UDC 314
K.R .Kaitmazova, A.N. Caberti
North-Ossetian State University of K.L. Khetagurov. Vladikavkaz, Russia
karina 1993 @mail.ru
The detailed classification of migration is analyzed, also a conclusion is drawn according to the fact that migration contributes to the development of the population of countries and regions, appearing to be a driving force and an important factor of globalization in the XXI century. Russia, also as other countries, strongly depends on migration: future of the Russian Federation depends on the fact how socially-spiritual community of Russian people will change, and also culture and values of people. It is clear that the main reasons of external migration to our country are considered to be safe environment searching and large economic security. However without creation of strong innovatively-oriented economy, the flow of low-skilled and undereducated migrators will prevail in Russia.
Key words: migration factors, migration functions, modern classification of migration.
The phenomenon of migration has been observed since the ancient times. In the history of humanity people constantly move from one place to another. Migration as a population territorial movement is peculiar for all human societies. Under the condition of globalization migration became a significant factor of civilization that predetermines topicality of the further study of theoretic-methodological, scientifically-methodical and practical aspects of this developing phenomenon. Population migration, according to the definition of one of the most authoritative Russian demographers L.L. Rybakovsky is "a transition of people from one city, region, country to the other one" [2, p. 180].
In his fundamental research L.L. Rybakovsky and V.V. Lokosova notice: "Supporters of the idea of narrow migration treatment traditionally reasoned that migration should represent itself accomplished kind of territorial transition, in other words movement. This movement should meet two conditions: 1) the population should move between various populated localities; 2) movement is always accompanied with changing of permanent residence place" [3, p. 7]. In the classical writings on population migration the time fact, and mainly characteristics of migrator residence in a new place, is considered by the researches as one of the foundational indicators for migrators identification. This approach did not raise any contradictions and was rightful under the conditions, when people committed migration one or two times in their life and forever.
Today people move a lot, migrational processes became essentially active, and emerged new forms of temporary migration. Population migration took the special place in dynamics of countries and regions socioeconomic development, and to the beginning of XXI century a lot of its treatments and definitions were formed. One should consider them in detail. A person makes a decision about movement under the influence of a row of factors.
Migration factors is a complex of socioeconomic characteristics of a region and populated locality, contributing to attraction or outflow of people from this region. Migration factors are classified according to the two groups:
- attracting factors, factors, which motivate population to move to the other region, better life quality, as there are the best natural and economic conditions;
- expelling factors, natural and economic circumstances, influencing on life quality and lead to inability to live in the given region, these factors make person to leave the given region and move to the other one, where are more favorable living conditions. In such situation migration is considered to be constrained.
Migration factors, as a rule, grow into the reasons, according to which people migration is realized from one region to the other one or from one country to the other one. The following reasons can be referred to the causes of migration:
- economic, induced by the difference in the region life level, where a migrator lived and where he then moved to. These can be the reasons, connected with the job search, moving to the place of study. These reasons are considered to be the most widespread.
- political, they emerged in case of threat for life and health of population, for instance, during the war, revolutions.
Migrations, called by political reasons, generally, can be the forced one. They can be in a form of deportation, evacuation, refugee state;
- ecological, reasons, which can induce threat for life and health;
- regional;
- ethnical, are the reasons, which can induce movement of separate ethnoses to their historical motherland;
- demographic, are the migration reasons, connected with family circumstances.
Population migration influences on society development through realization of functions or
those concrete roles, which population migration plays in the society vital activity [5, p. 203].
Migration functions are united in two groups:
- general functions of migration, functions, which are independent from the type of socioeconomic system of some societies and their peculiarities;
- specific, the character of these functions depends on socioeconomic conditions of some societies.
To the general migration functions one can refer.
- Redistribution of society, this function is connected with productive forces location, and also with redistribution of productive capacities and investments among the country regions, districts, cities, villages. Interterritorial character appears to be peculiarity of redistributional function, as during the movement cooperation of as minimum as two regions should take place. When migration performs a function of redistribution, then the number of some regions either grows or decreases. When migrators take part in breeding processes, in alteration of population number of this or that territory, then the role of migration is bigger than the part of migrators in the population number of this territory. Redistributional function of migration appears to be the significant condition in connection with production means of work power and employable population as its bearer. It does not depend on socioeconomic mechanism, thank to which territorial distribution of production material factors is realized. This challenge realization on the basis of migration redistribution function fulfilment leads to quantitative and qualitative correspondence between such production factors as material and personal.
With the help of redistribution function migrators solve their life challenges, they try to improve their life by means of movement from one locality to the other one. Usually voluntary migrators provide the best conditions for life in the places of arrival in comparison with those places from where they have came. As migrators take part in population reproduction, serving a function of redistribution, migration increases the number of population of separate regions, and influences a demographic dynamics. Significant role of migration consists in changing of region population size, than in the migrators number as a part of the given region population.
- Selective function. The main point of population migration selective function consists in that inequal participation in various sociodemographic groups migration leads to qualitative population alteration of different territories [7, p. 322]. Men and persons in working age more actively participate in migration, than women and persons of unemployable age. Usually, region indigenous population and population, which migrated there, appear to be of different nationalities and have different traditions. Sometimes even among arrived migrators there are people of different nationalities.
- Accelerative function, it is also called as function of population mobility increasing. Acce-lerative function provides some or other level of spatial mobility. This function changes the population composition of different districts, and enlarges the number of places of residence.
