Научная статья на тему '66 postulates and hypothesis about the device of the world'

66 postulates and hypothesis about the device of the world Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Apanovich I.

\"Infinity\" and \"zero\" are an obstacle in the study of the physical principles of the structure of the world. The necessary reference point is given by postulates and hypotheses, the correctness of which depends both on the volume of the matter being analyzed and on the degree of sanity of the researcher. The information presented here is known to many people. But the same thought, expressed with a different intonation, with the addition of even one word is perceived differently, illuminates the subject of study from the other side. Can the world be changed by what hypotheses or theories it is characterized? Yes, if the theory caused a change in the actions of even a small part of the world. Not only can such changes be evaluated differently. A person has the opportunity to choose an algorithm of actions. However, this choice is a difficult task. The purpose of the article is to show that some hypotheses or theories, as guidelines in the choice of actions, may turn out to be false. The time for reflection is not over!

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Текст научной работы на тему «66 postulates and hypothesis about the device of the world»

10. Природа и природные ресурсы Брянской области / Под ред. Л. М. Ахромеева. 2001. Брянск: Изд-во Брянского госпедин-та. 216 с.

11. Черепанов С. К. 1995. Сосудистые растения России и сопредельных государств. СПб.: Мир и семья-95. 992 с.

12. Braun-Blanquet ,/.1964.Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzuge der Vegetationskunde. 3 Anfl. Wien- New York: Springer - Verlag. 865 s.


Apanovich I.

Mining engineer-geophysicist. Siberian Production and Geological Association.



"Infinity" and "zero" are an obstacle in the study of the physical principles of the structure of the world. The necessary reference point is given by postulates and hypotheses, the correctness of which depends both on the volume of the matter being analyzed and on the degree of sanity of the researcher. The information presented here is known to many people. But the same thought, expressed with a different intonation, with the addition of even one word is perceived differently, illuminates the subject of study from the other side.

Can the world be changed by what hypotheses or theories it is characterized? Yes, if the theory caused a change in the actions of even a small part of the world. Not only can such changes be evaluated differently. A person has the opportunity to choose an algorithm of actions. However, this choice is a difficult task. The purpose of the article is to show that some hypotheses or theories, as guidelines in the choice of actions, may turn out to be false. The time for reflection is not over!

Keywords: Universe and man, the study of matter, physical processes, postulates and hypotheses, gravity and magnetism as a movement, the evolution of biosphere objects.


In the world, there is nothing other than the material essence — objects, each of which can be either an object of research or a test body (in particular, a subject-researcher — one of the sides of the interaction). Subjective perception of the world is a complex of concepts for each subject, temporarily existing as a specific material object.


Research is a relative process. The result of the study depends on the tools used, the rank of the interacting objects and the selected reference system. The impossibility of studying objects of the microworld without disturbing their original structure and motion parameters is not an objective property of such matter (i).


The matter of the Universe in its existence is absolute, the material object is a selected part of it. The researcher is not able to conclude that the world (Universe) is finite or infinite. As a small part of the world, he is not able to study the latter as a single object.


From the third postulate it follows that the Universe is one and it is motionless, since it is impossible to indicate the frame of reference relative to which it moves. Others ("parallel" or "perpendicular") universes are the fruit of the subject's imagination.


The lack of information about the properties of all matter and the boundaries of the Universe allows us to consider any part of it as the center. The characteristic of the Universe as an object with a specific number of components does not make sense. At any arbitrarily

chosen point in time, a constant transformation of the material substance occurs.

(1) Explanations for the material presented are given in the "Notes" section.


The objects of the studied (distinguished) part of the Universe cannot be characterized by the concepts of "infinity" and "zero". The endowing of an object with such parameters indicates the impossibility of measuring its parameters or the use of a specially (mathematically) selected reference system.


The main fundamental property of the Universe is gravity, which represents motion-interaction with the exchange of impulses of all its constituent parts. Movement-interaction of objects of the Universe absolutely, forever and constantly. Potential energy is the energy of motion accumulated in relatively concentrated matter.


For absolute motion-interaction of matter in the Universe, space and time are not required. These are abstract concepts interpreted by each researcher in different ways. Therefore, the representation of physical processes as reversible or irreversible in time does not make sense. The exchange of energy of motion is a complex process, well manifested in the form of the existence of the cycles of matter.


