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Mazkur maqolada radiofarmatsevtik preparatlar (RFP)ning tibbiyotda qo‘llanilishi ko‘rib chiqiladi. RFPlar radioaktiv moddalar bo‘lib, turli kasalliklarni diagnostika qilish va davolash uchun ishlatiladi. Ishda radiofarmatsevtika sohasining tarixiy rivojlanishi, nazariy asoslari, ishlab chiqarish va ...
2025 / Nasriddinov Sanjarbek Nasriddin Ogli, Suyunov Jasurbek Turgun Ogli, Tashanov Odilboy Safar O‘g‘li -
Tibbiyotda farmatsevtika vositalarining pedagogik tahlili bemorlarning salomatligi va hayot sifatini yaxshilash uchun dori vositalaridan samarali va xavfsiz foydalana oladigan malakali mutaxassislarni tayyorlashda asosiy o‘rin tutadi. Dori vositalarining kimyoviy, farmakologik va klinik jihatlarini ...
2025 / Tojiboyeva Shaxzoda Anvarjon Qizi, Ibodollayev Hikmatullo Ziyodullo O‘g‘li, Tashanov Odilboy Safar O‘g‘li -
Tadqiqot natijalariga ko'ra quyidagi xulosalar chiqarish mumkin : Radiofarmatsevtik preparatning yaroqlilik muddati-bu radiofarmatsevtik preparat xususiy farmakopeya moddasi va (yoki) sifat to'g'risidagi me'yoriy hujjat va (yoki) spetsifikatsiyaning talablariga javob berishi kerak bo'lgan davr....
2025 / To‘lqinov Shozanin Johongir O‘g‘li, Sodiqov Anvar Ixtiyor O‘g‘li, Tashanov Odilboy Safar O‘g‘li -
Фармакопейный анализ ЛП включает в себя описание свойств, испытание на подлинность, доброкачественность и количественное определение.
2025 / Изатуллаев Сарвар Абдуманнонович, Исроилов Бектош Нодир Угли, Хуррамова Сабрина Муродилло Кизи -
Роль памяти в обучении является несомненной также как и взаимосвязь их механизмов. В контексте обучения чаще всего подразумевается долговременная память, однако, фиксация актуальной информации на короткое время является начальным этапом в обучении, определяющим его содержание. Целью настоящего...
2023 / Привалова Ирина Леонидовна, Черных Екатерина Владимировна, Шульгина Людмила НиколаевнаВАК -
На основании анализа характера влияния световой маскировки на время выполнения дифференцировочной зрительно-моторной реакции, можно сделать вывод о том, что эффект полной световой маскировки при выбранных условиях эксперимента наступает при значении SOA-интервала вплоть до 10 мс. В этот период...
2024 / Соболев Валерий ИвановичВАК -
Choreotherapy in the complex correction of motor stereotype in persons with down syndrome under inclusion conditions
Objective of the study to evaluate the effectiveness of complex correction of motor stereotype in persons with Down syndrome (DM) in the process of practicing choreotherapy in inclusion conditions. Methodology and organization of the study. Within the framework of the Inclusive Sports Saturday...
2023 / K.P. Romanov, L.A. Parfenova, A.D. ShaimievaWOSRSCI -
Инсульт ежегодно уносит миллионы жизней во всем мире. Его тяжесть связана с поражением важнейших структур головного мозга и тяжелыми нарушениями различных физиологических функций у пациентов, что делает актуальным исследование методик устранения последствий инсульта. Целью настоящей работы является ...
2023 / Мотрий Евгения Владиславовна, Шепель Илона Сергеевна, Неустроева Татьяна ЕвгеньевнаCASRSCIPubMed -
Methodology for evaluating the social intelligence of a coach
Objective of the study was the development and psychometric analysis of the "Social intelligence of a coach" methodology. Methods and structure of the study. The sample consisted of 120 coaches (78 men and 42 women, aged from 21 to 65 years), various sports; 98 students of 8 specializations of SSUS ...
2024 / I.O. Smoldovskaya, E.A. KrasavtsevaWOSRSCI -
Operational effects of plyometric training in the development of explosive strength of mountain run athletes
Objective of the study was to increase the efficiency of training mountain running athletes to overcome steep climbs using plyometric training. Methods and structure of the study. The parameters of the training activity of qualified mountain running athletes aged 23.5±0.5 years were studied. The...
