Научная статья на тему 'Влияние плиометрической тренировки на производительность спринта и повторную спринтерскую способность футболистов в мини-футболе'

Влияние плиометрической тренировки на производительность спринта и повторную спринтерскую способность футболистов в мини-футболе Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Беннадия Мохамед, Кхеиредине Бенрабах, Кхароуби Фейсал Мохамед, Оудах Ахмед Эль-амин

Цель данного исследования заключалась в проверке эффективности плиометрических тренировок в повышении производительности спринта и способности к повторному спринту (СПС) игроков футзала. Методы. Двадцать любителей футзала (возраст 20,25± 1,8 года, масса тела 75,3 ± 8,4 кг, рост 174,8 ± 4,37 см и индекс массы тела 23.1 ± 1,8 кг·м-2), футзалисты из дивизиона Лиги университета Тиссемсильт. Для целей протокола, мы их разделили на две группы: экспериментальную группу (ЭГ) и контрольную группу (КГ) по 10 игроков, соответственно. В начале эксперимента между двумя группами не было выявлено значимых различий. Предварительные испытания. Требовалось оборудование, необходимое для выполнения тестирования спринта, способность повторного тестирования спринта (СПС), встречные прыжковые движения (ВПД) и прыжки в приседе (ПП). Результаты. Экспериментальная группа (ЭГ) проводила тренировки в течение 8 недель с увеличением и прогрессивным увеличением рабочей нагрузки, проводила две тренировки в неделю из расчета 1 ч 30 мин на занятие. Плиометрическая тренировка (Пт) состояла из 2 7 наборов из 10 повторений с отдыхом 120 секунд. По завершении эксперимента были проведены повторные тесты. Результаты показали значительное увеличение ВПД, СПС и спринт-теста на песке, и сравнили их с контрольной группой (p < 0,05). Заключение. Результаты показывают, что такой предлагаемый протокол улучшает физическое качество «способность повторять спринты» (p <0,001), выполняя при этом работу, относительно близкую к требованиям футзала. Действительно, плиометрия это метод, включающий цикл растяжения и расслабления мышцы, чаще всего во время подпрыгивания, так как игроки могут использовать их во время матчей. К тому же, наш протокол также улучшил максимальную скорость бега на повторение (p <0,05) и максимальную высоту прыжка в высоту с передвижением (p <0,05). Эти два физических качества могут позволить игрокам чаще использовать преимущество над своими прямыми противниками.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам о здоровье , автор научной работы — Беннадия Мохамед, Кхеиредине Бенрабах, Кхароуби Фейсал Мохамед, Оудах Ахмед Эль-амин

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The aim of this study was to verify the efficiency of plyometric training in improving sprint performance and the repeated sprint ability (RSA) of futsal players. Methods. Twenty amateur futsal players (age 20.25± 1.8 years, body mass 75.3 ± 8.4 kg, height 174.8 ± 4.37 cm and body mass index23.1 ± 1.8 kg·m-2), the futsal players from Tissemsilt University league division. For the purposes of the protocol, we divided the group into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG) of 10 players respectively were thus created, at the beginning of the experimental protocol there was no significant difference between the two groups. The preliminary tests required subjects to perform a Sprint test, a Repeated sprint ability test (RSA), a counter movement jump (CMJ) and squat jumps (SJ). Results. The experimental group (EG), took place over a period of 8 weeks with an increasing and progressive increase of the workload, had two training sessions per week at a rate of 1h30 per session. The plyometric training (PT) consisted of 2-7 sets of 10 repetitions with120-second rests. On completion of the intervention, post-tests were conducted. The results showed significant increases in the CMJ, RSA and Sprint test on sand and compared with control group (p < 0.05). Conclusions. The results show that a protocol such as the one proposed here improves the physical quality of the ability to repeat sprints (p <0.001), while remaining in a type of work relatively close to the solicitations generated by futsal. Indeed, plyometry is a method involving the stretch-and-relax cycle of the muscle, most often during bouncing, as the players can use them during matches. In addition, our protocol also improved the maximup running speed on a repetition (p <0.05) and the maximum jump height with pre-movement (p <0.05). These two physical qualities may allow players to take advantage more often over their direct opponents.