From the absoluteness of the existence of moving and exchanging impulses of matter, the absence of emptiness follows. This is the only reason that the concentration of matter in one area always leads to decompaction of matter in another. The evidence in favor of the "expanding universe" hypothesis is

insufficient. The "scattering" of galaxies can be considered as a kind of "absolute" that does not correspond to physical reality.


Movement-interaction of objects in the selected volume of the material environment (the reference system is selected) is relative. Therefore, you can always select the beginning and end, as well as specify the reason for this interaction. At the same time, the limited actions in the study of absolute movement suggest that "the deterministic world is unpredictable".


Interaction - the polar process - a fundamental property of the dynamics of the material world. For interaction, either two objects or two material substances are necessary. In philosophy, this is interpreted as "the unity and struggle of opposites".


Each object (in accordance with the law of "equality of action and reaction") represents the dynamic unity of two substances. This "substance" and the "radiation" generated by it as a stream of particles of matter. Without such a unity, gravitational interaction of objects is impossible. The representation of matter as a "field" is physically incorrect.


The radiation (emission) of particles is the cause of the concentration of the substance of the object generating these particles. Radiation (ejection of particles) is accompanied by a decrease in the total energy of motion of the object. There are no equilibrium (dynamically isolated) material systems in nature; therefore, all objects change throughout the entire period of their existence (2).


Matter and radiation, existing for each object in inseparable unity, are relative substances (in the structure and rank of the particles). In this series can be and "ether" and "dark matter". The intensity of the generation of radiation particles is determined by the ability of matter to create a total impulse sufficient for its existence as a separate object in the surrounding (external) material medium with a corresponding amount of motion energy (RGR (3)). (RGR - regional gravitational radiation as streams of generated particles).


We can make a conclusion about the conservation of momentum in each interaction to the extent that we can take into account all objects of different rank that are involved in the exchange of energy. In any case, "the force of action is equal to the force of opposition".


Gravity as a movement-interaction is inextricably linked with the change in the intensity of the RGR. When this occurs, the transformation of interacting objects (concentration or decomposition, a change in the structure or speed of movement). For example, some particles are considered stable (relatively eternal), since the loss of matter-energy by them when interacting with a very weak RGR cannot be measured.


Indicator of the absoluteness and constancy of the

motion-interaction is the gravitational constant, equal to 6.666 • 10-11 m3 / kg-1 • s-2. Physically, this is a permanent job of transferring the amount of motion (impulses) during gravitational interaction (4).


The constancy of motion-interaction is the basis of the dynamics of the Universe. Such constancy can be considered the reason for the separation of objects by rank. When interacting with the same material substance, objects of different rank are characterized by different speeds of movement.


The transfer of motion energy is carried out by impulses acting as elusive gravitons. Their value in the interaction of groups of objects of different rank is relative. This is a kind of movement energy quanta. Physically, graviton is dimensionless and equal to




Gravitational waves exist only in mathematical constructions, since the motion-interaction of the matter of the Universe is absolute. (Movement-interaction is the Universe). The gravitational wave as a wave motion of a certain "clean" field (gravitational) cannot be detected. Since the transfer of energy of motion is carried out not by an abstract "space-time", but by any matter, the movement of such matter (including wave matter) is omnipresent.


There are no objects in the Universe that have the maximum and constant speed of movement. The speed of their movement is a function of gravitational interaction with the surrounding matter.


The interaction of radiation particle fluxes is the reason for the existence of the force of gravitational attraction. The change in the intensity of the interaction of particles (fluxes of emitted particles) determines the speed of mutual displacement of bodies and the magnitude of the gradient associated with mass indirectly. (The same masses can affect the test body at a selected point in different ways).


In the world of gravity, to which all material structures obey, the nature of any movement-interaction (electromagnetic, weak, nuclear) can only be described as force.


Magnetism is a consequence of the vortex motion, the interaction of matter and radiation of a specific material structure (object). Dynamically active objects (with a general vortex motion of matter and radiation) are formed in the form of vortex clots of matter, and not in the form of spheres, and this requires special conditions.


When forming dynamically active objects, the power of the acting (initial) impulse must correspond to the amount of matter (including with a specific density) perceiving the impulse. The formation (ejection) of objects with vortex motion-interaction of matter occurs when the square of the distance (dimensions) of the object and (or) the density of the substance is equal to

the numerical value of the gravitational constant (5).


