Тамбовский государственный университет имени Г. Р. Державина, г. Тамбов, Российская Федерация, e-mail: [email protected]
Тамбовский государственный университет имени Г. Р. Державина, г. Тамбов, Российская Федерация, e-mail: [email protected]
Тамбовский государственный университет имени Г. Р. Державина, г. Тамбов, Российская Федерация, e-mail: [email protected]
In this article considers issues related to the role of human capital in a society whose economy is predetermined by the penetration of information technology in all spheres of the economy and society. This process has an impact on the environment accelerates scientific and technological progress and represents a process of social dynamics. At the same time informational society stands at the origins of a global information space. The «knowledge» and man as their carrier are the basis of this formation. Material submitted for publication, covers the issues of not only the benefits of the informational society, but also the negative trends taking place in the propagation of information and communication technologies. Among them are marked negative impact on health, the complexity of the social space, the widening gap between sectors of society and, consequently, increasing disparities in the development of its different parts. Large groups of the population (people with low incomes, pensioners, the disabled, children from low-income families) have little or no access to informational resources, therefore, have no prospects of life in the informational society. There are also the existence of the digital divide between regions.
Ключевые слова: labor resource, social progress, the economy of the information type.
Human development is an aggregate or unification of all forms of development, existing and taking place in our everyday lives. This form of development is much more important than the growth or decline of national incomes. The bottom line is to create a specific environment in which people can realize their full potential and lead productive (with appropriate recoil), creative lives in relation to their needs and interests. Undeniable fact that people are the real wealth of nations. In accordance with the latitude of choice people will be able to lead the life that they value, because human development is first of all and mainly, everything that allows people to lead a life that represents value to them. And, therefore, development is much more than just economic growth, which is only a means, but very important - is widening people's choices.
Informatization is a complex and ambiguous process that concerns the various spheres of human activity: economy, culture, politics, and everyday life. In other words informatization process saturates all spheres of
social life of information resources and new technolo-gies.Informatization as a complex mechanism has a tremendous impact not only on society, deteriorating environmental situation, accelerating scientific and technological progress, but is itself a process of social dynamics.
Peculiarity of informatization as a large-scale social process is that it involves not just a set of interrelated changes and levels, «waves» of social change. It's not just the introduction and adaptation of certain phenomena of information, and a new transition of society as whole or individual social elements to a new stage of development [1].
Reached a certain stage of development of the informational industry is born the so-called «information-al society». Informational society is a modern stage of development of civilization, where the production of the main products is information and knowledge.
In such a society the majority of workers engaged in the production, storage, processing and marketing of
information that is creative work aimed at the development of intelligence and learning. Formed by a single mechanism - the informational society of people without national borders. The basis of the Informational Society is the newest information, telecommunication and communication technology. That new technologies have led to the rapid spread of global information networks, to open up entirely new opportunities for international exchange of information.
The formation of an informational society one way or another, leads to the formation of the global information space.
Production and labor activity of people, is a kind of foundation of all social life, is impossible to imagine without the transfer and use of technological, organizational or economic information [2].
Today, «knowledge» is the main priority, and a new parameter for evaluating the ability of workers now distinguish the ability to independently find and be able to work with the new information, put it into practice. The category of «knowledge» complements the criterion of «thinking» or intellectual activity.
Such an important part of knowledge, the possibility of their development, stockpiling and use in economic development has received wide public recognition.
It is connected, on the one hand, with the fact that the global informational networks that enable accelerate exchanges and cooperation in various fields, such as scientific and technical, cultural, commercial, create a global information field that combines knowledge, but with varying degrees of access to them, depending on the region and category of citizens.
On the other hand, since the informatization is not completely amenable to codification, informational networks do not solve the problem of efficient generation of knowledge, if it is not supported by communication and collaboration using personal contacts and shared creative work.
Since man is typical self-improvement and self-development in the process of accumulation of knowledge, the outcome of this process will be to improve the quality of human capital. Changes in the structure of human capital in terms of the «new econo-my» associated first of all with a reduction from the mid twentieth century. the time lag between the steps in the use of scientific and technological progress.
In a broad sense, from an economic perspective the question of «human capital» as a factor in the economic growth of the enterprise raises the producer and the consumer at the center of socio-economic system. Creative abilities, his knowledge and skills need to be changed both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Hence, human resource management is increasingly intersects with innovative management, since man-
agement of modern production of tangible and intangible goods becomes inseparable from the management of employee personal fulfillment, its qualitative development.
At present in a highly competitive innovative capabilities quality of human resources should be subject to constant positive dynamics, due to the growth requirements for education and training of employees.
One of the biggest institutional systems that are engaged in and give the broadcast information has become a science. Drawing attention to it, it should be noted that knowledge is the product of scientific activity are based on the information it contains in itself, etc., but the knowledge cannot be equated with the information, as sometimes mistakenly appears in the literature. Knowledge includes additional components in relation to the underlying information.
