WAYS OF TRANSLATING EXPRESSIVE MEANS OF THE ENGLISH TEXT INTO KAZAKH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Shamuratova R. K., Batayeva F. A.

The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of translating stylistic devices of literary texts from English into Kazakh? When the author of translated text creates a different image in another part of the text, where it is convenient. Lexical, syntactical and phonetic language means are considered in the article.

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Шамуратова Р. К., Батаева Ф. А. Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г.Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена изучению особенностей перевода стилистических приемов художественных текстов с английского на казахский язык, когда автор переводимого текста создает другое изображение в другой части текста, где ему удобно. В статье рассматриваются лексические, синтаксические и фонетические средства языка.

Ключевые слова: стилистические выразительные средства, перевод, трансформации.


Shamuratova R. K., Batayeva F. A.

Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, Republic of Kazakhstan)

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of translating stylistic devices of literary texts from English into Kazakh? When the author of translated text creates a different image in another part of the text, where it is convenient. Lexical, syntactical and phonetic language means are considered in the article.

Key words: stylistic expressive means, translation, transformations.

You can find all the stylistic tools used to make the original text lively and expressive. The translator has the following choice: either try to copy the technique of the original, or, if this is not possible, create his own stylistic tools with his own emotional impact on the translation. The form is not important for the translator, the function of the stylistic device in the text is important. This means a certain freedom of action: the grammatical means of expressiveness can be lexical and vice versa; Excluding the stylistic phenomenon, which is not described in the Russian language, the translator returns the "debt" to the text, creating a different image in another part of the text, where it is convenient [1].

In this study, we consider the linguistic and stylistic features of the translation of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

H. P. Halperin identifies the following types of stylistic visual aids, focusing on the level approach:

1) phonetic expressive means and stylistic means (onomatopoeia, alliteration, rhyme, rhythm);

2) lexical expressive means and stylistic means;

3) syntactic expressive tools and stylistic tools [1].

First of all, it is necessary to identify phonetic expressive devices.

Graphon. Deliberate distortion of the graphic form of a word or phrase used to represent the true pronunciation of a word is called a graphon. Thus, the most common form of stylistic writing can be defined as a word or group of words used to indicate the features of pronunciation and the nature of speech, which is carried out by distorting the grammatical spelling rules. For example, a change in writing in fiction provides additional information about the cultural and educational level of the character, his age, physical and emotional characteristics, depicting him as a representative of a particular social environment [2].

"Yo' ole father doan' know yit what he's a-gwyne to do. Sometimes he spec he'll go 'way, en den agin he spec he'll stay. Then he wrote something on a paper and read it over, and says: erin' roun' 'bout him. One uv 'em is white en shiny, en t'other one is black. De white one gits him to go right a little while, den de black one sail in en bust it all up. A body can't tell yit which one gwyne to fetch him at de las'. But you is all right. You gwyne to have considable trouble in yo' life, en considable joy. Sometimes you gwyne to git hurt, en sometimes you gwyne to git sick; but every time you's gwyne to git well agin. Dey's two gals flyin' 'bout you in yo' life. One uv 'em's light en t'other one is dark. One is rich en t'other is po'. You's gwyne to marry de po' one fust en de rich one by en by."

Оздщ экещз не icrey керек екенш e3i бшмейдг Бiресе кетем деп ойлайды, ендi бiрде калгысы келедг Ец дурысы, шалдьщ e3i кайда болатынын шешкенше мазаланбацыз. Оньщ жанында ею перште бар. Бiреyi ак, кэдiмriдей жаркырап тур, ал екiншiсi кап-кара. Ак перште оган дурысын Yйретедi, сосын кара келедi де бэрш бYлдiредi. Акырында кайсысы куш аларын айтуга болмайды. Оздщ eмiрщiзде кеп кайгы-каарет болады жэне куаныш та жеткшкп. Кейде жещлеаз, ауырасыз, бiрак тYбiнде бэрi жаксы болады. 0мiрщiзде сiзге екi эйел кездеседi. Бiрi ак, екiншiсi коцыр тYCтi. Бiреyi бай да, екiншiсi кедей. Ci3 эyелi кедейiне уйлешщз, сосын бай эйелмен кещл косасыз.