Текст научной работы на тему «Влияние плиометрической тренировки на производительность спринта и повторную спринтерскую способность футболистов в мини-футболе»

control]. Moscow, Moscow State University. 1976, 342 p. (in Russian).

15. Chernikova O.A. Psychological peculiarities of sports emotions. Psihologiya I sovremennyj sport [Psychology and modern sport]. Moscow, Physical culture and sport. 1973, pp. 190206. (in Russian).

16. Shulika Y.A. A Long-term technical-tactical training in wrestling. Doctor's thesis. Krasnodar. 1993, 452 p. (in Russian).

17. Yurov I.A. Frustration and tolerance of wrestlers. Sportivnaya bor'ba: Ezhegodnik [Wrestling: Annual publication]. Moscow. 1981, pp. 70-72. (in Russian).

18. Yushkov O.P., Serdyukov V.P. Initial training in freestyle wrestling. Sportivnaya bor'ba:

Подано: 19.03.2018 Принято: 21.03.2018

ezhegodnik [Wrestling: Annual publication]. Moscow. 1982, pp. 19-23. (in Russian).

19. Kuznetsova Z., Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Khalikov G., Zakharova A., 2015. Athletes training based on a complex assessment of functional state. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 156-160 (Scopus).

20. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z., 2017. Diagnostics of Functional State and Reserve Capacity of young Athletes' Organism. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus).

Кузнецов Александр Семенович - доктор педагогических наук, профессор, Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Набережночелнинский государственный педагогический университет», ул. Низаметдинова, дом 28, г. Набережные Челны, Россия, 423806, e-mail: [email protected] Новаковский Сергей Викторович - доктор педагогических наук, профессор, Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Уральский федеральный университет имени первого президента России Б.Н. Ельцина», ул. Мира, дом 19, г. Екатеринбург, Россия, 620002

Соломахин Олег Борисович - кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, Набережночелнинский колледж (филиал) Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Поволжская государственная академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма», ул. им. Батенчука Е. Н., дом 21, г.Набережные Челны, Россия, 423807

Для цитирования: Кузнецов А.С., Новаковский С.В., Соломахин О.Б. О целесообразности параллельного изучения атаки и защиты в греко-римской борьбе на этапе начальной подготовки // Педагогико-психологические и медико-биологические проблемы физической культуры и спорта. - 2018. - Т. 13. - № 1. - С. 16-26. DOI 10/14526/01_2018_279

Б01 10/14526/01_2018_280



Мохамед Беннадия — преподаватель Бенрабах Кхеиредине - преподаватель Кхароуби Фейсал Мохамед - преподаватель Оудах Ахмед Эль-Амин - доктор философии в области спорта, преподаватель

Университет Эль Баядх, Институт наук и методик физической активности и спорта, абонентский ящик 38000, Ттисемсилт, Алжир

