5. Липатников В.С. Инновационное развитие экономики России и рынок интеллектуальной собственности // Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ. Экономические науки. 2011. № 5(132). С. 163-166.
6. Попова И.П. Профессионализм путь к успеху? (социально-профессиональные характеристики богатых и бедных) / И. П. Попова // Социологические исследования. - 2004. - № 3. - С. 50-57.
7. Рынок деревообрабатывающих токарных станков в России - 2019. Показатели и прогнозы // Tebiz group, Апрель 2019.
8. Рынок токарных станков с чпу в России - 2017. Показатели и прогнозы // Tebiz group, 15 марта 2017. URL: https://marketing.rbc.ru/research/36998/ (дата обращения 20.03.2019).
9. 2016 World Machine Tool Survey // Gardner Research, 2016 Apr 27. - URL: https://www.gardnerintelligence.com/articles/2016-world-machine-tool-survey ; https://www.gardnerintelligence.com/cdn/cms/2016%20WMTS%20Report.pdf (дата обращения 20.03.2019).
УДК 65.014.1
Вэй Фэн\
доктор управления, профессор, профессор Колледжа экономики и управления,
2 3
Покровская Надежда Николаевна ,
канд. экон. наук, д-р социол. наук, профессор, профессор кафедры рекламы и связей с общественностью
1 Китай, г. Янлинь провинции Шаньси, Северо-Западный университет
сельского и лесного хозяйства Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербургский политехнический
университет Петра Великого 3 Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена
1 2 3
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Аннотация. Цифровые технологии изначально получили применение в промышленности, но сегодня стремительно внедряются и в агропромышленном комплексе. Понятие Промышленности 4.0 успешно реализуется и в АПК, в то же время исследования показывают, что возможно говорить о сельскохозяйственном прорыве как самостоятельном явлении в практике, что позволяет говорить о Farming 5.0 (Сельское хозяйство 5.0) как новой фазе развития наряду с Информацией 4.0 и 5.0 и с понятием Web 4.0 и 5.0. В статье представлено сопоставление указанных концептуальных понятий и приведены сущностные характеристики современной стадии развития цифровых технологий в сельском хозяйстве.
Ключевые слова: цифровые технологии, инновации, роботизация, Индустрия 4.0, сельское хозяйство, зеленая революция.
Wei Feng1,
Professor, Doctor of Management
2 3
Nadezhda N. Pokrovskaia ' ,
Professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences
1 China, province Shaanxi, Yanling, North-West A&F University
Russia, St.Petersburg, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Russia, St.Petersburg, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
1 2 3
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Digital technologies were initially used in industry, but today agricultural sector rapidly introduces them. The concept of Industry 4.0 is successfully implemented in the agro-cultural industries, at the same time, research witnesses of an agricultural breakthrough as an independent phenomenon in practice, which suggests Farming 5.0 as a new phase of development along with Information 4.0 and 5.0 and with the concept of Web 4.0 and 5.0. The article presents a comparison of the above conceptual notions and presents the essential characteristics of the modern stage of development of digital technologies in agriculture.
Keywords: digital technologies, innovations, robotization, Industry 4.0, agriculture, green revolution.
The broad practice of the implementation of high technologies and digital tools in the agricultural sector became the subject of research since the middle 2010s. The rapid growth can be illustrated with the increase of the number of agricultural high-tech companies (they were 20 in 2010 and more than 1 300 companies appeared by 2016 [7]) and the rise of the investment with the annual rate of approximately 80% in 2012-2015 [4].
The agriculture is traditionally treated as "primary" sector, the interest of scholars and managers is usually centred on the industry (the secondary sector) and service (tertiary one). But since the second half of the XXth century, the agrarian sector has been introducing the elements of the industry, and today the term agro-industrial complex covers both the agricultural elements of industries (e.g., multi-floors automated farms or food producing units) and services (e.g., food safety control, environmental and cultural issues and limits for different kinds of components, logistics, etc.). The agricultural industries have the high potential for innovations and high-tech growth.
The dynamics of the industrial evolution of the agricultural sector can be considered as a new revolution, following the rang of the 4 previous deep changes [3, p. 7]:
- Farming 1.0 (mechanization in the 1900),
- Farming 2.0 (the Green revolution),
- Farming 3.0 (Precision agriculture);
- Farming 4.0 in the early 2000s with digital farming becoming the key in real time farm management systems;
- Farming 5.0 with the increasing role of Artificial intelligence revolutionizing the way food will be produced, treated, saved, transported.
