Научная статья на тему 'Problematic aspects of mainstream public policy in the information sphere in the context of threats'

Problematic aspects of mainstream public policy in the information sphere in the context of threats Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Gurkovskyi Volodymyr Igorovich, Druk Viktoriya Vasulivna

The state and problematic aspects of mainstream public policy in the information sphere mentioned in Information Security Doctrine have been analyzed, identified countermeasure information aggression against Ukraine.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Problematic aspects of mainstream public policy in the information sphere in the context of threats»

7095272, e-mail: [email protected]

UDC: 351.327

Gurkovskyi Volodymyr Igorovich,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor of the Dept. of Information Policy and Electronic Governance, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Ezhen Potie, 20, Apt. 215, tel.: (044) 455 69 66, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-2021-5204

Гурковський Володимир 1горович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня професор кафедри тформацшног полi-тики та електронного урядування, На-цональна академiя державного управлтня при Президентовi Украти, 03057, м. Кшв, вул. Ежена Потье, 20, кмн. 215, тел.: (044) 455 69 66, e-mail: general@ academy.gov.ua

ORCID: 0000-0003-2021-5204

Гурковский Владимир Игоревич,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор кафедры информационной политики и электронного управления, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, комн. 215, тел.: (044) 455 69 66, e-mail: general@ academy.gov.ua

ORCID: 0000-0003-2021-5204

Druk Viktoriya Vasulivna,

PhD in Public Administration, doctoral student of the Dept. of Information Policy and Electronic Governance, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Ezhen Potie, 20, Apt. 215, tel.: 050

ORCID: 0000-0001-7539-1307

Друк Вiкторiя EacuMieHa,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, докторант кафедри тформацшног полi-тики та електронного урядування, Нащональна академiя державного управлтня при Президентовi Украгни, 03057, м. Кигв, вул. Ежена Потье, 20, тмн. 215, тел: 050 7095272, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-7539-1307

Друк Виктория Васильевна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, докторант кафедры информационной политики и электронного управления, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, комн. 215, тел: 050 7095272, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-7539-1307


Abstract. The state and problematic aspects of mainstream public policy in the information sphere mentioned in Information Security Doctrine have been analyzed, identified countermeasure information aggression against Ukraine.

Keywords: information, information security, public governance, information aggression.


Анотащя. У статт проаналiзовано основш напрями державно!' пол^ики в iнформацiйнiй сферi в контекст сучасних загроз, задекларованих у Доктри-ш iнформацiйноï безпеки Украши, та на цш основi виокремлено проблемнi аспекти ïx реалiзацiï, визначено заходи протиди iнформацiйнiй агресй' щодо Украши.

Ключовi слова: iнформацiя, iнформацiйна безпека, державне управлiння, iнформацiйна агресiя.


Аннотация. В статье проанализированы основные направления государственной политики в информационной сфере в контексте современных угроз, задекларированных в Доктрине информационной безопасности Украины, и на этой основе выделены проблемные аспекты их реализации, определены меры противодействия информационной агрессии в отношении Украины.

Ключевые слова: информация, информационное обеспечение, государственное управление, информационная агрессия.

Target setting. The promotion of the information society, the spread of global information and communication networks, the need to use new information and communication technologies requires more effective public policy. Today the functioning of the information and communication sector of Ukraine depends on finding the best ways to ensure a harmonious balance between the level of development of information and communication technologies and the needs of the modern Ukrainian state.

The role of information and communication sector is crucial in the context of the need for information security as part of national security, guarantee public welfare, peace, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen throughout Ukraine.

In terms of global information, access to information, information and communication policy serve a dangerous tool of influence on the population. Indeed, "Russia is using against Ukraine the latest information technology impact on the minds of citizens, inciting national and religious matters, propaganda of aggressive war, the constitutional order by force or violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine" [2], and it requires the definition of innovation approaches to the development of systems security and information space.