E-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация. Цель данного исследования заключалась в проверке эффективности плиометрических тренировок в повышении производительности спринта и способности к повторному спринту (СПС) игроков футзала. Методы. Двадцать любителей футзала (возраст 20,25± 1,8 года, масса тела 75,3 ± 8,4 кг, рост 174,8 ± 4,37 см и индекс массы тела 23.1 ± 1,8 кгм-2), футзалисты из дивизиона Лиги университета Тиссемсильт. Для целей протокола, мы их разделили на две группы: экспериментальную группу (ЭГ) и контрольную группу (КГ) по 10 игроков, соответственно. В начале эксперимента между двумя группами не было выявлено значимых различий. Предварительные испытания. Требовалось оборудование, необходимое для выполнения тестирования спринта, способность повторного тестирования спринта (СПС), встречные прыжковые движения (ВПД) и прыжки в приседе (ПП). Результаты. Экспериментальная группа (ЭГ) проводила тренировки в течение 8 недель с увеличением и прогрессивным увеличением рабочей нагрузки, проводила две тренировки в неделю из расчета 1 ч 30 мин на занятие. Плиометрическая тренировка (Пт) состояла из 2 - 7 наборов из 10 повторений с отдыхом 120 секунд. По завершении эксперимента были проведены повторные тесты. Результаты показали значительное увеличение ВПД, СПС и спринт-теста на песке, и сравнили их с контрольной группой (p < 0,05). Заключение. Результаты показывают, что такой предлагаемый протокол улучшает физическое качество «способность повторять спринты» (p <0,001), выполняя при этом работу, относительно близкую к требованиям футзала. Действительно, плиометрия - это метод, включающий цикл растяжения и расслабления мышцы, чаще всего во время подпрыгивания, так как игроки могут использовать их во время матчей. К тому же, наш протокол также улучшил максимальную скорость бега на повторение (p <0,05) и максимальную высоту прыжка в высоту с передвижением (p <0,05). Эти два физических качества могут позволить игрокам чаще использовать преимущество над своими прямыми противниками.

Ключевые слова: скорость, приземистый прыжок, встречный прыжок, Университетская Лига.


Mohamed Bennadja - (D) lecturer Kheiredine Benrabah - (D) Lecturer kharoubi Mohamed Fayqal - (D) Lecturer Ouadah Ahmed el Amine — PhD, Lecturer Tissemsilt University, Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities,

P. O. Box 38000, Ttissemsilt, Algeria

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The aim of this study was to verify the efficiency of plyometric training in improving sprint performance and the repeated sprint ability (RSA) of futsal players. Methods. Twenty amateur futsal players (age 20.25± 1.8 years, body mass 75.3 ± 8.4 kg, height 174.8 ± 4.37 cm and body mass index23.1 ± 1.8 kgm-2), the futsal players from Tissemsilt University league division. For the purposes of the protocol, we divided the group into an experimental group (EG) and a

control group (CG) of 10 players respectively were thus created, at the beginning of the experimental protocol there was no significant difference between the two groups. The preliminary tests required subjects to perform a Sprint test, a Repeated sprint ability test (RSA), a counter movement jump (CMJ) and squat jumps (SJ). Results. The experimental group (EG), took place over a period of 8 weeks with an increasing and progressive increase of the workload, had two training sessions per week at a rate of 1h30 per session. The plyometric training (PT) consisted of 2—7 sets of 10 repetitions with120-second rests. On completion of the intervention, post-tests were conducted. The results showed significant increases in the CMJ, RSA and Sprint test on sand and compared with control group (p < 0.05). Conclusions. The results show that a protocol such as the one proposed here improves the physical quality of the ability to repeat sprints (p <0.001), while remaining in a type of work relatively close to the solicitations generated by futsal. Indeed, plyometry is a method involving the stretch-and-relax cycle of the muscle, most often during bouncing, as the players can use them during matches. In addition, our protocol also improved the maximup running speed on a repetition (p <0.05) and the maximum jump height with pre-movement (p <0.05). These two physical qualities may allow players to take advantage more often over their direct opponents.

Keywords: speed, squat jump, counter movement jump, university league.

