Организационная психология. 2016. Т. 6. № 2. С. 121-126.
20 самых цитируемых и 20 самых свежих научных публикаций про баланс между работой и личной жизнью
Информация приводится по данным реферативной базы Web of Science компании Thomson Reuters. Поиск производился по запросу «work-life balance» в названиях и ключевых словах публикаций в рамках организационно-психологической и смежных тематик. Учитывались статьи только на английском языке. В столбце «Количество цитирований» указано абсолютное число цитирований данной публикации в Web of Science за все время ее существования. Данные о количестве цитирований собраны 15.06.2016.
Ключевые слова: баланс работа-личная жизнь; библиометрия; цитирование.
Таблица 1. 20 самых цитируемых публикаций про баланс между работой и личной жизнью
№ п/п
Название и выходные данные
Количество цитирований
Shanafelt, T. D., Boone, S., Tan, L., Dyrbye, L. N., Sotile, W., Satele, D., ... & Oreskovich, M. R. (2012). Burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance among US physicians relative to the general US population. Archives of internal medicine, 172(18), 1377-1385.
Greenhaus, J. H., Collins, K. M., & Shaw, J. D. (2003). The relation between work-family balance and quality of life. Journal of vocational behavior, 63(3), 510-531.
White, M., Hill, S., McGovern, P., Mills, C., & Smeaton, D. (2003). "High-performance" Management Practices, Working Hours and Work-Life Balance. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 41(2), 175-195.
Keeton, K., Fenner, D. E., Johnson, T. R., & Hayward, R. A. (2007). Predictors of physician career satisfaction, work-life balance, and burnout. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 109(4), 949-955.
Smithson, J., & Stokoe, E. H. (2005). Discourses of work-life balance: negotiating "genderblind" terms in organizations. Gender, Work & Organization, 12(2), 147-168.
Hill, E. J., Miller, B. C., Weiner, S. P., & Colihan, J. (1998). Influences of the virtual office on aspects of work and work/life balance. Personnel psychology, 51(3), 667-683.
Lewis, S., Gambles, R., & Rapoport, R. (2007). The constraints of a "work-life balance" approach: An international perspective. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(3), 360-373.
Hill, E. J., Ferris, M., & Martinson, V. (2003). Does it matter where you work? A comparison of how three work venues (traditional office, virtual office, and home office) influence aspects of work and personal/family life. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63(2), 220-241.
Guest, D. E. (2002). Perspectives on the study of work-life balance. Social Science Information, 41(2), 255-279.
Beauregard, T. A., & Henry, L. C. (2009). Making the link between work-life balance practices and organizational performance. Human resource management review, 19(1), 9-22.
Golden, T. D., Veiga, J. F., & Simsek, Z. (2006). Telecommuting's differential impact on work-family conflict: Is there no place like home? Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(6), 1340-1350.
Loscocco, K. A. (1997). Work-family linkages among self-employed women and men. Journal of Vocational behavior, 50(2), 204-226.
Bulger, C. A., Matthews, R. A., & Hoffman, M. E. (2007). Work and personal life boundary management: boundary strength, work/personal life balance, and the segmentation-integration continuum. Journal of occupational health psychology, 12(4), 365-375.
Warren, T. (2004). Working part-time: achieving a successful "work-life" balance? The British journal of sociology, 55(1), 99-122.
Beutell, N. J., & Wittig-Berman, U. (2008). Work-family conflict and work-family synergy for generation X, baby boomers, and matures: Generational differences, predictors, and satisfaction outcomes. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(5), 507-523.
Casper, W. J., Weltman, D., & Kwesiga, E. (2007). Beyond family-friendly: The construct and measurement of singles-friendly work culture. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 70(3), 478-501.
Bohle, P., Quinlan, M., Kennedy, D., & Williamson, A. (2004). Working hours, work-life conflict and health in precarious and "permanent" employment. Revista de Saúde Pública, 38, 19-25.
Aziz, S., & Zickar, M. J. (2006). A cluster analysis investigation of workaholism as a syndrome. Journal of occupational health psychology, 11(1), 52-62.
Lyness, K. S., & Judiesch, M. K. (2008). Can a manager have a life and a career? International and multisource perspectives on work-life balance and career advancement potential. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(4), 789-805.