Mass as a measure of the intensity of motion-interaction ("dynamic mass") cannot be acquired or lost by an object. This is the main inherent property of all material systems of the universe. Therefore, a decrease in the total energy of motion of an object participating in a gravitational interaction means a decrease in its dynamic mass.


Any movement-interaction of objects occurs in the area of the material medium with the existing gravitational radiation - the flux of emitted particles. All bodies move as relatively inert masses (when a pulse is received) or (and) freely fall into the field of a more global object. The dynamics of objects with the vortex motion of matter (magnetic) physically represents the same exchange of particle momenta in radiation fluxes, but is different from the interaction of other bodies in the nature and intensity of their movement.


In the rotational motion of the planet around the central cosmic body, its displacement as an inertial mass (as a result of a star ejection) is realized, and as a free fall in the field of a star.


Inertness of a body is characterized by acceleration, which is directly proportional to the force of interaction (impact) and inversely proportional to the mass of the body being moved (Newton's second law). This "mechanical inertness" is an apparent change in the parameters of movement with an incomplete account of all interactions in the material system under study.


The actual movement of the body as part of a common material system (including considered as a mechanical movement) is the result of the addition of several forces (interactions). The dynamics of the complex of objects under study must be characterized in this case by true (physical) acceleration. The term "inert mass" is not physically correct.


The true (physical) acceleration of the test body (moving and interacting with the RGR), which characterizes the gravitational mass, depends on the direction of movement of the body and the ratio of forces acting in this material system (6).


The dynamics of real objects can be physically characterized by mobility, which represents their relative ability to "free" movement in the area of the RGR (6). When the mass of a regional gravitational radiation source tends to infinity (in the limit it is the Universe), the mobility tends to zero. Mathematically local objects are fixed with respect to the Universe.


The acceleration of free fall of any of the bodies having a mass less than the mass of the object - the source of RGR, does not depend on the mass of the falling body, but is determined by the total impulse of the radiation particles generated by the regional object.

Mathematically, in this case, the true (physical) acceleration (as the ratio of forces) is equal to "one", since the force that provides the forced displacement of the body is equal to the force of interaction with the RGR (physically the forces are indistinguishable from each other).


For freely falling bodies, there is no difference in inertia. In this case, the acceleration of free fall characterizes the properties of the source of regional gravitational radiation, and characterizes the gravitational interaction.


Physically, with the free fall of the body, "inertness" and "mobility" represent unity. So, when taking into account all the interacting forces, the gravitational mass is always equal to the mass inert. In other words, it can be said that inertia is a consequence of gravitational interaction in the form of an exchange of impulses.


When moving the test body parallel to the trajectories of moving particles of the RGR and when the oppositely directed forces (gravitational interaction force and "mechanical force" driving the test body) are equal, there is no true acceleration. Mathematically, the acceleration cannot be equal to zero, since the "mechanical force" acts.


Electron - an object in the form of a dipole with a vortex motion of matter and radiation. The polarity of the electron is a consequence of the vortex motion of matter, which is "maternal" in relation to the electron. The body acquires dynamic characteristics only at its formation. The vortex motion of matter is best suited for explaining such a parameter of an object as "charge".


In the usual state, vortices-electrons are able to form into complex complexes due to the interaction with atoms of the substance of other objects. Moving electrons are not combined with each other, because the speed of their interaction is less than the speed of movement. When the kinetic energy of the particles decreases (cooling or changing the RGR), electrons are combined into pairs or more complex complexes, since the velocity of movement becomes comparable with the velocity of interaction.


In the composition of the atom, the dipoles-electrons are combined into groups due to the fact that their moving speed is reduced due to the gravitational interaction with the nucleons. The absence of symmetry in the arrangement of such groups of electrons can determine the magnetic properties of a substance (this is especially important for unpaired electrons as particles with the vortex motion of matter).


Electric current - oriented interaction of particles with the vortex motion of matter and radiation (charged particles). The main condition for the existence of electric current is the presence of a difference in the forces of motion-interaction in the total mass of

charged particles. The action of current is most effective in the presence of linear regions (channels natural or artificially created) with a difference in the forces of motion-interaction.


