Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of the threat of government in the field of national security'

Analysis of the threat of government in the field of national security Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Dmitruk Sergey Fedorovich

In order to counter threats to the public administration system and minimize their impact on Ukraine's national security, it is first of all necessary to analyze and evaluate them. Existing approaches to the assessment of these threats do not involve their comprehensive consideration in the following areas: informative, cybernetic and corrupt. The urgency of this direction is the need to ensure the proper level of informational and cyber security for the functioning of electronic communications and state electronic information resources, along with the modern capabilities of the latest information technologies, which allow: expanding the freedom and capabilities of people, create a new global interactive market for intellectual property, stimulate accountability and efficiency of the government, to intensify the involvement of citizens in the administration of the state and to resolve issues of local self-government, which in turn will help to prevent corruption. The author proposes to allocate threats to the public administration system into a separate category to allow their further analysis, forecasting, and development of counteraction policy. The purpose of the study is to characterize (analyze) key threats to the public administration system in the field of national security. The article identifies the sources, prerequisites and patterns of the emergence and manifestation of threats that affect the public administration in the field of public security. The main stages of the systematization process are considered. The main classification features are identified and multicriteria classification of threats to the public administration system is developed based on hierarchical analysis. The key threats to this system, which have an impact on all areas of Ukraine’s national security, are highlighted. The research revealed the complex nature of threats to the public administration, which in turn requires the development of integrated approaches to their neutralization. Therefore, in order to ensure the functioning of the public administration system, it is envisaged to introduce an early detection and prevention system for key threats, which involves developing the most productive ways of counteracting such threats.

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Для противодействия угрозам системе государственного управления и минимизацию их влияния на национальную безопасность Украины прежде всего необходимо провести их анализ и оценку. Существующие подходы к оценкам указанных угроз не предполагают их комплексного рассмотрения по направлениям: информационному, кибернетическому, коррупционному. Актуальность данного направления заключается в необходимости обеспечения надлежащего уровня информационной и кибернетической безопасности функционирования электронных коммуникаций и государственных электронных информационных ресурсов наряду с современными возможностями новейших информационных технологий, использование которых позволяют: расширить свободу и возможности людей, создать новый глобальный интерактивный рынок интеллектуальной собственности, стимулировать ответственность и эффективность работы власти, активизировать привлечение граждан к управлению государством и решения вопросов местного самоуправления, обеспечить публичность и прозрачность власти, что в свою очередь будет способствовать предотвращению коррупции. Автором предложено выделение угроз системе государственного управления в отдельную категорию для обеспечения возможности их дальнейшего анализа, прогнозирования и разработку политики противодействия. Целью исследования является сущностная характеристика (анализ) ключевых угроз государственному управлению в сфере национальной безопасности. В статье определены источники, предпосылки и закономерности возникновения и проявления угроз, влияющих на систему государственного управления в сфере государственной безопасности. Рассмотрены основные этапы процесса их систематизации. Выделены основные классификационные признаки и разработана многокритериальная классификация угроз системе государственного управления на основе иерархического анализа. Выделены ключевые угрозы данной системы, которые имеют влияние на все сферы национальной безопасности Украины. В течение проведенного исследования определено комплексный характер угроз системе государственного управления, что в свою очередь требует разработки комплексных подходов по их нейтрализации. Поэтому для обеспечения функционирования системы государственного управления предполагается внедрение системы раннего выявления и предупреждения ключевых угроз, которая предполагает выработку наиболее эффективных способов противодействия таким угрозам.

Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of the threat of government in the field of national security»

UDC: 35:172.4

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-5(20)-56-66

Dmitruk Sergey Fedorovich,

postgraduate student, department of public administration, Interregional academy of personnel management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska., 2, tel.: 044 503 63 29, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-0574-8208

Дмитрук Сергш Федорович,

асшрант, кафедра публiчного адмШстру-вання, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управ-лтня персоналом, 03039, Кшв, вул. Фро-Memiecbrn, 2, тел.: 044 503 63 29, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-0574-8208

Дмитрук Сергей Федорович,

аспирант, кафедра публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: 044 503 63 29, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-0574-8208


Abstract. In order to counter threats to the public administration system and minimize their impact on Ukraine's national security, it is first of all necessary to analyze and evaluate them. Existing approaches to the assessment of these threats do not involve their comprehensive consideration in the following areas: informative, cybernetic and corrupt.