Introduction. Futsal is characterized as an intermittent sport in the High-intensity actions interspersed with Periods of recovery. Game demand analyses show that elite futsal players spend 20% of the time in high intensity actions, such as sprints. In addition, it has been verified that the decisive moments are usually preceded by high intensity sprints with average distances between 10 and 30m (Castagna et al., 2009). For these reasons, futsal training should commonly include physical exercises aimed to enhance both aerobic fitness and repeated-sprint ability (RSA). Itis defined as the ''ability to produce the best possible average sprint performance over a series of sprints, separated by short (< 60 s) recovery periods (Bishop et al.,2011). As intermittent sports, such soccer, require sequenced high intensity actions, it is important to train players in sprint performance and repeated sprint ability (RSA) (Ferrari et al., 2008). Specific training methods, such as resisted sprint (RS) (Spinks et al., 2007). and plyometric (PT) (Rimmer & Sleivert, 2000), training have been found to be effective in improving sprint performance. Various studies have shown that sprint training consisting of maximal or near-maximal short-term efforts (5 to 30 s) can produce improvements in the ability to repeat several sets of anaerobic exercise (Burgomaster et al., 2005; Dawson et al., 1998; MacDougall et al., 1998; Ortenblad et

al., 2000). The ability to start and accelerate has been linked to maximal concentric strength and rate of force development, while the ability to maintain maximal speed has previously been indicated to be more closely related to the stretch-relaxing cycle abilities (Shalfawi et al., 2011; Young et al., 2006). Plyometric training (PT) is a form of explosive strength training that uses explosive movements to develop muscular power, which is the ability to generate a large amount of force quickly. Plyometric exercises involve a rapid eccentric movement, followed by a short amortization phase, which is then followed by an explosive concentric movement, enabling the synergistic muscles to engage in the myotatic-stretch reflex during the stretch-shortening cycle (Danny et al., 2016), important feature of these types of exercises is the simultaneous improvement of the athlete's skill patterns. Training programs that use plyometric movements have been shown to be extremely beneficial for sports performance, as indicated through the improvement of force production, improved running economy, decreased sprint times, increased jump height, and increased in peak power (Brown & Mayhew, 1986; Gehri et al., 1998; Luebbers et al., 2003; Ronnestad et al., 2008; Turner et al., 2003; Saez-Saez et al., 2008). It has also been observed that previously recreationally trained males experienced an increase in muscle cross-

sectional area, peak power, and countermovement jump height, and strength improvements after a 12-week plyometric training program (Vissing et al., 2008). The increase in maximum force is mainly due to the fact that plyometry can improve the nerve factors of the force (recruitment and neuromuscular coordination) (Thepault et al., 1995; Bosco & Komi, 1979). However, there have been no formal studies, either to verify the effectiveness of Plyometric Training in improving sprint performance and RSA in futsal players. After pointing out that plyometric training results in an improvement in maximum stroke speed by increasing muscle stiffness mainly (Spurrs et al., 2003), and that the maximum stroke speed is strongly correlated with sprinting performance Balsom et al., 1992), the aim of this study was to verify the efficiency of plyometric training in improving sprint performance and the repeated sprint ability (RSA) of young futsal players.

Methods. Subjects: twenty amateur futsal players (age 20.25± 1.8 years, body mass 75.3 ± 8.4 kg, height 174.8 ± 4.37 cm and body mass index23.1 ± 1.8 kgm-2). The futsal players from Tissemsilt university league division, without a history of health problems. All subjects participated in the study during the off-season period, when they were not intending to participate in any races


within 3 months at the beginning of an experimental period. Prior to participation, all subjects were briefed on the requirements and the risks involved with the study. Subjects were to refrain from any form of exercise in the 24 h prior to all testing sessions and to avoid extreme changes in the sleep and dietary profiles during the investigated period. Procedure: For the purposes of the protocol, we divided the group into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG) of 10 players respectively were thus created, at the beginning of the experimental protocol there was no significant difference between the two groups for anthropometric data (tablel). Anthropometric data (Table 1) were collected using a conventional scale and a standard measurement scale, and body mass index was calculated as the quotient of body mass (kg) to height squared (m2). Subjects were assessed at two different moments, before the start of the training period (pre-training, Tl) and after 10-week of training (post-training, T2). The T1 and T2 assessments were divided over 2 days with an interval of 48 h. On the first day, measurements of body composition and the Squat Jump, Counter Movement Jump and 10 meter sprint test. On the second day, RSA Test resistance to speed ability were assessed.