2024 / V.V. Bakaev, O.E. Poniasov, E.A. VasilyevaWOSRSCI -
Control of speed-strength load in training of skiers-racers based on the application of tools
Objective of the study was to experimentally substantiate the use of feedback tools in the operational control of speedstrength loads in the training of highly qualified ski racers. Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved ski racers (n=4; MS; 24.5±3.8 years). During 15 training...
2024 / V.S. Vasilyeva, A.S. Dorozhko, T.V. KarasevaWOSRSCI -
Polyfunctionality of hydrogenic locomotion as motor substrates of applied swimming
Objective of the study was to develop and substantiate a technological and pedagogical model for improving the applied swimming skills of rescue technicians in the water area by replacing hydrogen locomotion. Methods and structure of the study. At the first stage, technical elements preferred for...
2024 / O.E. PonimasovWOSRSCI -
Optimization of training loads at the pre-competition stage of preparation in cyclic sports
Objective of the study was to increase the efficiency of pre-competition preparation management in cyclic sports based on optimizing the ratio of special loads. Methods and structure of the study. An analysis of the ratio of special loads was carried out, ensuring the attainment of peak sports...
2024 / I.A. Panchenko, V.I. Grigoriev, Ya.I. Novitsky, S.A. YakovlevWOSRSCI -
Application of the concept of tancegrity in the rehabilitation of children with intellectual disabilities
Objective of the study was to identify postural disorders in children with mental retardation and to develop a method of physical rehabilitation based on the positions of the tansegrity model. Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work involved 80 children born in 2008-2009, evenly...
2024 / D.V. Fedulova, K.A. BerdyuginWOSRSCI -
В дaннoй стaтьe пpeдстaвлeнa инфopмaция o paспpoстpaнeннoсти эxинoкoккoзa в Цeнтpaльнoaзиaтскoм peгиoнe зa пoслeдниe нeскoлькo лeт. В дaннoй стaтьe пpивeдeны peзyльтaты эпидeмиoлoгичeскoй стaтистики, дoкyмeнтaции и сpaвнитeльныe дaнныe пo зaбoлeвaeмoсти эxинoкoккoзoм oфициaльнo зapeгистpиpoвaнныe в ...
2023 / Кapaбaeв Aзaмaт, Карабаева Гулчехра Худойбердиевна -
Informativeness of biomechanical criteria in assessing the competitive efficiency of highly qualified cross-country skiers
Objective of the study was to assessment of the influence of competitive conditions on the biomechanical characteristics of the technique of simultaneous single-step skating skiing (SSS). Methods and structure of the study. The biomechanical indicators of the OSH technique of highly qualified...
2024 / N.B. Novikova, I.G. Ivanova, A.N. BelevaWOSRSCI -
Dynamics of changes in the biomechanical characteristics of the snatch technique with increase in the weight of the projectile under competition conditions
Objective of the study is to assessment and comparison of spatio-temporal and kinematic characteristics of the barbell jerk performed with various weights. Methods and structure of the study. To achieve this goal, the approaches of 13 athletes of the Russian national team were analyzed in...
2024 / L.A. Khasin, E.R. GrossWOSRSCI -
Rationalization of running techniques based on coordinated movements of all link of the flying leg
Objective of the study was to formulate and practically justify the concept of running technique, taking into account the interaction of coordinated movements of all parts of the fly leg when performing a running step. Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical experiment was carried out...
2024 / A.A. Mironov, L.A. Kiryanova, L.V. Morozova, O.V. LyashenkoWOSRSCI -
Influence of increasing weights on the motor characteristics of running in track and out sprinter athletes
Objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of increasing load on the kinematic and ergometric characteristics of sprinters when performing a specific exercise, to identify the relationship of these characteristics with the results of competitive activity. Methods and structure of the...
2024 / E.P. Gorshunova, A.L. Ogandzhanov, A.L. Pokhachevskiy, S.S. Poryadkov, S.V. KudryashovWOSRSCI -
Assessment of cyclists' pedaling techniques by patterns of muscle bioelectrical activity
Objective of the study was to identify the features of the parameters of bioelectric activity of muscles that characterize the pedaling technique using the electromyography method. Methods and structure of the study. A pilot study was organized with the participation of 2 athletes who had...
2024 / D.A. Lukashevich, V.E. Vasyuk, K.V. Zyryanov, V.V. ShipovskayaWOSRSCI