Dex, S., & Bond, S. (2005). Measuring work-life balance and its covariates. Work, Employment & Society, 19(3), 627-637._
Таблица 2. 20 наиболее свежих публикаций про баланс между работой и личной жизнью
№ п/п
Название и выходные данные
Количество цитирований
1. Russo, M., Shteigman, A., & Carmeli, A. (2016). Workplace and family support and work-life
balance: Implications for individual psychological availability and energy at work. The Journal of 0
Positive Psychology, 11(2), 173-188.
2. Mas-Machuca, M., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., & Alegre, I. (2016). Work-life balance and its
relationship with organizational pride and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(2), 0
3. Barnes, C. M., Lefter, A., Bhave, D. P., & Wagner, D. T. (2016). The Benefit of Bad Economies:
Business Cycles and Time-Based Work-Life Conflict. Journal of occupational health psychology, 0
21(2), 235-249.
4. Zhou, W., Guan, Y., Xin, L., Mak, M. C. K., & Deng, Y. (2016). Career success criteria and locus of
control as indicators of adaptive readiness in the career adaptation model. Journal of Vocational 0
Behavior, 94, 124-130.
5. Van Emmerik, IJ.H., Bakker, A.B., Westman, M., & Peeters, M.C.W. (2016). Spillover and crossover processes: Consequences for work-life balance. Striving for balance, 97-111. 0
6. Binnewies, C. (2016). Current perspectives on work-life balance: Moving toward a resource-
oriented framework. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 224(1), 34-45. 0
7. Direnzo, M. S., Greenhaus, J. H., & Weer, C. H. (2015). Relationship between protean career
orientation and work-life balance: A resource perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 4
36(4), 538-560.
8. Versey, H. S. (2015). Managing work and family: Do control strategies help? Developmental psychology, 51(11), 1672-1681.
Органмзацмоннаfl ncuxonoma. 2015. T. 6. № 2.
9. Ramos, R., Brauchli, R., Bauer, G., Wehner, T., & Hammig, O. (2015). Busy yet socially engaged: volunteering, work-life balance, and health in the working population. Journal of Occupational 1 and Environmental Medicine, 57(2), 164-172
10. Orkibi, H., & Brandt, Y. I. (2015). How Positivity Links With Job Satisfaction: Preliminary
Findings on the Mediating Role of Work-Life Balance. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 11(3), 0
11. Grawitch, M. J., Ballard, D. W., & Erb, K. R. (2015). To be or not to be (stressed): the critical role
of a psychologically healthy workplace in effective stress management. Stress and Health, 31 (4), 0
12. Michel, A., Bosch, C., & Rexroth, M. (2014). Mindfulness as a cognitive-emotional segmentation
strategy: An intervention promoting work-life balance. Journal of occupational and organizational 9
psychology, 87(4), 733-754.
13. Lunau, T., Bambra, C., Eikemo, T. A., van der Wel, K. A., & Dragano, N. (2014). A balancing act? Work-life balance, health and well-being in European welfare states. The European Journal of 9 Public Health, 24(3), 422-427.
14. Haar, J. M., Russo, M., Suñe, A., & Ollier-Malaterre, A. (2014). Outcomes of work-life balance
on job satisfaction, life satisfaction and mental health: A study across seven cultures. Journal of 2
Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 361-373.
15. McDowall, A., & Lindsay, A. (2014). Work-Life Balance in the Police: The Development of a Self-Management Competency Framework. Journal of Business and Psychology, 29(3), 397-411. 1
16. Cardador, M. T. (2014). The effects of positive versus negative impact reflection on change in job performance and work-life conflict. Frontiers in psychology, 5(NOV), 1370. 0
17. Gatrell, C. J., Burnett, S. B., Cooper, C. L., & Sparrow, P. (2013). Work-Life Balance and
Parenthood: A Comparative Review of Definitions, Equity and Enrichment. International Journal 11
of Management Reviews, 15(3), 300-316.