Table 1

teristic of players


EG 174.9±4. 6 CG 1 7 4 . 2 ± 3 . 7

body m a s smass

7 4 . 2 ± 5 . 0 7 24.2 7 3 . 6 ± 3 . 9 4 24.2


indexn Age

5 ± 2 . 2 9 2 0 . 7 ± 1 . 8 2

9 ± 1 . 8 9 1 9 . 8 ± 1 . 7 5

Both groups completed 10 weeks of intervention training twice per week. At the end of the intervention, subjects repeated the 4 preliminary tests. All preliminary and posttests were conducted at Tissemsilt Sports Institute Laboratory. The training sessions were conducted at an Multisport room.

Sprint test initially, players spent three days to become familiar with the tests.

Players performed three maximal 0—10 m sprints interspersed with 2-minute breaks. Sprint times were evaluated using 0—10 m and 0—5 m split time. The difference between the 0—5 m and 0—10 m sprint times was considered the 5—10 m sprint time (the 0—10 m, 0—5 m and 5—10 m coefficient of variation [CV]) came to 1.2%, 3.4%, and 1.1%, respectively). Sprint times were

recorded using a chronometer. The fastest time was considered.

Repeated sprint ability test players performed a test consisting of six 30m (15 + 15 m)sprints interspersed with 14-second breaks. Players started from a line, sprinted for 20 m, touched the line with a foot, and returned to the starting line as fast as possible. The best race time is a reference for calculating the Repeated sprint abilityin the form of decay score S dec(%) = (- 1) 100 (Girard et al., 2011). The time was measured using a chronometer.

Vertical jumpt he measurements of vertical jump performance was assessed by using a portable force platform (myotest, Finland). Players performed counter movement jump (CMJ) and squat jumps (SJ) according to the protocol described by (Bosco et al., 1983). Before testing, the players performed self-administered submaximal CMJs and SJs (2—3 repetitions) as a practice as well as additional warm-up. During testing, the players were asked to keep their hands on their hips to prevent any influence of armmovements on the vertical jumps and to avoid coordination as a confounding variable in the assessment of the legextensors (Bosco et al., 1995). Each subject performed 3 maximal CMJs and SJs with approximately 2 minutes' recovery time between them. The players were asked to jump as high as possible;the highest jump was then recorded in centimetres (Bosco et al., 1995).

Training: In terms of physical preparation, the starting level was relatively similar, as both groups practiced very little plyometrics. The two groups followed a preparatory cycle for plyometrics based mainly on horizontal leaps and vertical leaps at the end of the cycle, with the aim of improving the technique and preparing the body for a greater training load. Prior to all training sessions, subjects completed 15 min of warm-up, including jogging, side shuffles, high knee exercises, lunges, squats, and submaximal vertical jumps. The experimental group (EG), took place over a period of 8 weeks with an increasing and progressive increase of the workload, had two training sessions per week at a rate of 1h30 per

session. The physical preparation portion occupied the first thirty minutes of each session. The PT training consisted of 2—7 sets of 10 repetitions with120-second rests. These exercises can be accomplished using different types of jumps (in place and standing), hops (multiple or single), bounds, as well as shock movements (box jumps or depth jumps) and all have been used to activate the stretch shortening cycle during a plyometric movement (Baechle et al., 2006). The control group (CG) did not have any part reserved for physical preparation alone. However, the latter group was working in each session contracts attacks and therefore had a big part of the session on the sprint race.