We can propose the following comparative approach to conjugate the evolution of industrial, information and agricultural technologies (table 1):
Table 1
The Revolutions in industries, agriculture and information technologies
No Industry Agriculture Information Web
0.0 Physical energy of people and animals Physical energy of people and animals Facts Internet
1.0 Mechanization, steam and waterpower Mechanization Structured data Catalogue
2.0 Electricity. Production lines Green revolution, biotechnologies Related information Interaction, social media
3.0 Electronics and IT for automation Precision agriculture Contextualized data for making decision Meta-data, semantics
4.0 Cyber-physical systems Digital farming, management systems Big data analytics Reason-consequence logical links IoT Distributed ledgers
5.0 Cognitive modeling Artificial intelligence modeling, platforms for fast experiments Creativity. Wisdom, embedded with values and beliefs Ideas, Value network. Regulation
The innovative growth in the agricultural sector includes the following groups of high technological changes:
1) Automation and data-enabled agriculture:
- Sensors, Robotics, digital twins
- Fog and edge computing
- Data capture, collecting, structuring, storage and aggregation
- Multi-copters, drones and space governance technologies
- Recognition of objects, plants and animals, people or equipment The use of drones equipped with hyper-spectral cameras allows farmers
to monitor the state of areas, the various types of sensors (evaluating humidity, temperature, chemical composition of the surface and air, and other char-
acteristics) provides significant savings on collecting data, on preventing crop losses from pests or diseases. The hyper-spectral cameras can determine freshness, fat, sugar and other substances in every object of the crop, livestock and fish farming products, i.e., to automate the sorting and packaging of products or to fully control the quality of goods supplied instead of selective studies of product samples, for example, to confirm the high quality of premium meat.
The recognition of faces, objects and plants are used to automate manual labour, e.g., a robot for weeding fields with weed recognition and collecting statistics. The digital twins are implemented in agricultural machinery in numerous fields, from greenhouses to tractors.
The Chinese system of the societal assessment and social rating with national coverage is based on the implementation of the recognition technologies for the total society. The economic or social actions are identified and classified, the evaluation of actions leads to the constructed trajectory of the agent within the societal structure. This experience is interesting for the improving the wide surfaces of fields and forests, along rivers and over the lakes, especially, taking into account the Russian positioning on the market of quotas of CO2 emissions due to the Kioto protocol. These technologies could help to create an automated system of sale of quotas according the green surfaces.
The development of the Chinese machine-building industry permits to assure the supply of machines, equipment and transport techniques for all sectors of agriculture, forestry, livestock and fisheries. The lack of agricultural equipment in Russia leads to an increase in exports of this group of goods with high value added from China to the areas of Russia located close to the China-Russia border.
2) Physics and biology research, environmental technologies:
- Light-emitting diode
- chemicals
- aeroponics, hydroponics.
The use of aeroponics and hydroponics, of the LED sources with an optimal emission spectrum for photosynthesis and vertical and mobile farms help to protect soil resources. These technologies are based on the control of the composition of the nutrient solution, temperature and humidity of the environment, that allows communities to build agro-industrial production in densely populated regions with high cost of land. Another option is to create agricultural production on trucks that leads to saving on logistics and transportation to the final consumer.
3) bioscience
- New crops
- Genetics
- Seeds
- Bio-pesticides and bio-stimulants
The cell biology and cell culture technologies help to obtain a biological mass of eggs, muscles and skin without raising animals, i.e. from an ethical point of view, the content of proteins and other substances is identical to poultry meat, but there is no killing of animals.
The traditional agricultural technology can use the inventions and innovations to improve the yields with new fertilizer, to enhance animals' health, to change the features of the fostered plants.
4) Regulative mechanisms and economic models
- Management, logistics, financial technologies
- Sharing economy, e.g., the common use of equipment
The financial technologies based on mobile devices greatly simplify and reduce the cost of access for farmers to services such as obtaining loans based on remote financial scoring, risk insurance, analysis of stock trends, including prices for agricultural products, etc.
The new technologies permit the waste reduction and the collection of previously unused agro-production waste, i.e., waste from the production of apple and orange juice, grape squeezing, etc.
5) Infrastructure
- Connectivity, penetration of internet, communication networks
- Competences and training
- Research competences on the level of experiments in small farms
The use of smart space management technologies - along with the technologies of smart houses, streets and cities, smart greenhouses and smart fields make it possible to optimize the costs of irrigation, the use of fertilizers, the day and nights regime (which is especially effective in animal husbandry); GPS monitoring technology for locating and tracking livestock movements and digital mobile technologies for determining the state of animal health.