Territorial movings change social-psychological characteristics of people broaden their mind, help them to accumulate knowledge about different life spheres, and exchange with working practices and experience in production area. Also with the help of migration a person develops, its material,
social and spiritual demands develop, national cultures integrate. As a rule, the more flexible is population, the more it is socially active. Population cannot develop without its mobility. The important characteristic, according to which migration processes are classified is geographical (spatial). In accordance with this characteristic migrations can be: internal; external.
During internal and external migrations study any intersections of governmental, so administrative boundaries are taken into consideration. If one intersects boundary between administrative boundaries, inside the region, that is external migration for the districts, but for the region - internal migration. Population movements, taking place within the boundaries of the country is internal population migration. But population movements from one country to the other one are called external population migration.
External migration can be of two basic types: emigration is when migration flow goes from the country, people leave the country; immigration is when population migration flow is aimed to the country, entrance to the country. Also there exist such concepts as: remigration - is when the emigrant returns to the country which he has earlier left; repatriation - is when the migratory returns to ethnical birth-place, to the country, where he was born, from where his ancestors migrated to the other country. People, who come to the country, are called immigrants, but people, who leave the country, are called emigrants. One more characteristic of migrations classification is migration purposes. To them one can refer: economical purposes (labor commercial); educational; recreational; family reunification; rest and tourism; religion (pilgrimage); shelter search.
Nowadays all migrations, generally, occur in connection with economical purposes. One can refer to them: labor migration - moving of employed population, is connected with work place alteration as in country borders, so among various courtiers. Commercial migration - is not a sale of one's labor, but deriving of profit, from price spread on products in different regions or countries. Educational migration is connected with moving to the place of study.
Family reunification - is, for instance, when parents move to their children, or children to their parents, wife to her husband. The given purposes are often combined, that is why it is very difficult to divide them. Migrations are also classified according to such characteristic, as a method of population implication to the migration processes, it can be voluntary migration, or people can be made to move, or they are forced by terrible circumstances in cases of life threat, war, and famine. According to this characteristic three types of voluntary migration can be emphasized; forced migrations; compulsive migrations.
Voluntary migration is unforced decision making about moving made by a person or a group of people. Forced migration is some situations, which impel a person to change place of residence, for instance, war or political events, persecutions on ethnical or religious basis. "Forced migration" - is a moving of people, who left the place of residence in consequence of violence, commited in relation to them or their relatives, or those who underwent persecutions or violence" [6, p. 188]. To the categories of forced migrators are referred:
- refugees are people, who came to the territory of some government without citizenship, as they were forced to leave the place of permanent residence on the territory of other government in consequence of violence or persecution, committed in relation to it, or real danger to undergo violence or persecution according to racial or national belonging, confession, and also belonging to a certain social group. These are forced migrators, who before or after coming to the country get refugee status;
- people, who want to get shelter - migrators, who put in a caveat to get shelter in another country. Applicant status according to international documents is preserved for them until, their claim is considered and a corresponding decision is taken;
- foreigners, who got interim defense status are admitted temporary residence (sometimes without date) in a host country, until their lives are under a real threat in their own country;
- persons, accepted according to other humanity considerations, are foreigners who have not got refugee full status, but nevertheless, they are allowed to stay in a country, by reasons of humanitarian character, as long as, they appear to be in a state similar to the state of refugees;
- person internal moving - are citizens of the country, who do not cross the borders and migrate within the limits of their government in accordance with forced reasons (similar in case of refuges). In Russia they are called forced migrants (for instance, migrators from the Chechen war dis-rtict, Ossetian-Ingush conflict). Sometimes internally relocated persons suffer more than refugees" [6, p. 189]. Forced migration is forceful removal of people, such migrations, as a rule, are organized by the government, for instance, deportation.
Migrations are classified according to such characteristic, as structure migration in accordance with gender, age, ethnic relations, family status, genesis, educational level, qualifications. Types of migration are migration flows, united by some characteristic: gender, age, nationality, family status, profession and etc.) then terms of family migration, population migration in working age, women migration, highly knowledgeable specialists migration. One more criterion of migration processes classification is legality degree. In accordance with it exist two types of migration: legal migration, or lawful migration; illegal migration, or unlawful migration. Legal migration is when a migratory crosses the border and lawfully stays in a country. Illegal migration is illegal boundary intersection, and also, when people lawfully crosses the boundary, and then can become illegal migrants, for instance, without being registered or because of visa excess, or if people come to carry on a trade.
Russia, also as other countries, strongly depends on migration: future of the Russian Federation depends on the fact how socially-spiritual community of Russian people will change, and also culture and values of people. It is clear that the main reasons of external migration to our country are considered to be safe environment searching and large economic security. However without creation of strong innovatively-oriented economy, the flow of low-skilled and undereducated migrators will prevail in Russia. Considering the growing flows of such migrators in general external migration of Russia, it can lead to significant decline of country human capital quality and decrease of Russia competitive ability [1, p. 112-120]. Thus, one should develop economy for society development.
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3. Lokosova V. V., Rybakovsky L.L. Migrational processes in Russia. M., 2014.
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5. Demographic conceptual dictionary / Editorship by L.L. Rybakovsky. M., 2003.
6. Practical demography / Editorship by L.L. Rybakovsky. M., 2005.
7. Kuzmina V.M. Features the participation of Russia in international labor migration // Science almanac of Black Sea region countries. 2015. No 2. http://science-almanac.ru
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6. Практическая демография / Под ред. Л.Л. Рыбаковского. М., 2005.
7. Kuzmina V.M. Features the participation of Russia in international labor migration // Научный альманах стран Причерноморья. 2015. № 2. http://science-almanac.ru
February, 12, 2016