Научная статья на тему 'Labor migration in Russia - problem or prospect?'

Labor migration in Russia - problem or prospect? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Pomozgov Anatoly Ivanovich, Kisiev Zaur Eduardovich

The article shows that international labor migration is an important part of the internationalization process of international economic life. So, the migration processes of the population should be carefully monitored and analyzed in order to develop effective state migration policy. Population mass migration became one of the characteristic phenomena of the second part of XX century world society life. Labor power international migration from this time appears to be the important part of international business life within internationalization process. Labor potential, being the most important production factor, searches its most effective use not only within national economy, but also on international economy scales.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Labor migration in Russia - problem or prospect?»

UDC 314


A.I. Pozmogov, Z.E. Kisiev

University of Finance of RF Government (Vladikavkaz branch). Vladikavkaz, Russia.

science-almanac@mail. ru

The article shows that international labor migration is an important part of the internationalization process of international economic life. So, the migration processes of the population should be carefully monitored and analyzed in order to develop effective state migration policy. Population mass migration became one of the characteristic phenomena of the second part of XX century world society life. Labor power international migration from this time appears to be the important part of international business life within internationalization process. Labor potential, being the most important production factor, searches its most effective use not only within national economy, but also on international economy scales.

Key words: migration, international labor migration, labor market, global trends.

Population migration (from lat. migratio - removal) - moving of people from one region (country, world) to the other one, in some instances by big groups and to far distances. Russian researcher O.D. Vorobyova writes in her works that population migration - is "any territorial movement of population, connected with intersection as external, so internal boundaries of administrative-territorial subdivisions for the purpose of permanent residence changing or temporary residence in the territory for study or labor activity realization irrespective of under dominant influence of what factors it occurs - attracting or expellant" [1]. Population mass migration became one of the characteristic phenomena of the second part of XX century world society life. Labor power international migration from this time appears to be the important part of international business life internationalization process. Labor potential, being the most important production factor, searches its most effective use not only within national economy, but also on international economy scales.

Problems of labor migration and immigration in Russia represent extremely acute and "insidious" question. As one can easily "slide" as to nationalistic extremism, so to naively-complacent idealism. International labor migration - movement of working people, who search for a job in other countries, plays a significant role of world economic relations. International labor migration -is inter-state transfer of labor resources with a change of the permanent residence. Labor migration has as pluses, so minuses for all countries without exception, including such developed and large countries, as the USA, Canada, and Germany [9].

Today labor migrators massively leave Russia. According to the head of Russia migrants Federation Muhammad Amin, more than a quarter from the general number of migrators plans to leave the country. In some degree this is also connected with the fact that since the 1st of January 2015 a new law that every labor migrant must get by fee-paying test on Russian language, history and legislation knowledge was made. Test cost - is 30 thousand of rubles, and this is beyond means of most part of migrators. As this test, so labor patent acquirement will discourage migrators to come to Russia, as earlier migrators only have to pay the road, then now the expenses significantly grow.

However, it is evident that the part of migrators supplemented the rows of illegal migrators. Some of the Tajiks, according Karomat Sharipov (The chapter of movement of "Tadjik labor migrators"), can even go for fighting to "flashpoints", to avoid persecution of catchpoles at their motherland because of expired dollar credits [2].

According to the estimations of UN experts, Russian population will reduce on 11 million of people to 2025. At that massive migration streams come from the south and east. Can they supply population decrease, lack of labor power? Do they assimilate? Can we and they become "insiders"? Or, vice versa, migrators will bring only absolute collapse of labor market, ethnical criminality, and as the result - social explosion? Does Russia need in labor migration and how does it manage with it?

Mass flow of migrators to the developed countries, including Russia, - it is historically old, and absolutely irremovable phenomenon. What is the profit of migration for Russia? The first type of profits - are demographic profits. Beginning from 1993, population of Russia has already decreased approximately on 7 million of people. And reduction could be two times bigger, if it was not partially compensated by migration [3]. But there are other benefits. Mass migration has never been migration only for qualified people. Thus, migration of soviet period was migration of rural population to the cities. But labor force of Russian rural population is already depleted, today this function is realized by neighbouring countries of former USSR. Finally, migration - is very important economic factor for developing countries. Globally, means, going to the "birth-place" of migrators, are immense. 40 years ago one could speak about half milliard of dollars. And today this sum annually comprises 200-250 milliard of dollars that serves an important factor of poor countries development. The result of "cheap" labor of migrators stays here, but means, which are pointed to neighboring countries, in some measure stabilize social situation there that is extremely important for Russia. As social outburst there, in the result of which migrators would rush to the country is absolutely unprofitable for Russia.

The latest events in Europe, connected with coming of more than half a million of people from Syria, testify that "the great migration" of people from poor countries to rich one represents world-wide tendency. While there exist countries, where people live worse than, for instance in Russia, people will leave native places in search of better part and higher payment of their labor. And nothing could be done here, none wall can stop them. The set of arguments against "migrators" as in Russia, so in any city of the West Europe, stays the same. This is evident for any person, having possibility to walk along the blocks of Rome, London, Brussels and Paris.

Secondly, there are not so many migrators in Russia, in contrast to the West Europe. According to the data of Federal Migration Service, at the beginning of 2013 there were about 10,3 mln. foreigners, 39% of them are people from the Central Asia. Migrators occupy only 7% of working places. Besides the great majority of them (77% of migrators) come to Russia from historically close countries of CIS.

Thirdly, migration flow is profitable for Russia. It is profitable according to three reasons:

- labor migration produce 10-12% of GDP in Russia;

- demography improvement;

- migrators, as a rule, occupy places, which are not prestigious among local population. In other words - make the dirtiest and ungrateful work. And finally, the fourth, labor migration is an important instrument of geopolitics [3].

