UDC: 35:316.77:341.1/8
Holovanova Natalia Viktorivna,
Ph.D. student of the 3rd year of the Department of Political Science and Philosophy of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 61000, Kharkiv, avenue Moscowskyi Prospekt, 75, tel.+38 (097) 946 90 79, (099) 146 60 19, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-2226
Голованова Наталя ВЫтор[вна,
асшрант 3 курсу кафедри полтологи та фшософп Хартвського регюнального т-ституту Нащональног академп державного управлтня при Президентовi Укра-гни, 61000 м. Хартв, Московський просп., 75, тел:. +38 (097) 946 90 79, (099) 146 60 19, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-2226
Голованова Наталья Викторовна,
аспирант 3 курса кафедры политологии и философии Харьковского регионального института Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 61000, г. Харьков, Московский просп., 75, тел: +38 (097) 946 90 79, (099) 146 60 19 e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-2226 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i14.101
Abstract. Properties of modern media space as a superposition of the physical, informational and virtual worlds are specified. Different approaches to the concepts of "media space", "being", "otherness", "context" in the postmodern era are generalized. The questions of European unity in the genesis, the main sources of integration in Europe, the causes of the problem of preserving European identity, dialogue and related topics of understanding and problems of European identity in the metamodern era are presented. The interpretation of these concepts of Plotinus, Levinas and the main features of the philosophy of the Kievan Rus is considered. The main treaties and sources of soft law of the Council of Europe in the information sphere and the values that they carry with their content are
analyzed. The joint actions of Ukraine, the European Union and the Council of Europe on implementation of transparency of media ownership, broadcasting of territorial communities, public broadcasting, digital broadcasting, information security measures are considered. The content of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and Ukraine and the emphasis on the protection of human rights in the system of international law are analyzed. The need for flexible approaches and a review of public policy in all areas in the context of globalization are emphasized. The main regulatory mechanisms in European cyberspace are presented. Principles and the history of the development of broadcasting of territorial communities in Europe are mentioned. The priorities of the state policy in the informational sphere are emphasized. The problems of development of modern information policy of Ukraine are determined. Directions of improvement of the concept of modern European media space and information policy in the region are proposed.
Keywords: European unity, European identity, European media space, sources of soft law, media ownership transparency, broadcasting of territorial communities, public broadcasting, digital broadcasting, information security, information policy.
Анотащя. Уточнеш властивосп сучасного медiапростору як суперпозици фiзичного, шформацшного та вiртуального свтв. Узагальнет pi3Hi тдходи до понять "медiапростiр", "буття", "шшють", "контекст" в епоху постмодерну. Представлен питання европейсько1 едносп у генез^ основы витоки штегра-ци по-европейськи, причини проблемносп збереження европейсько! щен-тичносп, дiалогу та пов'язано! з ним теми розумшня в епоху метамодерну. Розглянуп штерпретаци цих понять Плотина, Левiнаса та основнi риси фшо-софи Кшвсько! русi. Проаналiзованi основнi договори та джерела "м'якого" права Ради бвропи в iнформацiйнiй сферi та цшносп, якi вони несуть сво!м змiстом. Проаналiзованi змiст Угоди про асощацш бвропейського Союзу та Украши i акценти щодо захисту прав людини у системi мiжнародного права. Наголошено на необхiдностi гнучких пiдходiв та переглядi публiчноl пол™-ки у вах сферах в умовах глоба^заци. Приведенi цiннiснi принципи нового публiчного урядування та основнi регуляторнi мехашзми в европейському кiберпросторi. Розглянутi стльт ди Украши, бвропейського Союзу та Ради бвропи щодо впровадження прозоросп медiавласностi, мовлення територ^ альних громад, сустльного мовлення, цифрового мовлення, заходiв з питань шформацшно1 безпеки. Зазначеш принципи та iсторiя розвитку мовлення територiальних громад у бврош. Наголошено на прюритетах державно! по-л^ики в iнформацiйнiй сферi. Визначено проблеми вироблення сучасно! ш-формацшно1 пол^ики Украши. Запропонованi напрями удосконалення кон-цепци сучасного европейського медiапростору та шформацшно1 полiтики у регiонi.