18. Todd, P., & Binns, J. (2013). Work-life balance: is it now a problem for management? Gender, Work
& Organization, 20(3), 219-231. 7
19. Evans, A. M., Carney, J. S., & Wilkinson, M. (2013). Work-life balance for men: Counseling implications. Journal of counseling & development, 91 (4), 436-441. 2
20. Haar, J. M. (2013). Testing a new measure of work-life balance: a study of parent and non-parent employees from New Zealand. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(17), 2 3305-3324.
20 most cited and 20 most recent articles on Work-Life Balance
Information about the 20 most cited and 20 most recent articles on Work-Life Balance (WLB) provides the analysis of English sources from the database Web of Science. Use a set of Core Collection, all data act trivial at the time June 15, 2016.
Keywords: Work-Life Balance; bibliometrics; citation; Work-Life Balance.
Table 1. 20 most cited publications about the Work-Life Balance
The title and the output
Number of citations
Shanafelt, T. D., Boone, S., Tan, L., Dyrbye, L. N., Sotile, W., Satele, D., ... & Oreskovich, M. R. (2012). Burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance among US physicians relative to the general US population. Archives of internal medicine, 172(18), 1377-1385.
Greenhaus, J. H., Collins, K. M., & Shaw, J. D. (2003). The relation between work-family balance and quality of life. Journal of vocational behavior, 63(3), 510-531.
White, M., Hill, S., McGovern, P., Mills, C., & Smeaton, D. (2003). "High-performance" Management Practices, Working Hours and Work-Life Balance. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 41(2), 175-195.
Keeton, K., Fenner, D. E., Johnson, T. R., & Hayward, R. A. (2007). Predictors of physician career satisfaction, work-life balance, and burnout. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 109(4), 949-955.
Smithson, J., & Stokoe, E. H. (2005). Discourses of work-life balance: negotiating "genderblind" terms in organizations. Gender, Work & Organization, 12(2), 147-168.
Hill, E. J., Miller, B. C., Weiner, S. P., & Colihan, J. (1998). Influences of the virtual office on aspects of work and work/life balance. Personnel psychology, 51(3), 667-683.
Lewis, S., Gambles, R., & Rapoport, R. (2007). The constraints of a "work-life balance" approach: An international perspective. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(3), 360-373.
Hill, E. J., Ferris, M., & Martinson, V. (2003). Does it matter where you work? A comparison of how three work venues (traditional office, virtual office, and home office) influence aspects of work and personal/family life. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63(2), 220-241.
Guest, D. E. (2002). Perspectives on the study of work-life balance. Social Science Information, 41(2), 255-279.
Beauregard, T. A., & Henry, L. C. (2009). Making the link between work-life balance practices and organizational performance. Human resource management review, 19(1), 9-22.
239 173 114
96 90
76 68
Golden, T. D., Veiga, J. F., & Simsek, Z. (2006). Telecommuting's differential impact on work-family conflict: Is there no place like home? Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(6), 1340-1350.
Loscocco, K. A. (1997). Work-family linkages among self-employed women and men. Journal of Vocational behavior, 50(2), 204-226.
Bulger, C. A., Matthews, R. A., & Hoffman, M. E. (2007). Work and personal life boundary management: boundary strength, work/personal life balance, and the segmentation-integration continuum. Journal of occupational health psychology, 12(4), 365-375.
Warren, T. (2004). Working part-time: achieving a successful "work-life" balance? The British journal of sociology, 55(1), 99-122.
Beutell, N. J., & Wittig-Berman, U. (2008). Work-family conflict and work-family synergy for generation X, baby boomers, and matures: Generational differences, predictors, and satisfaction outcomes. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(5), 507-523.
Casper, W. J., Weltman, D., & Kwesiga, E. (2007). Beyond family-friendly: The construct and measurement of singles-friendly work culture. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 70(3), 478-501.
Bohle, P., Quinlan, M., Kennedy, D., & Williamson, A. (2004). Working hours, work-life conflict and health in precarious and "permanent" employment. Revista de Saúde Pública, 38, 19-25.
Aziz, S., & Zickar, M. J. (2006). A cluster analysis investigation of workaholism as a syndrome. Journal of occupational health psychology, 11(1), 52-62.
Lyness, K. S., & Judiesch, M. K. (2008). Can a manager have a life and a career? International and multisource perspectives on work-life balance and career advancement potential. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(4), 789-805.