The use of modern information and communication technologies is a powerful tool of influence, and, therefore, effective information and communication policy today serves as a strategic priority and in the context of the need to implement effective information to combat the aggressor is of particu-

lar relevance for the whole Ukrainian state. The level of development of information society in Ukraine does not meet the capacity and capabilities of Ukraine and one of the reasons for this situation is a flawed model of sectoral public policies and ineffective procedures for its implementation [3]. The model of sectoral public policy does not meet the urgent needs of information development of Ukraine for the following reasons: it is unstable (too dependent on the current situation in the country), causing underfunding industry, spraying administrative efforts and budget, ignoring the real needs of regions and specialized industries, creating soil for various abuses.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The aggression of the Russian Federation in February 2014, followed by the seizure of Crimea peninsula and the spread of hostilities in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions contributed to the creation of new social and political conditions that require systematic research and comprehensive forecasting of future threats to national security. Presidential Decree from 25.02.2017 "On the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine" [2] identified new directions for further scientific debates.

Formulation purposes of article (problem), — identify problematic aspects of the implementation of state policy in sphere of information in the context of threats to national security.

The statement of basic materials.

Fundamental regulations of Ukrainian legislation on the development of information society in general correspond to the fundamental principles and strategic goals of the modern glo-

bal information laid down in the Geneva Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action, as well as Tunisian commitment program for the information society. However, analysis of information sphere made it possible to highlight the need to improve the legal framework as one of the key issues. Many researchers emphasize the need for the adoption of Information Codex of Ukraine, which was enshrined in the "Fundamentals of information society development in Ukraine for 2007-2015". By Information Codex of Ukraine it is proposed to include some chapters, including the principles of electronic commerce, the legal protection of the rights to the content of computer programs improve protection of intellectual property rights, the protection of databases, remote learning, telemedicine, providing government agencies and local governments to businesses and individuals information services via the Internet, trade secrets, etc. [3]. In accordance with the main principles of the information society in Ukraine in 2007-2015 years, approved by the Law of Ukraine at January 9, 2007 Number 537-V, the strategic goals of information society development in Ukraine are: to accelerate the development and introduction of new competitive information and communication technologies in all 52 spheres of public life, including the economy of Ukraine and the activities of the state and local governments; to provide computer and information literacy, primarily through the establishment of the education system, focusing on the use of new ICT in the formation of a fully developed personality; to develop national information infrastructure and its integration with the global

infrastructure; to support new "electronic" sectors (trade, financial and banking services, etc.); to establish a national information systems, primarily in the areas of health, education, science, culture and environmental protection; to preserve cultural heritage of Ukraine through its electronic documentation and improvement of information security. However, a large number of the provisions laid down in the "Fundamentals of information society development in Ukraine for 20072015" have remained declarative.

Strategic legal act in this context is the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine, which defines Ukraine's national interests in the information sector, the threat of their implementation, and priorities of the state policy in the information sphere. Its purpose is to clarify the principles of the formation and implementation of public information policy, especially to counter the destructive impact of the information of the Russian Federation in terms of its hybrid waged war [2].

According to the Doctrine of Ukraine's information security protection from destructive information and psychological impacts, protection of Ukrainian society from aggressive informational influence of the Russian Federation are aimed at propaganda of war and inciting national and religious hatred, change the constitutional order by force or violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, development and protection of the national information infrastructure, safe operation and development of national news item rostoru and its integration into European and world information space, the effective interaction of pub-

lic authorities and civil society in shaping, implementing state policy in the sphere of information, development of information and communication technologies and information resources Ukraine, creating a positive image of Ukraine in the world, reports rapid, accurate and objective information about events in Ukraine in the international community is an important national interest in Ukraine nformatsiyniy field [2].

