О^ШЙИ '-3»
S.D. Asfendiyarov KAZNMU, Department of normal physiology
UDK 616-053.9
For the improvement of quality of life of older people development of gerontology service in the republic of Kazakhstan, grant to the older people of possibility to engage in labour, maintenance of their entrepreneurial activity is needed, involving in a civilized manner - elucidative work. In all spheres of life older people are the powerful, but not used resource of society. Forming of new attitude is needed toward the place of old age in the vital loop.
Keywords: active longevity, education, quality of life, morbidity, older people, population, highly sought.
Actuality: the decision of the questions related to aging of population requires complex approach, making of single conception of public policy in regard to older people. Must become the aim of politics increase of level and quality of life on the basis of social solidarity. Healthy longevity is assisted by active voice in lives of society of older people, creation of complete range of medical and social services. Aim of our work : complex research and development single politics in decision of problems of people of superannuated.To work out the program of actions, wrap-round all parties life of people of superannuated.
The base indexes of human development correspond to three
basic components - longevity,education and standard of living.
Each of these components, on the whole, embrace important
human possibilities:
Longevity is long and healthy innings;
Education is acquisition of knowledge, communication;
A standard of living is access to the resources, necessary for
deserving life, condition for social mobility.
For human development, providing of possibility of participating is also important in life of society.
Worthy of its citizens for retirement - one of the main objectives of developed countries. In modern society, the elderly occupy a significant social niche, thereby increasing public attention to the issues of their social existence.
All changes in society and the socio - demographic structure lead to the fact that the proportion of older people will increase. As a result, this group of the population has become one of the main social groups that determine the functioning of society. Older people are one of the most vulnerable segments of the population, and need regular social protection capable of providing a decent quality of life.
The index of the quality of life of older people - a global study and the accompanying ranking countries in the world in terms of quality of life and well-being of the elderly.
Currently, there are an unprecedented global demographic changes associated with an increase in life expectancy around t he world, and the aging of the population occupies a central place in them.
Lack of data on older persons may systematically exclude them from development plans and ensure public policy. In addition, the permanent exclusion of the aging of the national and global agenda is one of the biggest obstacles to meet the needs of an aging population in the world, raise awareness of the role of the elderly in the community.
According to the statistics of quality of life and well-being of older people combined into four main groups:
1. Material security (access to a sufficient level of income and the ability to use it yourself in order to meet the basic needs at an older age). Includes coverage of retirement income, the level of poverty in old age, the relative well-being of the elderly.
2. Health status (onset of old age is associated with physical weakness, as well as the risk of ill health and disability).
Includes health, life expectancy after age 60, and psychological well-being.
3. Education and employment (elements coping capacity and characteristics abilities of older people). Includes employment rate, education level and duration of active life after 60 years.
4. Good conditions (elderly people want to have freedom of choice to live an independent life of their own). Includes social networks, physical security, civil liberties and access to public transport.
Currently in the process of formation of a scientific view of the need to use the potential of older people as a socially - active group in society. However, older people deserve a decent attitude towards themselves and, accordingly, proper social status, not because of what constitutes a "resource" necessary for social development, but because they are equal and full-fledged citizens who have contributed to the development of society . All the more obvious need for the integration of older people in society, ensuring their inclusion in the main spheres of life, the role of the elderly as bearers of human values that provide socio -cultural continuity, the need to raise the profile and attitudes of the older generation in modern society.
State of health and quality of life - one of major problems of older contingent. Morbidity of older has certain features, to the number of that, first of all, multiplicity and synchronization pathologies belong [1]. Leading positions in the structure of chronic pathology occupy:
A disease is cardiac - vascular system; cerebrovascular violations, foremost sharp violations of cerebral circulation of blood; illnesses of musculoskeletal system; malignant new formations. Absence in the Republic of Kazakhstan of gerontological service, high incidence, disability, mortality of the older population, is standard - legal restrictions of social guarantees in connection with advanced age confirm timeliness of statement of a question of search and development of ways of improvement of solutions of the problems connected with aging of the population one of which is application in the republic of strategy of healthy aging [2].
