1. http://www.spc.gov.Uz.
2. UNCITRAL Model laws on electronic signatures, 2001.
3. " on e-Commerce " 2006.
4. " on international credit transfers " 2002.
5. UNCITRAL legal guide on electronic funds transfer 2007.