Ключовi слова: европейська eднiсть, европейська щентичшсть, европейсь-кий медiапростiр, джерела "м'якого" права, прозорiсть медiавласностi, мовлення територiальних громад, суспiльне мовлення, цифрове мовлення, шфор-мацiйна безпека, шформацшна полiтика.
Аннотация. Уточнены характеристики современного медиапространства как суперпозиции физического, информационного и виртуального миров. Обобщены различные подходы к понятиям "медиапространство", "бытие", "различность", "контекст" в эпоху постмодерна. Представлены вопросы европейского единства в генезисе, основные истоки интеграции по-европейски, причины проблемности сохранения европейской идентичности, диалога и связанной с ним темы понимания в эпоху метамодерна. Рассмотрены интерпретации этих понятий Плотина, Левинас и основные черты философии Киевской Руси. Проанализированы основные договоры и источники "мягкого" права Совета Европы в информационной сфере и ценности, которые они несут своим содержанием. Рассмотрены совместные действия Украины, Европейского Союза и Совета Европы по внедрению прозрачности медиасобст-венности, вещания территориальных общин, общественного вещания, цифрового вещания, мероприятий по вопросам информационной безопасности. Проанализированы содержание Договора об ассоциации ЕС и Украины и акценты по защите прав человека в системе международного права. Отмечены необходимость гибких подходов и пересмотра публичной политики во всех сферах в условиях глобализации. Приведены ценностные принципы нового публичного управления и основные регуляторные механизмы в европейском киберпространстве. Указаны принципы и история развития вещания территориальных общин в Европе. Отмечены приоритеты государственной политики в информационной сфере. Определены проблемы выработки современной информационной политики Украины. Предложены направления совершенствования концепции современного европейского медиапростран-ства и информационной политики в регионе.
Ключевые слова: европейское единство, европейская идентичность, европейское медиапространство, источники "мягкого" права, прозрачность медиа-собственности, вещание территориальных общин, общественное вещание, цифровое вещание, информационная безопасность, информационная политика.
Target setting. There are different approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of media space, the
concept of the information society, the essence of globalization. The elaboration of the value measurements of the
EU-Ukraine media space which reproduces the common information policy of Europe and Ukraine is important for clarifying these concepts for developing the principles of information policy of states at the metamodern stage, with a certain perspective in time. Also the understanding of the origins of the issue — the historical and philosophical aspects of the formation of information policy in Ukraine and Europe — is important.
Analysis of basic research and publication. The issue of media space and information policy is studied in works by L. Abu-Lugold, P. Adams, A. Appadurai, D. Arquilli, S. Bauman, W. Beck, D. Bell, P. Berger, D. Blackwell, J. Bodriyar, N. Bolzano, S. Bol-Ro-kich, A. Briggs, M. Bugai, P. Bourdieu, E. Giddens, E. Hoffmann, R. Darendorf, K. Davidson, J. Delos, J. Derridi, M. Defluer, F. Din, I. Dzyaloshinsky, G. Simmel, L. Irigarey, M. Castells, P. Kobli, R. Cordy, N. Couldry, R. Ku-denhov-Kalergi, P. Lazarsfeld, J. La-kan, G. Lassvel, A. Lefevr, E. Levinas, S. Lesch, V. Lippmann, E. Lorenz, T. Lukman, T. Luke, A. McCarthy, G. Maklien, E. Nim, I. Prigogine,
D. Rashkoff, R. Robertson, D. Ron-flede, E. Rossi, P. Sorokin, A. Spinelli, R. Stults, F. Webster, M. Waters, M. Fe-zerstone, M. Fleer, D. Folkheimer, M. Foucault, S. Harrison, A. Jans-son, domestic researchers M. Burich,
E. Volkova, S. Grytsay, L. Zubanova, V. Ilganayeva, S. Kulibabi, O. Kryukov, O. Petrun'ko, T. Piskun, G. Pocheptsov, E. Yudina. The cooperation of Ukraine and the Council of Europe, in particular on information policy, is being studied among domestic scientists by M. Anisimov, O. Vyunyts'ka, L. Gidzhi-van, S. Gorbatyuk, I. Hrytsyak,
V. Dzyunyuk, M. Zhuk, N. Malysh, S. Matyazh, B. Melekh, S. Moskalenko, A. Pazyuk, T. Perga, A. Poleshko, P. Ra-binovich, I. Rosupatenko, I. Todorov, Yu. Fedun, V. Tsivatiy and others.
