Научная статья на тему 'On the nature of the gravitational ihteraction that affects the ocean tides'

On the nature of the gravitational ihteraction that affects the ocean tides Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Apanovich I.

Our ideas about the structure of the world are based on theories and hypotheses, often contradictory. The physical essence of natural processes is not always accessible to a simple explanation. Summarizing the parameters of many components of a complex system, we form models that are far from reality. The article shows the simple nature of gravity as an eternal movement with impulse exchange. The mutual attraction of bodies is determined not by their masses, but by the power of the interacting fluxes of gravitational radiation. On this basis, a possible relationship between the magnitude of the lunar tidal interval and the parameters of the blocks of the earth's crust that generate different fluxes of particle-momentum pulses of gravitational radiation is considered.

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Текст научной работы на тему «On the nature of the gravitational ihteraction that affects the ocean tides»



Apanovich I.

Mining engineer-geophysicist. Siberian Production and Geological Association.



Our ideas about the structure of the world are based on theories and hypotheses, often contradictory. The physical essence of natural processes is not always accessible to a simple explanation. Summarizing the parameters of many components of a complex system, we form models that are far from reality. The article shows the simple nature of gravity as an eternal movement with impulse exchange. The mutual attraction of bodies is determined not by their masses, but by the power of the interacting fluxes of gravitational radiation. On this basis, a possible relationship between the magnitude of the lunar tidal interval and the parameters of the blocks of the earth's crust that generate different fluxes of particle-momentum pulses of gravitational radiation is considered.

Keywords: Gravitation, dynamics, the Earth's crust, the lunar tidal interval.

Cyclones destroy cities.

The anticyclones do not restore a city.

What is the reason for this discrepancy?

Gravity is a force interaction, realized through the exchange of energy of motion between bodies. Measuring the force of impact and mass, it is easy to calculate the acceleration acquired by the body. The mutual attraction of two suspended balls or the attraction of the ball by the Earth occurs without any visible effect. Mathematicians proposed a law that describes this process well. Why did physicists find it difficult to find the substance involved in the transmission of the interaction? You will say that one of the reasons is the difficulty in carrying out the experiments. It's right! But, perhaps, the experiments were not so diverse as to reveal the nature of the particles that transmit the energy of motion.

Indeed, there is no description in our textbooks of experiments on the gravitational interaction of cold and heated suspended balls, bodies with different shapes or with different compositions (diamagnetics and paramagnets). Separate reports of this kind are always regarded as unscientific. However, how fully characterizes the power interaction of a mathematician? Why is nobody measured gravitational interaction between microparticles considered to be vanishingly small in comparison with the same nuclear forces? What is the reason for the fact that without the exchange of impulses (force interaction), researchers failed to mathematically show the nature of magnetism?

Previously, it was shown that the most realistic numerical value of the gravitational constant should be taken as 6.6666 [6] [1; 2]. (This value, which does not require constant refinement, is obtained as an average from the results of experiments carried out for almost 200 years). The possibility of representing the mass as a quantity equivalent to the interaction force was also shown. Do not you understand the statement of such a

question? But imagine that the planet has accumulated huge mountains of coal, iron and gold. How long will they remain without traffic? Coal will soon be on fire. And iron and gold? Let's try to find some acceptable solution.

We transform the formula of the law of universal gravitation (when the mass "M" of our planet informs the unit mass of the acceleration "g"), dividing both sides of the equality by the gravitational constant we have accepted. We obtain the formula

1,5g1010 = M/r2.

Excluding the average value of the centrifugal force (1.7 Gal), with an average acceleration force of 9.789 m/s2, we obtain expression

14,6835 1010 = M/r2.

