Operational effects of plyometric training in the development of explosive strength of mountain run athletes
UDC 796.6
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Bakaev1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor O.E. Poniasov2' 3
E.A. Vasilyeva1
1Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg 2The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, St. Petersburg
3The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
Corresponding author: [email protected] Received by the editorial office on 30.12.2023
Objective of the study was to increase the efficiency of training mountain running athletes to overcome steep climbs using plyometric training.
Methods and structure of the study. The parameters of the training activity of qualified mountain running athletes aged 23.5±0.5 years were studied. The two-month training period included four two-week microcycles in which athletes performed 10 different exercises aimed at developing explosive strength in the lower extremities.
Results and conclusions. A positive effect of the plyometric training method in increasing speed-strength readiness in mountain running was revealed. The mobilization stimuli of plyometric exercises, aimed at preparing for running on steeply ascending distances, determine the effectiveness of the implementation of speed-strength functionality in mountain running athletes.
Keywords: mountain running, plyometric training, speed-strength capabilities, explosive strength.
Introduction. Competitive exercises in mountain running are characterized by exceptional specificity of conditions and the construction of a tactical pattern for passing the route. First of all, this is associated with variations in the nature of the relief, changes in height and steepness of ascents and descents, which causes an uneven rhythm, running tempo, the need to correct movement technique, and an appropriate energy regime to ensure muscle work [2, 8]. Hence, the main special quality of mountain running athletes can be defined as special endurance for performing speed-strength muscle work both during ascents and when overcoming descents of the competitive route [5]. In other words, a runner has to repeatedly repeat work that is similar in energy characteristics of muscular activity to the work of a sprinter, requiring the manifestation of explosive strength in the leg muscles [3, 7].
Due to the exceptional specificity of the requirements of competitive activity, the training process of
alpine athletes cannot be built solely on long-term distance loads of uniform running on the plain. In addition, tactical options for completing a competitive distance, based on gaining an advantage over rivals when overcoming steep climbs, have shown their effectiveness [4].
Extreme speed-strength loads when performing high-intensity running actions uphill are present in all categories of distance classification. About 75% of speed-strength activities involve short climbs of up to 50 m in length and a lift height of 15-25%. Serial step ascent of the route can be up to 15% of the competition distance.
For the reasons stated above, the development of explosive power in the leg muscles, which ensures the effective passage of steeply ascending sections of the distance, should become a systematic segment of the training process for mountain running runners.
The plyometric training method, also known as the
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I March I № 3 2024
"shock method," has been proven by many studies to be a fairly effective means of developing explosive muscle strength [1, 6, 9].
Objective of the study was to increase the efficiency of training mountain running athletes to overcome steep climbs using plyometric training.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the experiment, screening of the parameters of training and competitive activity of 15 qualified mountain running athletes aged 23.5±0.5 years with basic training in the classical running disciplines of athletics was carried out.
Athletes were trained to overcome short-term, steeply ascending segments of a competitive distance under trail running conditions. The consolidated application of training loads was based on accentuated running uphill with an intense climb for 20 s, which approximately corresponded to the average partial climb during one climb of the competitive route. The magnitude of the load increased due to the inversion of the running technique on the rise into a running jumping step while maintaining the speed of distance running.
In the preparatory part, before the distance training, the experimental group performed a 20-minute set of special plyometric exercises. The two-month training period included four two-week microcycles in which athletes performed 10 different exercises aimed at developing explosive power in the lower extremities: jumping rope, pogo jumps, long and high jumps, single-leg jumping rope, split squats with jumps high jump, jump over a 20 cm high barrier, side jump, side jump over a 20 cm high barrier, long jump on one leg, high jump on one leg, forward jump, jump on a 40 cm high support, depth jump 50 cm, deep jumps followed by jumping to a height of 40, 50 cm. The series of repetitions of each exercise consisted of three sets of eight repetitions, or three sets of 30 reps. The break between approaches was 1 minute.
Athletes in the control group performed special running exercises for 20 minutes.
SPSS version 12.0 was used to calculate the data; results were expressed as means and standard de-
viations for all variables. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
Results of the study and discussion. The runners of the experimental group in the peak intensity zone gained from 1.6 to 2.2 km per microcycle, which determined their significant advantage over the athletes of the control group in speed-strength capabilities of a special nature in tests for explosive loading of the leg muscles (see table).
Considering the fact that the positive effect was achieved over a short period of training, it can be argued that even a slight improvement in performance will provide a greater advantage in mountain running.
Based on the test results, it can be stated that there is an increase in muscle and functional adaptation to speed-strength loads of a serial nature. Thanks to the modulation of the plyometric load by the number of repetitions, the variety of means used, the amplitude and direction of movements, a high intensity of deployment of the adaptive response to the use of jumping plyometric exercises is achieved. This was reflected in a significant increase in the speed of mountain running on short sections of the route with a high slope.
In the experimental group, significant differences were revealed when performing a test for step running with poles 3x50 m in a 20% lift before and after the implementation of the training program, which had a significant impact on the development of both the vertical and horizontal power components of jumps. When comparing the initial and final results of the tests of smooth running and step running with sticks, it was found that greater improvement in results occurred in the serial repetition of difficult sections of mountain running using trail running sticks. Presumably, this phenomenon can be explained by the specifics of the training effect, which consists in the use of exercises primarily aimed at improving the vertical component of jumps, which is more in demand in mountain running.
In the step run with poles 3x50 m with a 20% lift, which also requires agility, the athletes revealed significant differences between the experimental and con-
Technical and functional indicators of mountain running readiness of athletes at the end of the training program
Indicator EG CG t p
50m run up 20%, s 7,1±0,3 8,3±0,4 2,4 < 0,05
Stepped run with poles 3^50 m, up 20%, s 31,4±0,5 32,4±0,6 2,7 < 0,05
Explosive 20m run up 30%, s 6,7±0,3 7,4±0,5 3,7 < 0,05
trol groups. It can be concluded that when developing the agility of mountain running athletes, the eccentric-concentric mechanism of muscle activation is similar to the plyometric training regime.
The results of the short mountain sprint test (20 m at 30% incline) show a significant difference between the groups. It has been established that training effects based on the use of explosive jumping exercises have a positive effect on reducing the time of transition from uniform to maximum speed of mountain running. In the control group, which performed only special running exercises, it was not possible to improve the running time in a short climb with an ascent of 30%.
The results showed that the plyometric group significantly reduced the time of active support on the ground while improving the speed capabilities of athletes in uphill running.
Conclusions. Modern competitive conditions in mountain running place extremely high demands on the level of physical and tactical preparedness of athletes. Quick and sudden changes in terrain, steepness of ascents and descents, sprinting uphill are elements that are present in every competitive distance and are united by a common feature that requires the manifestation of a high level of development of explosive power.
The study confirmed the positive effect of the plyo-metric training method in controlling amplitude modulations of adaptive reactions of mountain running athletes to concentrated speed-strength loads during an eight-week training period. Mobilization resonators of plyometric exercises, maximally polarized to prepare for overcoming ascents and descents, determine the effectiveness of the implementation of speed-strength functionality in mountain run athletes.
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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I March I № 3 2024