The purpose of the article is to find out the value measures of the media space of Ukraine-EU which creates a common information policy of Europe and Ukraine.
The statement of basic materials. The global media space eliminates all traditional restrictions of physical space, any geographic distance; further globalization reveals unique information, educational, scientific and cultural opportunities for mankind forming a media person and a new media civilization. Platon's metaxis — fluctuations between the opposite and the simultaneous use of them — becomes topical, the Platonic concept partially determines the content of metamodernism. The birth of Neoplatonism is associated with the ancient philosopher Plotinus. His doctrine of dual activity, an appeal to mediaplatonism gives a certain tool for the interpretation of the above concepts and meanings: "from the One "due to diversity" there comes the plurality of the other — an unlimited "secondary" activity that is not yet an Intelligence, but is a generating force — such activity is called by Plotinus "Uncertain life" (or "indefinite dyad" — the principle of plurality and uncertainty the existence of which was formed in the ancient Platonic tradition); secondary and unrestricted activity which originates from the One to it, in the end, and returns from a certain kind of "inversion" [1, p. 393].
In this regard, Plotinus speaks of "a view that does not yet see". This kind
of thinking is not "discursive", not "inferior", and covers "everything at once". The activity of the Damonian mind is infinite and eternal, since it is outside of time and therefore excludes duration, incompleteness. In addition, Plotinus is much deeper than Platon-ists have done to him develops Platonic thought of beauty identifying it with the perfection of the ideal world. The stages of being, according to Plotinus, correspond to the degrees of life and the degree of "brightness from the perfect world of reason to the darkness of the lowest stages of reality, to the matter of the vision of forms, to matter; the vision of forms on the part of the Mind is likened to the light that sees another light, without external means" [1, p. 394-395; 2].
Modern researchers develop approaches to the concepts of "media space", "being", "otherness". According to Anderson's ideas, "the new world order" was based on "imaginary communities". According to the ideas of T. Luke, postmodern "non-world orders" are examples of virtual communities that are characterized by such a high level of hyperabstraction that time destroys history, space destroys reality, and the flow of images/information destroys social. In parallel, there is a shift from the "real policy" that the nationstate has carried out in the "historical space" to the hyper-real policy that sub-and supranational collective actors embody in the post-historical "cyberspace". "Model" is preceded by a hyper-real, hyper-real "canceling" reality. "Model" has a combinatorial character, according to F. de Sosyur, the models are "system of signs", "miniature units" of which "matrices", "memory banks"
are formed. According to King, urban and global modernity is a space where "everything is solid airborne", the reason is the cosmopolitanism of flows. According to Z. Bauman, the fundamental contradiction between "system" and "unpredictability" begins to operate. J. Deleuz, J. Derrida, L. Irigarey, J. Lacan and M. Foucault have shifted the emphasis from the closed identity to ambiguity and distinction. The loss of fixed identities that some members of the Frankfurt School accepted as a sign of decline others interpreted the forerunner of a new form of society. Western civilization faced a double challenge: from the outside — the hybridization of Western culture as a result of the movement of people and symbols from African, Asian and other "Oriental" sources, and inside — the modernity crisis. We are talking about a mixture of cultures, polyethnicity but underestimate the fact that L. Abu-Lugold called "half-heartedness". In this case, the phenomenon of cultural nationalism such as "nichondjiron" (discourse on the uniqueness of Japan) is a common practice [3, p. 25-31, 42-46].