Statistical analyses: In this study, two groups (EG and CG) followed a protocol of 6 weeks of separate training but of equivalent load. The dependent variables used (adapted SJ and adapted CMJ, speed over 15 meters (Vmax) as well as RSA (Sdec)) are metric variables and were evaluated twice on the same subjects. The aim being to show the effectiveness of the protocol on the dependent variables, we have two conditions (with or without training) and two groups (GE and CG). After verifying parametric test conditions (homogeneity of variances and normality of distribution), a factor ANOVA for repeated measurements (intra factor) was used.An intergroup comparison, an intragroup comparison and the effects of [Group vs. Condition), (pre-training vs. post-training)] interactions were studied. In the presence of significance, Tukey's post-hoc tests were used to locate the effects. To perform all of our statistical processing, we used SPSS.0.20 software. The significance threshold for all the results was set at P <0.05. Results and Interpretation. The obtained data in the pre-training and post-training tests are collected in Table 2.A group effect and a training effect were observed for the jump values (SJ and CMJ) and Vmax.Both groups improved their vertical detent (cm) and their ability to repeat sprints (%) between the two test phases.

Figure 1 - Effects of plyometric training (EG) and (CG)

Figure 2 - Effects of polymeric training Pre and post training

Table 2

Effects of plyometric training on sprinting abilities, jumping, and repeated sprint abilities

Values Pre-training

Post-training T Student

Experimental group Control group T Student



6 . SJ


1 4

CMJ (cm)


CMJ (cm)

No significant 4

V max(m's)

3 2 . 5 ± 2 . 5 3 5 . 6 ± 1 . 9

3 4 . 7 ± 3 . 9 3 7 . 8 ± 2 . 6


V max(m's) 2 , 0 ±

3 6 . 3 ± 3 . 2 3 9 . 5 ± 3 . 1

3 5 . 1 ± 2 . 7 3 7 . 8 ± 2 . 7

S dec ( %)

2 , 3 2 ± 0,1 1 3, 06 ± 0,25

2 , 3 ± 0,6 4 1,84 ± 0,15



S dec (%) 15 3.79 ± 0,21

2 , 2 6 ± 0,2 3 2,93 ± 0,17

8 9

6 8








However, the maximum speed (MS) did not improve significantly.There was no significant inter-group difference for the SJ value, whereas there was a significant difference for the CMJ test (P <0.05) and the sprinting repeat test (P <0.05). A significant inter-group difference is visible for the speed test (P <0.05). After carrying out a correlation analysis between the different obtained values in Table 2, it is necessary to specify that there is a correlation between the values of CMJ and Vmax (r = 0.71), between CMJ

and Sdec (r = 0.81) and between Vmax and Sdec (r = 0.63).

Discussion. The aim of this study was to show if a pliometric training allowed to improve the performance in sprint repetitions in futsal players. From the obtained results in Table 2 and the correlation analyses carried out between the various factors, it would seem that the improvement in the muscular stiffness evaluated by the difference between the height in CMJ and that in SJ is largely responsible Of the improvement in RSA (r =

0.81). We sought to improve neuromuscular stiffness through the plyometric method in order to improve the maximum speed (Spurrs et al., 2003). These findings are in line with (Kotzamandis et al., 2006). who found significant improvement in sprint (30-m) following 20 sessions (10 weeks x 2 sessions per week) of plyometric training. By this development of maximum velocity, we also expected to improve the ability to repeat sprints because we know that these two parameters are closely related (Balsom et al., 1992). The obtained results in Table 2 suggest that our hypothesis is fairly well founded because the increase in the capacity to repeat sprints is very much higher for the experimental group compared to the control group as for the quality of neuromuscular stiffness estimated thanks to with the difference obtained between the SJ test and the CMJ test.Several studies have suggested that plyometric training may enhance sprint ability because the use of stretch-relaxiing cycles during SJ and CMJ performance has been shown to have a significant relationship to sprint (Nesser et al., 1996; Saez-Saez et al., 2008). The greatest improvements in sprinting will occur at the velocity of muscle action that most closely approximates the velocity of muscle action of the plyometric exercises employed in training (Rimmer & Sleivert, 2000). Other mechanisms that improved sprint performance could be changed in stride length and stride frequency following plyometric training ((Rimmer & Sleivert, 2000; Schmidtbleicher et al., 1988). We can confirm these results because our study shows that the experimental group improved its performance in CMJ significantly more than its performance in SJ. We recall that the SJ is a vertical jump test that does not reveal the quality of neuromuscular stiffness, whereas the CMJ jump is a vertical jump involving the stiffness. We thus observe that the obtained difference between these two tests largely reflects the part of the increase in stiffness (Kubo et al., 2007), also we can see that the increased neuromuscular stiffness significantly improves explosive