Education - one of factors of improvement of quality of life of older people. Here in destiny of each older person it is necessary to differentiate the importance of the education acquired during all life as pledge of its worthy accommodation in old age and the importance of education after acquisition of the official status of the pensioner by it.
In last case the problem of education can have different outlines:
a) a demand of additional education older people for expansion of their knowledge and skills.
b) demand of life experience and professional qualities of older people.
In our society there traditionally was attitude toward older as to the unearned resources, while, older people are the powerful, but not used resource of society.
It is necessary to adapt policy for the growing old population and to build societies for people of all age. The demand of older
6-^КаЗчЬ» 'У I №3-2015
people in all spheres of life of society increases quality of their life.
Decision of the questions related to aging of population requires complex approach, and it is impossible without making of single conception of public policy in regard to older people. The table of contents of this politics can be defined as totality of measures of political, law, economic, medical, social, scientific, cultural and informative character. Must become her strategic aim increase of level and quality of life of older people on the basis of social solidarity, forming of new attitude toward the place of the old age in the vital loop. It is necessary to mark that along with a government in the process of strengthening of roles of older people can and must take part ungovernmental organizations, scientifically - research institutes, professional organizations, business, are structures, mass medias [4].
Now we do not talk about pensions and other social payments with that usually associate older part of population. Today the question is about healthy longevity, that is assisted by active voice in lives of society of older people, process of decision-making at all levels of creation of complete range of medical and social services, grant to the older people of possibilities to engage
in labour, while there are a desire and ability, support of their entrepreneurial activity, involving in in a civilized manner -elucidative activity [3].
All these measures follow from the Madrid international plan of operating under the problems of aging, that orients any state of the world on a single aim is an improvement of life of older people and creation of "society for people all ages". Thus taking into account the stated offered:
1) to Set up the Joint committee with bringing in NPO, that would engage in a complex study and development of single public policy in regard to older people. A joint committee would become a "dialogue ground", by the place of "docking" and exchange by opinions for making of suggestions in decision of problems of people of superannuated.
2) To work out the program of actions, wrap-round all parties life of this category of citizens.
3) To assist development of gerontology service in the republic of Kazakhstan.
We welcome the words of President of republic of Kazakhstan about active longevity, incarnating these words in an action.
1 Сатпаева Х.К., Соколов А.Д., Абишева З.С. Учебно-методическое пособие. - Алматы: 2007. - С. 51-61.
2 Дворецкий Л.И. Качество жизни пожилого человека / / Руководство по герантологии и герартрии. - М.: 2005. - С. 154-160.
3 Педопригора Г.М. Качество жизни пожилых людей // Медицинская сестра. - 2008. - №5. - С.15-16.
4 Симонова Я.О., Никитин Н.М., Ребров А.П. Качество жизни пожилых больных с ревмотондным артритом // Клиническая герантология. - 2010. - №3-4. - С. 32-36.
tywh: Егде адамдардыц eMip суру сапасын жогарылату ушш Казахстан Республикасында герантологиялык; кызметт дамыту
к;ажет. Жумыск;а цабшет бар егде адамдарды жумыспен камтамасыз ету, жеке кэсшпен айналыск;андарды колдау, мэдени-
агартушылык; ктер жасауга мумганштк тугызу керек. 9мiрдщ барлык; жагынан алганда егде жастагы адамдар ете кушт^ бiрак;
кебше дурыс пайдаланбайтын байлык;. Сондык;тан цогамда егде адамдарга жаца кезк;арас калыптастыруы керек.
TYrnH4i свздер: белсендi уза; емiр суру, бтм, емiр сапасы, аурушацды; егде жастагы адамдар, тургындар, егде адамдардыц
Резюме: Для улучшение качества жизни пожилых людей необходимо развитие геронтологической службы в Республике Казахстан, предоставление пожилым людям возможности заниматься трудом, поддержание их предпринимательской деятельности, вовлечение в культурно-просветительскую работу. Во всех сферах жизни пожилые люди являются мощным, но не полностью использованным ресурсом общества. Необходимо формирование нового отношения к месту старости в жизненном цикле.
Ключевые слова: активное долголетие, образование, качество жизни, заболеваемость, пожилые люди, население, востребованность пожилых людей.