At the time the vision of the media space as a superposition of the physical, informational and virtual worlds is actual. The concept of "context" is transformed. The perception of a phenomenon, a person in the context of the past, the context of the future, a context that is a superposition of contexts of different times, etc., destroys the very concept of time. And the perception of an object in space in the context of vir-tualization of space, abstraction, movement destroys the concept of the space itself. Cosmos and artificial superintellect transform the picture of the media
space. Even prognostic evidence of the influence of these factors in the future (the theory of S. Weinberg, F. Dyson, M. Tagmarck) substantially transforms the content, picture and our perception of the media space [4, p. 11-19]. An important cognitive approach (D. Blackwell, C. Davidson, F. Dean, R. Cordrey) [5].
One of the essential components of the media space, important factors in the formation of information policy is the dialogue and the related topic of understanding. Dialogue is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon and in the light of the challenges of modern times, the modernization of state information policy must be studied separately by science. By right the unsurpassed theorist of the dialogue is Emanuel Levinas. Levinas relies on the phe-nomenological heritage of Husserl and Heidegger and sees another interlocutor who has a desire to understand but the relationship with him goes beyond understanding. According to Levinas, an individual can consider himself to be total only when he is unable to think [6, p. 9-10]. As one that thinks man is the one for whom the outside world exists. Hence there's his philosophy of the "third" [6, p. 16-18]. Levinas reveals the themes of existence, mentality, God-man, new rationalism by Gabriel Marcel, suffering, the theme of human intercourse. He writes his theory of pronunciation as pleasure [6, p. 84-88, 115-117]. In the section "From "one" to "another". Transcendence and Time" Levinas describes his phenomenology of socialization — "responsibility that, without a doubt, preserves the secrets of socialization whose integral disadvantage, let useless within these li-
mits, is called love to our neighbor ..." [6, p. 169]. Levinas gives the vision of "I" and "I-in general" in communication, the concept of socialization in the contour of time in general, in the context of the past, a pure future [6, p. 183-193].
These patterns are reflected in particular in the European media space including the Ukraine-EU space.
The genesis of European unity is embodied in the works of P. Dubois "The Return of the Holy Land", D. Ali-gieri "On the Monarchy", M. de Beti-nus "Duke of Sulla", V. Penn "All About the Contemporary and Future Peace in Europe", J. Beyler, S. Saint-Pierre et al. Concepts of European integration were federalism, functionalism, neofunctio-nalism, transactionalism, the theory of inter-institutionalism. The founder of the new concept of peace was I. Kant. The ideas of his "Project of eternal peace" are as follows: the peace treaty destroys all the causes of future wars; no state can be captured by another as an inheritance or as a result of exchange, purchase or as a gift; permanent armies should disappear later; the use of state loans for preparing for and conducting war should be prohibited; no state has the right to intervene in the affairs of another state; no state during the war can conduct such actions that will make mutual trust unlikely in the future.
The idea of European unity was realized in several stages. In 20-40s of the twentieth century R. Kudenhov-Kaler-gi in the Man-Manifesto Pan-Europe, 1923, outlined the principles for the implementation of this idea: the transfer of resources under collective control; overcoming the confrontation between Germany and France; mutual recognition and guarantee of borders; the crea-
tion of a pan-European customs union and a common economic space; creation of the "United States of Europe".
In 1933 a new Pan-European Union program was proposed. After the 1940's, the idea of European unity was embodied in Plan Tardier. The Second World War revived the idea of a "united Europe" (A. Spinelli, E. Rossi, V. Churchill); after World War II, the idea of the idea of the supranationalism of Jean Monet began: "People are the true foundation of civilization".
The main origins of integration in Europe are the following: orderly individualism formed by Roman law; personal freedom; specific character of management; the contradiction between private property and specificism. collective management; unifying factor of European identity; political system as "cartel of elites" (R. Darendorf); a bet on science and technology, the formation of a single scientific space.
The causes of the problem of preserving European identity (by R. Schwed, K. Schor, P. Berger, R. Darendorf, W. Beck) are the challenges faced by the current public policy of states: the process of further enlargement of the European Union, the formation of a new world order, processes of the change of nature, structure and forms of modern states ("denationalization is an erosion or transformation of the national state into a transnational state"), the change in the nature of civilizational threats and the inability of the national states to independently solve security problems; the destruction of the boundaries, the formation of an information society, the need for alternative landmarks, the growth of the level of mass migrations of people, the emergence of the phe-
nomenon of nomadism as a new way of life and human thinking in the twenty-first century; the transformation of the semantic field of disposition of his own-stranger-other; transformation of identity; mass culture; crisis of journalism, etc.