performance. They describe the quality of neuromuscular stiffness as a quality that

improves the transmission of force and makes it possible to restore the energy stored during the stretching-relaxing cycle of the muscle (Millet & Le Gallais, 2007). We therefore make a clear link between the increase in sprint race speed and the increase in the ability to repeat them as the correlation analyses show (r = 0.63).We also see that a physical preparation based on plyometrics exercise can possibly improve the energy efficiency of the athletes by an increase of the neuromuscular stiffness. In contrast of our results, (Markovic et al., 2007) examined the effects of 10 weeks plyometric training (e. g., SJ and hurdle jumps) on 20-m sprint time and found no significant changes. Recently (Thomas et al., 2009), compared the effects of SJ and CMJ training on 5, 10, 15 and 20- m sprints, and found no statistically significant improvements. Moreover, it is established that a program based on plyometry generally increases neuromuscular stiffness (Spurrs et al., 2003) and that this quality improves the maximum stroke speed and the repeated results of Sprints (Balsom et al., 1992). It is recommended that, coaches design plyometrics on sand for athletes or individuals, because these types of training on sand can be effective for improving performance. The 10-meter running speed is a good indicator of the developed power (Mero et al., 2003), we understand that the power at each sprint of the experimental group (EG) players has been improved, which confirms the hypothesis (Billaut & Basset, 2006). Our results are once again in agreement with these remarks because we observe at the same time an increase of the stiffness and an increase of the capacity to repeat sprints after a period 8 weeks training in plyometrics(Billaut & Basset, 2006). the findings of the current study indicate the efficiency of plyometric training in improving sprint performance and the repeated sprint ability (RSA) of young futsal players. The results show that a protocol such as the one proposed here improves the physical quality of the ability to repeat sprints (p <0.001), while remaining in a type of work relatively close to the solicitations generated by futsal. Indeed, plyometry is a method involving the stretch-

and-relax cycle of the muscle, most often during bouncing, as the players can use them during matches. In addition, our protocol also improved the maximum running speed on a repetition (p <0.05) and the maximum jump height with pre-movement (p <0.05). These two physical qualities may allow players to take advantage more often over their direct opponents.


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Мохамед Беннадия - преподаватель, Университет Эль Баядх, Институт наук и методик физической активности и спорта, абонентский ящик 38000, Ттисемсилт, Алжир, e-mail: bennadjam067@gmail. com

Бенрабах Кхеиредине - преподаватель, Университет Эль Баядх, Институт наук и методик физической активности и спорта, абонентский ящик 38000, Ттисемсилт, Алжир Кхароуби Фейсал Мохамед - преподаватель, Университет Эль Баядх, Институт наук и методик физической активности и спорта, абонентский ящик 38000, Ттисемсилт, Алжир Оудах Ахмед Эль-Амин - доктор философии в области спорта, преподаватель университета Эль Баядх, Институт наук и методик физической акктивности и спорта, абонентский ящик 38000, Ттисемсилт, Алжир

Для цитирования: Мохамед Беннадия, Бенрабах Кхеиредине, Кхароуби Фейсал Мохамед, Оудах Ахмед Эль-Амин Влияние плиометрической тренировки на производительность спринта и повторную спринтерскую способность футзалистов // Педагогико-психологические и медико-биологические проблемы физической культуры и спорта. - 2018. - Т. 13. - № 1. - С. 26-34. DOI 10/14526/01 2018 280

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