Научная статья на тему 'Ublic request for information security 141'

Ublic request for information security 141 Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Panchenko Tetiana Valentynivna, Lashkina Mania Hryhoriivna, Nesteriak Yurii

The article states that the influence of the psychic on the social and political processes in conditions of a continuous information flow is decisive; psychological pressure on consciousness becomes more widespread; emotionality ofinformation messages, their influence on the psychological and social position of society increase. The authors convince that practices of influence and dissemination of emotionally stained false information have become today informational and psychological wars that aim at activating of public consciousness of a public of an enemy state and influence on a state policy. It is determined that psychological influence on the aggressor that is based on communicative processes with using of modern information technologies, involves change of a public opinion in the given direction. The authors carried out a comprehensive scientific analysis of the current state of information policy and information security of Ukraine as a psychological and social phenomenon. Social phenomena that arise in the informational sphere under influence of information propaganda of the aggressor and the military conflict, their influence on the psychological state of society, and what the consequences can be are examined. It is determined that in the conditions of real information aggression there is an urgent need for formation and active functioning of a single national regulator in the information sphere. Its activity would be aimed at developing of an effective national information policy, qualified fight off manipulative propaganda attacks, formation of national patriotic сconvictions among Ukrainian citizens, and development of a Ukrainian national information space. It is noted, that the doctrinal adjustment of information processes is correlated with psychological and social ones. It is indicated that information flows, which go through mass communication channels, carry knowledge of the laws of reality, reflect the structure of human memory and intelligence, the main features of the social system, where interaction of individual and mental phenomena is most striking.

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Констатируется, что влияние психического на общественнополитические процессы в условиях непрерывного информационного потока является определяющим; психологическое давление на сознание становится все более распространенным, увеличивается эмоциональность информационных сообщений, их влияние на психосоциальное положение общества. Авторы утверждают, что практики влияния и распространения эмоционально окрашенной ложной информации превратились сегодня в информационно-психологические войны, которые преследуют цель активизировать общественное сознание общественности государства-противника и повлиять на государственную политику. Определено, что психологическое воздействие на противника, основано на коммуникативных процессах с использованием современных информационных технологий, предусматривает изменение общественного мнения в заданном направлении. Авторами осуществлен комплексный научный анализ современного состояния государственной информационной политики и информационной безопасности Украины как психосоциального явления. Рассмотрены социальные явления, возникающие в информационной сфере под влиянием информационной пропаганды агрессора и военного конфликта, как они влияют на психологическое состояние общества, к каким последствиям могут привести. Определено, что в условиях реальной информационной агрессии существует насущная потребность в формировании и активном функционировании единого национального регулятора в информационной сфере, деятельность которого была бы направлена на выработку действенной национальной информационной политики, квалифицированное отражение манипуляционнно-пропагандистских атак, формирование у граждан Украины национально-патриотических убеждений, развитие украинского национального информационного пространства. Отмечено, что доктринальные корректировки информационных процессов коррелируют с психосоциальными. Указано, что информационные потоки, которые проходят по каналам массовой коммуникации, несут в себе знания о закономерностях действительности, отражают структуру человеческой памяти и интеллекта, основные особенности социальной системы, где наиболее яркими являются взаимодействие индивидуально-психических явлений.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ublic request for information security 141»

UDC 35:159.95


Bielska Tetiana Valentynivna,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Marshal Bazhanov Street, 17, tel.: +38 (066) 450 6212, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0002-2792-4700

Бельська Тетяна Валентитвна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту i публiчного адмгнгстрування, Харкгв-ський национальный утверситет мкького господарства теш О. М. Бекетова, 61002, Украгна, м. Харкгв, вул. Маршала Бажа-нова, 17, тел.: 0664506212, e-mail: tanya_ [email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0002-2792-4700

Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и публичного администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, Украина, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: +38 (066) 450 6212, e-mail: tanya_belska@ukr. net, https//orcid.org/0000-0002-2792-4700

Lashkina Mariia Hryhoriivna,

PhD in Public Administration, psychologist-conflictologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, National Aviation Universi ty, Prospect Cosmonaut Komarova, 1, 03058, Ukraine, Kyiv, tel.: +38 (050) 397 2912, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-8331-1853 Лашкгна Марiя Григорiвна,

