INDIVIDUAL STYLE FEATURES OF HARPER LEE WORKS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
individual style / Harper Lee / stylistic devices / stylistics / idiostyle

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Uimanova X., Kakishev M.

This article analyzes the individual style of Harper Lee, whose works, such as "To kill a mockingbird" and "Go, set a watchman", have become masterpieces. These texts are comprehensively studied by students in American and European secondary schools. Her works reflect the life of American South in the XX century through different stylistic devices including lexical, phonetic and syntactic means.

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5. http: / / letopisi. ru/index. php / Discussion of the Participant:Kma

6. Gabeeva K.A. Features of the application of personality-oriented exercises for teaching

monologue speech // Domestic and foreign pedagogy. 2018. T.I (48), № 2. S. 41-46. [In Rus].

7. Shabanova A. E., Baldova V. A., Gnevysheva A.V. Development of foreign language competence:

methods of teaching monological speech / / In the collection: Actual problems of the quality of education in higher school. Materials of reports of the scientific and practical conference. Tver, 2018. p. 157-161.

8. Storybird URL: https://storybird.com (accessed 26.10.2018).


Uimanova X.,

Master student of ' Makhambet Utemisov WKU Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan Kakishev M.

PhD, Associate professor Makhambet Utemisov WKU Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan


This article analyzes the individual style of Harper Lee, whose works, such as "To kill a mockingbird" and "Go, set a watchman", have become masterpieces. These texts are comprehensively studied by students in American and European secondary schools. Her works reflect the life of American South in the XX century through different stylistic devices including lexical, phonetic and syntactic means.

Keywords: individual style, Harper Lee, stylistic devices, stylistics, idiostyle

In the 21st century, human-centered learning comes to the fore. In linguistics, anthropocentrism is also traced, since a language cannot be considered in isolation from its creator or author. The first studies of the individual author's style are associated with the names of Yu. N. Tynyanov, Yu. N. Karaulov and V.V. Vinogradov, who in the middle of the 20th century studied the linguistic personality on the extra linguistic level. [3, p. 89] In particular, V.V. Vinogradov introduced the term "linguistic personality". [6, p. 175]

Now it is a rapidly developing area, the study of which arouses enthusiasm not only among scientists-specialists, but also among ordinary readers. The presentation of an individual author's style is closely integrated with the idea of a concept, since considering the manner of the writer, the writer draws attention to the key concepts that are found in his texts.

For many years, the researchers have been analyzing the artistic means of expressiveness of writers and poets. If the author chooses one or another method to create expressiveness, this reflects his picture of the world. The choice of linguistic models in the author's style depends on the writer's verbal activity and his motives [5, p. 92]. Such an individual author's style of the writer has received the concept of "idiostyle" in modern linguistics.

Let's consider the concept of "idiostyle" in linguistics. It has several definitions, but we will focus on the following. Idiostyle (individual style) is a system of substantive and formal linguistic characteristics inherent in the work of a certain author, which makes the author's way of linguistic expression a unique embodiment in these works [7, p. 8].

The study of the language of fiction provides ample opportunities for analyzing the linguistic personality, therefore, the object of our research is the idiostyle

of Harper Lee, and the subject is directly the main components of her idiostyle, such stylistic devices as slang, metaphor and repetitions, to name but a few.

Since the action of the novels "To kill a mockingbird" and "Go, set a watchman" takes place in the South of America in the 20th century, Lee's characters tend to use slang, which consists of typical expressions (ain't, wanta, yessum, I'll knock you bowlegged), as well as grammatical errors inherent in people of that time and place of residence.

In the novel, epithets are freely presented, which accentuate its general qualities, features and signs in objects or phenomena. For readers, epithets are presented as pictorial images that emphasize their distinctive properties [4, p. 55]. For instance:

1. an ominous voice

2. a pompous, narrow-minded old lady.

As a rule, epithets are formulated by adjectives. Lee, using them, emphasizes those properties and features of the phenomenon she depicts, for which she wants to address the reader's attention. Through the epithet, the writer concretizes the actions and their properties.