Dex, S., & Bond, S. (2005). Measuring work-life balance and its covariates. Work, Employment & Society, 19(3), 627-637._
Table 2. The 20 most recent publications about the Work-Life Balance
The title and the output
Number of citations
1. Russo, M., Shteigman, A., & Carmeli, A. (2016). Workplace and family support and work-life balance: Implications for individual psychological availability and energy at work. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(2), 173-188.
2. Mas-Machuca, M., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., & Alegre, I. (2016). Work-life balance and its relationship with organizational pride and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(2), 586-602.
3. Barnes, C. M., Lefter, A., Bhave, D. P., & Wagner, D. T. (2016). The Benefit of Bad Economies: Business Cycles and Time-Based Work-Life Conflict. Journal of occupational health psychology, 21(2), 235-249.
4. Zhou, W., Guan, Y., Xin, L., Mak, M. C. K., & Deng, Y. (2016). Career success criteria and locus of control as indicators of adaptive readiness in the career adaptation model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 94, 124-130.
5. Van Emmerik, IJ.H., Bakker, A.B., Westman, M., & Peeters, M.C.W. (2016). Spillover and crossover processes: Consequences for work-life balance. Striving for balance, 97-111.
6. Binnewies, C. (2016). Current perspectives on work-life balance: Moving toward a resource-oriented framework. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 224(1), 34-45.
7. Direnzo, M. S., Greenhaus, J. H., & Weer, C. H. (2015). Relationship between protean career orientation and work-life balance: A resource perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(4), 538-560.
8. Versey, H. S. (2015). Managing work and family: Do control strategies help? Developmental psychology, 51(11), 1672-1681.
9. Ramos, R., Brauchli, R., Bauer, G., Wehner, T., & Hammig, O. (2015). Busy yet socially engaged: volunteering, work-life balance, and health in the working population. Journal of Occupational 1 and Environmental Medicine, 57(2), 164-172
10. Orkibi, H., & Brandt, Y. I. (2015). How Positivity Links With Job Satisfaction: Preliminary
Findings on the Mediating Role of Work-Life Balance. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 11(3), 0
11. Grawitch, M. J., Ballard, D. W., & Erb, K. R. (2015). To be or not to be (stressed): the critical role
of a psychologically healthy workplace in effective stress management. Stress and Health, 31 (4), 0
12. Michel, A., Bosch, C., & Rexroth, M. (2014). Mindfulness as a cognitive-emotional segmentation
strategy: An intervention promoting work-life balance. Journal of occupational and organizational 9
psychology, 87(4), 733-754.
13. Lunau, T., Bambra, C., Eikemo, T. A., van der Wel, K. A., & Dragano, N. (2014). A balancing act? Work-life balance, health and well-being in European welfare states. The European Journal of 9 Public Health, 24(3), 422-427.
14. Haar, J. M., Russo, M., Suñe, A., & Ollier-Malaterre, A. (2014). Outcomes of work-life balance
on job satisfaction, life satisfaction and mental health: A study across seven cultures. Journal of 2
Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 361-373.
15. McDowall, A., & Lindsay, A. (2014). Work-Life Balance in the Police: The Development of a Self-Management Competency Framework. Journal of Business and Psychology, 29(3), 397-411. 1
16. Cardador, M. T. (2014). The effects of positive versus negative impact reflection on change in job performance and work-life conflict. Frontiers in psychology, 5(NOV), 1370. 0
17. Gatrell, C. J., Burnett, S. B., Cooper, C. L., & Sparrow, P. (2013). Work-Life Balance and
Parenthood: A Comparative Review of Definitions, Equity and Enrichment. International Journal 11
of Management Reviews, 15(3), 300-316.
18. Todd, P., & Binns, J. (2013). Work-life balance: is it now a problem for management? Gender, Work
& Organization, 20(3), 219-231. 7
19. Evans, A. M., Carney, J. S., & Wilkinson, M. (2013). Work-life balance for men: Counseling implications. Journal of counseling & development, 91 (4), 436-441. 2
20. Haar, J. M. (2013). Testing a new measure of work-life balance: a study of parent and non-parent employees from New Zealand. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(17), 2 3305-3324.