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White light dispersion is evidence that photons are emitted from a source with different intensity of vortex motion of their matter and radiation. Their interaction with other matter means that, like any object, photons have a specific dynamic mass.


The presence of a different dynamic mass means that the photons in the stream are separated by the magnitude of the pulse (classically - by wavelength or frequency). Therefore, photons do not transmit the impulse of the surrounding matter in the same way (classically - with electromagnetic interaction). This can be used to explain the redshift effect of the spectra of distant space objects. The dynamics of a photon at each moment of time is a function of true acceleration.


Objects of the Universe cannot physically be fixed simultaneously in the form of waves and particles. In each case (for different sources and receivers), the interaction is similar to either the wave process or the effects of the corpuscles on the receiver.


The photons of a specific stream also very weakly interact with the photons of the surrounding matter, since the speed of their mutual movement is much greater than the speed of gravitational interaction (7).


In any interaction (when moving a particle or wave motion of a material substance), the energy of motion is transferred. The reason for this is the absence of emptiness.


In the real world there is no antimatter as some kind of exotic substance. Particles with polar (relatively ordinary matter) motion of matter are formed in areas where there are intense and inhomogeneous (most likely, vortex) fluxes of radiation particles.


In the formed objects, the initial impulse of the vortex motion over time is spent in the interaction with the surrounding matter. Changing the direction of the vortex motion of matter (polarity) in such objects is possible only when exposed to a more intense and vortex gravitational radiation (the classical - magnetic field).


The different material composition of the planets of our system is a consequence of the characteristics of their formation (emission) by the Sun at the stage of its active dynamics. With the release in the form of toroids, a significant amount of motion was transmitted to the substance of future planets. The evolution of the planet represents two stages. After a short period of ejection, a long period of stationary existence has arrived, with the transformation of the primary toroid into an almost spherical object.

The hypothesis about the ejection of planets by the Sun requires a revision of the provisions justifying the Earth's age in billions of years. The reason for this is not only the lack of data on the amount of decay products of the nuclei of radioactive elements in a substance ejected by a star. Many geological data contradict the theory of the formation of the "cold Earth" used as the foundation of most natural sciences.


The biosphere is a complex superficial temporarily existing shell of a cosmic body. The duration of its normal evolution and its variability in time completely depend on the dynamics of the overall material system (on the change in the orientation of the planet when moving in an orbit, the distance to the Sun, the scale of the star's energy radiation).


Life (from the standpoint of the principles of the general structure of the world) is the only universal way to realize the eternal and constant movement-interaction of the matter of the Universe. Life as an eternal movement-interaction with respect to objects of the biosphere is not a unique property. Giving special status to such matter (interacting and changing in the composition of an evolving space object) is a subjective phenomenon.


The excess energy of motion in the material system is the main reason for the division of matter into several components. Concentration (accumulation) of a substance is promoted by the weakening of the energy of motion and weak in intensity of the RGR.


The evolution of biological organisms is the redistribution of the energy of motion as a sequence of interactions with the gradual complication of the structure of objects. The reflection of this complication can be different lengths of chromosomes. Mathematically the redistribution of the energy of motion corresponds well to the formation of system-fractals.


The evolution of the terrestrial biosphere is the circulation of conditionally biological material, the only possible way of existence of the shell. Such a cycle can be divided into two stages: a short in duration stage of accumulation of energy (matter) and a stage of stationary existence (8).


The genetic apparatus of a biological object can be represented as a structural complex of particles, in the composition and structure of which a sequence of movements-interactions is recorded, which are constantly carried out throughout the evolution of the organisms of a given species. The impossibility of interspecific crossing is proof of the reality of the postulate.


The genetic apparatus of any organism was formed in the process of evolution of structures in accordance with the principle of "including elements of perpetual motion-interaction into a single system for subsequent decay". The average life expectancy of a

person increases in proportion to the increase (over time) of the length of the information record in genetic structures.


At each moment of time, the material world (or its part) can be represented either as a set of objects of approximately the same structure and different in rank (quantity of substance), or identical in rank, but different in structure. The number of combinations in the interaction of these objects tends to infinity. Therefore, a complete decoding of the human genome as such a sequence of movements-interactions is impossible.