In October-November 2017 the North-West University (Yanling, province Shaanxi, People' Republic of China) has organized the International Seminar on China-Russia Sci-Tech Cooperation and Challenge Under the Background of "The Belt and Road". During this Seminar, the visits of labs and farms were organized, the most of the technologies mentioned above were presented to Russian guests in reality of the working research or practice enterprises. This experience has demonstrated that the advanced technologies and innovations are implemented and verified in the real economy [5] and are adapted to the needs of the global export of the Chinese agricultural production as well as of the Chinese technologies and equipment.
Today, China is the global leader in export, but the People' Republic of China imports agricultural several products such as rice, pork, cereals and grains, soybeans. The limited surfaces of the farm land - only 10% of the grounds are available for agriculture, the country possesses 7% of global arable lands, but 18.7% of global population [1] (about 1.4 billion people). 40.42% of the population live in rural areas and are engaged in agriculture [2].
Nevertheless, China exports apple and apple juice, kiwi and other fruits, vegetables, nuts.
The agricultural policy in Russia and in China has several common points: incentives for innovations and development of the rural infrastructure; improvement of efficiency and productivity; the inclusive growth and increase of the regional and local life quality standards [6] and social goals for rural population; food safety, from both the quantitative and qualitative points of view.
Today the communication technologies and reputation management play significant role for the development of the interaction between Russia and China in the field of the agricultural trade and cooperation. The digital tools could help to improve the image and reputation of the food produced on the territory of China due to the transparency of the chemical innovations' use: numerous fertilizers implemented in China are unknown for Russian controlling State institutions, the openness could improve, facilitate and accelerate the mutual contacts between the agricultural industries of the both countries.
To conclude, it is worth to mention that Russia and China both are large countries with huge surface, with different and difficult climate conditions and with long common border. These circumstances create mutual interest of both countries to the questions of the food safety and agricultural development.
The digitizing of the use of the natural resources such as land, water, forestry and the digital technologies of the improving production and environment will play crucial role for the development of the countries in the nearest and long-term prospective.
1. Шамин А.Е., Вождаева Н.Г. Опыт решения аграрных проблем в сельском хозяйстве Китая // Вестник НГИЭИ. 2011. №2 (3). - С. 5-19.
2. Численность населения Китая за год увеличилась на 5 млн человек // Ежедневные новости Востока, 22.01.2019. [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: https://novostivl.ru/post/68953/ (дата обращения 01.02.2019).
3. Moving towards Farming 5.0 // FAO China Newsletter, March 2019, Issue 1. - Beijing, China: FAO, 2019. URL: http://www.fao.Org/3/ca3606en/CA3606EN.pdf (retrieved 22.03.2019).
4. Walker D., Kurth T., Van Wyck J., Tilney M. Lessons from the Frontlines of the Ag-tech Revolution // The Boston Consulting Group. - 2016, Oct 25. - URL: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2016/process-industries-building-materials-strategy-lessons-frontlines-agtech-revolution.aspx (retrieved 20.03.2019).
5. Wei F., Pokrovskaia N.N. Regulatory mechanisms and Tax incentives for the transfer of Knowledge: China experience // Conference "Modern Management challenges and perspectives" (ed. Karlik A.E.). - SPb: State University of Economics, 2016. - 374 p. - P. 244250.
6. Wei Feng, Pokrovskaia N.N. Regulation of innovative systems of national, local and clusters' territory // Management Faculty Journal of St-Petersburg State University of Economics. 2017. Issue. 1, vol. 2. - Рр. 367-371.
7. Wiggins S. Agricultural and rural development reconsidered. A guide to issues and debates / IFAD Research Series No. 1. - Rome, IF AD, 2016.
УДК 539.12
Михайлов Константин Игоревич,
Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет,
Аннотация. В статье анализируются имеющиеся программные средства и предлагается новый подход к мониторингу и анализу высоконагруженных информационных систем в условиях их динамического развития на основе современной технологии контейнеризации и микросервисов при сохранении доступности Интернет сервисов в режиме 24/7. Предложенные модели и методы приняты к реализации в компании SAYMON, предоставляющей информационные услуги мониторинга на мировом рынке Интернет технологий.
Ключевые слова: облачные вычисления, мониторинг, высоконагруженная система, Интернет приложение, микросервис, контейнеризация, системный анализ.
Konstantin I. Mikhailov, PhD Student