The urgency of this direction is the need to ensure the proper level of informational and cyber security for the functioning of electronic communications and state electronic information resources, along with the modern capabilities of the latest information technologies, which allow: expanding the freedom and capabilities of people, create a new global interactive market for intellectual property, stimulate accountability and efficiency of the government, to intensify the involvement of citizens in the administration of the state and to resolve issues of local self-government, which in turn will help to prevent corruption.

The author proposes to allocate threats to the public administration system into a separate category to allow their further analysis, forecasting, and development of counteraction policy.

The purpose of the study is to characterize (analyze) key threats to the public administration system in the field of national security.

The article identifies the sources, prerequisites and patterns of the emergence and manifestation of threats that affect the public administration in the field of public security. The main stages of the systematization process are considered. The main classification features are identified and multicriteria classification of threats to the public administration system is developed based on hierarchical analysis. The key threats to this system, which have an impact on all areas of Ukraine's national security, are highlighted.

The research revealed the complex nature of threats to the public administration, which in turn requires the development of integrated approaches to their neutralization.

Therefore, in order to ensure the functioning of the public administration system, it is envisaged to introduce an early detection and prevention system for key threats, which involves developing the most productive ways of counteracting such threats.

Keywords: threats, state security, public administration system, national security of Ukraine.


Анотащя. Для протидп загрозам ctcremi державного управлшня i mîhî-мiзацiю ïx впливу на нащональну безпеку Украши насамперед необхвдно провести ïx аналiз i оцшку. Iснуючi шдходи до оцшки зазначених загроз не передбачають ïx комплексного розгляду за напрямами: шформацшним, ибернетичним, корупцшним.

Актуальшсть зазначеного напряму полягае у необхвдносл забезпечення належного рiвня шформацшно'1' та ибернетично'1' безпеки функщонуван-ня електронних комунiкацiй та державних електронних шформацшних ресурсiв наряду iз сучасними можливостями новiтнix iнформацiйниx технологи, використання яких дозволяють: розширити свободу i можливостi людей, створити новий глобальний штерактивний ринок штелектуально'1' власностi, стимулювати вiдповiдальнiсть та ефектившсть роботи влади, активiзувати залучення громадян до управлшня державою та виршення питань мюцевого самоврядування, забезпечити публiчнiсть та прозорiсть влади, що в свою чергу сприятиме запобтанню корупцп.

Автором запропоновано видiлити загрози системi державного управ-лiння в окрему категорш для забезпечення можливостi ïx подальшого ана-лiза, прогнозування, i вироблення пол^ики протиди.

Метою дослвдження е сутнiсна характеристика (аналiз) ключових загроз системi державного управлшня у сферi нацiональноï безпеки.

У статт визначено джерела, передумови та закономiрностi виникнення й прояву загроз, як впливають на систему державного управлшня у сферi державно'1' безпеки. Розглянуто основш етапи процесу ïx систематизацiï.

Видшено основш класифiкацiйнi ознаки та розроблено багатокритерiаль-ну класифiкацiю загроз системi державного управлiння на основi ieрархiч-ного аналiзу. Видiлено ключовi загрози дано! системи, як мають вплив на вс сфери нащонально! безпеки Украши.

Протягом проведеного дослiдження виявлено комплексний характер загроз системi державного управлшня, що в свою чергу потребуе виро-блення комплексних пiдходiв до !х нейтралiзацil. Тому для забезпечення функщонування системи державного управлшня передбачаеться впрова-дження системи раннього виявлення та попередження ключових загроз, яка передбачае вироблення найпродуктившших способiв протидп таким загрозам.

Ключовi слова: загрози, державна безпека, система державного управлшня, нащональна безпека Украши.


Аннотация. Для противодействия угрозам системе государственного управления и минимизацию их влияния на национальную безопасность Украины прежде всего необходимо провести их анализ и оценку. Существующие подходы к оценкам указанных угроз не предполагают их комплексного рассмотрения по направлениям: информационному, кибернетическому, коррупционному.