The limited existence of any organism is a consequence of the locality of relative movement-interaction, which has a beginning and an end. The logical nature of this limitation in time follows from the fact that the sequence of movements-interactions throughout the entire evolution of this type of organism is not yet complete in this material system.


The time of the "dynamic life" of an object is the ratio of the impulse received during the formation to the force of gravitational interaction during its movement. This is true for any objects. So physically correctly explained the "twin paradox" (9).


The duration of the existence of the planet in its relative motion around the star is also finite. It depends on the momentum received by the planet and the intensity of its consumption during the gravitational interaction.


The final stage of the evolution of the planet is the formation of a spherical object. The vortex motion of matter in its composition (total magnetic field) decreases in intensity and continues to exist as a set of separate vortices. The vortices correspond to the local structures of the lithosphere and the mantle of the Earth (classically, this is a multi-dipole magnetic field).


Like any object of a particular rank, man is a derivative of the general system of cosmic bodies, a component of the upper shell of the planet. The endowment of such an object with exceptional properties is subjective. The existing information makes it possible to consider a rather realistic hypothesis of the appearance on Earth of a "reasonable person" as a representative of the organic world of another planet.


Involving in the interaction of an increasing amount of matter of the planetary system, the human community concentrates a large amount of motion energy. Such a process is extended over time by thousands of years.


The energy accumulated and not spent on earthly existence can be used by man to interact on other planets or outside the solar system. The construction of a "civilized infrastructure" outside the Earth, even under favorable conditions, also takes a long time (10).

Through the movement-interaction outside the solar system, the terrestrial human civilization ceases to be such!


Purposefully changing the world means changing the interaction parameters of its components. But in interaction there are always two sides. The planet cannot, without reason, stop its orbit. A person has the right to choose - which of the parties to the interaction to give preference. The right choice is important primarily for a person.


During the entire existence of a substance called the civilized world, there has not been a case where the mental ability of organisms as a small part of the material system led to the destruction of this system.


(1) Mathematics was born from observations of objects around the world. But it developed and at some point in time became relatively independent. (It is believed that the electromagnetic field itself exists as such, having come off its source). The benefits of math are enormous. However, "in the development of mathematics there is a logic of its own, which often leads away from the applied path. Whole theories are being created that are not related to applications, but extremely beautiful in their own way"; (opinion of the famous mathematician L.S. Pontryagin; 1983). Very often, such theories are only available to mathematicians, so it is important to find a boundary beyond which one can not be surprised by the following postulate: "The greatest achievement of human genius is that a person can understand things that he can no longer imagine"; (from the statements of the Nobel Prize winner in physics, L.D. Landau).

(2) Due to the radiation (generation) of energy that does not exist without matter, ordinary bodies, space objects, organisms of the biosphere change. The substance completely or partially changes its phase state, structure when cooled or heated (this also applies to our planet). Constant radiation is manifested in the spontaneous decay of the nuclei of atoms of radioactive elements (their structure is converted to a more compact and dynamically less active). The extent of the decrease in the amount of a substance generating radiation must be assessed with the correct choice of reference point and taking into account all interactions in the material system chosen for the study.

(3) This reduction was introduced for the convenience of presentation of the material and focusing on the physical nature of the substance classically represented by the field of aggression. RGR - regional gravitational radiation as streams of particles generated by a large object and interacting with particles of radiation of a local body.

(4) According to measurements of the magnitude of the gravitational constant (G) for 184 years (19 experiments performed from 1798 to 1982), the average value is closest to 6,666. The consistency of just such a value as the main characteristic of the dynamics of the material world is justified earlier [1; 2]. In the formulation of the law of world wideness, the equality of the square of the distance to the numerical

value (without taking into account the order) of the gravitational constant means that in the interaction of objects of different scales (by rank) the interaction force is equivalent to the interacting masses.

Mutual attraction of bodies is the result of the interaction of impulses of particles generated by bodies. Interaction is the exchange of energy of motion. In accordance with the law of the world, the dimension of the gravitational constant (G) is the ratio m3 / kg-1 • s-2. Determine the physical nature of the coefficient G. For the case of gravitational interaction, the mass is inert (classical) in the form of a dynamic parameter as a function of the velocity of the object (mD = 1/u) [1]. (The speed of an object moving and interacting with the surrounding matter is inversely proportional to its mass).

