Медицинские технологии список научных статей
Use of low-intensity laser radiation in sports activity of boxers
Objective of the study was to identify changes in the regulation of the heart rhythm in highly skilled boxers in the preparatory period against the background of the potentiating effect of low-intensity laser radiation (LILR). Methods and structure of the study. To solve the problems, a...
2023 / D.S. Melnikov, Yu.A. ShchedrinaWOSRSCI -
Combination of students' strength and aerobic load for successful completion of control standards related to strength endurance
Objective of the study was to identify the most effective combination of strength and aerobic load of students and evaluate their impact on the level of physical fitness when passing control standards. Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical experiment was conducted with students of the ...
2023 / V.V. Poleshchuk, I.N. Poleshchuk, N.S. BersenevWOSRSCI -
Factor structure of pre-competitive training of highly qualified speedwalkers
Objective of the study was to increase the competitive speed of walking at a distance of 20 km by adapting speedwalkers to specific loads in the aerobic, mixed and glycolytic zones. Methods and structure of the study. The factor structure of pre-competitive training of athletes was assessed by...
2023 / N.V. Kolesnikov, O.E. Ponimasov, V.V. Fursov, S.I. StrigaWOSRSCI -
Influence of normobaric hypoxia on the parameters of mental workability of athletes in cyclic sports
Objective of the study was to study the effect of normobaric hypoxia on the parameters of mental performance of highly qualified athletes of cyclic sports. Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted in the laboratory of physiology of muscle activity and recovery of the Research...
2023 / R.V. Tambovtseva, D.I. Sechin, Yu.L. Voytenko, E.V. PletnevaWOSRSCI -
Influence of regular hand fighting on the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system
Objective of the study was to find out the consequences of vestibular irritation on the cardiovascular system of experienced hand-to-hand fighters. Methods and structure of the study. 46 young hand-to-hand fighters (19.2 ± 0.9 years) were observed, who systematically went in for sports 2-3 times a...
2023 / A.V. Dorontsev, S.Yu. Zavalishina, A.S. Boldov, N.V. VorobievaWOSRSCI -
Determination of prognostic indicators of technical readiness of athletes in competitive exercises with a flight phase based on video footage
Objective of the study was to develop computational models and a computer application of prognostic indicators of the technical readiness of athletes in competitive exercises with a flight phase based on video footage. Methods and structure of the study. During the experiment, video shooting of...
2023 / V.I. Zagrevsky, O.I. Zagrevsky, D.A. LavshukWOSRSCI -
Peculiarities of functional mobility and strength of nervous processes in armrestlers of different level of sportsmanship
Objective of the study was to determine the indicators of functional mobility and the strength of nervous processes in armwrestlers of various levels of sportsmanship. Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved arm wrestlers with the qualification "Master of Sports of Russia"...
2023 / I.N. NikulinWOSRSCI -
Evaluation of the power of movements of rowers-canoeists based on the spatial reconstruction of the stroke
Objective of the study was to determine the biomechanical characteristics of rowing and their relationships in the "oarwaterboat" system. Show new methods for quantifying movement technique in canoeing. Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved elite athletes (women aged 20 to 27...
2023 / V.P. Sushchenko, V.E. Vasyuk, D.A. Lukashevich, D.I. Huseynov, V.L. PashutaWOSRSCI -
Complexity of combining elements of structural groups of rhythmic gymnastics as a criterion of performance skill of sportswoman
Objective of the study was to specify the factors of coordination complexity of combining elements of rhythmic gymnastics structural groups, which contribute to the objectification of the assessment of the performance skills of athletes. Methods and structure of the study. To identify biomechanical ...
2023 / E.N. Medvedeva, R.N. Terekhina, I.A. VinerWOSRSCI -
Innovative methods for assessing and monitoring psychophysiological conditions of persons with intellectual disabilities
Objective of the study was to substantiate the use of the gas discharge visualization method in identifying the features of the psychophysiological state of people with intellectual disabilities involved in sports. Methods and structure of the study. The method of gas discharge visualization (GDV)...
2023 / A.K. Korotkova, K.G. Korotkov, A.A. Banayan, A.A. BaryaevWOSRSCI -
Влияние состава подаваемой газовой смеси на продукцию диоксида азота в модели ингаляционной терапии оксидом азота (экспериментальное исследование)
Токсические эффекты диоксида азота (NO2), образующегося при ингаляционной терапии оксидом азота (NO), ограничивают применение высоких концентраций последнего для терапии состояний, сопровождающихся повышенным легочным сосудистым сопротивлением. Цель исследования. Определить комбинации концентраций...