Актуальность данного направления заключается в необходимости обеспечения надлежащего уровня информационной и кибернетической безопасности функционирования электронных коммуникаций и государственных электронных информационных ресурсов наряду с современными возможностями новейших информационных технологий, использование которых позволяют: расширить свободу и возможности людей, создать новый глобальный интерактивный рынок интеллектуальной собственности, стимулировать ответственность и эффективность работы власти, активизировать привлечение граждан к управлению государством и решения вопросов местного самоуправления, обеспечить публичность и прозрачность власти, что в свою очередь будет способствовать предотвращению коррупции.

Автором предложено выделение угроз системе государственного управления в отдельную категорию для обеспечения возможности их дальнейшего анализа, прогнозирования и разработку политики противодействия.

Целью исследования является сущностная характеристика (анализ) ключевых угроз государственному управлению в сфере национальной безопасности.

В статье определены источники, предпосылки и закономерности возникновения и проявления угроз, влияющих на систему государственного управления в сфере государственной безопасности. Рассмотрены основные этапы процесса их систематизации. Выделены основные классификационные признаки и разработана многокритериальная классификация угроз системе

государственного управления на основе иерархического анализа. Выделены ключевые угрозы данной системы, которые имеют влияние на все сферы национальной безопасности Украины.

В течение проведенного исследования определено комплексный характер угроз системе государственного управления, что в свою очередь требует разработки комплексных подходов по их нейтрализации. Поэтому для обеспечения функционирования системы государственного управления предполагается внедрение системы раннего выявления и предупреждения ключевых угроз, которая предполагает выработку наиболее эффективных способов противодействия таким угрозам.

Ключевые слова: угрозы, государственная безопасность, система государственного управления, национальная безопасность Украины.

Formulation of the problem. In today's context the security of the public administration system in the field of national security of Ukraine (hereinafter — the public administration system (PAS) is becoming more and more mul-tifaceted concept. This is due, above all, to the two opposite processes that are inherent in the world of the socio-economic and political system — globalization and regionalization.

Developing the conceptual frameworks and developing an effective mechanism for ensuring the security of the public administration system, aimed at avoiding threats and minimizing their impact on Ukraine's national security as a whole, will allow a comprehensive approach to address the problem in the following areas : informational, cybernetic, corruption.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. The works of L. Ar-tyushyn, V. Horbulin, V. Zhelikhovsky, V. Zhukov, A. Kachinsky, V. Lipkan, Y. Maksimenko, A. Manojlo, A. Petren-ko, V. Pocheptsov, H. Perepelytsia, V. Telelyma, D. Frolov, I. Hraban and others are devoted to the study of the

public administration processes in the field of the national security of Ukraine.

In the writings of these scientists a comprehensive approach to the consideration of the threats to the national security of Ukraine as a elements in the directions [1; 2-5] prevails: information resources (information war against Ukraine, lack of a coherent communication policy of the state, vulnerability of the critical infrastructure objects to cyber attacks); economy (crises, depletion of the financial resources of the state, reduction of the living standards); energy (distortions of the market mechanisms in the energy sector, insufficient diversification of the sources of energy and technology supply; criminalization and corruption of the energy sector, ineffective energy efficiency policy); ecology (high level of technogenic load on the territory of Ukraine, negative ecological consequences of the Chornobyl catastrophe, excessive volume of the production and consumption wastes).

At the same time, the threats to the public administration system do not fall into a separate category and are an

integral part of the risks to the national security of Ukraine [6; 7-10], which significantly complicates the analysis, forecasting and policy development of these threats.

During the research the author identified the key threats to the system of the public administration of the state security, revealed their relationship with the risks to the national security of Ukraine, and identified the complex nature of these threats to the PAS.

The purpose of the research is to characterize (analyze) the key threats to the public administration system in the field of the state security.