Currently there are a large number of information events. But increasing their variations seems not only in quantitative terms, but in qualitative changes in their totality.
They may be reflected in the content of informatization's processes in the form of new vectors of development, new features disactualization of separate directions and phenomena. Therefore, a variety of informational phenomena is an essential characteristic of the information society, one of the parameters of information; development and diversity is an indication that the information society develops efficiently.
But the question arises how the new technologies, the development of innovation and the process of informatization affects the man and his potential.
As previously noted, information is the sum of the processes and mechanisms in social systems and structures of the diversity of informational phenomena, informational tools and solutions of the problems of development is social space, meet the information needs of social development.
This complicates the process of modern social space, offering new goals, directions and priorities for development, and other forms of social relations, and other means of interaction and communication. Man needs to adapt to these changes, given that their dynamics is growing rapidly.
Informational society opens up great possibilities for human potential to the fullest. With new technologies in the workplace or in the home, people spend less time on routine work and, therefore, there is time for self-development, learn new skills and experience in a more essential matters [3].
Any democratic government puts the highest priority to the freedom and protection of person. In the informational society, there are great opportunities for their support. An example is the transfer and distribution
of information, in electronic form, this process more simple, rapid and reliable than the exchange of paper documents. With the development of information technology storage of electronic documents much more secure than safes and vaults.
Speaking about human potential on a national scale, the information society creates favorable conditions for the development of the so-called middle class, which is the main layer of the public in all the advanced countries. Classical areas of activity of this class are the research, education, culture, high-tech and knowledgeintensive production, sophisticated services. Their specificity within the information society is expressed in the proportion that will grow rapidly with the development of new technologies and qualitatively new knowledge.
Therefore, undoubtedly, the informational society has enormous potential for improving the quality of human's community life and human development, where each individually can gain new knowledge and experience, depending on the access to these technologies [4].
But any innovation or a new process and mechanism are negative trends. Informatization of society is also an increase in the penetration into the private life of people, the decline in employment, the deterioration of health of information technology users and etc.
Since the human potential includes health parameters, in this case, the process of informatization has a negative impact on society.
The ability to correctly and efficiently work with the information and use it to obtain, transfer, handling and use of computer information technology, modern means and methods to possess the information culture. There are certain qualities and professionalism, which is currently required for accountants, financiers, managers, bank employees and other professions [5].
In the activities of any firm is present informational resource - it documents and files of documents in informational systems (libraries, archives, funds, data and other information systems), that is Documented knowledge.
Information resource for each country is a strategic resource, similar in importance of energy reserves, resources, raw materials and other sources. Informational resources are the starting point for the creation of information products. The latter are the result of human intellectual activity and spread by using the services.
Internationalization and globalization of our society intensifies competition among entrepreneurs, whereby only the fittest survive, then get a real power, begin to destroy the market of new players and does not admit to his weaknesses.
Under conditions of heavy use of global networks arise new forms of cultural aggression by most developed countries to less developed countries. The dan-
ger lies in the loss of entire communities of their cultural and national identity, including the identity of the language. In a globalized world, there is the imposition of mankind in consumer preferences and tastes in the interests of a narrow group of multinational manufacturing companies [6].
Another important negative trend is that increasing globalization of production and mobility of global corporations, which may adversely affect the policy environment, as well as the right to work and social protection worldwide. An example is the actual cutting jobs in the companies due to a large number of automated systems, especially in the most developed countries.
For the development of human potential in the first place need access to knowledge, technology and innovation. Based on this belief, for the moment, there is the concept of measuring poverty - the so-called «information poverty». This concept reflects the growth of the social differentiation of the population in relation to the new principle - the principle of capacity to access to modern technology, when only part of the population has access to new technologies and information resources and can realize this advantage.
Due to high rates of technological innovation, the infusion of large amounts of capital in this area and the competition a new technology in itself, and infrastructure are much cheaper and therefore more accessible to more and more people. More complicated with the proliferation of information and access it. The cost of information services for many years may be a factor, the growing gap between those who can and who cannot afford to receive and impart information [1].
Therefore, we can conclude that countries with a high HDI index have greater access to information and, as a rule; these are the countries with developed market economies.
Speaking about the informational society and human development, we must not forget that the majority of the world's population lives in conditions that until the industrial and agrarian societies. Informational society is a reality only in the developed world; the same for the rest of the information society is the only prospect. The crisis that hit Asia, sought to take the path of catching up industrial development, finally demonstrated how difficult for countries in the industrial stage of progress, to become full participants in the community post-industrial powers and underlined section on postindustrial area of the planet and the rest of the world.
Large groups (people with low incomes, pensioners, the disabled, children from low-income families) have little or no access to information resources, therefore, have no prospects of life in the information society. There is also the existence of information inequality between regions.
The explosion of new technologies and the creation of an information space, provides great opportunities to society, while at the same time creates the preconditions for the establishment of the dictatorship and global control over society, manipulation of public opinion.
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