Taking into account the stated challenges in shaping the information policy of the EU and the Council of Europe they are based on such principles of New Public Governance as: introduces consumer, market and own employee-oriented management forms (transition from administration to management); pays considerable attention to the achievement of results and the personal responsibility of managers; is oriented towards the creation of flexible organizations; abandons the principle of a clear division of political and administrative activities; uses certain market methods in its activities; supports the tendency to reduce the degree and sphere of influence of the authorities; pays considerable attention to a clear and qualitative definition of organizational and personal goals.
Values of New Public Governance:
• not isolated but the partnership nature of the decision-making process;
• distributed responsibility;
• coordinated and integrated goals and objectives;
• criterion of success is not a result, but a process;
• key attribute is not professionalism, but sensitivity;
• benchmarks: networks, interactions, interaction, collective action, mutual responsibility, openness, subordination, partnership, dialogue, manageability, trust, diversity of languages, consensus-oriented.
OnJune 13, 2017, the European Union and Ukraine held an annual Human Rights Dialogue. In the Association Agreement, the European Union and Ukraine declared mutual respect for the following common values: democratic principles; Rule of Law; effective management; Human Rights; fundamental freedom. At the same time, there is a desire to preserve the diversity of European cultures, tolerance, freedom of the individual, solve problems (xenophobia, national minorities, intolerance, environment, drugs, crime, external aggression) and support the reforms in the EU.
Such values were stated in practically all documents 1991-2017 adopted by the Council of Europe in relation to Ukraine, starting with the Council of Europe Declaration on Ukraine of 2.12.1991 [7-16]. The EU and CoE Joint Program "Strengthening the Information Society in Ukraine", 2015, contains an EU Action Plan on visa liberalization for Ukraine [17]. The activities of the Council of Europe the member of which Ukraine became after joining the Statute of the CoE on November 9, 1995, includes the development of international legal regulation of the information sphere.
All documents adopted at the EU level regarding media space, in particular the Internet, have the following guidelines for the protection of human rights: access and non-discrimination; freedom of expression and information; assembly, association and participation; privacy and data protection; education and literacy; children and youth; effective mechanisms of legal protection [18, p. 172, 195-202].
Under the conditions of globalization, the issue of flexible approaches, the revision of the style of public policy in all spheres is becoming increasingly important. There are four main competing regulatory mechanisms in cyberspace: the national regulatory framework for telecommunications; self-regulation at the level of individual companies or corporations; bilateral agreements between the EU and its member countries from the United States or between individual companies; multilateral negotiating platforms, for example, OECD, ICANN, WTO, UN [18, p. 53-54].
Media Reform is one of Ukraine's obligations to the European Union in the framework of the implementation of the Association Agreement which was ratified by the parties in September 2014. Among the most important joint projects within the framework of the Framework Cooperation Program (RPN) of Ukraine with the Council of Europe and the European Union 20142017 is the project "Freedom of the Media in Ukraine". The notion of "media freedom" is one of the basic definitions of the existence of "freedom of thought" [12].
In 2014-2017, actions have been implemented in Ukraine regarding [19-23]:
• transparency of media ownership;
• broadcasting of territorial communities;
• public service broadcasting;
• digital broadcasting;
• Information Security Measures.
Broadcasting of communities operate on the basis of civil society and community participation. It is independent from state authorities including local ones and is created through
voluntary association, acts for the public purpose, not for the sake of private gain, provides communities with access to information and gives voice, contributes to community-based discussions, exchange of information and knowledge, as well as helping to make socially important decisions that deepen democracy in the country. Based on these principles the broadcasting of the territorial communities in Europe, which was created: in Western Europe — in the 1980s, simultaneously with the beginning of the development of private broadcasting, in Eastern Europe — in the early 1990's, along with the development of state broadcasting after the end of the Soviet period; now most represented in Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, are in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania [24, p. 3-6].