кандидат наук державного управлтня, психолог-конфлгктолог, доцент кафедри жур-налгстики, реклами та зв'язкгв з громадськгстю факультету мжнародних вгдносин, Нацгональний авгацшний унгверситет, 03058, Украгна, м. Кигв, проспект Космонавта

Комарова, 1, тел.: 05039722912, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-8331-1853

Лашкина Мария Григорьевна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, психолог-конфликтолог, доцент кафедры журналистики, рекламы и связей с общественностью факультета международных отношений Национального авиационного университета, 03058, Украина, г. Киев, проспект Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: 05039722912, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-8331-1853

Yurii Nesteriak,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Administration of the Education and Science Institute of Continuous Education, Head of the Center of Media Communication, National Aviation University, Prospect Cosmonaut Komarova, 1,03058, Ukraine, Kyiv, e-mail: nesteriak.yuriy@ gmail.com, https//orcid.org/0000-0003-2333-5965 Нестеряк Юрт Васильович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри публгчного управлтня та адмг-тстрування Навчально-наукового гнституту неперервноï освти, начальник Центру медга комуткацш, 03058, Украта, м. Кихв, проспект Космонавта Комарова, 1, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0003-2333-5965 Нестеряк Юрий Васильевич,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры публичного управления и администрирования Учебно-научного института непрерывного образования, начальник Центра медиа-коммуникаций Национального авиационного университета, 03058, Украина, г. Киев, проспект Космонавта Комарова, 1, e-mail: nesteriak.yuriy@ gmail.com, https//orcid.org/0000-0003-2333-5965


Abstract. The article states that the influence of the psychic on the social and political processes in conditions of a continuous information flow is decisive; psychological pressure on consciousness becomes more widespread; emotionality of

information messages, their influence on the psychological and social position of society increase. The authors convince that practices of influence and dissemination of emotionally stained false information have become today informational and psychological wars that aim at activating of public consciousness of a public of an enemy state and influence on a state policy. It is determined that psychological influence on the aggressor that is based on communicative processes with using of modern information technologies, involves change of a public opinion in the given direction.

The authors carried out a comprehensive scientific analysis of the current state of information policy and information security of Ukraine as a psychological and social phenomenon. Social phenomena that arise in the informational sphere under influence of information propaganda of the aggressor and the military conflict, their influence on the psychological state of society, and what the consequences can be are examined.

It is determined that in the conditions of real information aggression there is an urgent need for formation and active functioning of a single national regulator in the information sphere. Its activity would be aimed at developing of an effective national information policy, qualified fight off manipulative propaganda attacks, formation of national patriotic cconvictions among Ukrainian citizens, and development of a Ukrainian national information space.

It is noted, that the doctrinal adjustment of information processes is correlated with psychological and social ones. It is indicated that information flows, which go through mass communication channels, carry knowledge of the laws of reality, reflect the structure of human memory and intelligence, the main features of the social system, where interaction of individual and mental phenomena is most striking.

Keywords: influence, psychological and social phenomena and processes, informational influence, informational policy, informational security, informational aggression, a doctrine of informational security.


Анотащя. Констатуеться, що вплив nCTxi4Horo на сусшльно-пол^ичш процеав умовах безперервного шформацшного потоку е визначальним; пси-холопчний тиск на свiдомiсть стае все бшьш розповсюдженим, збшьшуеться емоцшшсть шформацшних повщомлень, Тх вплив на психосощальний стан сустльства. Автори переконують, що практики впливу та розповсюдження емоцшно забарвленоТ неправдивоТ шформаци перетворилися сьогодш на ш-формацшно-психолопчш вшни, яю переслвдують мету активiзувати сусшль-ну свщомють громадськосп держави-противника i вплинути на державну пол^ику. Визначено, що психолопчний вплив на противника, що базуеться на комушкативних процесах iз використанням сучасних шформацшних тех-нологш, передбачае змшу громадськоТ думки в заданому напрямку.

Авторами здшснено комплексний науковий аналiз сучасного стану державно! шформацшно! пол^ики та iнформацiйноí безпеки Украши як психо-соцiального явища. Розглянуто сощальш явища, що виникають в шформа-цiйнiй сферi пiд впливом шформацшно! пропаганди агресора та вiйськового конфлшту, як вони впливають на психолопчний стан суспiльства, до яких наслщшв можуть призвести.