In this example, English sentences show that a black man named Jim is illiterate and dark. However, errors in English were not taken into account during the translation into Kazakh.

The next phonetic and stylistic concept is alliteration. Alliteration is a stylistic method of repeating consonant sounds in artistic speech, which enhances its image and expressiveness.

The door was thick, solid oak slabs.

Есш жуан, мыцты емен тацтайдан жасалган.

Here's a govment that calls itself a govment, and lets on to be a govment, and thinks it is a govment, and yet's got to set stock-still for six whole months before it can take a hold of a prowling, thieving, infernal, white-shirted free nigger, and—"

Yкiметпiз деп дардай болады, егер жарты жылга дешн оцбаган уры, кацгыбас негрдi орнынан цозгай алмаса, кандай Yкiмет ол!? Мше, саган енеге. Азат жYрген негрдi алты ай турганша сата алмайтын болса, ол негылган Yкiмет?

In the following example, several lexical means are used.

It would get so dark that it looked all blue-black outside, and lovely; and the rain would thrash along by so thick that the trees off a little ways looked dim and spider-webby; and here would come a blast of wind that would bend the trees down and turn up the pale under-side of the leaves; and then a perfect ripper of a gust would follow along and set the branches to tossing their arms as if they was just wild; and next, when it was just about the bluest and blackest—fst! it was as bright as glory, and you'd have a little glimpse of tree-tops a-plunging about away off yonder in the storm, hundreds of yards further than you could see before; dark as sin again in a second, and now you'd hear the thunder let go with an awful crash, and then go rumbling, grumbling, tumbling, down the sky towards the underside of the world, like rolling empty barrels down stairs— where it's long stairs and they bounce a good deal, you know.

Бул нагыз жазгы найзагайлы несер. ^ап-карацгы болып кетп, сырттай караганда айналаныц бэрi каракек бояумен боялгандай соншалыкты эдемц жацбыр катты жауды, rimi агаштар ермектщ аргы жагынан кершш турган сиякты; кенет кутырган куйын агаштарды майыстырып, жапырактардыц астын Yстiне шыгарды, сосын жел кетершгенде агаштардыц жапырактары желкшдеп, жын каккандай эсер бердц карацгылык коюлана тусп, кенет найзагайдыц жаркылынан кYндiзгiдей жарык болып, жуз кадамдай жерге дешн ап-айкын кeрiндi, сол сэтте кайтадан кезге туртсе кeрiнбейтiн карацгылык тYсiп, куннщ кYркiлi кYшейiп, баспалдактан домаланган бос бешкелер секiлдi дыбыс естшедг

First, the polysyndeton syntactic stylistic approach was used: and is repeated four times.

Second, bright epithets were used to describe trees:dim andspider-webby.

Third, the lexical comparison method reveals the simile description:as if they was just wild, as bright as glory, like rolling empty barrels.

The following lexical stylistic tool: artistic description of metonymic wind and lightning - set the branches to tossing their arms; go rumbling, grumbling, tumbling.

The last example (rumbling, grumbling, tumbling) can be attributed to the method of repetition: the word is repeated. In addition, this example can be attributed to the phonetic onomatopoeia (imitation method).

For phonetic stylistic devices--fst! and in this sentence we also find the alliteration: the bluest

and blackest (the letter b is repeated at the beginning of the word).

And now we should consider the stylistic approaches at different levels separately. The analysis is presented by the example of phonetic expressive means in the following table.

Table 1

Phonetic stylistic devices

Alliteration The stylistic method of repetition of consonant sounds in artistic speech enhances its imagery and expressiveness.

