UDK 808.5
Kulaxmedova G.A.
Senior teacher Aripova M.X.
Senior teacher Tashkent Institute of Finance Uzbekistan, Tashkent city PRONUNCIATION TEACHING OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Annotation: In this article highlights importance of English language in the world life and pronunciation teaching of the English language.
Key words: pronunciation, speaking, reading, listening, teaching, English language, education.
Recently, the world has increased interest in foreign languages, especially English. This is due to the role and place of the English language in the modern world: the development of trade and economic relations with English-speaking countries, the emergence of the world computer network Internet, as well as the opportunity to travel, work and relax abroad. The first acquaintance with the language takes place at the sound, phonetic level, so the formation of pronunciation skills at the initial stage of training is one of the main tasks.
Pronunciation is a kind of "business card" of the speaker, because the first thing we pay attention to when communicating with a person is the purity and correctness of his speech, it matters not only in English, but also in other languages. If you do not pay due attention to the pronunciation, the articulation apparatus of students will get used to the wrong articulation of sound, will not be able to correctly intonate their speech, then it will be very difficult to retrain later, and the sound of speech will be non-English. In addition, the correct English pronunciation affects the meaning of the statement. For example, the length and brevity of vowels, sonority and stun consonants makes sense: ship - sheep, send - sent, bed - bet, etc.
Pronunciation training is a program requirement, because without it it is impossible to master all kinds of speech activities in a foreign language, including speaking and reading aloud. The initial stage of the first year of learning a foreign language is the most responsible for the teacher, as it largely determines the success of further education. Starting his first lesson, the teacher sees that all students want to quickly learn to read, write and speak a foreign language, to understand someone else's speech. The teacher's task is not to deceive the expectations of students, to make the process of mastering a foreign language as easy as possible for them, to make it accessible, interesting and joyful, based on best practices, using justified teaching methods.
Learning any language starts with the correct pronunciation. If pronunciation is not given due attention at the beginning of training, then it will be more difficult to correct mistakes and improve pronunciation. Although this is possible with regular classes, proper tactics and perseverance. The solution to this problem is the creation of a lesson atmosphere of goodwill, mutual trust and respect, as well as
every encouragement of the first success of students. Remembering the words of Y.Korchak: "Respect children's ignorance", I excluded "two" and even "three" in the assessment of the knowledge of their students. This is feasible if you see the difficulties faced by each student, painstakingly, from lesson to lesson to help overcome them and thereby prevent mistakes, lay the Foundation for strong knowledge, skills and abilities.
It has already been said how important it is to create a strong connection between the image and the sound. Hearing the sound, recognize the word and its corresponding image or reading the word, pronounce it correctly and at the same time understand its meaning, automatically associating with the image. This is a difficult stage in the development of a foreign language. By developing our pronunciation and listening skills, we simultaneously increase our ability to perceive and reproduce speech. During a conversation with the interlocutor must be well understood what he says, and that he understood you, you have to speak with the correct intonation. Only one correct pronunciation and good articulation is not enough, people hear first of all intonation. With the weak development of speech skills, you will never be able to ensure that the interlocutor is well understood what you want to say to him, and you in turn understand what he wants to tell you. Therefore, the development of correct pronunciation is a mandatory element of language education. Only having worked out all together: the correct intonation, good articulation; having learned the correct pronunciation of words, having learned to distinguish sounds of another language well by ear, you can consider your task of mastering spoken language solved. In many textbooks we see in the first Chapter the whole phonetic course and only in the following all the rest.
There are textbooks in which phonetics is given in each lesson. What is more effective, to work out the pronunciation at the beginning of training or to do it evenly during the entire period of training? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. If you focus at the beginning of training on phonetics, you will lose time in which you could already learn a simple conversation. The theory explaining and describing articulation is not simple, and learning it is boring and time consuming, so it can quite turn away from learning English. If you do not engage in practicing pronunciation, then it will be very difficult to make up for it, as the load will increase as you learn the language. Still, teachers consider the best option to work on pronunciation and understanding of speech by ear throughout the language course, but you need to work on this at different stages in different ways. G.V.Rogova offers the following technology of pronunciation training at the initial stage of training. Familiarization with the phonetic phenomenon occurs through its visual demonstration, which is exaggerated. The sequence of presentation of phonetic material is dictated by its needs for communication. Sometimes first introduced sounds that are the most difficult and have no analogues in the native language. When teaching pronunciation it is advised to use analytical and imitational approach, in which sounds that are subject to special treatment, singled out from the cohesive whole and are explained on the basis of the articulation rules; it's the analytical part of the work. Then these sounds are again included in the
whole, which is organized gradually: syllables, words, phrases, and spoken by students after the sample, imitated.