This means that the same value of the acceleration of the force of attraction will be fixed for different values of mass and distance (r), but provided that the ratio of the quantities does not change. The set of values of mass and radius is infinite. After all, the gravitational constant is a coefficient of proportionality. The obtained number also shows that in the case of mutual compensation of local gravitational fields, we lose the possibility of unambiguous identification of parts of the planet from their gravitational effects. However, without further analysis, we can not find out some details of the movement-interaction of material substance. Any scenario of the dynamics of objects becomes equally probable. For example, the question of the presence of matter in some systems of vortex motion (magnetization) remains unresolved. Therefore, we determine for which values of the radius we can obtain the value of the mass of the planet, which is numerically equal to the acceleration of the attractive force (we shall assume that such equality has the required equivalence). The results of the calculations are given in Table 1.

Table 1

"Equivalent" values of the radius and ^ mass of parts of the planet

Radius, m Square of radius, m2 (n-1010) Weight, kg (n 1020) Note

2582 0,0006666 0,009789

8165 0,006666 0,09789

25820 0,06666 0,9789

81649 0,6666 9,7889

258200 6,6666 97,8899

816490 66,6666 978,899

2582000 666,666 9788,99

6374000 4063 59659 Full weight

Using the logarithms of calculated values for clarity, we obtain a linear dependence as a mathematical characteristic of an incomplete set of components of a particular system. A number of objects are infinite, and mathematics confirms this. But a number of values of radius is a geometric progression with a denominator of 3,16. Increased by 0,02 value (relative to the number n) characterizes the dynamic state of the system [4].

We assumed that in this case, mathematics does not play the role of "the only perfect method that allows to conduct a researcher by the nose" (from the statements of A. Einstein), but gives a valuable clue in the process of knowing the structure of the world. "Equivalent values" characterize the dimensions of many dynamically active systems, the density of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic substances. Linking the presence of such values with the possibility of quantizing the energy levels of motion, the following conclusion was made earlier. "Quantization of gravitational energy means that a system organized in accordance with allowed equivalence radii (quantization levels), when it reaches the appropriate mass (the amount of matter with a given density) becomes active in its development, characterized by the presence of a vortex rotation of matter, hence - of the total magnetic field "[2; 3].

You have certainly noticed that it is easier to conclude that there is a vortex motion in an already existing system. But if the movement is eternal and constant, will there be a vortex movement in the mountain from the accumulating iron? Agree, this is

already a logical enough clue in the search for an answer not only to the question posed above. Perhaps this is the origin of many objects of different rank after the stage of the maximum expenditure of the initial impulse matter (in physics this is the system's striving for a state with a minimum of potential energy). In the special case, when the radius of the spherical material formation is replaced by the radius of curvature (and the assumption of its faster increase in comparison with the volume), we can assume that our planet is in the compression stage (n = 0,75VRk3) [2].

But how is the infinite set of objects represented physically? If each system of the same rank is the sum of smaller parts, then they can simply be summed. This is usually done by operating the percentage content of the atoms of a given element in the earth substance. If you are a fan of arithmetic, get to work! However, you will not advance farther than electrons. Trying to understand how the world is organized in which there are an infinite number of objects, one should not once again turn to statics. After all, our planet is not just the sum of parts, it is the "dynamic sum of parts".

Hence, a successful solution to the problem is possible only on the basis of studying the real interaction of bodies and the evolution of complex systems. It is necessary to study constantly forming and temporarily existing objects. If objects of rank B (for example, planets) are considered to be components of system A (the Solar system), then their number is not infinite and is determined by the gravity of the general system (Fig. 1).

Objects more massive than Jupiter does not exist in our system, planets smaller than Mercury can be considered objects of another rank (although there is no strict regularity). As part of the primary planet there were no plates of the lithosphere, they formed later. Atoms as objects of a given rank in the composition of the planet are also finite. The most massive atoms ceased to exist even in the era of intense motion of the matter of the cosmic body, the most "light" and now periodically leave the planet.