Визначено, що в умовах реально! шформацшно! агресií юнуе нагальна потреба у формуваннi та активному функщонуванш единого нацiонального регулятора в шформацшнш сферi, дiяльнiсть якого була б спрямована на ви-роблення дiевоí нацiональноí iнформацiйноí политики, квалiфiковане вщбит-тя манiпуляцiйно-пропагандистських атак, формування у громадян Украши нацiонально-патрiотичних переконань, розвитку украшського нащонально-го шформацшного простору.

Зазначено, що доктринальне коригування шформацшних процесiв коре-люеться з психосоцiальними. Вказано, що шформацшш потоки, якi прохо-дять по каналам масово'1' комунiкацií, несуть у собi знання про закономiрнос-т дiйсностi, вiдображають структуру людсько!' пам'ятi та iнтелекту, основнi особливостi сощально!' системи, де найбiльш яскравими е взаемодiя шдив^ дуально-психiчних явищ.

Ключовi слова: вплив, психосоцiальнi явища та процеси, шформацшний вплив, iнформацiйна пол^ика, iнформацiйна безпека, iнформацiйна агресiя, доктрина iнформацiйноí безпеки.



Аннотация. Констатируется, что влияние психического на общественно-политические процессы в условиях непрерывного информационного потока является определяющим; психологическое давление на сознание становится все более распространенным, увеличивается эмоциональность информационных сообщений, их влияние на психосоциальное положение общества. Авторы утверждают, что практики влияния и распространения эмоционально окрашенной ложной информации превратились сегодня в информационно-психологические войны, которые преследуют цель активизировать общественное сознание общественности государства-противника и повлиять на государственную политику. Определено, что психологическое воздействие на противника, основано на коммуникативных процессах с использованием современных информационных технологий, предусматривает изменение общественного мнения в заданном направлении.

Авторами осуществлен комплексный научный анализ современного состояния государственной информационной политики и информационной безопасности Украины как психосоциального явления. Рассмотрены социальные явления, возникающие в информационной сфере под влиянием информационной пропаганды агрессора и военного конфликта, как они вли-

яют на психологическое состояние общества, к каким последствиям могут привести. Определено, что в условиях реальной информационной агрессии существует насущная потребность в формировании и активном функционировании единого национального регулятора в информационной сфере, деятельность которого была бы направлена на выработку действенной национальной информационной политики, квалифицированное отражение манипуляционнно-пропагандистских атак, формирование у граждан Украины национально-патриотических убеждений, развитие украинского национального информационного пространства. Отмечено, что доктринальные корректировки информационных процессов коррелируют с психосоциальными. Указано, что информационные потоки, которые проходят по каналам массовой коммуникации, несут в себе знания о закономерностях действительности, отражают структуру человеческой памяти и интеллекта, основные особенности социальной системы, где наиболее яркими являются взаимодействие индивидуально-психических явлений.

Ключевые слова: влияние, психосоциальные явления и процессы, информационное воздействие, информационная политика, информационная безопасность, информационная агрессия, доктрина информационной безопасности.

Fightings for power remain just as intense — both in the war zones and at the negotiation tables, and in cyberspace — but the impact

on them is less and less. Moises Naim "The End of Power" [1, p. 25]

Problem statement. The world of an information society becomes more saturated and confused, people are more perplexed, and states are more vulnerable and unprotected. The age of post-truth, fake news, unrestricted accumulation of public data, the development of artificial intelligence that is capable of reproducing human capabilities, require from the countries of the world more rigorous attention to information security and protection of personal data. Problems of information policy in public administration remain very relevant.

Structural elements of consciousness are concentrated expression of

various parameters of social life of people for millennia that affect the social processes of the state and the psychology of power. The Spanish philosopher H. Ortega-i-Gasset believed that "power means the domination of thoughts and views" [2, p. 117]. At the same time, it is interpreted as an ability of agents of power to dominate or impose certain political decisions.

Modern scientists have come to believe that the nature of power is a secret of real, not stylized overconfidence that is capable to create a special aura, plunging into it, some firmly govern (rule) and others obey selflessly and perform any orders [3, p. 4] or "an abil-

ity and possibility to exercise one's will to make a decisive influence on activities, behavior of people" [4, p. 87]. That is, possession and conquest are rooted in human nature, in archetypal structural elements of human consciousness. However, methods of influence and the nature of power itself change because of progress and development of new technologies.