On June 6-7, 2017, an expert seminar "European Practices on Information Security: Legislative Innovations and Features of Implementation" was held in Kyiv, during which the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine, 2017, the Resolution of the European Parliament of November 23, 2016 on Strategic Communications EU to counter the propaganda against third parties (2016/2030 (INI)) and the experience of European countries on security issues.
Priorities of state policy in the information sphere were proclaimed, in particular: creation of an integrated system for assessing information threats; improvement of the powers of the regulatory bodies which carry out activities concerning the state information space; definition of regulatory mechanisms;
ensuring full coverage of Ukraine's territory by digital and Internet broadcasting, especially in border areas, as well as temporarily occupied territories; fight against misinformation and destructive information of Russian Federation; stimulating the development of national production of text and audiovisual content, in particular by creating a quota system; ensuring the functioning and proper financing of the Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine; creation of the broadcasting system of territorial communities; support of domestic book publishing business, in particular translations of foreign works; development of legal instruments for the protection of human rights and citizen's free access to information, etc.; comprehensive support for the development of mechanisms for self-regulation of the media; increasing media literacy of society; development of e-government mechanisms; informing Ukrainian citizens about the activities of state bodies power; development of services aimed at greater and more effective involvement of the public in decision-making by public authorities and local self-government bodies; promoting the formation of a culture of social debate; the formation of a positive international image of Ukraine [25, p. 11-14].
In 2016 the Concept of popularization of Ukraine in the world was adopted [26].
The problems of developing a modern information policy of Ukraine, and thus, the introduction of basic values are: lack of universality of approaches; their anthropocentric and cognitive component; the influence of totalitarian principles; low educational and spiritual
standards as the basis of lawmaking; the minimized weight of the individual in the state; the dominance of laws and regulations, their non-laconism; a weak staffing policy and a minimal role in making decisions of the community of scientists, artists, experts, and communities.
The reliance on historical sources of Ukrainian statehood as such is insufficient. Ukraine is able to translate into the European media space the values that it has inherent from the times of Kievan Rus. After all, the features of the philosophy of Kievan Rus are syncretism, a variety of approaches and polyphony, cordocentrism and wisdom, kievocentrism, hierusalal center and journey; look at Kyiv as the embodiment of the idea of the "hail of God" on earth. [27, p. 67-125].
Conclusions. Given the densifica-tion of the noosphere, the dynamism of the global media space, the saturation of the space with social content, we have the Ukraine-EU media space multimodal, polygonal, and polysemy. In shaping the information policy, the EU and the Council of Europe rely on the principles of New Public Governance.
Ukraine has suffered a loss of competitiveness in recent years. Under the conditions of economic globalization (overproduction, overconsumption, fictitious money) and such a threat as military expansion, Ukraine must develop an information policy in the light of these threats.
The agenda is the universal international legal regulation of the Internet, cyberspace, media space. Approaches and methods of post-classical sciences are needed, the construction of a united European space is required, taking into account the space of the world.
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10. European Convention on the Legal Protection of Services based on, or consisting of, Conditional Access, 2001, available at: http://con-ventions.coe.int/Treaty/en/Treaties/ Html/178.htm
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12. Raboy M. (2003) Media and Democratization in the Information Society / M. Raboy // Communicating in the Information Society, ed. Bruce Girard and Sean O Siochru, UNRISD, Geneva, available at: https://rm.coe. int/1680599369 http://www.un-risd.org/80256B3C005BCCF9/ httpNetITFramePDF?ReadForm&pa rentunid=26BE21C65B15A339C125 6E550056A85F&parentdoctype=doc umentauxiliarypage&netitpath=8025 6B3C005BCCF9/(httpAuxPages)/2 6BE21C65B15A339C1256E550056A 85F/$file/raboy.pdf
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14. Recommendation Rec(2002)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the Guiding principles for sustainable spatial development of the European Continent, 2002, available at: http://www.bbsr. bund.de/BBSR/EN/Publications/ IzR/2003/7Appendix5.pdf?__ blob=publicationFile&v=3
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