The equality G = Fr2/m2 can be converted to the form G = Fu2r2. In terms of dimensions, this gives kg • m5 / s4. The resulting dimension can be represented as the product of two factors [kg • m2 / s2] • [m3 / s2]. The first factor is the work, the second one characterizes the acceleration in relation to the volume.

We have obtained that the gravitational constant can be interpreted as the product of work (A) on the exchange of pulses by the intensity of the involvement (change) of the volume (V) of a material substance in a gravitational interaction per unit time (acceleration): G = A • dV The more work for the exchange of impulses for this object, the smaller the amount of material substance required to perform the same work. When unidirectional movement of the interacting particle to perform the same work, its speed should be the greater, the smaller such particle in the amount of substance (classically - in mass; this removes the limitation on speed limit). With a large increase in the volume of the material substance under study (mathematically -striving for infinity), the work tends to zero. The mathematical universe becomes dynamically inactive, which is contrary to eternity and constancy of movement!

(5) To perform the same work, bodies of different ranks move at different speeds. Therefore, mD = 1/u. The impulse as a product of classical mass and velocity is equal to "one". The impulse can be considered as a quantum of the energy of the motion-interaction - the graviton. The formation of a specific dynamically active ("living") object is the process of separating it from the "parent" system under the influence of a pulse (p) of a certain magnitude. At the same time, the radius r (dimensions) of the object or (and) the amount of a substance (the main parameter here is density; denote it by pk) must be correlated with the numerical value of the gravitational constant (for example, 6.666; 66.666) as r = 6.66605; r = 66.66605. The numerical values of the "quantization level" for dynamically active systems (excluding order) are 2,582 and 8,165. The representation of the gravitational interaction as an exchange of pulses can be considered as a quantization of the energy of motion.

The dynamic unity of the radiation (emission) of particles, concentrating the substance of the radiating object, can be assumed from the following data. The density of the iron group elements (iron, cobalt) is in

the range of 7870-8900 kg/m3 (pk = 8165). These are dense ferromagnetic metals. Strontium is a paramagnetic metal with a density of 2540 kg/m3 (pk = 2582). Apparently, very weak radiation is not capable of concentrating diamagnetic mercury. Despite its high density (13520 kg/m3), it is a liquid (pk / 2 = 12910). Such a substance as air is weakly concentrated. Density of dry air at 0 °C is 1.292 kg/m3 (pk / 2 = 1.291). We offer readers to answer the question: "Can we consider "living" sea water with a density of 1030 kg/m3, because if you take into account the organic matter existing in it, the density will be greater"?

(6) "Mechanical acceleration" (a) is directly proportional to the force acting (Fi) and inversely proportional to the mass (m) of the moving body; (Newton's second law; characteristic of inertial mass). A superficial analysis of this ratio allows the bodies to be inert (it can be characterized as the "mechanical inertness" of the body). In this case, inertia is the ability of the body to resist the applied force. However, in fact, when telling the displaced bodies the amount of movement proportional to their masses (amount of substance), the speed of their movement and acceleration will be unchanged (without taking into account other forces, for example, friction forces).

Consider the dynamics in the experience of throwing up vertically a body interacting with a regional gravitational radiation of an object having a mass M. In this case, it is logical to consider the mobility of the body as the reciprocal of mechanical inertness. Mobility can be characterized by true (physical) acceleration (a); physically a 4 1/a. (Here we are trying to characterize the gravitational mass). Obviously, the true acceleration of the moving test body (when it is acted on by the same force F) depends on the strength of its interaction with the RGR created by the mass M: a = F/(G mM/r2). The greater the force of such an interaction, the less acceleration a body with a mass m receives.

The true acceleration a of the moving body turned out to be dimensionless, since it is a function (ratio) of interacting forces, and does not directly depend on intangible substances: distance and time. Using true acceleration, we have characterized the mobility of the body as its dynamic property. Indeed, we see that with equality of forces, acceleration is equal to unity. Physically, this is a dimensionless unit in the form of a detached and relatively stationary impulse, since the material system is considered without relative displacement.