All this is true for objects of any rank. Having its own gravitational field - a stream of particle-radiation pulses, they either take part in the construction of more regional systems, or saturate surrounding matter, interacting with it. Thus, there is no infinite number of objects in a particular education. Estimating the mass of the planet, we do not get an infinite value. It is impossible to calculate the number of quarks in the earth substance! Why? Because in terrestrial matter there are masses in the form of vortex structures, there are slabs of the lithosphere, there are crystals of rocks, there are molecules and atoms. As a result of the natural decay of the nuclei of radioactive elements, we can fix radiation particles. Without great difficulty, we will estimate the thermal radiation of the planet, because the movement with the exchange of impulses is eternal and constant. But we can only form quarks by creating the appropriate conditions, and, of course, we will try to calculate them. True, there will not be much benefit from this.

The benefit of our reasoning is that once again our world could not be imagined without an eternal and constant movement with an exchange of impulses. But you always need two objects to exchange. We can

organize an experiment in which the forces acting on the object are balanced (this is easily done at the space orbital station). However, the object does not disappear. For example, a drop of water in such conditions takes the form of a sphere. Hence, there always exist forces connecting the constituent parts of the object, concentrating any body. The reason for the existence of these forces is most logical to consider the interaction of matter and radiation in an indissoluble unity, to which [the unity] corresponds the law of "equality of action and opposition." All bodies are dynamic polar systems!

Movement-interaction of matter and radiation is eternal and permanent (G = 6,666[6]10-11), and the proof of constancy is the different speed of moving of interacting objects. The intensity of interaction (the work of gravity forces) determines both the speed of movement, and the time of motion of the body in the surrounding matter. The moving billiard ball interacts with the surface of the table (air in our experience is pumped out of the hall), for a while transferring the initial impulse to the table. How relevant is the question of the rate of propagation of gravitational interaction in this case? The answer to this question in classical physics will not be, since you will be shown the presence of an inert mass, with gravity connected quite uneasy.

However, having installed a suspension with a test unit mass at the end of the table, we will have to solve the problem of determining the time interval through which the trial mass will move after the start of the ball motion. It is clear that this can not happen immediately. This effect will not be realized instantaneously even if the trial mass is increased 2 times, retaining the

previous volume. With an unchanged distance between the ball and the trial mass, the interaction force will increase by a factor of 2. Will the increased trial mass respond faster to the impact? If we assume that the earth's gravity responsible for the mass inertia is absent inside the orbital station, will the increased attraction force serve as the reason for the acceleration increase? Will the heavier test mass move faster? It will not be, because we organized an experiment similar to the process of falling bodies in the earth's gravitational field, when the acceleration does not depend on the mass (falling) of the attracted body. Mathematically, everything is simple. A proportional increase in the force of action and mass does not lead to a change in acceleration (this follows from the law of Isaac Newton).

In fact, the increased trial mass has a more intense radiation, capable of interacting with a large number of particle-impulses of the attracting sphere, and the acceleration does not change. But physically the experiment with free falling of different bodies at one point is uninteresting. After all, in another area, the speed of moving the test (freely falling) body will change due to a change in the acceleration due to the changed attraction force. However, we are more interested in the details of the physical process.

Blocks of the earth's crust, experiencing lunar attraction, can not "fall freely". These are objects that participate in a more complex way in the gravitational interaction. Earlier, the author analyzed the relationship between speed (u) and acceleration (a) in a situation where the classical mass acted as a "dynamic" mass, interpreted as a reciprocal of the velocity of motion in the case of gravitational interaction [2]. As a "graviton" there was a pulse equal to "one" (1 = p; 1 = kg • m/s). In this case, the interaction force (F) is equal to the ratio of acceleration to speed. It is clear that with increasing strength of the interaction, in order to maintain the constancy of the acceleration, the velocity must decrease (a = F • u). This is feasible either by decreasing the distance traveled (S), or by increasing the travel time (t); (a = F • S/t), or a simultaneous change of both parameters. In accordance with the mechanism of gravitational interaction, the movement of any body occurs only in the region where the energy of motion is reduced [1; 2].