The priorities of state policy in sphere of information are defined: an integrated information system for evaluating threats and respond quickly to them; improving powers of state regulators that operate state information space in order to achieve an adequate level of state capacity and meet the real and potential threats to Ukraine's national interests in the information sphere; legislative regulation mechanism discovers, blocking and deletion of information space of the state, including the Ukrainian segment of the Internet, information that threatens the life or health of citizens of Ukraine promotes war, national and religious hatred, change the constitutional order by force or violate the territorial integrity of Ukraine threatens national sovereignty and promoting communist and/or national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes and their symbolism; fight against destructive misinformation and propaganda from the Russian Federation; detection and prosecution under the laws of the subjects of Ukrainian information space created and / or used by aggressor State to conduct an information war against Ukraine and prevent their subversive activities; prevent the free circulation

of information products (printed and electronic), primarily originating from the territory of the aggressor containing propaganda of war, national and religious hatred, change the constitutional order by force or violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, provoking riots; intelligence agencies of Ukraine shares at promoting and protecting national interests of Ukraine in the sphere of information, countering external threats to information security States outside Ukraine, etc. [2].

Coordination of executive authorities on national security in the information sector should implement National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Also, additional functions entrusted to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, State Agency of Ukraine for Cinema, the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio, and more. State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine according to its competence participate in the protection of Ukrainian information space advocacy audiovisual and printed materials aggressor state. It is assumed that the National Institute for Strategic Studies is to provide scientific analysis and expert support to the process of forming and implementing the state information policy.

Thus, the doctrine of information security of Ukraine declared its fundamental principles of the fight against Ukrainian state information aggression, defining the main directions and priorities of state policy in the sphere of information, but many questions re-

main problematic, and so far conducted discussions on this issue — the threat of impending new information. However, awareness of the power of information systematic struggle against Ukraine use for this purpose of sophisticated manipulation technology to realize the need for decisive action.

The initiative to create Information forces Ukraine to attract citizens of Ukraine for the response of the Internet to the actions of the aggressor, did not give proper results [1]. However, social media is evident total public dissatisfaction with government actions, social and economic situation, which would be better spent on an information fight with Russia.

Conclusions. So, at this stage of development of the state of implementation of the Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine depends not only on implementation of the state information policy, but also on the inviolability of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. It is important to avoid a situation in which a large number of the provisions laid down in the Doctrine and remained declarative. For this purpose, the realization of the legal act involved an extremely large number of public authorities: National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the State Agency of Ukraine for Film, National Council of Ukraine on television and Radio, State Committee for television and Radio broadcasting of Ukraine. From coordinated their work will depend on implementation of the Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine.

It is also necessary improve the legal status of the National Strategy for Information Society Development in Ukraine, which at the moment is a document approved by the government, as objectively does not fulfill any regulatory and binding functions. However, the National Strategy for Information Society Development in Ukraine needs some work especially in terms of the highest possible specification of its main priorities, goals and objectives, the timing of their implementation, defining the entities responsible for their implementation and to identify required target state programs and local strategies required for the development of information society in Ukraine, including cyber security strategy, the state program "IT education" and "public-private partnership in the IT field" [5].

Although the threat to national security in the information sphere is identified, the legislation defines further ways of dealing with them, the reality of social life showed their fundamental value, and therefore the prospects for further research in this direction will be effective to impact the entire state.


1. Information armies of Ukraine [Electronic resource]. — Access: http:// i-army.org/

2. The decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of 29 December 2016 "About the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine": Decree of the President of Ukraine from 25.02.2017 № 47 / 2017 [Electronic resource]. — Access: http://www.president.gov.ua/docu-ments/472017-21374

3. The basic principles of information society development of Ukraine 2007-2015: Law of Ukraine from 09.01.2007 number 537-V [Electronic resource]. — Access: http://zakon4. rada.gov.ua/laws/show/537-16

4. The European experience of regulatory and project development of the Information Society: Implications

for Ukraine. The analytical report. [Electronic resource]. — Access: http://www.niss.gov.ua/articles/ 1732/

5. About approval of the Strategy of information society development in Ukraine: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from May 15, 2013 p. 386, the number.

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