Well, before long here comes the wreck, dim and dusky, sliding along down! Кенет карасам - кдрацгы езеннщ Yстiнде кираган пароход келе жатыр. The letter D is repeated in two words at the beginning of dim and dusky. The author creates a dark and gloomy atmosphere through alliteration. In the Kazakh translation, the meaning of darkness is changed to the description of the river - a dark river, but in the Kazakh sentence, the dark and gloomy atmosphere is improved by the repetition of the sound - I see, dark, ruined.

Aposiopesis abrupt cessation of speech, its incompleteness; break of one sentence and beginning of a new sentence.

"Please to don't poke fun at a poor girl like me, mum. If I'm in the way here, I'll—". Этшемш, бейшара кызды келеке етпещз! Егер мен кесел келтсрш отырсам, кетешн. The stylistic device of aposiopesis was used to show that the child was depressed and anxious.

Graphon a) stylistically significant distortion of the spelling norm, indicating an indivi

"Why, yes, dat's so; I—I'd done forgot it. A harem's a bo'd'n-house, I reck'n. Mos' likely dey has rackety times in de nussery. En I reck'n de wives quarrels considable; en dat 'crease de racket. Yit dey say Sollermun de wises' man dat ever live'. I doan' take no stock in dat. Bekase why: would a wise man want to live in de mids' er sich a blim-blammin' all de time? No— 'deed he wouldn't. A wise man Иэ, рас, мен умытып калыппын. Гарем деген менщше пансион секiлдi бiр нэрсе той деймш. Олардьщ балалар белмесшде айкай-шу шыгар. Оныц Yстiне элп эйелдер ылги урсыса беретш болу керек, ал будан айкай-шу кебейе тYседi. Ал СYлеймен элемдеп ец туцгыш данышпан деседi! Мен буган тшт сенбеймш. Неге дейсщ той. Керемет акылды адам элгшдей у- This sentence provides additional information about the cultural and educational level and emotional characteristics of the character, depicting him as a representative of a particular social environment. In this example, English sentences show that a black man named Jim is illiterate and dark. Simple speech in the Kazakh language is indicated by the additional words -or, that, is.

'ud take en buil' a biler-factry; en den he could shet down de biler-factry when he want to res'" шудьщ шшде eMÏp CYpe ме! Жок, олай болмайды. Данышпан адам алады да зауыт салады, ал кецш тыныштьщты каласа, алады да элп зауытты жаба салады.

b) graphic means of highlighting words and phrases

I set it down, private, because somebody might want ME to spell it next, and so I wanted to be handy with it and rattle it off like I was used to it. Мен eзiм де еппен жаздым; кенет атыц калай жазылады деп сурап калса, еш киындыксыз жаза салатын адамдай кершу ушш. ME - The word is given by capital letters in the English sentence. When Huckleberry Finn sneaked into the woman's house, she mentioned the name of another child, and insisted that it was me if she asked

A stylistic analysis of sentences from Mark Twain's The Experiences of Huckleberry Finn reveals that the author uses lexical stylistic devices (66%), followed by phonetic stylistic devices (21%) and 10% syntactic stylistic devices. The percentages are as follows:

Epithet - 8%, comparison - 21%, personification - 8%, alliteration - 10%, antithesis - 8%. The remaining stylistic approaches are 3-5% each. From this statistical analysis, we find that the author often uses comparisons, alliteration, epithets and personification.


1. Halperin I. R. Essays on the stylistics of the English language. - M .: Publishing house of literature in foreign languages, 1998 - 459 p.

2. Lapshin M. N. Stylistics of modern English. English stylistics: textbook. Guide for students. Higher education institutions. Prof. Education / M.N. Lapshin - St. Petersburg: Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University, Publishing House "Academy", 2013 - 272 p.

Батаева Фроза Асановна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и переводческого дела, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан). e-mail: [email protected]

Шамуратова Райхан Куванышбаевна, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан). e-mail: [email protected]

Дата поступления: 15.04.2022

© Батаева Ф.А., Шамуратова Р.К., 2022

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