But blocks of the earth's crust ("test masses"), experiencing the lunar attraction, can not (like "bodies of Galileo") "fall freely" into the emerging region of maximum interaction of radiation fluxes, moving toward the attracting mass. In fact, with an increased trial mass, the flux density of radiation particles will increase and the region of maximum interaction will move somewhat closer to the attracting mass. The distance will increase. Hence, the time during which there will be a redistribution of forces in the field of interaction and the associated movement of the masses must increase. Thus, we have once again confirmed that the relative speed of moving of interacting bodies is directly proportional to the acceleration and inversely proportional to the force of the gravitational interaction (u = a / F).

Let's continue the "theoretical experiment". We

will increase the force of interaction between bodies, increasing the trial mass. If the acceleration is unchanged, the travel time will increase, providing a reduction in speed. When the interacting bodies are equal in mass, the time will be infinitely large, and the velocity will become zero. You can recall the experience with the collision of identical balls and decide whether to consider time a material substance, or to be satisfied by the fact that in the exchange of the same impulses, the visible energy of motion is converted into the same energy of the constituent parts of a more global system.

Our experience allowed us to establish the following. The change in the arrangement of bodies and the change in the parameters of the region of their gravitational interaction (RGI) are tightly connected. For a small test body, the RGI is local and its center, where the maximum extinguishing of the opposing streams of pulses occurs, is located near the test body. In this local area, the attracted object moves faster. (Here we can even see an analog of the "curved Einstein space"). As the attracted mass increases, the travel time increases. In the presence of identical masses that are able to generate radiation fluxes of equal density, the interaction region "smears" and is located approximately at the same distance from the bodies. The speed of mutual displacement of bodies in this case is minimal.

Now we can assume that in a frame of reference that is not related to interacting bodies, RGI moves with a speed determined by the speed of movement of objects and the speed of particles-transmitters of energy of motion. We can not imagine the situation with real objects, devoid of radiation fluxes (unipolar systems do not exist). RGI are always formed and changed in accordance with the real situation. Remembering that not the value of any parameter, and its gradient is the cause of motion-interaction, we will understand that everything is physically logical. Intensive movement is inherent in objects near which high-gradient regions of non-curved space are formed, and interactions of fluxes of radiation particles.

The present constructions allow you to physically more correctly comprehend the information presented. It is not necessary to decide the speed of propagation of abstract gravitational interaction. Each system of objects corresponds to its relatively simple in structure or more complex region of gravitational interaction of radiation fluxes. In an eternally existing world, the influence of such a system on other objects is a fact! And only the researcher makes a decision - whether to limit the description of the dynamics of the local system of objects, or to involve in consideration a lot of surrounding bodies, immensely complicating the task.

The analysis can be applied to the search for one of the reasons that can at least partially explain the delay effect of the real ocean tide (or low tide?) in relation to the location of the moon. Such a lag (the lunar tidal interval - LTI) can reach 12 hours. Probably, the spread of LTI values in combination with other factors is explained by the different speed of movement of terrestrial masses interacting with the Moon, generating unequal fluxes of gravitational radiation.

Earlier, during the analysis of the duration of the stationary stage of the functioning of material systems, the "dynamic mass" was also used. The rate of change in the state of an object (interaction with displacement) is inversely proportional to the product of the density of this body (a) by its volume (V): (u = 1/a • V) [2]. True, you can see that mathematically our conclusions are incorrect because of the mismatch of dimensions. But one of the tasks of the work is to show the physical essence of the real gravitational interaction. Mathematical digitization of radiation fluxes and their interactions is possible using field theory. This is the business of the "future". The logic of our constructions can be supported by the following.