In fact, the world is now in the active phase of the formation of a new social and communication system — an information society that is a computerized community of people, where information technologies acquire universal importance and cover all spheres of human activity, and communication technologies change the process of communication and contribute to the provision of social services through a computer communications network [5, p. 4]. It transforms the social space, creates new values and relationships, and creates new institutions, everything that E. Toffler defines as a new way of life.

In the information society, "power, which is based on force and wealth, loses its influence, though not completely disappears" [6, p. 114]. The information world increases the amount of information, diversifies methods and channels of influence, but a person's mental capacity to perceive information does not keep up with changes and it leads to the emergence of mental stress. The influence of the mental on social and political processes has always been significant, and in a continuous information flow, it becomes decisive. In Ukraine, the situation is complicated by the conflict in the East that translates a vector of rational rationaliza-

tion into emotional, and the closeness and influence of the information space of Russia. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of the current state of the state information policy and information security of Ukraine as a psychological and social phenomenon, finding ways of non-traumatic impact on the population, social interaction and providing of information security of the state.

Analysis of recent publications on this problem confirms that the research of the current state of information security of the country and well-known domestic scientists, researchers and experts pay serious attention on the development of practical recommendations on the improvement of the state information policy. Thus, an analysis of the psychology of crowds, the public, and civilization is presented in the works of such prominent scholars as G. Lebon [7], S. Moskovichi [8], Z. Freud [9], and C-G Jung [10, p. 83].

The Ukrainian researcher G. Po-cheptsov [11] considers in his works the essence of manipulative influence through mass media and the Internet, M. Varij [12] — technologies for influencing the masses during the election campaign period, the use of archetypes and values to influence consciousness is explored by O. Radchenko [13], Y. Naplyokov [14] and others.

The purpose of the research is a scientific analysis of the current state of the state information policy and information security in Ukraine as a psychological and social phenomenon and develop recommendations to provide information security of the Ukrainian society.

Statement of the main research material. There is an opinion that in conditions of democracy, the government changes the direct dictate and the enslavement to more subtle and effective methods. But the use of various manipulative technologies of influences, information and psychological pressure, for any purpose, results in serious disorders of mental and social life, generates public apathy and alienation of the majority of the population from conscious participation in social processes.

According to M. Kastels, since the 1990s, our planet has been integrated into a single telecommunications computer network, which is the basis of the information system and communication processes. Information and communication technologies in today's globalized world undoubtedly contribute to the economic development and growth of material well-being of people, and are a condition of power, knowledge and creativity [15]. The network integrates many elements according to the criterion of communicative communication and has an ability to democratize communication and integrate different hierarchical levels into a single communicative space, translates communication into a horizontal plane. In these conditions, the psychological pressure on the consciousness becomes more widespread, the emotionality of information messages, their influence on a psychological and social state of society increase. A. Tocqueville [16] drew attention to the role of information in the formation of public consciousness. Today, these practices of influence and spreading of emotionally colored false information have turned

into information and psychological wars. Information wars pursue the goal to activate public consciousness of the adversary's public and influence on public policy. Psychological influence on the enemy, which is based on communication processes with using of modern information technologies, implies a change of public opinion in a given direction.

The object of information warfare is both mass and individual consciousness. Means of conducting information warfare are any means of transmitting information - from the media and social networks, to the spread of rumors. As a rule, methods of information warfare are to disseminate misinformation or to provide information to the benefit of the individual [17, p. 119].

Veronique de Geoffroy, the director of operations of the URD Groupe, proposed a typology of impact strategies. The strategy aims to achieve the following goals: to inform, persuade, motivate, and induce to an action. The choice of impact strategy will depend on various factors: dialogue to achieve power, access to power, and, according to a risk analysis, an organizational culture. The table below lists the transaction types for each strategy (Table).

Special intelligence operations have been conducted by Russia against Ukraine for many years. Activated with direct aggression in the Donbas and annexation of Crimea, and changed with the advent of social networks and the ability to create fake accounts and "boto-farms". The results have affected the state of society, which today has been shattered by a worldview trait, lost in a lot of information noise and ideologically disoriented.

Strategy Exchange Conviction Communication, negotiations Pressure

Types of actions dialogue, teaching, E - offer, coercion,

communication, motivation, finding indignation,

message dispute, a common mobilization,

awareness solution, lobbying,

raising, alternative message,

advocacy, question call to order



Source: based on materials of the URD Groupe [18].