2024 / А Е. Баутин, К Ю. Афанасьева, А О. Маричев, А М. Радовский, Е К. Барыгин, А К. Гусенова, И Г. Чомахашвили, Н В. Бадалян, М С. Журавлева, А М. ПожидаеваScopusВАКCASPubMed -
Technical training of young ski jumpers using simulation exercises
Objective of the study was to analyze the compliance of simulation exercises of young ski jumpers aged 12-14 with modern technical requirements. Methods and structure of the study. A video recording of simulation exercises in sagittal and frontal projections was made during ground technical...
2023 / G.G. Zakharov, N.B. Novikova, A.N. Belyova, N.B. KotelevskayaWOSRSCI -
Analysis of indicators of the neuromuscular apparatus and kinematic characteristics of the running technique of track and field athletes of sports persons with intellectual disabilities
Objective of the study was to reveal the features of bioelectrical activity and viscoelastic properties of the muscles of the lower extremities in relation to the kinematic characteristics of the 100-meter run technique in athletes with intellectual disabilities. Methods and structure of the study. ...
2023 / T.V. Krasnoperova, N.B. LukmanovaWOSRSCI -
Current problems of technical training of young ski racers in Russia
Objective of the study was to analyze the kinematics of skating ski moves of young cross-country skiers and determine ways to optimize the technical training of athletes. Methods and structure of the study. At the Russian Youth Cross-Country Championships, video footage of skating movements on the...
2023 / N.B. Novikova, A.N. Belyova, I.G. Ivanova, N.B. KotelevskayaWOSRSCI -
Increasing the performance of swimmers specializing in sprinting and middle distances, under different recovery modes
Objective of the study was to increase the performance of highly qualified swimmers at distances from 50 to 400 m in the absence, practically, of additional by-products of glycolytic metabolism. Methods and structure of the study. 28 highly qualified swimmers specializing in sprint and middle...
2023 / G.A. Gilev, N.E. Maksimov, Yu.I. ChernovWOSRSCI -
Comparative assessment of the strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles in skiers and wrestlers
Objective of the study was to compare the maximal inspiratory strength and endurance of inspiratory muscles in athletes engaged in different types wrestling and skiing. Methods and structure of the study. The maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) was measured in athletes of wrestlers and skiers, as...
2023 / M.O. SegizbaevaWOSRSCI -
Введение. Высокоточное определение гемостатических показателей плазмы и продуктов плазмы крови значимо для производственной трансфузиологии и контроля эффективности их клинического применения. Повторные измерения увеличивают статистическую мощность, тем самым снижая вероятность совершения ошибки...
2024 / Лемонджава Вахтанг Нодарович, Сидоркевич Сергей Владимирович, Касьянов Андрей ДмитриевичWOSScopusВАКCASRSCIPubMed -
SGLT2 inhibitor reduces the risk of heart failure (HF) in diabetics, and it has shown to improve the prognosis of patients with HF across all ranges of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), by preventing HF decompensations and cardiovascular death[1]. This raises the question of what other...
2025 / Kityan S.A. -
Tibbiyot ta’limida farmatsevtika jihozlarini o'qitish zamonaviy sog'liqni saqlash tizimi uchun muhim ahamiyatga ega. Ushbu maqolada farmatsevtika jihozlarining o'qitish jarayonidagi o'rni, mavjud muammolar va ularni hal etish yo'llari tahlil qilinadi. O'quv jarayonini innovatsion usullar bilan...
2025 / Mamayakubova Mohina Otabek Qizi, Xurramova Munisa Marat Qizi, Tashanov Odilboy Safar O‘g‘li -
Tibbiyot ta’limida farmatsevtika jihozlarini o'qitish zamonaviy sog'liqni saqlash tizimi uchun muhim ahamiyatga ega. Ushbu maqolada farmatsevtika jihozlarining o'qitish jarayonidagi o'rni, mavjud muammolar va ularni hal etish yo'llari tahlil qilinadi. O'quv jarayonini innovatsion usullar bilan...
2025 / Mamayakubova Mohina Otabek Qizi, Xurramova Munisa Marat Qizi, Tashanov Odilboy Safar O‘g‘li