To show the physical nature of the vertical gradient of the attractive force, one can use the "interaction mass" (Mg) as an analog of the pulse corresponding to the radiation flux. If "intensive displacement is inherent in objects near which highgradient regions of interaction of radiation fluxes are formed," the velocity of displacement is proportional to the vertical gradient of the attractive force (Vzz) and it is a characteristic of the inertia of the blocks of the

The dependence is practically zero, so the influence of another factor is possible. The points placed on the geoid relief map ranked according to the magnitude of the LTI points show a well-marked regularity in the arrangement (Fig. 3). Items with the maximum delay in response to the influence of the lunar mass are confined not only to areas with long and complex bays (for example, the Gulf of California). The points are located in the areas of major anomalies of the geoid or near the ancient Precambrian platforms. Indeed, according to our hypothesis, the slowest

Then Vzz = Mg/a V; u = 1/aV

These formulas correspond well to each other (the relative magnitude of the momentum Mg is unity). To obtain the required dimension, one can replace the velocity in the second formula by its expression in the form of the ratio of acceleration to the interaction force (u = a / F).

So, we have obtained that the speed of movement of blocks of the earth's crust as a response to the interaction of opposing streams of Earth and Moon pulses can depend inversely as a function of the product of density and volume of such structural elements. Why not from their mass? Because an object with a density of 1 kg/m3 and a volume of 1000 m3 is not dynamically identical to a body with a density of 1000 kg/m3 and a volume of 1 m3. The gravitational interaction of such objects in the system "planet-satellite" is different.

And now it is already possible to partially present the available information about the peculiarities of ocean tides caused by the primary displacement of the Earth relative to the Moon. We analyzed the ratio of the values of LTI (based on site.sub.ru/viewtopic.php/) with the height of the geoid relief, assuming its close

displacements will experience large blocks of the earth's crust. For example, geoid anomalies may correspond to them. Such structural elements may be plates of ancient platforms. The minimum values of the LTI will be observed when studying tides in areas with a lack of large monolithic rock massifs, in areas of considerable crustal crustal areas. In the geoid relief, areas of an even surface and gradient zones may correspond to such regions.

earth's crust.

relationship with the gravitational field (Fig. 2).


80 e «■


<D £ 20

£ 0


CD -20

^ -40 O

-80 -100



o OO O

° a °

1-u—a-*--s- ' e

» e

Q e o o _

® o

f(x) = 0,0082558535x + 7,034820383


100 200 300 400

Tidal Interval,

r 500 minutes




Fig. 2. Dependence of the lunar tidal interval on the geoid relief anomalies associated with the gravitational field of the Earth

Uncertainty in the ratio of interacting masses and the associated radiation fluxes complicates our conclusions. The average value of the vertical gradient of the attractive force for the Earth (0,3086 mGal/m) corresponds to a lunar vertical gradient of 0,1869 mGal/m. Real measurements (in one of the regions of Kamchatka) received a minimum value of 0,2069 mGal/m, and these are very close values. We do not know what masses of the lunar lithosphere are involved in creating a flux of gravitational radiation. It can be either "mascons" or layers of less dense rocks. In any case, the minimum recorded LTI values may serve as an indication of the presence of a mobile (fragmented) crust in the area. This is another way of studying the tectonic structure of terrestrial sequences and the forecast of earthquakes.

The study of the dynamics of ocean tides and the solution of other problems is not the main goal of this

article. The main goal is to show that the basis of all natural phenomena is the gravitational interaction as an eternal and constant movement with an exchange of impulses.


1. Apanovich I.A. Gravitation as a multidirectional motion of matter // Russian Geophysical Journal. St. Petersburg .- 2002, iss. 27-28. P. 99-105 .

2. Apanovich I.A. Geodynamics. Problems and perspectives.- Krasnoyarsk, 2010.- 230 pages.

3. Apanovich I.A. On the motion, gravity, geodynamics and terrestrial evolution. LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2014.- 625 pages.

4. Apanovich I.A.. Unknown Earth. Why do we die? Krasnoyarsk, 2016.- 128 pages.

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