The information space is divided between the representatives of the financial and industrial groups that are behind many news messages, which spread by thought leaders in social networks; they own the majority of television channels. Various missionary religious structures, often also affiliated with financial and industrial groups, impart ideas and beliefs to the society, often using methods of psychological influence and technologies of neu-ropsychological programming and hypnosis. The society is offered a wealth of thoughts, interpretations of events and news that contradict each other and sometimes common sense. Often it leads to the emergence of a psychological phenomenon that is characterized as a cognitive dissonance, interpreted as an internal disharmony between knowledge in the human mind (the term was introduced by Leon Festinger in 1956). Such a mental state causes a feeling of stress, guilt, the appearance of uncontrolled aggression. Transformation of high social expectations is transformed into the energy of false public expectations and the need to reduce dissonance pushes a person to seek passionate information and evalu-

ations that would make his or her decision more reasonable and comfortable.

Television remains the most popular media in Ukraine. According to the the Ukrainian Sociological Survey Report 2018, the vast majority of Ukrainian residents (86 %) receive information about events in the country from Ukrainian television channels, 27 % — from Ukrainian websites, 24 % — from social networks, 18 % — from relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. Other sources use only 8 %, 5 % of which are watched by Russian television channels. On average, an adult Ukrainian watches three Ukrainian channels, but on the events in Ukraine and relations between Ukraine, Russia, DPR (Donetsk People's Republic not recognized in Ukraine) / LPR (Lugansk People's Republic, not recognized in Ukraine) trusts only 1,5 channels. Only 27 % of Ukrainian TV viewers believe that Ukrainian channels do provide objective information about events in Ukraine, 43 % believe that the information is untrue (30 % were unable to answer this question).

Technical access to Russian channels for 69 % of users is satellite, 13 % — watch broadcasts on the Inter-

net, 12 % — via analogue antenna, and 8 % — on cable net. As for social networks, the majority (42 %) of Ukrainians use at least one social network. Facebook is the most popular one now (36 %). No more than 11 % of population use other networks. Only 35 % of respondents say that they check information in other sources, obtained from national, Russian, local media, or DPR/LPR media, would not check more than half (52 %) [19, p. 6].

At the same time, in the case of conflicting information from different sources, 58 % prefer the Ukrainian media and only 1 % to the Russian or LPR/DPR media; although 38 % do not know which media they would rather believe. And among the residents of Western Ukraine, those who do not know who to believe, only 27 %, in the center of them already are 37 %, and in the south — 47 % (despite the fact that in all regions are the Ukrainian media) [Ibid, p. 7]. Such duality and ambiguity of views are the result of many years of unified information field with the Russian Federation. These data indicate not only a low level of information content in Ukrainian media, but also a low level of media literacy and a potential threat to information impact on the society. According to psychologists, the effect of the influence of the media, the introduction of new ideas in the public consciousness depend on their compliance with the needs, moods and attitudes that have already been formulated in the psychology of mass consciousness of the society. Since the creation of the state of Ukraine, the society has been constantly influenced by the information field of neighboring countries and the

state did not pay attention to it until the aggression. In Ukraine, even conceptually, the conceptual bases of the state information policy are not fixed at all. The modern law of Ukraine "On Information" (2017 edition) sets out some basic directions of the state information policy and one of them defines the provision of information security (Article 3).

Since the beginning of the events in November 2013 in Ukraine, which have been called "Euromaidan" and "Revolution of Dignity", all miscalculations in the domestic information sphere in the previous years have manifested themselves. It was during this period that the aggressive information policy of the Russian Federation affected distortion of the Ukraine's image in the world, in particular, in Russia itself and in the occupied territories. Only due to the active coverage of these events by European and world media, the practice of obtaining information about Ukraine exclusively from Russian sources was violated.