In the text "To kill a mockingbird" you can see such a lexical device as personification, one of the forms of metaphor. For example, "the ceiling danced with metallic light". Naturally, the ceiling cannot dance in the literal sense of the word, and this just adds expressiveness, since they were just reflections from buckets. The same with the example "Summer was our best season: it was sleeping on the back screened porch in cots". The inanimate phenomenon "summer" acquires the qualities of an animate one, capable of "sleeping". If we consider the metaphor in this text, then it can be illustrated using the expression "A storm of laughter". Here there was a transfer of the phenomenon of the storm to laughter [4, p. 51].

Also in the text of the novel "Go, Set a Watchman" the author uses hyperboles, which serve as a means of exaggeration [4, p. 61]. For example, "Calpurnia nearly took the skin off her with the rough towel". Of course, it is impossible to rip off the skin with a towel, this exaggeration only shows how powerful Calpurnia rubs Scout.

Along with lexical means, the author also uses syntactic ones. In the novel, the most common figures of speech are repetition, ellipsis, and others.

So, repetition is one of the main techniques of artistic expression. For example, "She never questioned it, never thought about it, never even realized that before she made any decision of importance". In this sentence, the author, using the repetition of negative particles "never" tries to convince the reader that the main character has absolutely never thought before making an important decision.

Thus, the repetitions presented in this novel carry out the functions of increasing the expressiveness, the function of intensifying, which undoubtedly manifests an impact on the reader's thought [4, p. 66].

Ellipsis, on the other hand, is a stylistic figure that is created by skipping words, the meanings of which are easy to recover from the context [4, p. 72]. For example, "The house was low, was once white with a deep front porch and green shutters." In this case, the subject "The house" is omitted in order to eliminate unnecessary repetition, and its meaning is simply restored, because the sentence describes events that happen specifically to the house.

In addition to syntactic means, alliteration (initial rhyme) and assonance (repetition of initial vowels) appear to be quite picturesque and effective expressive means [4, p. 47].

For example, consonants, especially hissing sounds, have a dual effect. For example, the sounds in the words "still and silent" have a calming effect, and in the phrase "shotgun shattered" the sounds seem to warn of danger. In the combination of the name "Miss Priss", the consonant sounds "s" seem to tease the owner of this name. Sound-generating here affects the reader's hearing and is considered as an additional means of extracting information, that is, as an application to the main lexical meaning.

Alliteration, like assonance in these options, does not perform any semantic function. They are a means of sensory influence, a kind of melodic accompaniment that enhances the conditioned rhythm of the narrative, imperceptibly conveying the author's disposition.

As for the lexical composition of Harper Lee's works, the conversational and neutral style prevails there. Examples of colloquial expressions: Often as not; who's so high and mighty; parceled out our roles. Also in the text there is a vocabulary related to the legal sphere - the probate judge; perpetrated a near libel; Change of venue.

From all the examples we have proposed, you can see that author Harper Lee uses various means to emphasize her individual style. Thus, we can conclude that the texts of the books "To kill a mockingbird" and "Go, set a watchman" are very expressive, emotional, and the characters are bright, lively, and each with their own character and specificity of speech, which is demonstrated, for example, by a well-delivered speech Atticus and the southern slang of their servant. Both of these works perfectly highlight the individual style of the writer Lee Harper.


1. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. HarperCollins: 1960 (Perennial Classics edition: 2002).

2. Lee, Harper. Go Set a Watchman, New York, NY: Harper, An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, (2015) 190 p.

3. Karaulov, Yu.N. Russian language and linguistic personality / Yu.N. Karaulov. - Moscow: Nauka, 1987 .- 89 p.

4. Koksharova N.F. Lectures on Stylistics( English): textbook, 2011 - 104 p.

5. Pishchalnikova V.A. The problem of the meaning of a literary text: a psycholinguistic aspect. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University Publishing House, 1992. -134 p.

6. Vinogradov V.V. About the language of fiction / V.V. Vinogradov - Moscow: State. Publishing house, 1930 .- 175 p.

7. Zolyan, S.T. From the description of the idiolect to the grammar of the idiostyle / S.T. Zolyan // Language of Russian poetry of the 20th century: collection of works. scientific papers. - Moscow, 1989.- 91 p.

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