However, in practice we always use the distance (r). In the same experiment (but with different masses M), the displacement of the test (single) body can be represented by the formula t = r2/G M. The mobility (t) of a moving single body (receiving impulse) is directly proportional to the square of the body's distance from the RGR source and inversely proportional to the mass of this source (the amount of its substance). And here the dimension (s2/m) corresponds to the physical nature of the studied parameter of the material object. At the same distance from the source mass, the movement of 1 m requires more time, the greater the force acting on the body by

a more global object. For example, compared to the Earth on the Moon (or at a great distance from massive objects), a test body, when subjected to the same force, has greater freedom of movement. When the mass of the general system tends to infinity (in the limit it is the Universe), the mobility of the body tends to zero. It turns out that mathematically local objects are fixed with respect to the Universe. Physically, it is not.

(7) The interaction of photons as particles and as electromagnetic waves with external electromagnetic radiation and a magnetic field is a very difficult process to study. However, the interaction effects of such matter are well known and widely used, for example, in the operation of radar systems. In quantum electrodynamics, multiple (n > 4) interactions between particles are considered. As n increases, the probability of photon interaction increases (physically, the particle velocity decreases). In accordance with the Coulomb's law, the power electromagnetic interaction is carried out by means of photons in the field of charged particles. This means that the charge is a characteristic of objects with the vortex motion of matter participating in force interaction through the exchange of impulses of radiation particles.

(8) The first stage of the formation of the biosphere. When a sufficient amount of water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, phosphorus, other elements, as well as solar energy were supplied to the upper shells of the planet, the first clots of the substance formed. When the intensity of the earth's gravitational radiation changed, such large cell molecules separated (probably, it was a binary separation). But the first separation of the molecule was not connected with the impulse of some external particle. It was an internal impulse of the primary structure being formed - the primary elementary restructuring. But if the force of action is always equal to the force of counteraction, then a certain element must have formed in the substance of the structure, accumulating a pulse equal in magnitude to the separation impulse, but opposite in direction (according to the recoil principle when fired).

Apparently, this was the way the accumulation of constituent elements took place, which "remembered" the formation of the organism as a sequence of all movements-interactions. So accumulated genetic information. Intensive movement of matter at this time hindered the large-scale formation of complex multicellular structures. At the same time, it follows from the above information that eukaryotic communities should have existed almost simultaneously with prokaryotes. The chain of transformations could not be interrupted.

The second stage of the formation of the biosphere is the time to reduce the intensity of movement of "biological" matter, the period of the formation of more uniform flows of gravitational radiation, and the

equalization of the temperature regime. Cells that previously participated in the separation were able to unite into more complex structures. By this time, the amount of matter accumulated in the shell is sufficient for the existence of the full cycle (the successive creation of the food pyramid). So in a relatively short time many species of organisms could have formed. Under favorable conditions, cells with genetic information (the recorded sequence of transformations) were combined. This ensured and ensures reproduction - the most important function of the organisms of the biosphere. In the presence of the source material for this, at the stage of stationary existence, the species of organisms received a kind of (relative) independence. Such relativity of independence is a consequence of the end in time circulation of the biological material of the planet.

(9) Each object, interacting with the gravitational radiation of the planet, has an initial impulse. This impulse is communicated to the body during its formation (ejection) and determines its further dynamics (evolution). At the stage of normal evolution, the initial amount of motion is consumed. Apparently, for all objects of the biosphere, the initial impulse is a sequence of interactions recorded in the genome that governs the development of an organism in the period from the confluence of germ cells to the stage of an adult. It is characteristic that the duration of this period is also much less than the duration of the stage of normal evolution (most often 4 times).

The time of such an evolution (t) is directly proportional to the momentum (p) and inversely proportional to the force (intensity) of the gravitational interaction (F) of the object during its existence as a separate system (t = p/F). Mathematically, with the force of gravitational interaction tending to zero, the lifetime of a formed (ejected) object tends to infinity (the "twin paradox"). Otherwise (F ^ ®) the object is not able to exist as a separate material system.

(10) The large-scale development of other planets is impossible with the use of all the resources at the disposal of the civilized community. In relation to the mass of Mars, the mass of even 10 billion earthlings is only 1/1018 part. Only after hundreds of years (even with the necessary knowledge), under the condition of successful "construction", can we expect that "quantity will turn into quality".


1. Apanovich I.A. On motion, gravity, geodynamics and terrestrial evolution. LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Saarbrucken Germany. 2014, 625 p.

2. Apanovich I.A. Unknown Land. Why do we die? Krasnoyarsk, 2016, 128 p.

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