Outline of the main research material. The basis of the functioning of the public administration system is the use of certain information communication to provide numerous direct and feedback links [11] between the subjects (bodies of the executive power) and the objects of the administration (spheres and branches of the public life that are under the organizational influence of the state). Innovative approaches to PAS implementation include the use of the latest information technologies, the formation of open and free cyberspace, which in turn enhances people's freedom and opportunities, enriches the society, creates a new global interactive market for ideas, research and innovation, stimulates responsible and effective work of the authorities and active work of the citizens to governing the state and address issues of the local importance, ensure publicity and transparency of the government, contribute to the prevention of corruption (for example, violations of the state authorities and local self-government bodies of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine [6],

human and citizen rights and freedoms, including during election campaigns). In addition, the immediate prospects for e-government require the development and security of the cyberspace, the security and sustainable functioning of the electronic communications and the public electronic information resources [8].

Therefore, three major components of the Ukrainian PAS should be identified: informational (waging an information war against Ukraine, lack of a coherent communication policy of the state, insufficient level of the media culture of the society), cybernetic (cybercrime and cyber terrorism; vulnerability of the critical infrastructure, public information resources to cyberattacks; physical and moral obsolescence of the state security system and other types of restricted information) and corruption (weakness, dysfunction, outdated model of the public institutions; de-professionalization and degradation of the civil service, implementation by the state bodies of activities in the corporate and personal interests, which leads to violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the citizens and economic entities).

Let us consider in more detail the impact of the key threats of the PAS on the national security (NS) spheres of Ukraine (Table).

Thus, these key threats to the PAS affect all the spheres of the NS of Ukraine [6] and are complex in nature (informational: purposeful creation of information resources that discredit the actions of the Ukrainian authorities, manipulation of the public consciousness, conduct of information-psychological operations by the aggressor state; cy-

Classification of threats affecting the PAS in the field of the NS of Ukraine

Key threats to PAS Threats to the NS of Ukraine [6, Art. 7]

1 2

Foreign policy sphere

Informational military-political instability, regional and local wars (hybrid conflicts, information wars) in different regions of the world, especially near the borders of Ukraine

Cybernetic encroachment on the state sovereignty of Ukraine and its territorial integrity, territorial claims by other states [9, Art. 4]

Corruption attempts to intervene in the internal affairs of Ukraine by other states

State security sphere

Informational manifestations of separatism, attempts of autonomy on the ethnic basis of the certain regions of Ukraine. threat of attacks by individual groups and individuals on the state sovereignty, territorial integrity, economic, scientific, technical and defense potential of Ukraine, rights and freedoms of the citizens

Cybernetic intelligence and subversive activities of the foreign special services (cyber intelligence, cyber espionage); criminal activity against the peace and security of mankind, first of all the spread of international terrorism (cyberterrorism)

Corruption the spread of corruption in the public authorities, the splicing of business and politics, organized crime

Military sphere and the sphere of security of the state border of Ukraine

Informational dissemination of information on the possibility of using weapons of mass destruction in eastern Ukraine; misinformation of the civilians in the area of the joint forces operation, which is detrimental to the actions of the Government

Cybernetic insufficient effectiveness of the existing structures and mechanisms to ensure international security (cybersecurity) and global stability

Corruption a dangerous decrease in the level of provision of the military and special equipment and weapons of the new generation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations, which threatens to decrease their combat capability; slow implementation and insufficient financial support for reform programs of the Military Organization and the Defense-Industrial Complex of Ukraine; incompleteness of contractual-legal formulation and insufficient arrangement of the state border of Ukraine; unsatisfactory level of the social protection for servicemen, civilians, and their families

Internal political sphere

Informational the possibility of conflicts in the field of interethnic and interfaith relations, radicalization and manifestations of extremism in the activities of some associations of the national minorities and religious communities; the threat of separatism in some regions of Ukraine

Cybernetic structural and functional imbalance of the political system of the society, inability of its individual links to respond promptly to the threats to the national security (cyber threats)

1 2

Corruption violation by the state authorities and local self-government bodies of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, human and citizen rights and freedoms, including during election campaigns, lack of effective control over compliance with the requirements of the Constitution and the implementation of the laws of Ukraine

Economic sphere

Informational instability in the legal regulation of relations in the sphere of economy, including financial (fiscal) policy of the state

Cybernetic lack of an effective financial crisis prevention program

corruption reduction of investment and innovation activity and scientific and technical and technological potential, reduction of research on strategically important areas of the innovative development; weakening of the system of the state regulation and control in the sphere of economy; insufficient rates of reproduction processes and overcoming structural deformation in the economy; inefficiency of the antitrust policies and mechanisms of the state regulation of the natural monopolies, which complicates the creation of a competitive environment in the economy; "shadowing" of the national economy