In early 2014, in addition to the military contingent of the Russian Federation, information and psychological pressure was exerted on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea by the mass media of a foreign state. Therefore, in accordance with the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDCU) — "On urgent measures to ensure national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine," dated by 1st March 2014, the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine appealed to the associations of software service providers demanding to stop relaying in their broadcast networks

of Russian TV channels — "Russia 24," ORT (First Channel World Network), "RTR Planet," and "NTV-Mir." The most effective mechanism to deter the aggressive campaign of the Russian Federation (both at the informational and real levels) was the use of public journalism. Online broadcasts from the scene with using of "Stream-TV" tools made it possible to disavow most provocative statements, and in some cases to prevent provocations. The domestic social media has been actively engaged in targeted dissemination of information about Ukraine abroad. For example, "Information Resistance Group," "StopFake," and "Beyond the News" still conduct a systematic policy of exposing and refuting false information about events in Ukraine and in the world. Prepared by experts argumen-tum materials are translated into English, German, French, Czech, Bulgarian and other languages and distributed by information media of the world media.

The development of a national global broadcasting system is closely linked to the establishment of effective "news management" by the state (news management, spin-doctoring). It is a common practice in the world to create services that, through specially designed mechanisms, take care of the spread of messages about the country. One of the first examples of such bodies being set up in the countries of the world was the Strategic Communication Unit in the UK.

Ukraine has followed by the path of establishment of a Ministry of Information Policy. The main tasks of the Ministry are ensuring the informational sovereignty of Ukraine, in particular on issues of dissemination of socially

important information in Ukraine and abroad, as well as ensuring the functioning of state information resources; implementation of media reforms to disseminate publicly important information.

The creation of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine without public discussion and conducting of proper scientific and professional expertise in any case questioned the transparency of implementation of state information policy in the country. In 2015, the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine started working on the Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine [20] and the Concept of Information Security of Ukraine. On February 25, 2017 the doctrine was put into effect by a Presidential Decree.

The positive of this document, in our opinion, should include the regulatory definition of a number of terms: strategic communications, government communications, and crisis communications, which delimit their problems and allows avoiding duplication of tasks and activities implemented by different state bodies of Ukraine. For the first time, the term "strategic narrative" is enshrined at the level of the regulatory act, which is one of the key ones for ensuring information security.

At the same time, an objective analysis of the Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine allows making several caveats: 1) the doctrine is a declarative document that defines strategic vectors of influence; 2) the document identifies about ten central bodies of government; a "subsidiary body" within the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine may be formed for coordination between them, but the mechanism

of coordination needs clarification; 3) the document defines the direction of development of media culture in the society and raising of the culture of political discussion, but there are no concrete measures to combat fakes and information noise that are directed at the internal audience.

In our opinion, the issue of creation of the information security system of Ukraine is very important today and concerns various areas, in particular: protection of the internal information space; providing the sovereignty of the country, impeding foreign information expansion; protection of independence, sovereignty, state and territorial integrity; providing information and cultural influence in Ukraine and abroad. An important area of information security is the development of media literacy among the population, the creation of conditions to protect society from the influence of false and sometimes aggressive information, which blurs the real picture of the world, creates cognitive dissonance and leads to nervous disorders that affect the psychological and social state of society.

In conditions of escalation of threats in the information sphere that are facing Ukraine, information messages from representatives of state authorities of all levels should be truthful, timely and be taken as the official position of Ukraine on the events taking place in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation. This position should be concise, clear and understandable.

The conclusions and perspectives of further research. In the current conditions of information aggression there is an urgent need for the further

formation and active functioning of a single national regulator in the information sphere, whose activity would be aimed at developing Ukrainian national information policy, intellectually qualified reflection of manipulation and propaganda attacks, formation of national and patriotic convictions among citizens of Ukraine, development of the Ukrainian national information space. The state information policy of Ukraine should take into account the environment of its existence and, accordingly, build a system of its own information security.

An attempt was made to doctri-nally identify information security issues. However, in the absence of elaborated documents that should form the integral basis of legal regulation of the information sphere and ensure information security of Ukraine, their level does not fully meet the needs of Ukrainian society.

In conditions of the information world, it should be remembered that information flows that flow through the mass communication channels, carry knowledge of the laws of reality, reflect the structure of human memory and intelligence, the main features of the social system, where the most vivid are the interaction of individual and mental phenomena.

A person in this system of information exchange and communication is only one, albeit very complex, of the elements. However, the psychological and social state of the society, the strength of the state and the efficiency of its institutions depends on only from a person. The information sphere is completely imprisoned in the human nature, is its product and consequence, closely relat-

ed to psychology and social processes, therefore, the doctrinal adjustment of information processes is correlated with psychological and social ones.


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