Articulation rules are approximated. When familiarizing with phonetic phenomena explanation must be accompanied by a demonstration of sound standards that students hear from the teacher or in the recording to create conditions in which students as it "bathe" in the sounds at the moment when they explain their articulation. This is followed by intensive training of students in pronunciation. The training includes two types of exercises: active listening to the sample and conscious imitation. Active listening is guaranteed by preliminary tasks that help to draw attention to the desired sound quality; it stimulates the selection of a specific sound from the flow of words to be assimilated. By raising his hand or a signal card, the student shows the teacher how he heard the sound. Exercises in active listening can be as follows: I pronounce mixed English and Russian sounds. When you hear an English sound, raise your hand. Raise your hand when you hear a word with a sound in a row of words. Raise the signal card whenever you hear long (short, labialized, etc.) vowels in the following words. Raise your hand when you hear the words in the sentence where the stress falls, etc. the Number of exercises in the playback should be greater. These exercises are a conscious imitation of the sound standard, they mobilize all the efforts of students and direct them to the qualitative reproduction of a new sound. Regular exercises in conscious imitation help to overcome interlingual and intra-linguistic interference, in particular, the substitution of a foreign sound with the sound of the native language. Simple imitation without understanding the features of a foreign language sound is not effective enough, as students tend to perceive foreign sounds through the prism of the pronunciation base of the native language. For some sounds, it is safe, but due to idiomatic sounds such substitution is unacceptable, as it is fraught with a violation of communication.
Here are some examples of simulation exercises; awareness of the simulation is guaranteed by indicating what to look for: Say the sounds after me, paying attention to the longitude (brevity). Say the words in the pattern, paying attention to the sound [a]. Say the words, paying attention to the accent. Say the sentences paying attention to the melody. Say phrases without pausing between the words that make up them. Say the sentences paying attention to the pauses. Listen to the text recorded with pauses, repeat the sentences in pauses, paying attention to... From the given examples it is clear that the subject of training exercises is sound and sound combinations placed in larger units: from the syllable - through the word - to the phrase and to the text.
Work on pronunciation in this case goes from listening to the text spoken by the teacher to the text created by students. For a conscious imitation of G.V.Rogova encourages the regular phonetic charge, for which you should use valuable conceptually material: songs, rhymes, aphorisms, poems, Proverbs and sayings. The phonetic side of this material should be carefully worked out. Traditionally, phonetic charging is carried out at the first stage of the lesson and takes about 7 -10 minutes of training time. The students presented a sample of the sound in isolation, in a syllable, in the word and in the phrase, and then in reverse order. The
teacher accompanies the demonstration of sound with comments: he reminds students of the peculiarities of articulation of a sound, draws their attention to the phonetic processes accompanying the pronunciation. Sounds and samples are usually presented in the recording or with the teacher's voice.
The material for phonetic charging is selected in accordance with the purposes of communication. Most often, especially at the initial stage of English teaching, used rhymes, rhymes, tongue twisters, Proverbs, sayings, riddles, etc. First, the sound is presented in isolation, the teacher with gestures explains or resembles its articulation, and then begins working out the sound in different environments in the following sequence: in isolation - in the word - in the phrase -in the phrase. For example, sound [r]. [r] right - that's right! wrong - That's wrong! Is it right? Is it wrong? It is right! It is wrong! Who is right? Who is wrong? John is right. John is wrong. It is advisable to use a tape recorder and record students on film so that they can compare their pronunciation with the original and would strive for it. Before performing the emphasis should be to acquaint students with the main types of accents in the English language. English is characterized by the following types of stress: phrasal, which distinguishes some words in a sentence among others, and logical stress, which distinguishes the logical center of the statement, emphasizes the elements of opposition in the statement. When performing phonetic stress charging, it is also recommended to record students on a tape recorder, and upon presentation of the sample, the logical center should be beaten on the table by hand or foot on the floor, you can ask students to clap their hands.
The use of phonetic exercises has a number of advantages: Regular phonetic exercises improves articulation skills of students; Students can distinguish between long and short English sounds, Uzbek and English sounds; Students get acquainted with different models of intonation, types of stress and English rhythm; Phonetic exercises contribute not only to the development of hearing and pronunciation skills, but also to the memorization and training of lexical units and grammatical structures.
Learning the correct English pronunciation is an extremely difficult task. Without the correct pronunciation is not possible manifestation of the communicative function of the language. Knowledge of languages in our days promises attractive prospects not only in career terms, but also in personal. Speaking fluently, for example, in English, you can easily go anywhere in the World and not be afraid to be misunderstood. You can also make new interesting acquaintances, thereby enriching your own cultural knowledge, and strengthening friendly ties throughout the planet. To achieve all this will help learning English pronunciation and personal perseverance in achieving this goal.
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