Social and humanitarian spheres

Informational emphasizing the inconsistency of the country's economic reform programs and the results of their implementation to certain social priorities

Cybernetic the presence of a large disgruntled population as a result of an ineffective public policy to support the family and ensure that the rights of the child, orphans, children deprived of parental care are respected and protected

Corruption inefficiency of the state policy on raising the labour income of the citizens, overcoming poverty and balancing the productive employment of the able-bodied population; crisis of the public health and social protection system

Scientific and technological sphere

Informational emphasizing the facts of growing scientific and technological backwardness of Ukraine from the developed countries

Cybernetic availability of highly qualified unemployed people, as a result of poor level of payment for the scientific and technical work, falling of its prestige, imperfection of the mechanisms of protection of the intellectual property rights

Corruption inefficiency of the state innovation policy, mechanisms for stimulating the innovation activity; underdevelopment of the domestic market for high-tech products and the lack of effective protection against the foreign technical and technological expansion

Civil protection shere

Informational reports of increased risks of man-made and natural emergencies

Cybernetic the danger of technogenic, including nuclear and biological, terrorism (cyber terrorism)

1 2

Corruption inconsistency with the modern challenges of the state of the single state system of the civil protection, civil protection forces, their technical equipment; non-maintenance of nuclear facilities and hydraulic structures of the Dnipro River reservoir cascade in the territory of Ukraine in the proper technical condition

Ecological sphere

Informational focusing on the overcoming of the negative socio-environmental consequences of the Chornobyl catastrophe

Cybernetic potential for remote control of the environmental pollution processes as a result of cyber threats

corruption irrational, exhausting use of the mineral resources both non-renewable and renewable; deterioration of the ecological status of the water basins, aggravation of the problem of transboundary pollution and decrease of the water quality; uncontrolled importation into Ukraine of environmentally hazardous technologies, substances, materials and transgenic plants, pathogens dangerous to humans, animals, plants and organisms, environmentally unjustified use of genetically modified plants, organisms, substances and derived products; obsolescence and under-performance of the complexes for the disposal of toxic and environmentally hazardous waste

Informational sphere

Informational the dissemination by the mass media of a cult of violence, cruelty, pornography; disclosure of the state secret information or other restricted information aimed at meeting the needs and ensuring the protection of the national interests of the society and the state; attempting to manipulate the public consciousness, in particular by disseminating inaccurate, incomplete or biased information

Cybernetic cybercrime and cyber terrorism

Corruption restrictions on freedom of expression and access to public information

bernetic: availability of the human resources for its implementation, intelligence and subversive activity of foreign special services (cyber espionage), criminal activity against the peace and security of humanity — cyber terrorism; corruption: business and policy splicing, "shadowing" of the national economy, insufficient effectiveness of monitoring compliance with the requirements of the Constitution and implementation of the laws of Ukraine) and, accordingly, require integrated approaches to counteract that are clearly identified

priorities of the NS of Ukraine [6, Art. 8; 7, Art. 4; 8, Art. 4; 10, Art. 5].

Conclusions. Thus, the article proves the existence of the key threats of the Ukrainian PAS in the following areas : informational, cybernetic, corruption. Their systematicity and complexity with regard to the impact on all the NS of Ukraine series are shown.

In addition, it should be noted that the threats to the security of the Ukrainian PAS can be both internal and external, that is, they can occur both within the country and abroad. In this case,

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they can disappear automatically under the conditions of normal functioning of the PAS (government mechanisms to prevent corruption, ensure information sovereignty and effectively counteract the cyber-space interference), but may need to be neutralized through the government regulation.

In this context, the system for early detection and prevention of key PAS threats, which underpins its provision in the current context, should be based on a comprehensive multicriteria in-depth analysis, which will allow them to systematize and select the most effective means and mechanisms to counter these threats.

Further consideration of these issues is to systematize the elements of key threats in the areas of influence on the spheres of the NS of Ukraine, to forecast the emergence and consequences of their implementation, as well as to develop a policy of effective counteraction to these threats.

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