But where is the negative side of migration? Negative side of migration represents:

- criminality growth. According to statistics data, migtators commit offences in 3,5 times more than Russians. Meanwhile today after economically hard 1990-s Russians have got repleted and fixed theirselves up, safety became estimated higher than all other welfare;

- drug-smuggling industry. Earlier management on drug offense fight of Moscow MDIA reported that 90 percent of all heroin was delivered to the capital by Tadjik-Afghan criminal groups. As the head of Federal Drug Control Service Victor Ivanovich considers, introduction of visa regime on the boundary of Russia and Central Asia countries can in 30 times reduce drug-smuggling industry to the country;

- growth of unemployment among Russian people. It is considered that people, who came from other countries, take labor places from the local population. . Anyway, migrators take one third of working places. This is perceived especially painful under the conditions of present slowing down of domestic economy growth. As the latest quizzes have shown, almost 75% of respondents in Moscow consider that they have been rejected in job because of migrators dumping. Practically, for Moscow entrepreneurs and community services workers it is much convenient to employ illegal tajik, as it is economy in salary, sick leaves, taxes. Besides these migrators work in any conditions, 12 hours a day and without days off. Dumping on the labor market, they expel local people from the whole branches and professions: they began from streets cleaning and building work, but today they

can be often met in a quality of salesmen in shops, drivers on a public transport, workers at the capital factories;

- for a long time restrains mature economic reforms in the country. When national economy centers on cheap labor power, essentially - slave power, one cannot speak about modern economy and innovative progresses;

- serious illnesses spread. It is known that tuberculosis morbidity among migrators is in several times higher that among population of large Russian cities. Threat of mass infectious disease outbursts such as, for instance, measles is higher in compactly contact environment.

In other words Russians have enough reasons because of which they do not feel enthusiasm from migrators presence.

According to Federal State Statistics Service data for the period of 2011-2013 (table) one can form the picture of arriving people increase to the territory of Russian Federation. It can be seen that inflow is growing, and entrants from CIS comprise the most part. Every year a number of migrators and emigrants grows that affects as positively, so negatively [8].


General results of international migration according to Federal State Statistics Service

data for 2011-2013

2011 2012 2013

Total sum Including: Total sum Including: Total sum Including:

CIS far-abroad countrie s CIS far-abroad countries CIS far-abroad countri es

The number of people come from RF 36774 22568 14206 122751 95572 27179 186382 147853 38529

The number of people come to RF 356535 310549 45986 417681 363955 53726 482241 422738 59503

How one should fight with it? The answer to this question can be found in the next measures: - harden entrance to Russia. From 2015 the entrance to Russia can be realized only with the help of international passport. All labor migrators should be obligatory registered, and their employers should pay tax for foreign labor power;

- close Russian labor market for unskilled migration or at least introduce quotas. There is hope that limited capacity to attract labor power from boundary will make the government and business develop innovative branches and raise working efficiency. Experience of the USA is extremely useful [9];

- assimilation and naturalization of entrants. One should not permit compact living of migrators and make everything for them to learn Russian language and accept Russian way of life. State Duma has already accepted the law about an obligatory examination on Russian language and history for migrators, who work in the spheres of housing and public utilities, trade and social service;

- acceptable creation of work and living conditions for wage workers, then majority of migrators will not violate the laws and traditions of accepting country.

Perhaps, this will serve as compromise, as Russian population decreases, and number of those who want to work in Russia increase, but what about economy challenges, do they become more massive?


1. Vorobyova O.D. Migrational processes of population: questions of theory and state migra-tional policy // The problems of migrational processes legal regulation on the territory of Russia Federation / Analytical volume of the Federation Council FA RF. 2003. No 9 (202).

2. All-Russia social movement "Tadjik labor migrators" http://tajmigrant.com.

3. PolitaevI. RIA News from 18 of December 2015. Access mode: www. polit.pro .ru.

4. http://www.gks.ru/ - Federal State Statistics Service.

5. http://www.fms.gov.ru/ Information on migrational situation in Russian Federation for 2011

6. http://www.fms.gov.ru/ Information on migrational situation in Russian Federation for 2012

7. http://www.fms.gov.ru/ Information on migrational situation in Russian Federation for 2013.

8. Russia will more strongly depend on migrators labor. On-line version of bulletin "Population and society". [Electronic resource] Access mode: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2013/0121/rossia01.php

9. Gurieva L., Israelsen D. Historical retrospective of labor migration in the USA: case for Russia// Humanitarian and social studies. 2014. No 6.


1. Воробьева О.Д. Миграционные процессы населения: вопросы теории и государственной миграционной политики // Проблемы правового регулирования миграционных процессов на территории Российской Федерации / Аналитический сборник Совета Федерации ФС РФ 2003. № 9 (202).

2. Общероссийское общественное движение «Таджикские трудовые мигранты» http://tajmigrant.com.

3. Политаев И. РИА Новости от 18 декабря 2015 года Режим доступа: www. polit.pro .ru

4. http://www.gks.ru/ - Федеральная служба государственной статистики.

5. http://www.fms.gov.ru/ Сведения по миграционной ситуации в Российской Федерации за 2011 год.

6. http://www.fms.gov.ru/ Сведения по миграционной ситуации в Российской Федерации за 2012 год.

7. http://www.fms.gov.ru/ Сведения по миграционной ситуации в Российской Федерации за 2013 год.

8. Россия будет все сильнее зависеть от труда мигрантов. Электронная версия бюллетеня «Население и общество». [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2013/0121/rossia01.php

9. Gurieva L., Israelsen D. Historical retrospective of labor migration in the USA: case for Russia // Гуманитарные и социальные науки. 2014. № 6.

February, 11, 2016

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